  • Joined on 2022-05-08
tblancbeyne deleted branch feature/weather_city_loop from tforgione/dotfiles 2022-05-08 19:24:14 +02:00
tblancbeyne pushed to feature/weather_city_loop at tforgione/dotfiles 2022-05-08 19:09:54 +02:00
76f6f09a67 Adds a loop in weather script to get weather for several cities a once
tblancbeyne created pull request tforgione/dotfiles#1 2022-05-08 19:08:20 +02:00
Adds a loop in weather script to get weather for several cities at once
tblancbeyne pushed to feature/weather_city_loop at tforgione/dotfiles 2022-05-08 19:06:18 +02:00
007064ce60 Adds a loop in weather script to get weather for several cities a once
01596d9078 Adds cdw alias
1920d0d9e1 tw=120
819fe5bf5c Easy mount/umount luks encrypted partitions
1587972276 Adds support for pass
Compare 10 commits »
tblancbeyne created branch feature/weather_city_loop in tforgione/dotfiles 2022-05-08 19:06:18 +02:00