class Model extends THREE.Mesh { constructor(path) { let geometry = new THREE.Geometry(); let materials = [ new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial( { color: 0xffffff, side: THREE.DoubleSide } ), new THREE.MeshBasicMaterial( { transparent: true, opacity: 0 } ) ]; materials[0].vertexColors = true; super(geometry, materials); this.frustumCulled = false; this.path = path; this.vertices = []; this.currentLine = 1; } throwError(message) { let e = new Error("In " + this.path + ":L" + this.currentLine + " " + message); e.type = "custom"; throw e; } checkVertex(id) { if (this.geometry.vertices[id] === undefined) { this.throwError("EditVertex requires vertex " + (id + 1) + " but there is no such vertex"); } } checkFaceId(id) { if (this.geometry.faces[id] === undefined) { this.throwError("EditFace requires face " + (id + 1) + " but there is no such face"); } } checkFace(f) { let vertices = this.geometry.vertices; if (vertices[f.a] === undefined) { this.throwError("Face requires vertex " + (f.a + 1) + " but there is no such vertex"); } if (vertices[f.b] === undefined) { this.throwError("Face requires vertex " + (f.b + 1) + " but there is no such vertex"); } if (vertices[f.c] === undefined) { this.throwError("Face requires vertex " + (f.c + 1) + " but there is no such vertex"); } } checkVertexPrediction(f) { let vertices = this.geometry.vertices; if (vertices[f.a] === undefined) { this.throwError("Vertex prediction requires vertex " + (f.a + 1) + " but there is no such vertex"); } if (vertices[f.b] === undefined) { this.throwError("Vertex prediction requires vertex " + (f.b + 1) + " but there is no such vertex"); } if (vertices[f.c] === undefined) { this.throwError("Vertex prediction requires vertex " + (f.c + 1) + " but there is no such vertex"); } } manageElement(element) { let vertices = this.geometry.vertices; let f, normal; switch (element.type) { case Element.AddVertex: this.geometry.vertices.push(element.value); this.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true; break; case Element.EditVertex: this.checkVertex(; this.geometry.vertices[].copy(element.value); this.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true; break; case Element.TranslateVertex: this.checkVertex(; this.geometry.vertices[].add(element.value); this.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true; break; case Element.AddFace: f = element.value; this.checkFace(f); normal = vertices[f.b].clone().sub(vertices[f.a]) .cross(vertices[f.c].clone().sub(vertices[f.a])); normal.normalize(); f.normal = normal; f.materialIndex = 0; this.geometry.faces.push(f); this.geometry.elementsNeedUpdate = true; break; case Element.AddTriangleStrip: case Element.AddTriangleFan: for (let f of element.value) { this.checkFace(f); let normal = vertices[f.b].clone().sub(vertices[f.a]) .cross(vertices[f.c].clone().sub(vertices[f.a])); normal.normalize(); f.normal = normal; f.materialIndex = 0; this.geometry.faces.push(f); } this.geometry.elementsNeedUpdate = true; break; case Element.EditFace: f = element.value; this.checkFaceId(; this.checkFace(f); normal = vertices[f.b].clone().sub(vertices[f.a]) .cross(vertices[f.c].clone().sub(vertices[f.a])); normal.normalize(); f.normal = normal; f.color = this.geometry.faces[].color; this.geometry.faces[] = f; this.geometry.elementsNeedUpdate = true; break; case Element.EditFaceVertex: this.checkFaceId(; switch (element.oldIndex) { case 0: this.geometry.faces[].a = element.value; break; case 1: this.geometry.faces[].b = element.value; break; case 2: this.geometry.faces[].c = element.value; break; default: this.throwError("Old vertex id in EditFaceVertex must be 1, 2 or 3, but was " + element.oldIndex + 1); } this.geometry.elementsNeedUpdate = true; break; case Element.DeleteFace: this.geometry.faces[].materialIndex = 1; this.geometry.elementsNeedUpdate = true; break; case Element.SetFaceColor: this.geometry.faces[].color.r = element.value.r; this.geometry.faces[].color.g = element.value.g; this.geometry.faces[].color.b = element.value.b; this.geometry.colorsNeedUpdate = true; break; case Element.PredictVertex: this.checkVertexPrediction(element.value); vertices.push(vertices[element.value.a].clone() .add(vertices[element.value.c]) .sub(vertices[element.value.b])); this.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true; break; default: throw new Error("unknown element type: " + element.type); } this.currentLine++; } }