
460 lines
12 KiB

//! This module contains everything related to tiles.
use std::io::Read;
use std::process::Stdio;
use std::sync::mpsc::Sender;
use std::thread;
use pty_process::blocking::Command;
use pty_process::blocking::Pty;
use termion::{color, cursor, style};
use crate::{utils, Msg};
/// A helper to build tiles.
pub struct TileBuilder {
/// The command that the tile will run.
pub command: Option<Vec<String>>,
/// The coordinates of the tile.
pub coords: Option<(u16, u16)>,
/// The top left corner of the tile.
pub position: Option<(u16, u16)>,
/// The size of the tile.
pub size: Option<(u16, u16)>,
/// The sender to communicate with the main view.
pub sender: Option<Sender<Msg>>,
impl TileBuilder {
/// Creates an empty tile builder.
pub fn new() -> TileBuilder {
TileBuilder {
command: None,
coords: None,
position: None,
size: None,
sender: None,
/// Sets the command of the tile.
pub fn command(self, command: Vec<String>) -> TileBuilder {
let mut s = self;
s.command = Some(command);
/// Sets the coordinates of the tile.
pub fn coords(self, coords: (u16, u16)) -> TileBuilder {
let mut s = self;
s.coords = Some(coords);
/// Sets the position of the tile.
pub fn position(self, position: (u16, u16)) -> TileBuilder {
let mut s = self;
s.position = Some(position);
/// Sets the size of the tile.
pub fn size(self, size: (u16, u16)) -> TileBuilder {
let mut s = self;
s.size = Some(size);
/// Sets the sender of the tile.
pub fn sender(self, sender: Sender<Msg>) -> TileBuilder {
let mut s = self;
s.sender = Some(sender);
/// Builds the tile.
pub fn build(self) -> Option<Tile> {
let (x, y) = self.position?;
let (w, h) = self.size?;
Some(Tile {
command: self.command?,
coords: self.coords?,
outer_position: (x, y),
inner_position: (x + 2, y + 3),
outer_size: (w, h),
inner_size: (w - 4, h - 5),
sender: self.sender?,
stdout: String::new(),
len: 0,
scroll: 0,
number_lines: 1,
counting: true,
column_number: 0,
/// A tile with a command running inside it.
pub struct Tile {
/// The command that should be executed in the tile.
pub command: Vec<String>,
/// Content of the command's stdout and stderr.
/// We put both stdout and stderr here to avoid dealing with order between stdout and stderr.
pub stdout: String,
/// The number of chars in stdout.
pub len: usize,
/// The sender for the communication with the multiview.
pub sender: Sender<Msg>,
/// Coordinates of the tile.
pub coords: (u16, u16),
/// Top left corner of the tile.
pub outer_position: (u16, u16),
/// Top left corner of the content of the tile.
pub inner_position: (u16, u16),
/// Size of the tile.
pub outer_size: (u16, u16),
/// Size of the inside of the tile.
pub inner_size: (u16, u16),
/// The number of lines that the stdout is scrolled.
pub scroll: isize,
/// The number of lines that stdout will print.
pub number_lines: isize,
/// Whether the characters arriving on stdout will move the cursor or not.
/// Commands changing the text style won't move the cursor.
pub counting: bool,
/// The number of the current column.
pub column_number: u16,
impl Tile {
/// Starts the commands.
pub fn start(&mut self) {
let command = self
.map(|x| x.to_string())
let coords = self.coords;
let clone = command.clone();
let size = self.inner_size;
let sender = self.sender.clone();
thread::spawn(move || {
let pty = Pty::new().unwrap();
pty.resize(pty_process::Size::new(size.1, size.0)).unwrap();
let mut child = Command::new(&clone[0])
let mut stdout = child.stdout.take().unwrap();
let mut stderr = child.stderr.take().unwrap();
let stderr_sender = sender.clone();
let coords = coords;
thread::spawn(move || loop {
let mut buffer = [0; 4096];
let result = buffer);
match result {
Ok(0) => break,
Ok(n) => {
Err(_) => break,
loop {
let mut buffer = [0; 4096];
let result = buffer);
match result {
Ok(0) => break,
Ok(n) => {
Err(_) => break,
.send(Msg::Stdout(coords, String::from("\n")))
let code = child.wait().unwrap().code().unwrap();
let exit_string = format!(
"{}{}Command exited with return code {}{}\n",
if code == 0 {
} else {
sender.send(Msg::Stdout(coords, exit_string)).unwrap();
/// Push content into the stdout of the tile.
pub fn push_stdout(&mut self, content: String) {
for c in content.chars() {
if c == '\x1b' {
self.counting = false;
if c == '\n' {
self.len += 1;
self.column_number = 0;
self.number_lines += 1;
} else {
// TODO fix utf8
if self.counting {
self.column_number += 1;
if self.column_number == self.inner_size.0 + 1 {
self.column_number = 0;
self.number_lines += 1;
self.len += 1;
if c == 'm' {
self.counting = true;
// Autoscroll whene content arrives on stdout
self.scroll = self.number_lines - 1 - (self.inner_size.1 as isize);
if self.scroll < 0 {
self.scroll = 0;
/// Renders the borders of the tile.
pub fn render_border(&self, selected: bool) -> String {
let (x, y) = self.outer_position;
let (w, h) = self.outer_size;
let command_str = self.command.join(" ");
let mut buffer = vec![];
let max_title_len = self.inner_size.0 - "Command: ".len() as u16;
let command_str = if command_str.len() > max_title_len as usize {
&command_str[0 as usize..max_title_len as usize - 3]
} else {
"{}{} {}Command: {}{}{}",
cursor::Goto(x + 1, y + 1),
cursor::Goto(x + 2, y + 3),
if selected {
buffer.push(format!("{}", color::Green.fg_str()));
buffer.push(utils::rect((x, y), (x + w - 1, y + h - 1)));
buffer.push(format!("{}", cursor::Goto(x, y + 2)));
for _ in (x + 1)..(x + w) {
cursor::Goto(x + w - 1, y + 2),
/// Renders the content of the tile.
pub fn render_content(&self) -> String {
const DELETE_CHAR: char = ' ';
let (x, y) = self.inner_position;
let (w, h) = self.inner_size;
let mut buffer = vec![];
let mut counting = true;
let mut line_index = 0;
let mut old_current_char_index = 0;
let mut current_char_index = 0;
let mut last_char = ' ';
let scroll = self.scroll as u16;
buffer.push(format!("{}", cursor::Goto(x, y)));
for c in self.stdout.chars() {
last_char = c;
if c == '\x1b' {
counting = false;
if line_index >= scroll && line_index <= h + scroll {
old_current_char_index = current_char_index;
match c {
'\n' => {
line_index += 1;
current_char_index = 0;
if line_index >= scroll && line_index <= h + scroll {
if old_current_char_index < w {
let mut spaces = String::new();
for _ in old_current_char_index..w {
cursor::Goto(x, y + line_index as u16 - scroll)
'\r' => {
current_char_index = 0;
if line_index >= scroll && line_index <= h + scroll {
cursor::Goto(x, y + line_index as u16 - scroll)
_ => {
if line_index >= scroll && line_index <= h + scroll {
if counting {
current_char_index += 1;
if current_char_index == w + 1 {
line_index += 1;
current_char_index = 1;
if line_index >= scroll && line_index <= h + scroll {
cursor::Goto(x, y + line_index as u16 - scroll)
buffer.push(format!("{}", c));
if c == 'm' {
counting = true;
let index = if last_char == '\n' {
} else {
let mut spaces = String::new();
for _ in index..w {
buffer.push(format!("{}", style::Reset));
/// Scrolls up one line.
pub fn scroll_up(&mut self) {
if self.scroll > 0 {
self.scroll -= 1;
/// Scrolls down one line.
pub fn scroll_down(&mut self) {
if self.scroll + (self.inner_size.1 as isize) < self.number_lines - 1 {
self.scroll += 1;
/// Scrolls up one line.
pub fn scroll_full_up(&mut self) {
self.scroll = 0;
/// Scrolls down one line.
pub fn scroll_full_down(&mut self) {
self.scroll = self.number_lines - self.inner_size.1 as isize - 1;
if self.scroll < 0 {
self.scroll = 0;