#!/usr/bin/env python3 from .model import ModelParser, Exporter, Vertex, Face, FaceVertex def is_ply(filename): return filename[-4:] == '.ply' class PLYParser(ModelParser): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.counter = 0 self.elements = [] self.inner_parser = PLYHeaderParser(self) def parse_line(self, string): self.inner_parser.parse_line(string) class PLYHeaderParser: def __init__(self, parent): self.current_element = None self.parent = parent def parse_line(self, string): split = string.split() if string == 'ply': return elif split[0] == 'format': if split[1] != 'ascii' or split[2] != '1.0': print('Only ascii 1.0 format is supported', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(-1) elif split[0] == 'element': self.current_element = PLYElement(split[1], int(split[2])) self.parent.elements.append(self.current_element) elif split[0] == 'property': self.current_element.add_property(split[2], split[1]) elif split[0] == 'end_header': self.parent.inner_parser = PLYContentParser(self.parent) class PLYElement: def __init__(self, name, number): self.name = name self.number = number self.properties = [] def add_property(self, name, type): self.properties.append((name, type)) class PLYContentParser: def __init__(self, parent): self.parent = parent self.element_index = 0 self.counter = 0 self.current_element = self.parent.elements[0] def parse_line(self, string): split = string.split() if self.current_element.name == 'vertex': self.parent.add_vertex(Vertex().from_array(split)) elif self.current_element.name == 'face': self.parent.add_face(Face(FaceVertex(int(split[1])), FaceVertex(int(split[2])), FaceVertex(int(split[3])))) self.counter += 1 if self.counter == self.current_element.number: self.next_element() def next_element(self): self.element_index += 1 if self.element_index < len(self.parent.elements): self.current_element = self.parent.elements[self.element_index] class PLYExporter(Exporter): def __init__(self, model): super().__init__(model) def __str__(self): # Header string = "ply\nformat ascii 1.0\ncomment Automatically gnerated by model-converter\n" # Types : vertices string += "element vertex " + str(len(self.model.vertices)) +"\n" string += "property float32 x\nproperty float32 y\nproperty float32 z\n" # Types : faces string += "element face " + str(len(self.model.faces)) + "\n" string += "property list uint8 int32 vertex_indices\n" # End header string += "end_header\n" # Content of the model for vertex in self.model.vertices: string += str(vertex.x) + " " + str(vertex.y) + " " + str(vertex.z) + "\n" for face in self.model.faces: string += "3 " + str(face.a.vertex) + " " + str(face.b.vertex) + " " + str(face.c.vertex) + "\n" return string