class Material: """Represents a material It contains its constants and its texturess. It is also usable with OpenGL """ def __init__(self, name): """ Creates an empty material :param name: name of the material: """ = name self.Ka = None self.Kd = None self.Ks = None self.relative_path_to_texture = None self.absolute_path_to_texture = None = None = None def init_texture(self): """ Initializes the OpenGL texture of the current material To be simple, calls glGenTextures and stores the given id """ import OpenGL.GL as gl # Already initialized if is not None: return # If no map_Kd, nothing to do if is None: if self.absolute_path_to_texture is None: return try: import PIL.Image = except ImportError: return try: ix, iy, image =[0],[1],"raw", "RGBA", 0, -1) except: ix, iy, image =[0],[1],"raw", "RGBX", 0, -1) = gl.glGenTextures(1) gl.glBindTexture(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.glPixelStorei(gl.GL_UNPACK_ALIGNMENT,1) gl.glTexImage2D( gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, 3, ix, iy, 0, gl.GL_RGBA, gl.GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, image ) def bind(self): """Binds the material to OpenGL """ from OpenGL import GL as gl gl.glEnable(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D) gl.glTexParameterf(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl.GL_NEAREST) gl.glTexParameterf(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, gl.GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl.GL_NEAREST) gl.glTexEnvf(gl.GL_TEXTURE_ENV, gl.GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, gl.GL_DECAL) gl.glBindTexture(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D, def unbind(self): """Disables the GL_TEXTURE_2D flag of OpenGL """ from OpenGL import GL as gl gl.glDisable(gl.GL_TEXTURE_2D) Material.DEFAULT_MATERIAL=Material('') """Material that is used when no material is specified """ Material.DEFAULT_MATERIAL.Ka = 1.0 Material.DEFAULT_MATERIAL.Kd = 0.0 Material.DEFAULT_MATERIAL.Ks = 0.0 try: import PIL.Image ="RGBA", (1,1), "white") except ImportError: pass class MeshPart: """A part of a 3D model that is bound to a single material """ def __init__(self, parent): """Creates a mesh part :param parent: the global model with all the information """ self.parent = parent self.material = None self.vertex_vbo = None self.tex_coord_vbo = None self.normal_vbo = None self.color_vbo = None self.faces = [] def init_texture(self): """Initializes the material of the current parent """ if self.material is not None: self.material.init_texture() def add_face(self, face): """Adds a face to this MeshPart :param face: face to add """ self.faces.append(face) def generate_vbos(self): """Generates the vbo for this MeshPart Creates the arrays that are necessary for smooth rendering """ from OpenGL.arrays import vbo from numpy import array # Build VBO v = [] n = [] t = [] c = [] for face in self.faces: v1 = self.parent.vertices[face.a.vertex] v2 = self.parent.vertices[face.b.vertex] v3 = self.parent.vertices[face.c.vertex] v += [[v1.x, v1.y, v1.z], [v2.x, v2.y, v2.z], [v3.x, v3.y, v3.z]] if face.a.normal is not None: n1 = self.parent.normals[face.a.normal] n2 = self.parent.normals[face.b.normal] n3 = self.parent.normals[face.c.normal] n += [[n1.x, n1.y, n1.z], [n2.x, n2.y, n2.z], [n3.x, n3.y, n3.z]] if face.a.tex_coord is not None: t1 = self.parent.tex_coords[face.a.tex_coord] t2 = self.parent.tex_coords[face.b.tex_coord] t3 = self.parent.tex_coords[face.c.tex_coord] t += [[t1.x, t1.y], [t2.x, t2.y], [t3.x, t3.y]] if len(self.parent.colors) > 0: # face.a.color is not None: c1 = self.parent.colors[face.a.vertex] c2 = self.parent.colors[face.b.vertex] c3 = self.parent.colors[face.c.vertex] c += [[c1.x, c1.y, c1.z], [c2.x, c2.y, c2.z], [c3.x, c3.y, c3.z]] self.vertex_vbo = vbo.VBO(array(v, 'f')) if len(n) > 0: self.normal_vbo = vbo.VBO(array(n, 'f')) if len(t) > 0: self.tex_coord_vbo = vbo.VBO(array(t, 'f')) if len(c) > 0: self.color_vbo = vbo.VBO(array(c, 'f')) def draw(self): """Draws the current MeshPart Binds the material, and draws the model """ if self.material is not None: self.material.bind() if self.vertex_vbo is not None: self.draw_from_vbos() else: self.draw_from_arrays() if self.material is not None: self.material.unbind() def draw_from_vbos(self): """Simply calls the OpenGL drawArrays function Sets the correct vertex arrays and draws the part """ import OpenGL.GL as gl self.vertex_vbo.bind() gl.glEnableClientState(gl.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY); gl.glVertexPointerf(self.vertex_vbo) self.vertex_vbo.unbind() if self.normal_vbo is not None: self.normal_vbo.bind() gl.glEnableClientState(gl.GL_NORMAL_ARRAY) gl.glNormalPointerf(self.normal_vbo) self.normal_vbo.unbind() if self.tex_coord_vbo is not None: if self.material is not None: self.material.bind() self.tex_coord_vbo.bind() gl.glEnableClientState(gl.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY) gl.glTexCoordPointerf(self.tex_coord_vbo) self.tex_coord_vbo.unbind() if self.color_vbo is not None: self.color_vbo.bind() gl.glEnableClientState(gl.GL_COLOR_ARRAY) gl.glColorPointerf(self.color_vbo) self.color_vbo.unbind() gl.glDrawArrays(gl.GL_TRIANGLES, 0, len( * 9) gl.glDisableClientState(gl.GL_VERTEX_ARRAY) gl.glDisableClientState(gl.GL_NORMAL_ARRAY) gl.glDisableClientState(gl.GL_TEXTURE_COORD_ARRAY) gl.glDisableClientState(gl.GL_COLOR_ARRAY) def draw_from_arrays(self): pass