from .geometry import Vector import pygame import OpenGL.GL as gl import math class Controls: """Abstract class for controls """ def __init__(self): pass def apply(self): """Apply the controls modification to the model view matrix """ pass def update(self, time = 10): """Update according to the user's inputs """ pass class TrackBallControls(Controls): """Trackball controls Simple trackball controls""" def __init__(self): """Creates a TrackBallControls The trackball is centered at the origin """ super().__init__() self.vertex = Vector() self.theta = 0 def apply(self): """Apply the rotation of the current trackball """ gl.glRotatef(self.theta * 180 / math.pi, self.vertex.x, self.vertex.y, self.vertex.z) def update(self, time = 10): """Checks the keyboard inputs and update the angle """ if not pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: return coeff = 0.001 move = pygame.mouse.get_rel() dV = Vector(move[1] * time * coeff, move[0] * time * coeff, 0) dTheta = dV.norm2() if abs(dTheta) < 0.00001: return dV.normalize() cosT2 = math.cos(self.theta / 2) sinT2 = math.sin(self.theta / 2) cosDT2 = math.cos(dTheta / 2) sinDT2 = math.sin(dTheta / 2) A = cosT2 * sinDT2 * dV + cosDT2 * sinT2 * self.vertex + sinDT2 * sinT2 * Vector.cross_product(dV, self.vertex) self.theta = 2 * math.acos(cosT2 * cosDT2 - sinT2 * sinDT2 *, self.vertex)) self.vertex = A self.vertex.normalize() class OrbitControls(Controls): """Simple OrbitControls Similar to TrackBallControls but the up vector is preserved""" def __init__(self): """Creates an OrbitControls with null angles """ super().__init__() self.phi = 0 self.theta = 0 self.scale_log = 0 def apply(self): scale = math.exp(self.scale_log) gl.glScalef(scale, scale, scale) gl.glRotatef(self.theta * 180 / math.pi, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0) gl.glRotatef(self.phi * 180 / math.pi, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0) def apply_event(self, event): """Manages the wheel event :param event: a pyevent """ if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN: # Wheel up if event.button == 4: self.scale_log += 0.1 # Wheel down elif event.button == 5: self.scale_log -= 0.1 def update(self, time = 10): if not pygame.mouse.get_pressed()[0]: return move = pygame.mouse.get_rel() self.theta += move[1] * 0.01 self.phi += move[0] * 0.01 self.theta = max(min(self.theta, math.pi / 2), -math.pi / 2)