use convert_case::{Case, Casing}; use pulldown_cmark::{Event, Parser, Tag}; pub const LATEX_HEADER: &str = r#"\documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{listings} \usepackage{xcolor} \definecolor{colKeys}{rgb}{0,0.5,0} \definecolor{colIdentifier}{rgb}{0,0,0} \definecolor{colComments}{rgb}{0,0.5,1} \definecolor{colString}{rgb}{0.6,0.1,0.1} \definecolor{colBackground}{rgb}{0.95,0.95,1} \lstset{%configuration de listings float=hbp,% basicstyle=\ttfamily\small,% % identifierstyle=\color{colIdentifier}, % keywordstyle=\color{colKeys}, % stringstyle=\color{colString}, % commentstyle=\color{colComments}\textit, % % backgroundcolor=\color{colBackground},% % columns=flexible, % tabsize=2, % frame=trbl, % %frameround=tttt,% extendedchars=true, % showspaces=false, % showstringspaces=false, % numbers=left, % numberstyle=\tiny, % breaklines=true, % breakautoindent=true, % captionpos=b,% xrightmargin=0.2cm, % xleftmargin=0.2cm } \begin{document} "#; pub const LATEX_FOOTER: &str = "\n\\end{document}\n"; /// Used to keep track of current pulldown_cmark "event". /// TODO: Is there a native pulldown_cmark method to do this? #[derive(Debug)] enum EventType { //Code, Emphasis, Header, //Html, Strong, Table, TableHead, Text, } struct CurrentType { event_type: EventType, } /** * Part of this function is Copyright Liam Beckman (license: MPL-2.0) * Source: * */ pub fn markdown_to_latex(markdown: String) -> String { let mut output = String::from(LATEX_HEADER); let parser = Parser::new(&markdown); let mut header_value = String::new(); let mut current: CurrentType = CurrentType { event_type: EventType::Text, }; let mut cells = 0; let mut equation_mode = false; let mut buffer = String::new(); for event in parser { match event { Event::Start(Tag::Header(level)) => { current.event_type = EventType::Header; output.push_str("\n"); output.push_str("\\"); match level { -1 => output.push_str("part{"), 0 => output.push_str("chapter{"), 1 => output.push_str("section{"), 2 => output.push_str("subsection{"), 3 => output.push_str("subsubsection{"), 4 => output.push_str("paragraph{"), 5 => output.push_str("subparagraph{"), _ => eprintln!("header is out of range."), } } Event::End(Tag::Header(_)) => { output.push_str("}\n"); output.push_str("\\"); output.push_str("label{"); output.push_str(&header_value); output.push_str("}\n"); output.push_str("\\"); output.push_str("label{"); output.push_str(&header_value.to_case(Case::Kebab)); output.push_str("}\n"); } Event::Start(Tag::Emphasis) => { current.event_type = EventType::Emphasis; output.push_str("\\emph{"); } Event::End(Tag::Emphasis) => output.push_str("}"), Event::Start(Tag::Strong) => { current.event_type = EventType::Strong; output.push_str("\\textbf{"); } Event::End(Tag::Strong) => output.push_str("}"), Event::Start(Tag::List(None)) => output.push_str("\\begin{itemize}\n"), Event::End(Tag::List(None)) => output.push_str("\\end{itemize}\n"), Event::Start(Tag::List(Some(_))) => output.push_str("\\begin{enumerate}\n"), Event::End(Tag::List(Some(_))) => output.push_str("\\end{enumerate}\n"), Event::Start(Tag::Paragraph) => { output.push_str("\n"); } Event::End(Tag::Paragraph) => { // ~ adds a space to prevent // "There's no line here to end" error on empty lines. output.push_str(r"~\\"); output.push_str("\n"); } Event::Start(Tag::Link(_, url, _)) => { output.push_str("\\href{"); output.push_str(&*url); output.push_str("}{"); } Event::End(Tag::Link(_, _, _)) => { output.push_str("}"); } Event::Start(Tag::Table(_)) => { current.event_type = EventType::Table; let table_start = vec![ "\n", r"\begingroup", r"\setlength{\LTleft}{-20cm plus -1fill}", r"\setlength{\LTright}{\LTleft}", r"\begin{longtable}{!!!}", r"\hline", r"\hline", "\n", ]; for element in table_start { output.push_str(element); output.push_str("\n"); } } Event::Start(Tag::TableHead) => { current.event_type = EventType::TableHead; } Event::End(Tag::TableHead) => { output.truncate(output.len() - 2); output.push_str(r"\\"); output.push_str("\n"); output.push_str(r"\hline"); output.push_str("\n"); // we presume that a table follows every table head. current.event_type = EventType::Table; } Event::End(Tag::Table(_)) => { let table_end = vec![ r"\arrayrulecolor{black}\hline", r"\end{longtable}", r"\endgroup", "\n", ]; for element in table_end { output.push_str(element); output.push_str("\n"); } let mut cols = String::new(); for _i in 0..cells { cols.push_str(&format!( r"C{{{width}\textwidth}} ", width = 1. / cells as f64 )); } output = output.replace("!!!", &cols); cells = 0; current.event_type = EventType::Text; } Event::Start(Tag::TableCell) => match current.event_type { EventType::TableHead => { output.push_str(r"\bfseries{"); } _ => (), }, Event::End(Tag::TableCell) => { match current.event_type { EventType::TableHead => { output.push_str(r"}"); cells += 1; } _ => (), } output.push_str(" & "); } Event::Start(Tag::TableRow) => { current.event_type = EventType::Table; } Event::End(Tag::TableRow) => { output.truncate(output.len() - 2); output.push_str(r"\\"); output.push_str(r"\arrayrulecolor{lightgray}\hline"); output.push_str("\n"); } Event::Start(Tag::Image(_, path, title)) => { output.push_str("\\begin{figure}\n"); output.push_str("\\centering\n"); output.push_str("\\includegraphics[width=\\textwidth]{"); output.push_str(&*path); output.push_str("}\n"); output.push_str("\\caption{"); output.push_str(&*title); output.push_str("}\n\\end{figure}\n"); } Event::Start(Tag::Item) => output.push_str("\\item "), Event::End(Tag::Item) => output.push_str("\n"), Event::Start(Tag::CodeBlock(lang)) => { if !lang.is_empty() { output.push_str("\\begin{lstlisting}[language="); output.push_str(&*lang); output.push_str("]\n"); } else { output.push_str("\\begin{lstlisting}\n"); } } Event::End(Tag::CodeBlock(_)) => { output.push_str("\n\\end{lstlisting}\n"); current.event_type = EventType::Text; } Event::Code(t) => { output.push_str("\\lstinline|"); match current.event_type { EventType::Header => output .push_str(&*t.replace("#", r"\#").replace("…", "...").replace("З", "3")), _ => output .push_str(&*t.replace("…", "...").replace("З", "3").replace("�", r"\�")), } output.push_str("|"); } Event::Text(t) => { // if "\(" or "\[" are encountered, then begin equation // and don't replace any characters. let delim_start = vec![r"\(", r"\["]; let delim_end = vec![r"\)", r"\]"]; if buffer.len() > 100 { buffer.clear(); } buffer.push_str(&t.clone().into_string()); match current.event_type { EventType::Strong | EventType::Emphasis | EventType::Text | EventType::Header | EventType::Table => { // TODO more elegant way to do ordered `replace`s (structs?). if delim_start .into_iter() .any(|element| buffer.contains(element)) { let popped = output.pop().unwrap(); if popped != '\\' { output.push(popped); } output.push_str(&*t); equation_mode = true; } else if delim_end .into_iter() .any(|element| buffer.contains(element)) || equation_mode == true { let popped = output.pop().unwrap(); if popped != '\\' { output.push(popped); } output.push_str(&*t); equation_mode = false; } else { output.push_str( &*t.replace(r"\", r"\\") .replace("&", r"\&") .replace(r"\s", r"\textbackslash{}s") .replace(r"\w", r"\textbackslash{}w") .replace("_", r"\_") .replace(r"\<", "<") .replace(r"%", r"\%") .replace(r"$", r"\$") .replace(r"—", "---") .replace("#", r"\#"), ); } header_value = t.into_string(); } _ => output.push_str(&*t), } } Event::SoftBreak => { output.push('\n'); } Event::HardBreak => { output.push_str(r"\\"); output.push('\n'); } _ => (), } } output.push_str(LATEX_FOOTER); output } pub fn markdown_to_pdf(markdown: String) -> Result, tectonic::Error> { tectonic::latex_to_pdf(markdown_to_latex(markdown)) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::{markdown_to_latex, markdown_to_pdf}; use lopdf::Document; use pretty_assertions::assert_eq; use std::io::Cursor; const MARKDOWN_IN: &str = r#"# First title Some content ## Second level Text [link]( **Bold** __Italic__ some code: ```sh sudo make-it-work ``` issue [#12345]( "#; const LATEXT_OUT: &str = r#"\documentclass{scrartcl} \usepackage{graphicx} \usepackage{hyperref} \usepackage{listings} \usepackage{xcolor} \definecolor{colKeys}{rgb}{0,0.5,0} \definecolor{colIdentifier}{rgb}{0,0,0} \definecolor{colComments}{rgb}{0,0.5,1} \definecolor{colString}{rgb}{0.6,0.1,0.1} \definecolor{colBackground}{rgb}{0.95,0.95,1} \lstset{%configuration de listings float=hbp,% basicstyle=\ttfamily\small,% % identifierstyle=\color{colIdentifier}, % keywordstyle=\color{colKeys}, % stringstyle=\color{colString}, % commentstyle=\color{colComments}\textit, % % backgroundcolor=\color{colBackground},% % columns=flexible, % tabsize=2, % frame=trbl, % %frameround=tttt,% extendedchars=true, % showspaces=false, % showstringspaces=false, % numbers=left, % numberstyle=\tiny, % breaklines=true, % breakautoindent=true, % captionpos=b,% xrightmargin=0.2cm, % xleftmargin=0.2cm } \begin{document} \section{First title} \label{First title} \label{first-title} Some content~\\ \subsection{Second level} \label{Second level} \label{second-level} Text \href{}{link} \textbf{Bold} \textbf{Italic}~\\ some code:~\\ \begin{lstlisting}[language=sh] sudo make-it-work \end{lstlisting} issue \href{}{\#12345}~\\ \end{document} "#; #[test] fn test_md_to_latex() { let output = markdown_to_latex(MARKDOWN_IN.to_string()); assert_eq!(LATEXT_OUT, output); } #[test] fn test_latex_to_pdf() { let output = markdown_to_pdf(MARKDOWN_IN.to_string()); match output { Ok(data) => { let mut file = Cursor::new(data); match Document::load_from(&mut file) { Ok(doc) => { assert_eq!("1.5", doc.version); } Err(_) => assert!(true), } } Err(_) => assert!(true), } } }