Updates for md2pdf #1

tforgione merged 6 commits from williamdes/md2pdf:master into master 2022-10-02 14:27:28 +01:00
1 changed files with 24 additions and 14 deletions
Showing only changes of commit c0bc67d9ca - Show all commits

View File

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{Read, Write};
use std::process::exit;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use std::ffi::OsStr;
use clap::{crate_authors, crate_description, crate_name, crate_version, Command, Arg};
@ -30,34 +32,42 @@ fn main() {
.help("Input markdown files")
.help("Output tex or pdf file")
let input_path = matches.get_one::<std::path::PathBuf>("INPUT").unwrap();
let input_path = matches.get_one::<PathBuf>("INPUT").unwrap();
let mut content = String::new();
let mut input = unwrap!(File::open(input_path), "couldn't open input file");
unwrap!(input.read_to_string(&mut content), "couldn't read file content");
let output_path = matches.get_one::<std::path::PathBuf>("OUTPUT").unwrap();
let output_path = matches.get_one::<PathBuf>("OUTPUT").unwrap();
let output_path_ext = output_path.extension().and_then(OsStr::to_str);
let mut output = unwrap!(File::create(output_path), "couldn't open output file");
if output_path.ends_with(".tex") {
match output_path_ext {
Some("tex") => {
let tex = markdown_to_latex(content);
unwrap!(output.write(tex.as_bytes()), "couldn't write output file");
} else if output_path.ends_with(".pdf") {
Some("pdf") => {
let data = unwrap!(markdown_to_pdf(content), "error while compiling latex, this is most likely a bug");
unwrap!(output.write(&data), "coudln't write output file");
} else {
unwrap!(output.write(&data), "couldn't write output file");
Some(ext) => {
eprintln!("unknown file format ({}) for output: {}", ext, output_path.display());
None => {
eprintln!("unknown file format for output: {}", output_path.display());