Work on multiple slides

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Forgione 2023-03-01 18:16:17 +01:00
parent c447c11bc2
commit 87b0111915
1 changed files with 76 additions and 51 deletions

View File

@ -231,65 +231,90 @@ async function main() {
await page.setViewport(size);
await page.goto('file://' + path);
// Only consider the first slide (#\\331 === #1, which is the id of the first slide)
// We don't take into account the other slides because it will mess up with our screenshot varification
let root = await page.$('#\\31');
let output = [];
// If there is no slide, try to run on HTML body
if (root === null) {
error('not a marp HTML file');
for (let pageIndex = 1;; pageIndex++) {
// Hide slides controls
await page.evaluate(() => {
for (let elt of document.getElementsByClassName('bespoke-marp-osc')) { = "hidden";
let root = await page.$('#\\3' + pageIndex);
if (root === null) {
// Take a first screenshot
await page.screenshot({path: (outputDir === null ? __dirname : outputDir) + '/' + 'screenshot1.png'});
info("analysing slide " + pageIndex);
// Hide slides controls
await page.evaluate(() => {
for (let elt of document.getElementsByClassName('bespoke-marp-osc')) { = "hidden";
// Take a first screenshot
await page.screenshot({path: (outputDir === null ? __dirname : outputDir) + '/' + 'screenshot1.png'});
// Edit the page to shrink elements in order to get better bounding boxes
if (shrinkBoxes) {
info("shrinking bounding boxes");
await addSpan(root);
info("boundingboxes shrunk");
// Take another screenshot and check the modification we made didn't change the layout of the page
await page.screenshot({path: (outputDir === null ? __dirname : outputDir) + '/' + 'screenshot2.png'});
// Compare both screenshots
let file1 = await fs.readFile(__dirname + '/' + 'screenshot1.png');
let file2 = await fs.readFile(__dirname + '/' + 'screenshot2.png');
let filesAreSame =, i) => x === file2[i]).reduce((a, b) => a && b, true);
if (!filesAreSame) {
// Check psnr
let psnr = await image.psnr(__dirname + '/' + 'screenshot1.png', __dirname + '/' + 'screenshot2.png');
// Crash if they're different
if (psnr > 70) {
warning(filename + " produced slight diff: psnr = " + psnr);
} else {
await error("page edit changed the layout: psnr = " + psnr);
// Analyse the root and output the result
info("performing analysis");
let analyse = await analyseElement(root, page, outputDir, threshold);
info("analysis done");
// Append the current slide to the output
if (flatten) {
analyse = flattenTree(analyse);
for (let elt of anaylse) {
} else {
// Go to the next page
await page.evaluate(el => {
let buttons = document.getElementsByTagName('button');
for (let button of buttons) {
if (button.title === "Next slide") {;
// Edit the page to shrink elements in order to get better bounding boxes
if (shrinkBoxes) {
info("shrinking bounding boxes");
await addSpan(root);
info("boundingboxes shrunk");
// Take another screenshot and check the modification we made didn't change the layout of the page
await page.screenshot({path: (outputDir === null ? __dirname : outputDir) + '/' + 'screenshot2.png'});
// Compare both screenshots
let file1 = await fs.readFile(__dirname + '/' + 'screenshot1.png');
let file2 = await fs.readFile(__dirname + '/' + 'screenshot2.png');
let filesAreSame =, i) => x === file2[i]).reduce((a, b) => a && b, true);
if (!filesAreSame) {
// Check psnr
let psnr = await image.psnr(__dirname + '/' + 'screenshot1.png', __dirname + '/' + 'screenshot2.png');
// Crash if they're different
if (psnr > 70) {
warning(filename + " produced slight diff: psnr = " + psnr);
} else {
await error("page edit changed the layout: psnr = " + psnr);
// Analyse the root and output the result
info("performing analysis");
let analyse = await analyseElement(root, page, outputDir, threshold);
info("analysis done");
if (flatten) {
analyse = flattenTree(analyse);
let json = JSON.stringify(analyse, undefined, 4);
info("saving output");
let json = JSON.stringify(output, undefined, 4);
if (outputDir === null) {
} else {