
17312 lines
503 KiB
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2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
'use strict';
function F(arity, fun, wrapper) {
wrapper.a = arity;
wrapper.f = fun;
return wrapper;
function F2(fun) {
return F(2, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return fun(a,b); }; })
function F3(fun) {
return F(3, fun, function(a) {
return function(b) { return function(c) { return fun(a, b, c); }; };
function F4(fun) {
return F(4, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return function(c) {
return function(d) { return fun(a, b, c, d); }; }; };
function F5(fun) {
return F(5, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return function(c) {
return function(d) { return function(e) { return fun(a, b, c, d, e); }; }; }; };
function F6(fun) {
return F(6, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return function(c) {
return function(d) { return function(e) { return function(f) {
return fun(a, b, c, d, e, f); }; }; }; }; };
function F7(fun) {
return F(7, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return function(c) {
return function(d) { return function(e) { return function(f) {
return function(g) { return fun(a, b, c, d, e, f, g); }; }; }; }; }; };
function F8(fun) {
return F(8, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return function(c) {
return function(d) { return function(e) { return function(f) {
return function(g) { return function(h) {
return fun(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h); }; }; }; }; }; }; };
function F9(fun) {
return F(9, fun, function(a) { return function(b) { return function(c) {
return function(d) { return function(e) { return function(f) {
return function(g) { return function(h) { return function(i) {
return fun(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i); }; }; }; }; }; }; }; };
function A2(fun, a, b) {
return fun.a === 2 ? fun.f(a, b) : fun(a)(b);
function A3(fun, a, b, c) {
return fun.a === 3 ? fun.f(a, b, c) : fun(a)(b)(c);
function A4(fun, a, b, c, d) {
return fun.a === 4 ? fun.f(a, b, c, d) : fun(a)(b)(c)(d);
function A5(fun, a, b, c, d, e) {
return fun.a === 5 ? fun.f(a, b, c, d, e) : fun(a)(b)(c)(d)(e);
function A6(fun, a, b, c, d, e, f) {
return fun.a === 6 ? fun.f(a, b, c, d, e, f) : fun(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f);
function A7(fun, a, b, c, d, e, f, g) {
return fun.a === 7 ? fun.f(a, b, c, d, e, f, g) : fun(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g);
function A8(fun, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) {
return fun.a === 8 ? fun.f(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h) : fun(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h);
function A9(fun, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) {
return fun.a === 9 ? fun.f(a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i) : fun(a)(b)(c)(d)(e)(f)(g)(h)(i);
console.warn('Compiled in DEV mode. Follow the advice at https://elm-lang.org/0.19.1/optimize for better performance and smaller assets.');
function _Utils_eq(x, y)
for (
var pair, stack = [], isEqual = _Utils_eqHelp(x, y, 0, stack);
isEqual && (pair = stack.pop());
isEqual = _Utils_eqHelp(pair.a, pair.b, 0, stack)
return isEqual;
function _Utils_eqHelp(x, y, depth, stack)
if (x === y)
return true;
if (typeof x !== 'object' || x === null || y === null)
typeof x === 'function' && _Debug_crash(5);
return false;
if (depth > 100)
return true;
if (x.$ === 'Set_elm_builtin')
x = $elm$core$Set$toList(x);
y = $elm$core$Set$toList(y);
if (x.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin' || x.$ === 'RBEmpty_elm_builtin')
x = $elm$core$Dict$toList(x);
y = $elm$core$Dict$toList(y);
if (x.$ < 0)
x = $elm$core$Dict$toList(x);
y = $elm$core$Dict$toList(y);
for (var key in x)
if (!_Utils_eqHelp(x[key], y[key], depth + 1, stack))
return false;
return true;
var _Utils_equal = F2(_Utils_eq);
var _Utils_notEqual = F2(function(a, b) { return !_Utils_eq(a,b); });
// Code in Generate/JavaScript.hs, Basics.js, and List.js depends on
// the particular integer values assigned to LT, EQ, and GT.
function _Utils_cmp(x, y, ord)
if (typeof x !== 'object')
return x === y ? /*EQ*/ 0 : x < y ? /*LT*/ -1 : /*GT*/ 1;
if (x instanceof String)
var a = x.valueOf();
var b = y.valueOf();
return a === b ? 0 : a < b ? -1 : 1;
if (typeof x.$ === 'undefined')
if (x.$[0] === '#')
return (ord = _Utils_cmp(x.a, y.a))
? ord
: (ord = _Utils_cmp(x.b, y.b))
? ord
: _Utils_cmp(x.c, y.c);
// traverse conses until end of a list or a mismatch
for (; x.b && y.b && !(ord = _Utils_cmp(x.a, y.a)); x = x.b, y = y.b) {} // WHILE_CONSES
return ord || (x.b ? /*GT*/ 1 : y.b ? /*LT*/ -1 : /*EQ*/ 0);
var _Utils_lt = F2(function(a, b) { return _Utils_cmp(a, b) < 0; });
var _Utils_le = F2(function(a, b) { return _Utils_cmp(a, b) < 1; });
var _Utils_gt = F2(function(a, b) { return _Utils_cmp(a, b) > 0; });
var _Utils_ge = F2(function(a, b) { return _Utils_cmp(a, b) >= 0; });
var _Utils_compare = F2(function(x, y)
var n = _Utils_cmp(x, y);
return n < 0 ? $elm$core$Basics$LT : n ? $elm$core$Basics$GT : $elm$core$Basics$EQ;
var _Utils_Tuple0_UNUSED = 0;
var _Utils_Tuple0 = { $: '#0' };
function _Utils_Tuple2_UNUSED(a, b) { return { a: a, b: b }; }
function _Utils_Tuple2(a, b) { return { $: '#2', a: a, b: b }; }
function _Utils_Tuple3_UNUSED(a, b, c) { return { a: a, b: b, c: c }; }
function _Utils_Tuple3(a, b, c) { return { $: '#3', a: a, b: b, c: c }; }
function _Utils_chr_UNUSED(c) { return c; }
function _Utils_chr(c) { return new String(c); }
function _Utils_update(oldRecord, updatedFields)
var newRecord = {};
for (var key in oldRecord)
newRecord[key] = oldRecord[key];
for (var key in updatedFields)
newRecord[key] = updatedFields[key];
return newRecord;
var _Utils_append = F2(_Utils_ap);
function _Utils_ap(xs, ys)
// append Strings
if (typeof xs === 'string')
return xs + ys;
// append Lists
if (!xs.b)
return ys;
var root = _List_Cons(xs.a, ys);
xs = xs.b
for (var curr = root; xs.b; xs = xs.b) // WHILE_CONS
curr = curr.b = _List_Cons(xs.a, ys);
return root;
var _List_Nil_UNUSED = { $: 0 };
var _List_Nil = { $: '[]' };
function _List_Cons_UNUSED(hd, tl) { return { $: 1, a: hd, b: tl }; }
function _List_Cons(hd, tl) { return { $: '::', a: hd, b: tl }; }
var _List_cons = F2(_List_Cons);
function _List_fromArray(arr)
var out = _List_Nil;
for (var i = arr.length; i--; )
out = _List_Cons(arr[i], out);
return out;
function _List_toArray(xs)
for (var out = []; xs.b; xs = xs.b) // WHILE_CONS
return out;
var _List_map2 = F3(function(f, xs, ys)
for (var arr = []; xs.b && ys.b; xs = xs.b, ys = ys.b) // WHILE_CONSES
arr.push(A2(f, xs.a, ys.a));
return _List_fromArray(arr);
var _List_map3 = F4(function(f, xs, ys, zs)
for (var arr = []; xs.b && ys.b && zs.b; xs = xs.b, ys = ys.b, zs = zs.b) // WHILE_CONSES
arr.push(A3(f, xs.a, ys.a, zs.a));
return _List_fromArray(arr);
var _List_map4 = F5(function(f, ws, xs, ys, zs)
for (var arr = []; ws.b && xs.b && ys.b && zs.b; ws = ws.b, xs = xs.b, ys = ys.b, zs = zs.b) // WHILE_CONSES
arr.push(A4(f, ws.a, xs.a, ys.a, zs.a));
return _List_fromArray(arr);
var _List_map5 = F6(function(f, vs, ws, xs, ys, zs)
for (var arr = []; vs.b && ws.b && xs.b && ys.b && zs.b; vs = vs.b, ws = ws.b, xs = xs.b, ys = ys.b, zs = zs.b) // WHILE_CONSES
arr.push(A5(f, vs.a, ws.a, xs.a, ys.a, zs.a));
return _List_fromArray(arr);
var _List_sortBy = F2(function(f, xs)
return _List_fromArray(_List_toArray(xs).sort(function(a, b) {
return _Utils_cmp(f(a), f(b));
var _List_sortWith = F2(function(f, xs)
return _List_fromArray(_List_toArray(xs).sort(function(a, b) {
var ord = A2(f, a, b);
return ord === $elm$core$Basics$EQ ? 0 : ord === $elm$core$Basics$LT ? -1 : 1;
var _JsArray_empty = [];
function _JsArray_singleton(value)
return [value];
function _JsArray_length(array)
return array.length;
var _JsArray_initialize = F3(function(size, offset, func)
var result = new Array(size);
for (var i = 0; i < size; i++)
result[i] = func(offset + i);
return result;
var _JsArray_initializeFromList = F2(function (max, ls)
var result = new Array(max);
for (var i = 0; i < max && ls.b; i++)
result[i] = ls.a;
ls = ls.b;
result.length = i;
return _Utils_Tuple2(result, ls);
var _JsArray_unsafeGet = F2(function(index, array)
return array[index];
var _JsArray_unsafeSet = F3(function(index, value, array)
var length = array.length;
var result = new Array(length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
result[i] = array[i];
result[index] = value;
return result;
var _JsArray_push = F2(function(value, array)
var length = array.length;
var result = new Array(length + 1);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
result[i] = array[i];
result[length] = value;
return result;
var _JsArray_foldl = F3(function(func, acc, array)
var length = array.length;
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
acc = A2(func, array[i], acc);
return acc;
var _JsArray_foldr = F3(function(func, acc, array)
for (var i = array.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
acc = A2(func, array[i], acc);
return acc;
var _JsArray_map = F2(function(func, array)
var length = array.length;
var result = new Array(length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
result[i] = func(array[i]);
return result;
var _JsArray_indexedMap = F3(function(func, offset, array)
var length = array.length;
var result = new Array(length);
for (var i = 0; i < length; i++)
result[i] = A2(func, offset + i, array[i]);
return result;
var _JsArray_slice = F3(function(from, to, array)
return array.slice(from, to);
var _JsArray_appendN = F3(function(n, dest, source)
var destLen = dest.length;
var itemsToCopy = n - destLen;
if (itemsToCopy > source.length)
itemsToCopy = source.length;
var size = destLen + itemsToCopy;
var result = new Array(size);
for (var i = 0; i < destLen; i++)
result[i] = dest[i];
for (var i = 0; i < itemsToCopy; i++)
result[i + destLen] = source[i];
return result;
// LOG
var _Debug_log_UNUSED = F2(function(tag, value)
return value;
var _Debug_log = F2(function(tag, value)
console.log(tag + ': ' + _Debug_toString(value));
return value;
function _Debug_todo(moduleName, region)
return function(message) {
_Debug_crash(8, moduleName, region, message);
function _Debug_todoCase(moduleName, region, value)
return function(message) {
_Debug_crash(9, moduleName, region, value, message);
function _Debug_toString_UNUSED(value)
return '<internals>';
function _Debug_toString(value)
return _Debug_toAnsiString(false, value);
function _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, value)
if (typeof value === 'function')
return _Debug_internalColor(ansi, '<function>');
if (typeof value === 'boolean')
return _Debug_ctorColor(ansi, value ? 'True' : 'False');
if (typeof value === 'number')
return _Debug_numberColor(ansi, value + '');
if (value instanceof String)
return _Debug_charColor(ansi, "'" + _Debug_addSlashes(value, true) + "'");
if (typeof value === 'string')
return _Debug_stringColor(ansi, '"' + _Debug_addSlashes(value, false) + '"');
if (typeof value === 'object' && '$' in value)
var tag = value.$;
if (typeof tag === 'number')
return _Debug_internalColor(ansi, '<internals>');
if (tag[0] === '#')
var output = [];
for (var k in value)
if (k === '$') continue;
output.push(_Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, value[k]));
return '(' + output.join(',') + ')';
if (tag === 'Set_elm_builtin')
return _Debug_ctorColor(ansi, 'Set')
+ _Debug_fadeColor(ansi, '.fromList') + ' '
+ _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, $elm$core$Set$toList(value));
if (tag === 'RBNode_elm_builtin' || tag === 'RBEmpty_elm_builtin')
return _Debug_ctorColor(ansi, 'Dict')
+ _Debug_fadeColor(ansi, '.fromList') + ' '
+ _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, $elm$core$Dict$toList(value));
if (tag === 'Array_elm_builtin')
return _Debug_ctorColor(ansi, 'Array')
+ _Debug_fadeColor(ansi, '.fromList') + ' '
+ _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, $elm$core$Array$toList(value));
if (tag === '::' || tag === '[]')
var output = '[';
value.b && (output += _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, value.a), value = value.b)
for (; value.b; value = value.b) // WHILE_CONS
output += ',' + _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, value.a);
return output + ']';
var output = '';
for (var i in value)
if (i === '$') continue;
var str = _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, value[i]);
var c0 = str[0];
var parenless = c0 === '{' || c0 === '(' || c0 === '[' || c0 === '<' || c0 === '"' || str.indexOf(' ') < 0;
output += ' ' + (parenless ? str : '(' + str + ')');
return _Debug_ctorColor(ansi, tag) + output;
if (typeof DataView === 'function' && value instanceof DataView)
return _Debug_stringColor(ansi, '<' + value.byteLength + ' bytes>');
if (typeof File !== 'undefined' && value instanceof File)
return _Debug_internalColor(ansi, '<' + value.name + '>');
if (typeof value === 'object')
var output = [];
for (var key in value)
var field = key[0] === '_' ? key.slice(1) : key;
output.push(_Debug_fadeColor(ansi, field) + ' = ' + _Debug_toAnsiString(ansi, value[key]));
if (output.length === 0)
return '{}';
return '{ ' + output.join(', ') + ' }';
return _Debug_internalColor(ansi, '<internals>');
function _Debug_addSlashes(str, isChar)
var s = str
.replace(/\\/g, '\\\\')
.replace(/\n/g, '\\n')
.replace(/\t/g, '\\t')
.replace(/\r/g, '\\r')
.replace(/\v/g, '\\v')
.replace(/\0/g, '\\0');
if (isChar)
return s.replace(/\'/g, '\\\'');
return s.replace(/\"/g, '\\"');
function _Debug_ctorColor(ansi, string)
return ansi ? '\x1b[96m' + string + '\x1b[0m' : string;
function _Debug_numberColor(ansi, string)
return ansi ? '\x1b[95m' + string + '\x1b[0m' : string;
function _Debug_stringColor(ansi, string)
return ansi ? '\x1b[93m' + string + '\x1b[0m' : string;
function _Debug_charColor(ansi, string)
return ansi ? '\x1b[92m' + string + '\x1b[0m' : string;
function _Debug_fadeColor(ansi, string)
return ansi ? '\x1b[37m' + string + '\x1b[0m' : string;
function _Debug_internalColor(ansi, string)
return ansi ? '\x1b[36m' + string + '\x1b[0m' : string;
function _Debug_toHexDigit(n)
return String.fromCharCode(n < 10 ? 48 + n : 55 + n);
function _Debug_crash_UNUSED(identifier)
throw new Error('https://github.com/elm/core/blob/1.0.0/hints/' + identifier + '.md');
function _Debug_crash(identifier, fact1, fact2, fact3, fact4)
case 0:
throw new Error('What node should I take over? In JavaScript I need something like:\n\n Elm.Main.init({\n node: document.getElementById("elm-node")\n })\n\nYou need to do this with any Browser.sandbox or Browser.element program.');
case 1:
throw new Error('Browser.application programs cannot handle URLs like this:\n\n ' + document.location.href + '\n\nWhat is the root? The root of your file system? Try looking at this program with `elm reactor` or some other server.');
case 2:
var jsonErrorString = fact1;
throw new Error('Problem with the flags given to your Elm program on initialization.\n\n' + jsonErrorString);
case 3:
var portName = fact1;
throw new Error('There can only be one port named `' + portName + '`, but your program has multiple.');
case 4:
var portName = fact1;
var problem = fact2;
throw new Error('Trying to send an unexpected type of value through port `' + portName + '`:\n' + problem);
case 5:
throw new Error('Trying to use `(==)` on functions.\nThere is no way to know if functions are "the same" in the Elm sense.\nRead more about this at https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/elm/core/latest/Basics#== which describes why it is this way and what the better version will look like.');
case 6:
var moduleName = fact1;
throw new Error('Your page is loading multiple Elm scripts with a module named ' + moduleName + '. Maybe a duplicate script is getting loaded accidentally? If not, rename one of them so I know which is which!');
case 8:
var moduleName = fact1;
var region = fact2;
var message = fact3;
throw new Error('TODO in module `' + moduleName + '` ' + _Debug_regionToString(region) + '\n\n' + message);
case 9:
var moduleName = fact1;
var region = fact2;
var value = fact3;
var message = fact4;
throw new Error(
'TODO in module `' + moduleName + '` from the `case` expression '
+ _Debug_regionToString(region) + '\n\nIt received the following value:\n\n '
+ _Debug_toString(value).replace('\n', '\n ')
+ '\n\nBut the branch that handles it says:\n\n ' + message.replace('\n', '\n ')
case 10:
throw new Error('Bug in https://github.com/elm/virtual-dom/issues');
case 11:
throw new Error('Cannot perform mod 0. Division by zero error.');
function _Debug_regionToString(region)
if (region.start.line === region.end.line)
return 'on line ' + region.start.line;
return 'on lines ' + region.start.line + ' through ' + region.end.line;
var _Basics_add = F2(function(a, b) { return a + b; });
var _Basics_sub = F2(function(a, b) { return a - b; });
var _Basics_mul = F2(function(a, b) { return a * b; });
var _Basics_fdiv = F2(function(a, b) { return a / b; });
var _Basics_idiv = F2(function(a, b) { return (a / b) | 0; });
var _Basics_pow = F2(Math.pow);
var _Basics_remainderBy = F2(function(b, a) { return a % b; });
// https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/divmodnote-letter.pdf
var _Basics_modBy = F2(function(modulus, x)
var answer = x % modulus;
return modulus === 0
? _Debug_crash(11)
((answer > 0 && modulus < 0) || (answer < 0 && modulus > 0))
? answer + modulus
: answer;
var _Basics_pi = Math.PI;
var _Basics_e = Math.E;
var _Basics_cos = Math.cos;
var _Basics_sin = Math.sin;
var _Basics_tan = Math.tan;
var _Basics_acos = Math.acos;
var _Basics_asin = Math.asin;
var _Basics_atan = Math.atan;
var _Basics_atan2 = F2(Math.atan2);
function _Basics_toFloat(x) { return x; }
function _Basics_truncate(n) { return n | 0; }
function _Basics_isInfinite(n) { return n === Infinity || n === -Infinity; }
var _Basics_ceiling = Math.ceil;
var _Basics_floor = Math.floor;
var _Basics_round = Math.round;
var _Basics_sqrt = Math.sqrt;
var _Basics_log = Math.log;
var _Basics_isNaN = isNaN;
function _Basics_not(bool) { return !bool; }
var _Basics_and = F2(function(a, b) { return a && b; });
var _Basics_or = F2(function(a, b) { return a || b; });
var _Basics_xor = F2(function(a, b) { return a !== b; });
var _String_cons = F2(function(chr, str)
return chr + str;
function _String_uncons(string)
var word = string.charCodeAt(0);
return !isNaN(word)
? $elm$core$Maybe$Just(
0xD800 <= word && word <= 0xDBFF
? _Utils_Tuple2(_Utils_chr(string[0] + string[1]), string.slice(2))
: _Utils_Tuple2(_Utils_chr(string[0]), string.slice(1))
: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
var _String_append = F2(function(a, b)
return a + b;
function _String_length(str)
return str.length;
var _String_map = F2(function(func, string)
var len = string.length;
var array = new Array(len);
var i = 0;
while (i < len)
var word = string.charCodeAt(i);
if (0xD800 <= word && word <= 0xDBFF)
array[i] = func(_Utils_chr(string[i] + string[i+1]));
i += 2;
array[i] = func(_Utils_chr(string[i]));
return array.join('');
var _String_filter = F2(function(isGood, str)
var arr = [];
var len = str.length;
var i = 0;
while (i < len)
var char = str[i];
var word = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (0xD800 <= word && word <= 0xDBFF)
char += str[i];
if (isGood(_Utils_chr(char)))
return arr.join('');
function _String_reverse(str)
var len = str.length;
var arr = new Array(len);
var i = 0;
while (i < len)
var word = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (0xD800 <= word && word <= 0xDBFF)
arr[len - i] = str[i + 1];
arr[len - i] = str[i - 1];
arr[len - i] = str[i];
return arr.join('');
var _String_foldl = F3(function(func, state, string)
var len = string.length;
var i = 0;
while (i < len)
var char = string[i];
var word = string.charCodeAt(i);
if (0xD800 <= word && word <= 0xDBFF)
char += string[i];
state = A2(func, _Utils_chr(char), state);
return state;
var _String_foldr = F3(function(func, state, string)
var i = string.length;
while (i--)
var char = string[i];
var word = string.charCodeAt(i);
if (0xDC00 <= word && word <= 0xDFFF)
char = string[i] + char;
state = A2(func, _Utils_chr(char), state);
return state;
var _String_split = F2(function(sep, str)
return str.split(sep);
var _String_join = F2(function(sep, strs)
return strs.join(sep);
var _String_slice = F3(function(start, end, str) {
return str.slice(start, end);
function _String_trim(str)
return str.trim();
function _String_trimLeft(str)
return str.replace(/^\s+/, '');
function _String_trimRight(str)
return str.replace(/\s+$/, '');
function _String_words(str)
return _List_fromArray(str.trim().split(/\s+/g));
function _String_lines(str)
return _List_fromArray(str.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g));
function _String_toUpper(str)
return str.toUpperCase();
function _String_toLower(str)
return str.toLowerCase();
var _String_any = F2(function(isGood, string)
var i = string.length;
while (i--)
var char = string[i];
var word = string.charCodeAt(i);
if (0xDC00 <= word && word <= 0xDFFF)
char = string[i] + char;
if (isGood(_Utils_chr(char)))
return true;
return false;
var _String_all = F2(function(isGood, string)
var i = string.length;
while (i--)
var char = string[i];
var word = string.charCodeAt(i);
if (0xDC00 <= word && word <= 0xDFFF)
char = string[i] + char;
if (!isGood(_Utils_chr(char)))
return false;
return true;
var _String_contains = F2(function(sub, str)
return str.indexOf(sub) > -1;
var _String_startsWith = F2(function(sub, str)
return str.indexOf(sub) === 0;
var _String_endsWith = F2(function(sub, str)
return str.length >= sub.length &&
str.lastIndexOf(sub) === str.length - sub.length;
var _String_indexes = F2(function(sub, str)
var subLen = sub.length;
if (subLen < 1)
return _List_Nil;
var i = 0;
var is = [];
while ((i = str.indexOf(sub, i)) > -1)
i = i + subLen;
return _List_fromArray(is);
function _String_fromNumber(number)
return number + '';
function _String_toInt(str)
var total = 0;
var code0 = str.charCodeAt(0);
var start = code0 == 0x2B /* + */ || code0 == 0x2D /* - */ ? 1 : 0;
for (var i = start; i < str.length; ++i)
var code = str.charCodeAt(i);
if (code < 0x30 || 0x39 < code)
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
total = 10 * total + code - 0x30;
return i == start
? $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing
: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(code0 == 0x2D ? -total : total);
function _String_toFloat(s)
// check if it is a hex, octal, or binary number
if (s.length === 0 || /[\sxbo]/.test(s))
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
var n = +s;
// faster isNaN check
return n === n ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just(n) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
function _String_fromList(chars)
return _List_toArray(chars).join('');
function _Char_toCode(char)
var code = char.charCodeAt(0);
if (0xD800 <= code && code <= 0xDBFF)
return (code - 0xD800) * 0x400 + char.charCodeAt(1) - 0xDC00 + 0x10000
return code;
function _Char_fromCode(code)
return _Utils_chr(
(code < 0 || 0x10FFFF < code)
? '\uFFFD'
(code <= 0xFFFF)
? String.fromCharCode(code)
(code -= 0x10000,
String.fromCharCode(Math.floor(code / 0x400) + 0xD800, code % 0x400 + 0xDC00)
function _Char_toUpper(char)
return _Utils_chr(char.toUpperCase());
function _Char_toLower(char)
return _Utils_chr(char.toLowerCase());
function _Char_toLocaleUpper(char)
return _Utils_chr(char.toLocaleUpperCase());
function _Char_toLocaleLower(char)
return _Utils_chr(char.toLocaleLowerCase());
function _Json_errorToString(error)
return $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorToString(error);
function _Json_succeed(msg)
return {
$: 0,
a: msg
function _Json_fail(msg)
return {
$: 1,
a: msg
function _Json_decodePrim(decoder)
return { $: 2, b: decoder };
var _Json_decodeInt = _Json_decodePrim(function(value) {
return (typeof value !== 'number')
? _Json_expecting('an INT', value)
(-2147483647 < value && value < 2147483647 && (value | 0) === value)
? $elm$core$Result$Ok(value)
(isFinite(value) && !(value % 1))
? $elm$core$Result$Ok(value)
: _Json_expecting('an INT', value);
var _Json_decodeBool = _Json_decodePrim(function(value) {
return (typeof value === 'boolean')
? $elm$core$Result$Ok(value)
: _Json_expecting('a BOOL', value);
var _Json_decodeFloat = _Json_decodePrim(function(value) {
return (typeof value === 'number')
? $elm$core$Result$Ok(value)
: _Json_expecting('a FLOAT', value);
var _Json_decodeValue = _Json_decodePrim(function(value) {
return $elm$core$Result$Ok(_Json_wrap(value));
var _Json_decodeString = _Json_decodePrim(function(value) {
return (typeof value === 'string')
? $elm$core$Result$Ok(value)
: (value instanceof String)
? $elm$core$Result$Ok(value + '')
: _Json_expecting('a STRING', value);
function _Json_decodeList(decoder) { return { $: 3, b: decoder }; }
function _Json_decodeArray(decoder) { return { $: 4, b: decoder }; }
function _Json_decodeNull(value) { return { $: 5, c: value }; }
var _Json_decodeField = F2(function(field, decoder)
return {
$: 6,
d: field,
b: decoder
var _Json_decodeIndex = F2(function(index, decoder)
return {
$: 7,
e: index,
b: decoder
function _Json_decodeKeyValuePairs(decoder)
return {
$: 8,
b: decoder
function _Json_mapMany(f, decoders)
return {
$: 9,
f: f,
g: decoders
var _Json_andThen = F2(function(callback, decoder)
return {
$: 10,
b: decoder,
h: callback
function _Json_oneOf(decoders)
return {
$: 11,
g: decoders
var _Json_map1 = F2(function(f, d1)
return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1]);
var _Json_map2 = F3(function(f, d1, d2)
return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2]);
var _Json_map3 = F4(function(f, d1, d2, d3)
return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2, d3]);
var _Json_map4 = F5(function(f, d1, d2, d3, d4)
return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2, d3, d4]);
var _Json_map5 = F6(function(f, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5)
return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2, d3, d4, d5]);
var _Json_map6 = F7(function(f, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6)
return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6]);
var _Json_map7 = F8(function(f, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7)
return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7]);
var _Json_map8 = F9(function(f, d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8)
return _Json_mapMany(f, [d1, d2, d3, d4, d5, d6, d7, d8]);
var _Json_runOnString = F2(function(decoder, string)
var value = JSON.parse(string);
return _Json_runHelp(decoder, value);
catch (e)
return $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Failure, 'This is not valid JSON! ' + e.message, _Json_wrap(string)));
var _Json_run = F2(function(decoder, value)
return _Json_runHelp(decoder, _Json_unwrap(value));
function _Json_runHelp(decoder, value)
switch (decoder.$)
case 2:
return decoder.b(value);
case 5:
return (value === null)
? $elm$core$Result$Ok(decoder.c)
: _Json_expecting('null', value);
case 3:
if (!_Json_isArray(value))
return _Json_expecting('a LIST', value);
return _Json_runArrayDecoder(decoder.b, value, _List_fromArray);
case 4:
if (!_Json_isArray(value))
return _Json_expecting('an ARRAY', value);
return _Json_runArrayDecoder(decoder.b, value, _Json_toElmArray);
case 6:
var field = decoder.d;
if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null || !(field in value))
return _Json_expecting('an OBJECT with a field named `' + field + '`', value);
var result = _Json_runHelp(decoder.b, value[field]);
return ($elm$core$Result$isOk(result)) ? result : $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Field, field, result.a));
case 7:
var index = decoder.e;
if (!_Json_isArray(value))
return _Json_expecting('an ARRAY', value);
if (index >= value.length)
return _Json_expecting('a LONGER array. Need index ' + index + ' but only see ' + value.length + ' entries', value);
var result = _Json_runHelp(decoder.b, value[index]);
return ($elm$core$Result$isOk(result)) ? result : $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Index, index, result.a));
case 8:
if (typeof value !== 'object' || value === null || _Json_isArray(value))
return _Json_expecting('an OBJECT', value);
var keyValuePairs = _List_Nil;
// TODO test perf of Object.keys and switch when support is good enough
for (var key in value)
if (value.hasOwnProperty(key))
var result = _Json_runHelp(decoder.b, value[key]);
if (!$elm$core$Result$isOk(result))
return $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Field, key, result.a));
keyValuePairs = _List_Cons(_Utils_Tuple2(key, result.a), keyValuePairs);
return $elm$core$Result$Ok($elm$core$List$reverse(keyValuePairs));
case 9:
var answer = decoder.f;
var decoders = decoder.g;
for (var i = 0; i < decoders.length; i++)
var result = _Json_runHelp(decoders[i], value);
if (!$elm$core$Result$isOk(result))
return result;
answer = answer(result.a);
return $elm$core$Result$Ok(answer);
case 10:
var result = _Json_runHelp(decoder.b, value);
return (!$elm$core$Result$isOk(result))
? result
: _Json_runHelp(decoder.h(result.a), value);
case 11:
var errors = _List_Nil;
for (var temp = decoder.g; temp.b; temp = temp.b) // WHILE_CONS
var result = _Json_runHelp(temp.a, value);
if ($elm$core$Result$isOk(result))
return result;
errors = _List_Cons(result.a, errors);
return $elm$core$Result$Err($elm$json$Json$Decode$OneOf($elm$core$List$reverse(errors)));
case 1:
return $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Failure, decoder.a, _Json_wrap(value)));
case 0:
return $elm$core$Result$Ok(decoder.a);
function _Json_runArrayDecoder(decoder, value, toElmValue)
var len = value.length;
var array = new Array(len);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
var result = _Json_runHelp(decoder, value[i]);
if (!$elm$core$Result$isOk(result))
return $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Index, i, result.a));
array[i] = result.a;
return $elm$core$Result$Ok(toElmValue(array));
function _Json_isArray(value)
return Array.isArray(value) || (typeof FileList !== 'undefined' && value instanceof FileList);
function _Json_toElmArray(array)
return A2($elm$core$Array$initialize, array.length, function(i) { return array[i]; });
function _Json_expecting(type, value)
return $elm$core$Result$Err(A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$Failure, 'Expecting ' + type, _Json_wrap(value)));
function _Json_equality(x, y)
if (x === y)
return true;
if (x.$ !== y.$)
return false;
switch (x.$)
case 0:
case 1:
return x.a === y.a;
case 2:
return x.b === y.b;
case 5:
return x.c === y.c;
case 3:
case 4:
case 8:
return _Json_equality(x.b, y.b);
case 6:
return x.d === y.d && _Json_equality(x.b, y.b);
case 7:
return x.e === y.e && _Json_equality(x.b, y.b);
case 9:
return x.f === y.f && _Json_listEquality(x.g, y.g);
case 10:
return x.h === y.h && _Json_equality(x.b, y.b);
case 11:
return _Json_listEquality(x.g, y.g);
function _Json_listEquality(aDecoders, bDecoders)
var len = aDecoders.length;
if (len !== bDecoders.length)
return false;
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
if (!_Json_equality(aDecoders[i], bDecoders[i]))
return false;
return true;
var _Json_encode = F2(function(indentLevel, value)
return JSON.stringify(_Json_unwrap(value), null, indentLevel) + '';
function _Json_wrap(value) { return { $: 0, a: value }; }
function _Json_unwrap(value) { return value.a; }
function _Json_wrap_UNUSED(value) { return value; }
function _Json_unwrap_UNUSED(value) { return value; }
function _Json_emptyArray() { return []; }
function _Json_emptyObject() { return {}; }
var _Json_addField = F3(function(key, value, object)
object[key] = _Json_unwrap(value);
return object;
function _Json_addEntry(func)
return F2(function(entry, array)
return array;
var _Json_encodeNull = _Json_wrap(null);
function _Scheduler_succeed(value)
return {
$: 0,
a: value
function _Scheduler_fail(error)
return {
$: 1,
a: error
function _Scheduler_binding(callback)
return {
$: 2,
b: callback,
c: null
var _Scheduler_andThen = F2(function(callback, task)
return {
$: 3,
b: callback,
d: task
var _Scheduler_onError = F2(function(callback, task)
return {
$: 4,
b: callback,
d: task
function _Scheduler_receive(callback)
return {
$: 5,
b: callback
var _Scheduler_guid = 0;
function _Scheduler_rawSpawn(task)
var proc = {
$: 0,
e: _Scheduler_guid++,
f: task,
g: null,
h: []
return proc;
function _Scheduler_spawn(task)
return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) {
function _Scheduler_rawSend(proc, msg)
var _Scheduler_send = F2(function(proc, msg)
return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) {
_Scheduler_rawSend(proc, msg);
function _Scheduler_kill(proc)
return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) {
var task = proc.f;
if (task.$ === 2 && task.c)
proc.f = null;
type alias Process =
{ $ : tag
, id : unique_id
, root : Task
, stack : null | { $: SUCCEED | FAIL, a: callback, b: stack }
, mailbox : [msg]
var _Scheduler_working = false;
var _Scheduler_queue = [];
function _Scheduler_enqueue(proc)
if (_Scheduler_working)
_Scheduler_working = true;
while (proc = _Scheduler_queue.shift())
_Scheduler_working = false;
function _Scheduler_step(proc)
while (proc.f)
var rootTag = proc.f.$;
if (rootTag === 0 || rootTag === 1)
while (proc.g && proc.g.$ !== rootTag)
proc.g = proc.g.i;
if (!proc.g)
proc.f = proc.g.b(proc.f.a);
proc.g = proc.g.i;
else if (rootTag === 2)
proc.f.c = proc.f.b(function(newRoot) {
proc.f = newRoot;
else if (rootTag === 5)
if (proc.h.length === 0)
proc.f = proc.f.b(proc.h.shift());
else // if (rootTag === 3 || rootTag === 4)
proc.g = {
$: rootTag === 3 ? 0 : 1,
b: proc.f.b,
i: proc.g
proc.f = proc.f.d;
function _Process_sleep(time)
return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback) {
var id = setTimeout(function() {
}, time);
return function() { clearTimeout(id); };
var _Platform_worker = F4(function(impl, flagDecoder, debugMetadata, args)
return _Platform_initialize(
function() { return function() {} }
function _Platform_initialize(flagDecoder, args, init, update, subscriptions, stepperBuilder)
var result = A2(_Json_run, flagDecoder, _Json_wrap(args ? args['flags'] : undefined));
$elm$core$Result$isOk(result) || _Debug_crash(2 /**/, _Json_errorToString(result.a) /**/);
var managers = {};
var initPair = init(result.a);
var model = initPair.a;
var stepper = stepperBuilder(sendToApp, model);
var ports = _Platform_setupEffects(managers, sendToApp);
function sendToApp(msg, viewMetadata)
var pair = A2(update, msg, model);
stepper(model = pair.a, viewMetadata);
_Platform_enqueueEffects(managers, pair.b, subscriptions(model));
_Platform_enqueueEffects(managers, initPair.b, subscriptions(model));
return ports ? { ports: ports } : {};
// This is used by code in elm/browser and elm/http
// to register any HTTP requests that are triggered by init.
var _Platform_preload;
function _Platform_registerPreload(url)
var _Platform_effectManagers = {};
function _Platform_setupEffects(managers, sendToApp)
var ports;
// setup all necessary effect managers
for (var key in _Platform_effectManagers)
var manager = _Platform_effectManagers[key];
if (manager.a)
ports = ports || {};
ports[key] = manager.a(key, sendToApp);
managers[key] = _Platform_instantiateManager(manager, sendToApp);
return ports;
function _Platform_createManager(init, onEffects, onSelfMsg, cmdMap, subMap)
return {
b: init,
c: onEffects,
d: onSelfMsg,
e: cmdMap,
f: subMap
function _Platform_instantiateManager(info, sendToApp)
var router = {
g: sendToApp,
h: undefined
var onEffects = info.c;
var onSelfMsg = info.d;
var cmdMap = info.e;
var subMap = info.f;
function loop(state)
return A2(_Scheduler_andThen, loop, _Scheduler_receive(function(msg)
var value = msg.a;
if (msg.$ === 0)
return A3(onSelfMsg, router, value, state);
return cmdMap && subMap
? A4(onEffects, router, value.i, value.j, state)
: A3(onEffects, router, cmdMap ? value.i : value.j, state);
return router.h = _Scheduler_rawSpawn(A2(_Scheduler_andThen, loop, info.b));
var _Platform_sendToApp = F2(function(router, msg)
return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback)
var _Platform_sendToSelf = F2(function(router, msg)
return A2(_Scheduler_send, router.h, {
$: 0,
a: msg
function _Platform_leaf(home)
return function(value)
return {
$: 1,
k: home,
l: value
function _Platform_batch(list)
return {
$: 2,
m: list
var _Platform_map = F2(function(tagger, bag)
return {
$: 3,
n: tagger,
o: bag
// Effects must be queued!
// Say your init contains a synchronous command, like Time.now or Time.here
// - This will produce a batch of effects (FX_1)
// - The synchronous task triggers the subsequent `update` call
// - This will produce a batch of effects (FX_2)
// If we just start dispatching FX_2, subscriptions from FX_2 can be processed
// before subscriptions from FX_1. No good! Earlier versions of this code had
// this problem, leading to these reports:
// https://github.com/elm/core/issues/980
// https://github.com/elm/core/pull/981
// https://github.com/elm/compiler/issues/1776
// The queue is necessary to avoid ordering issues for synchronous commands.
// Why use true/false here? Why not just check the length of the queue?
// The goal is to detect "are we currently dispatching effects?" If we
// are, we need to bail and let the ongoing while loop handle things.
// Now say the queue has 1 element. When we dequeue the final element,
// the queue will be empty, but we are still actively dispatching effects.
// So you could get queue jumping in a really tricky category of cases.
var _Platform_effectsQueue = [];
var _Platform_effectsActive = false;
function _Platform_enqueueEffects(managers, cmdBag, subBag)
_Platform_effectsQueue.push({ p: managers, q: cmdBag, r: subBag });
if (_Platform_effectsActive) return;
_Platform_effectsActive = true;
for (var fx; fx = _Platform_effectsQueue.shift(); )
_Platform_dispatchEffects(fx.p, fx.q, fx.r);
_Platform_effectsActive = false;
function _Platform_dispatchEffects(managers, cmdBag, subBag)
var effectsDict = {};
_Platform_gatherEffects(true, cmdBag, effectsDict, null);
_Platform_gatherEffects(false, subBag, effectsDict, null);
for (var home in managers)
_Scheduler_rawSend(managers[home], {
$: 'fx',
a: effectsDict[home] || { i: _List_Nil, j: _List_Nil }
function _Platform_gatherEffects(isCmd, bag, effectsDict, taggers)
switch (bag.$)
case 1:
var home = bag.k;
var effect = _Platform_toEffect(isCmd, home, taggers, bag.l);
effectsDict[home] = _Platform_insert(isCmd, effect, effectsDict[home]);
case 2:
for (var list = bag.m; list.b; list = list.b) // WHILE_CONS
_Platform_gatherEffects(isCmd, list.a, effectsDict, taggers);
case 3:
_Platform_gatherEffects(isCmd, bag.o, effectsDict, {
s: bag.n,
t: taggers
function _Platform_toEffect(isCmd, home, taggers, value)
function applyTaggers(x)
for (var temp = taggers; temp; temp = temp.t)
x = temp.s(x);
return x;
var map = isCmd
? _Platform_effectManagers[home].e
: _Platform_effectManagers[home].f;
return A2(map, applyTaggers, value)
function _Platform_insert(isCmd, newEffect, effects)
effects = effects || { i: _List_Nil, j: _List_Nil };
? (effects.i = _List_Cons(newEffect, effects.i))
: (effects.j = _List_Cons(newEffect, effects.j));
return effects;
function _Platform_checkPortName(name)
if (_Platform_effectManagers[name])
_Debug_crash(3, name)
function _Platform_outgoingPort(name, converter)
_Platform_effectManagers[name] = {
e: _Platform_outgoingPortMap,
u: converter,
a: _Platform_setupOutgoingPort
return _Platform_leaf(name);
var _Platform_outgoingPortMap = F2(function(tagger, value) { return value; });
function _Platform_setupOutgoingPort(name)
var subs = [];
var converter = _Platform_effectManagers[name].u;
var init = _Process_sleep(0);
_Platform_effectManagers[name].b = init;
_Platform_effectManagers[name].c = F3(function(router, cmdList, state)
for ( ; cmdList.b; cmdList = cmdList.b) // WHILE_CONS
// grab a separate reference to subs in case unsubscribe is called
var currentSubs = subs;
var value = _Json_unwrap(converter(cmdList.a));
for (var i = 0; i < currentSubs.length; i++)
return init;
function subscribe(callback)
function unsubscribe(callback)
// copy subs into a new array in case unsubscribe is called within a
// subscribed callback
subs = subs.slice();
var index = subs.indexOf(callback);
if (index >= 0)
subs.splice(index, 1);
return {
subscribe: subscribe,
unsubscribe: unsubscribe
function _Platform_incomingPort(name, converter)
_Platform_effectManagers[name] = {
f: _Platform_incomingPortMap,
u: converter,
a: _Platform_setupIncomingPort
return _Platform_leaf(name);
var _Platform_incomingPortMap = F2(function(tagger, finalTagger)
return function(value)
return tagger(finalTagger(value));
function _Platform_setupIncomingPort(name, sendToApp)
var subs = _List_Nil;
var converter = _Platform_effectManagers[name].u;
var init = _Scheduler_succeed(null);
_Platform_effectManagers[name].b = init;
_Platform_effectManagers[name].c = F3(function(router, subList, state)
subs = subList;
return init;
function send(incomingValue)
var result = A2(_Json_run, converter, _Json_wrap(incomingValue));
$elm$core$Result$isOk(result) || _Debug_crash(4, name, result.a);
var value = result.a;
for (var temp = subs; temp.b; temp = temp.b) // WHILE_CONS
return { send: send };
// Have DEBUG and PROD versions so that we can (1) give nicer errors in
// debug mode and (2) not pay for the bits needed for that in prod mode.
function _Platform_export_UNUSED(exports)
? _Platform_mergeExportsProd(scope['Elm'], exports)
: scope['Elm'] = exports;
function _Platform_mergeExportsProd(obj, exports)
for (var name in exports)
(name in obj)
? (name == 'init')
? _Debug_crash(6)
: _Platform_mergeExportsProd(obj[name], exports[name])
: (obj[name] = exports[name]);
function _Platform_export(exports)
? _Platform_mergeExportsDebug('Elm', scope['Elm'], exports)
: scope['Elm'] = exports;
function _Platform_mergeExportsDebug(moduleName, obj, exports)
for (var name in exports)
(name in obj)
? (name == 'init')
? _Debug_crash(6, moduleName)
: _Platform_mergeExportsDebug(moduleName + '.' + name, obj[name], exports[name])
: (obj[name] = exports[name]);
var _VirtualDom_divertHrefToApp;
var _VirtualDom_doc = typeof document !== 'undefined' ? document : {};
function _VirtualDom_appendChild(parent, child)
var _VirtualDom_init = F4(function(virtualNode, flagDecoder, debugMetadata, args)
// NOTE: this function needs _Platform_export available to work
var node = args['node'];
var node = args && args['node'] ? args['node'] : _Debug_crash(0);
_VirtualDom_render(virtualNode, function() {}),
return {};
function _VirtualDom_text(string)
return {
$: 0,
a: string
var _VirtualDom_nodeNS = F2(function(namespace, tag)
return F2(function(factList, kidList)
for (var kids = [], descendantsCount = 0; kidList.b; kidList = kidList.b) // WHILE_CONS
var kid = kidList.a;
descendantsCount += (kid.b || 0);
descendantsCount += kids.length;
return {
$: 1,
c: tag,
d: _VirtualDom_organizeFacts(factList),
e: kids,
f: namespace,
b: descendantsCount
var _VirtualDom_node = _VirtualDom_nodeNS(undefined);
var _VirtualDom_keyedNodeNS = F2(function(namespace, tag)
return F2(function(factList, kidList)
for (var kids = [], descendantsCount = 0; kidList.b; kidList = kidList.b) // WHILE_CONS
var kid = kidList.a;
descendantsCount += (kid.b.b || 0);
descendantsCount += kids.length;
return {
$: 2,
c: tag,
d: _VirtualDom_organizeFacts(factList),
e: kids,
f: namespace,
b: descendantsCount
var _VirtualDom_keyedNode = _VirtualDom_keyedNodeNS(undefined);
function _VirtualDom_custom(factList, model, render, diff)
return {
$: 3,
d: _VirtualDom_organizeFacts(factList),
g: model,
h: render,
i: diff
// MAP
var _VirtualDom_map = F2(function(tagger, node)
return {
$: 4,
j: tagger,
k: node,
b: 1 + (node.b || 0)
function _VirtualDom_thunk(refs, thunk)
return {
$: 5,
l: refs,
m: thunk,
k: undefined
var _VirtualDom_lazy = F2(function(func, a)
return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a], function() {
return func(a);
var _VirtualDom_lazy2 = F3(function(func, a, b)
return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b], function() {
return A2(func, a, b);
var _VirtualDom_lazy3 = F4(function(func, a, b, c)
return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b, c], function() {
return A3(func, a, b, c);
var _VirtualDom_lazy4 = F5(function(func, a, b, c, d)
return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b, c, d], function() {
return A4(func, a, b, c, d);
var _VirtualDom_lazy5 = F6(function(func, a, b, c, d, e)
return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b, c, d, e], function() {
return A5(func, a, b, c, d, e);
var _VirtualDom_lazy6 = F7(function(func, a, b, c, d, e, f)
return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b, c, d, e, f], function() {
return A6(func, a, b, c, d, e, f);
var _VirtualDom_lazy7 = F8(function(func, a, b, c, d, e, f, g)
return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b, c, d, e, f, g], function() {
return A7(func, a, b, c, d, e, f, g);
var _VirtualDom_lazy8 = F9(function(func, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h)
return _VirtualDom_thunk([func, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h], function() {
return A8(func, a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h);
var _VirtualDom_on = F2(function(key, handler)
return {
$: 'a0',
n: key,
o: handler
var _VirtualDom_style = F2(function(key, value)
return {
$: 'a1',
n: key,
o: value
var _VirtualDom_property = F2(function(key, value)
return {
$: 'a2',
n: key,
o: value
var _VirtualDom_attribute = F2(function(key, value)
return {
$: 'a3',
n: key,
o: value
var _VirtualDom_attributeNS = F3(function(namespace, key, value)
return {
$: 'a4',
n: key,
o: { f: namespace, o: value }
function _VirtualDom_noScript(tag)
return tag == 'script' ? 'p' : tag;
function _VirtualDom_noOnOrFormAction(key)
return /^(on|formAction$)/i.test(key) ? 'data-' + key : key;
function _VirtualDom_noInnerHtmlOrFormAction(key)
return key == 'innerHTML' || key == 'formAction' ? 'data-' + key : key;
function _VirtualDom_noJavaScriptUri_UNUSED(value)
return /^javascript:/i.test(value.replace(/\s/g,'')) ? '' : value;
function _VirtualDom_noJavaScriptUri(value)
return /^javascript:/i.test(value.replace(/\s/g,''))
? 'javascript:alert("This is an XSS vector. Please use ports or web components instead.")'
: value;
function _VirtualDom_noJavaScriptOrHtmlUri_UNUSED(value)
return /^\s*(javascript:|data:text\/html)/i.test(value) ? '' : value;
function _VirtualDom_noJavaScriptOrHtmlUri(value)
return /^\s*(javascript:|data:text\/html)/i.test(value)
? 'javascript:alert("This is an XSS vector. Please use ports or web components instead.")'
: value;
var _VirtualDom_mapAttribute = F2(function(func, attr)
return (attr.$ === 'a0')
? A2(_VirtualDom_on, attr.n, _VirtualDom_mapHandler(func, attr.o))
: attr;
function _VirtualDom_mapHandler(func, handler)
var tag = $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$toHandlerInt(handler);
// 0 = Normal
// 1 = MayStopPropagation
// 2 = MayPreventDefault
// 3 = Custom
return {
$: handler.$,
? A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$map, func, handler.a)
tag < 3
? _VirtualDom_mapEventTuple
: _VirtualDom_mapEventRecord,
var _VirtualDom_mapEventTuple = F2(function(func, tuple)
return _Utils_Tuple2(func(tuple.a), tuple.b);
var _VirtualDom_mapEventRecord = F2(function(func, record)
return {
message: func(record.message),
stopPropagation: record.stopPropagation,
preventDefault: record.preventDefault
function _VirtualDom_organizeFacts(factList)
for (var facts = {}; factList.b; factList = factList.b) // WHILE_CONS
var entry = factList.a;
var tag = entry.$;
var key = entry.n;
var value = entry.o;
if (tag === 'a2')
(key === 'className')
? _VirtualDom_addClass(facts, key, _Json_unwrap(value))
: facts[key] = _Json_unwrap(value);
var subFacts = facts[tag] || (facts[tag] = {});
(tag === 'a3' && key === 'class')
? _VirtualDom_addClass(subFacts, key, value)
: subFacts[key] = value;
return facts;
function _VirtualDom_addClass(object, key, newClass)
var classes = object[key];
object[key] = classes ? classes + ' ' + newClass : newClass;
function _VirtualDom_render(vNode, eventNode)
var tag = vNode.$;
if (tag === 5)
return _VirtualDom_render(vNode.k || (vNode.k = vNode.m()), eventNode);
if (tag === 0)
return _VirtualDom_doc.createTextNode(vNode.a);
if (tag === 4)
var subNode = vNode.k;
var tagger = vNode.j;
while (subNode.$ === 4)
typeof tagger !== 'object'
? tagger = [tagger, subNode.j]
: tagger.push(subNode.j);
subNode = subNode.k;
var subEventRoot = { j: tagger, p: eventNode };
var domNode = _VirtualDom_render(subNode, subEventRoot);
domNode.elm_event_node_ref = subEventRoot;
return domNode;
if (tag === 3)
var domNode = vNode.h(vNode.g);
_VirtualDom_applyFacts(domNode, eventNode, vNode.d);
return domNode;
// at this point `tag` must be 1 or 2
var domNode = vNode.f
? _VirtualDom_doc.createElementNS(vNode.f, vNode.c)
: _VirtualDom_doc.createElement(vNode.c);
if (_VirtualDom_divertHrefToApp && vNode.c == 'a')
domNode.addEventListener('click', _VirtualDom_divertHrefToApp(domNode));
_VirtualDom_applyFacts(domNode, eventNode, vNode.d);
for (var kids = vNode.e, i = 0; i < kids.length; i++)
_VirtualDom_appendChild(domNode, _VirtualDom_render(tag === 1 ? kids[i] : kids[i].b, eventNode));
return domNode;
function _VirtualDom_applyFacts(domNode, eventNode, facts)
for (var key in facts)
var value = facts[key];
key === 'a1'
? _VirtualDom_applyStyles(domNode, value)
key === 'a0'
? _VirtualDom_applyEvents(domNode, eventNode, value)
key === 'a3'
? _VirtualDom_applyAttrs(domNode, value)
key === 'a4'
? _VirtualDom_applyAttrsNS(domNode, value)
((key !== 'value' && key !== 'checked') || domNode[key] !== value) && (domNode[key] = value);
function _VirtualDom_applyStyles(domNode, styles)
var domNodeStyle = domNode.style;
for (var key in styles)
domNodeStyle[key] = styles[key];
function _VirtualDom_applyAttrs(domNode, attrs)
for (var key in attrs)
var value = attrs[key];
typeof value !== 'undefined'
? domNode.setAttribute(key, value)
: domNode.removeAttribute(key);
function _VirtualDom_applyAttrsNS(domNode, nsAttrs)
for (var key in nsAttrs)
var pair = nsAttrs[key];
var namespace = pair.f;
var value = pair.o;
typeof value !== 'undefined'
? domNode.setAttributeNS(namespace, key, value)
: domNode.removeAttributeNS(namespace, key);
function _VirtualDom_applyEvents(domNode, eventNode, events)
var allCallbacks = domNode.elmFs || (domNode.elmFs = {});
for (var key in events)
var newHandler = events[key];
var oldCallback = allCallbacks[key];
if (!newHandler)
domNode.removeEventListener(key, oldCallback);
allCallbacks[key] = undefined;
if (oldCallback)
var oldHandler = oldCallback.q;
if (oldHandler.$ === newHandler.$)
oldCallback.q = newHandler;
domNode.removeEventListener(key, oldCallback);
oldCallback = _VirtualDom_makeCallback(eventNode, newHandler);
domNode.addEventListener(key, oldCallback,
&& { passive: $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$toHandlerInt(newHandler) < 2 }
allCallbacks[key] = oldCallback;
var _VirtualDom_passiveSupported;
window.addEventListener('t', null, Object.defineProperty({}, 'passive', {
get: function() { _VirtualDom_passiveSupported = true; }
catch(e) {}
function _VirtualDom_makeCallback(eventNode, initialHandler)
function callback(event)
var handler = callback.q;
var result = _Json_runHelp(handler.a, event);
if (!$elm$core$Result$isOk(result))
var tag = $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$toHandlerInt(handler);
// 0 = Normal
// 1 = MayStopPropagation
// 2 = MayPreventDefault
// 3 = Custom
var value = result.a;
var message = !tag ? value : tag < 3 ? value.a : value.message;
var stopPropagation = tag == 1 ? value.b : tag == 3 && value.stopPropagation;
var currentEventNode = (
stopPropagation && event.stopPropagation(),
(tag == 2 ? value.b : tag == 3 && value.preventDefault) && event.preventDefault(),
var tagger;
var i;
while (tagger = currentEventNode.j)
if (typeof tagger == 'function')
message = tagger(message);
for (var i = tagger.length; i--; )
message = tagger[i](message);
currentEventNode = currentEventNode.p;
currentEventNode(message, stopPropagation); // stopPropagation implies isSync
callback.q = initialHandler;
return callback;
function _VirtualDom_equalEvents(x, y)
return x.$ == y.$ && _Json_equality(x.a, y.a);
// TODO: Should we do patches like in iOS?
// type Patch
// = At Int Patch
// | Batch (List Patch)
// | Change ...
// How could it not be better?
function _VirtualDom_diff(x, y)
var patches = [];
_VirtualDom_diffHelp(x, y, patches, 0);
return patches;
function _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, type, index, data)
var patch = {
$: type,
r: index,
s: data,
t: undefined,
u: undefined
return patch;
function _VirtualDom_diffHelp(x, y, patches, index)
if (x === y)
var xType = x.$;
var yType = y.$;
// Bail if you run into different types of nodes. Implies that the
// structure has changed significantly and it's not worth a diff.
if (xType !== yType)
if (xType === 1 && yType === 2)
y = _VirtualDom_dekey(y);
yType = 1;
_VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 0, index, y);
// Now we know that both nodes are the same $.
switch (yType)
case 5:
var xRefs = x.l;
var yRefs = y.l;
var i = xRefs.length;
var same = i === yRefs.length;
while (same && i--)
same = xRefs[i] === yRefs[i];
if (same)
y.k = x.k;
y.k = y.m();
var subPatches = [];
_VirtualDom_diffHelp(x.k, y.k, subPatches, 0);
subPatches.length > 0 && _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 1, index, subPatches);
case 4:
// gather nested taggers
var xTaggers = x.j;
var yTaggers = y.j;
var nesting = false;
var xSubNode = x.k;
while (xSubNode.$ === 4)
nesting = true;
typeof xTaggers !== 'object'
? xTaggers = [xTaggers, xSubNode.j]
: xTaggers.push(xSubNode.j);
xSubNode = xSubNode.k;
var ySubNode = y.k;
while (ySubNode.$ === 4)
nesting = true;
typeof yTaggers !== 'object'
? yTaggers = [yTaggers, ySubNode.j]
: yTaggers.push(ySubNode.j);
ySubNode = ySubNode.k;
// Just bail if different numbers of taggers. This implies the
// structure of the virtual DOM has changed.
if (nesting && xTaggers.length !== yTaggers.length)
_VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 0, index, y);
// check if taggers are "the same"
if (nesting ? !_VirtualDom_pairwiseRefEqual(xTaggers, yTaggers) : xTaggers !== yTaggers)
_VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 2, index, yTaggers);
// diff everything below the taggers
_VirtualDom_diffHelp(xSubNode, ySubNode, patches, index + 1);
case 0:
if (x.a !== y.a)
_VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 3, index, y.a);
case 1:
_VirtualDom_diffNodes(x, y, patches, index, _VirtualDom_diffKids);
case 2:
_VirtualDom_diffNodes(x, y, patches, index, _VirtualDom_diffKeyedKids);
case 3:
if (x.h !== y.h)
_VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 0, index, y);
var factsDiff = _VirtualDom_diffFacts(x.d, y.d);
factsDiff && _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 4, index, factsDiff);
var patch = y.i(x.g, y.g);
patch && _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 5, index, patch);
// assumes the incoming arrays are the same length
function _VirtualDom_pairwiseRefEqual(as, bs)
for (var i = 0; i < as.length; i++)
if (as[i] !== bs[i])
return false;
return true;
function _VirtualDom_diffNodes(x, y, patches, index, diffKids)
// Bail if obvious indicators have changed. Implies more serious
// structural changes such that it's not worth it to diff.
if (x.c !== y.c || x.f !== y.f)
_VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 0, index, y);
var factsDiff = _VirtualDom_diffFacts(x.d, y.d);
factsDiff && _VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 4, index, factsDiff);
diffKids(x, y, patches, index);
// TODO Instead of creating a new diff object, it's possible to just test if
// there *is* a diff. During the actual patch, do the diff again and make the
// modifications directly. This way, there's no new allocations. Worth it?
function _VirtualDom_diffFacts(x, y, category)
var diff;
// look for changes and removals
for (var xKey in x)
if (xKey === 'a1' || xKey === 'a0' || xKey === 'a3' || xKey === 'a4')
var subDiff = _VirtualDom_diffFacts(x[xKey], y[xKey] || {}, xKey);
if (subDiff)
diff = diff || {};
diff[xKey] = subDiff;
// remove if not in the new facts
if (!(xKey in y))
diff = diff || {};
diff[xKey] =
? (typeof x[xKey] === 'string' ? '' : null)
(category === 'a1')
? ''
(category === 'a0' || category === 'a3')
? undefined
{ f: x[xKey].f, o: undefined };
var xValue = x[xKey];
var yValue = y[xKey];
// reference equal, so don't worry about it
if (xValue === yValue && xKey !== 'value' && xKey !== 'checked'
|| category === 'a0' && _VirtualDom_equalEvents(xValue, yValue))
diff = diff || {};
diff[xKey] = yValue;
// add new stuff
for (var yKey in y)
if (!(yKey in x))
diff = diff || {};
diff[yKey] = y[yKey];
return diff;
function _VirtualDom_diffKids(xParent, yParent, patches, index)
var xKids = xParent.e;
var yKids = yParent.e;
var xLen = xKids.length;
var yLen = yKids.length;
if (xLen > yLen)
_VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 6, index, {
v: yLen,
i: xLen - yLen
else if (xLen < yLen)
_VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 7, index, {
v: xLen,
e: yKids
for (var minLen = xLen < yLen ? xLen : yLen, i = 0; i < minLen; i++)
var xKid = xKids[i];
_VirtualDom_diffHelp(xKid, yKids[i], patches, ++index);
index += xKid.b || 0;
function _VirtualDom_diffKeyedKids(xParent, yParent, patches, rootIndex)
var localPatches = [];
var changes = {}; // Dict String Entry
var inserts = []; // Array { index : Int, entry : Entry }
// type Entry = { tag : String, vnode : VNode, index : Int, data : _ }
var xKids = xParent.e;
var yKids = yParent.e;
var xLen = xKids.length;
var yLen = yKids.length;
var xIndex = 0;
var yIndex = 0;
var index = rootIndex;
while (xIndex < xLen && yIndex < yLen)
var x = xKids[xIndex];
var y = yKids[yIndex];
var xKey = x.a;
var yKey = y.a;
var xNode = x.b;
var yNode = y.b;
var newMatch = undefined;
var oldMatch = undefined;
// check if keys match
if (xKey === yKey)
_VirtualDom_diffHelp(xNode, yNode, localPatches, index);
index += xNode.b || 0;
// look ahead 1 to detect insertions and removals.
var xNext = xKids[xIndex + 1];
var yNext = yKids[yIndex + 1];
if (xNext)
var xNextKey = xNext.a;
var xNextNode = xNext.b;
oldMatch = yKey === xNextKey;
if (yNext)
var yNextKey = yNext.a;
var yNextNode = yNext.b;
newMatch = xKey === yNextKey;
// swap x and y
if (newMatch && oldMatch)
_VirtualDom_diffHelp(xNode, yNextNode, localPatches, index);
_VirtualDom_insertNode(changes, localPatches, xKey, yNode, yIndex, inserts);
index += xNode.b || 0;
_VirtualDom_removeNode(changes, localPatches, xKey, xNextNode, index);
index += xNextNode.b || 0;
xIndex += 2;
yIndex += 2;
// insert y
if (newMatch)
_VirtualDom_insertNode(changes, localPatches, yKey, yNode, yIndex, inserts);
_VirtualDom_diffHelp(xNode, yNextNode, localPatches, index);
index += xNode.b || 0;
xIndex += 1;
yIndex += 2;
// remove x
if (oldMatch)
_VirtualDom_removeNode(changes, localPatches, xKey, xNode, index);
index += xNode.b || 0;
_VirtualDom_diffHelp(xNextNode, yNode, localPatches, index);
index += xNextNode.b || 0;
xIndex += 2;
yIndex += 1;
// remove x, insert y
if (xNext && xNextKey === yNextKey)
_VirtualDom_removeNode(changes, localPatches, xKey, xNode, index);
_VirtualDom_insertNode(changes, localPatches, yKey, yNode, yIndex, inserts);
index += xNode.b || 0;
_VirtualDom_diffHelp(xNextNode, yNextNode, localPatches, index);
index += xNextNode.b || 0;
xIndex += 2;
yIndex += 2;
// eat up any remaining nodes with removeNode and insertNode
while (xIndex < xLen)
var x = xKids[xIndex];
var xNode = x.b;
_VirtualDom_removeNode(changes, localPatches, x.a, xNode, index);
index += xNode.b || 0;
while (yIndex < yLen)
var endInserts = endInserts || [];
var y = yKids[yIndex];
_VirtualDom_insertNode(changes, localPatches, y.a, y.b, undefined, endInserts);
if (localPatches.length > 0 || inserts.length > 0 || endInserts)
_VirtualDom_pushPatch(patches, 8, rootIndex, {
w: localPatches,
x: inserts,
y: endInserts
var _VirtualDom_POSTFIX = '_elmW6BL';
function _VirtualDom_insertNode(changes, localPatches, key, vnode, yIndex, inserts)
var entry = changes[key];
// never seen this key before
if (!entry)
entry = {
c: 0,
z: vnode,
r: yIndex,
s: undefined
inserts.push({ r: yIndex, A: entry });
changes[key] = entry;
// this key was removed earlier, a match!
if (entry.c === 1)
inserts.push({ r: yIndex, A: entry });
entry.c = 2;
var subPatches = [];
_VirtualDom_diffHelp(entry.z, vnode, subPatches, entry.r);
entry.r = yIndex;
entry.s.s = {
w: subPatches,
A: entry
// this key has already been inserted or moved, a duplicate!
_VirtualDom_insertNode(changes, localPatches, key + _VirtualDom_POSTFIX, vnode, yIndex, inserts);
function _VirtualDom_removeNode(changes, localPatches, key, vnode, index)
var entry = changes[key];
// never seen this key before
if (!entry)
var patch = _VirtualDom_pushPatch(localPatches, 9, index, undefined);
changes[key] = {
c: 1,
z: vnode,
r: index,
s: patch
// this key was inserted earlier, a match!
if (entry.c === 0)
entry.c = 2;
var subPatches = [];
_VirtualDom_diffHelp(vnode, entry.z, subPatches, index);
_VirtualDom_pushPatch(localPatches, 9, index, {
w: subPatches,
A: entry
// this key has already been removed or moved, a duplicate!
_VirtualDom_removeNode(changes, localPatches, key + _VirtualDom_POSTFIX, vnode, index);
// Each DOM node has an "index" assigned in order of traversal. It is important
// to minimize our crawl over the actual DOM, so these indexes (along with the
// descendantsCount of virtual nodes) let us skip touching entire subtrees of
// the DOM if we know there are no patches there.
function _VirtualDom_addDomNodes(domNode, vNode, patches, eventNode)
_VirtualDom_addDomNodesHelp(domNode, vNode, patches, 0, 0, vNode.b, eventNode);
// assumes `patches` is non-empty and indexes increase monotonically.
function _VirtualDom_addDomNodesHelp(domNode, vNode, patches, i, low, high, eventNode)
var patch = patches[i];
var index = patch.r;
while (index === low)
var patchType = patch.$;
if (patchType === 1)
_VirtualDom_addDomNodes(domNode, vNode.k, patch.s, eventNode);
else if (patchType === 8)
patch.t = domNode;
patch.u = eventNode;
var subPatches = patch.s.w;
if (subPatches.length > 0)
_VirtualDom_addDomNodesHelp(domNode, vNode, subPatches, 0, low, high, eventNode);
else if (patchType === 9)
patch.t = domNode;
patch.u = eventNode;
var data = patch.s;
if (data)
data.A.s = domNode;
var subPatches = data.w;
if (subPatches.length > 0)
_VirtualDom_addDomNodesHelp(domNode, vNode, subPatches, 0, low, high, eventNode);
patch.t = domNode;
patch.u = eventNode;
if (!(patch = patches[i]) || (index = patch.r) > high)
return i;
var tag = vNode.$;
if (tag === 4)
var subNode = vNode.k;
while (subNode.$ === 4)
subNode = subNode.k;
return _VirtualDom_addDomNodesHelp(domNode, subNode, patches, i, low + 1, high, domNode.elm_event_node_ref);
// tag must be 1 or 2 at this point
var vKids = vNode.e;
var childNodes = domNode.childNodes;
for (var j = 0; j < vKids.length; j++)
var vKid = tag === 1 ? vKids[j] : vKids[j].b;
var nextLow = low + (vKid.b || 0);
if (low <= index && index <= nextLow)
i = _VirtualDom_addDomNodesHelp(childNodes[j], vKid, patches, i, low, nextLow, eventNode);
if (!(patch = patches[i]) || (index = patch.r) > high)
return i;
low = nextLow;
return i;
function _VirtualDom_applyPatches(rootDomNode, oldVirtualNode, patches, eventNode)
if (patches.length === 0)
return rootDomNode;
_VirtualDom_addDomNodes(rootDomNode, oldVirtualNode, patches, eventNode);
return _VirtualDom_applyPatchesHelp(rootDomNode, patches);
function _VirtualDom_applyPatchesHelp(rootDomNode, patches)
for (var i = 0; i < patches.length; i++)
var patch = patches[i];
var localDomNode = patch.t
var newNode = _VirtualDom_applyPatch(localDomNode, patch);
if (localDomNode === rootDomNode)
rootDomNode = newNode;
return rootDomNode;
function _VirtualDom_applyPatch(domNode, patch)
switch (patch.$)
case 0:
return _VirtualDom_applyPatchRedraw(domNode, patch.s, patch.u);
case 4:
_VirtualDom_applyFacts(domNode, patch.u, patch.s);
return domNode;
case 3:
domNode.replaceData(0, domNode.length, patch.s);
return domNode;
case 1:
return _VirtualDom_applyPatchesHelp(domNode, patch.s);
case 2:
if (domNode.elm_event_node_ref)
domNode.elm_event_node_ref.j = patch.s;
domNode.elm_event_node_ref = { j: patch.s, p: patch.u };
return domNode;
case 6:
var data = patch.s;
for (var i = 0; i < data.i; i++)
return domNode;
case 7:
var data = patch.s;
var kids = data.e;
var i = data.v;
var theEnd = domNode.childNodes[i];
for (; i < kids.length; i++)
domNode.insertBefore(_VirtualDom_render(kids[i], patch.u), theEnd);
return domNode;
case 9:
var data = patch.s;
if (!data)
return domNode;
var entry = data.A;
if (typeof entry.r !== 'undefined')
entry.s = _VirtualDom_applyPatchesHelp(domNode, data.w);
return domNode;
case 8:
return _VirtualDom_applyPatchReorder(domNode, patch);
case 5:
return patch.s(domNode);
_Debug_crash(10); // 'Ran into an unknown patch!'
function _VirtualDom_applyPatchRedraw(domNode, vNode, eventNode)
var parentNode = domNode.parentNode;
var newNode = _VirtualDom_render(vNode, eventNode);
if (!newNode.elm_event_node_ref)
newNode.elm_event_node_ref = domNode.elm_event_node_ref;
if (parentNode && newNode !== domNode)
parentNode.replaceChild(newNode, domNode);
return newNode;
function _VirtualDom_applyPatchReorder(domNode, patch)
var data = patch.s;
// remove end inserts
var frag = _VirtualDom_applyPatchReorderEndInsertsHelp(data.y, patch);
// removals
domNode = _VirtualDom_applyPatchesHelp(domNode, data.w);
// inserts
var inserts = data.x;
for (var i = 0; i < inserts.length; i++)
var insert = inserts[i];
var entry = insert.A;
var node = entry.c === 2
? entry.s
: _VirtualDom_render(entry.z, patch.u);
domNode.insertBefore(node, domNode.childNodes[insert.r]);
// add end inserts
if (frag)
_VirtualDom_appendChild(domNode, frag);
return domNode;
function _VirtualDom_applyPatchReorderEndInsertsHelp(endInserts, patch)
if (!endInserts)
var frag = _VirtualDom_doc.createDocumentFragment();
for (var i = 0; i < endInserts.length; i++)
var insert = endInserts[i];
var entry = insert.A;
_VirtualDom_appendChild(frag, entry.c === 2
? entry.s
: _VirtualDom_render(entry.z, patch.u)
return frag;
function _VirtualDom_virtualize(node)
if (node.nodeType === 3)
return _VirtualDom_text(node.textContent);
if (node.nodeType !== 1)
return _VirtualDom_text('');
var attrList = _List_Nil;
var attrs = node.attributes;
for (var i = attrs.length; i--; )
var attr = attrs[i];
var name = attr.name;
var value = attr.value;
attrList = _List_Cons( A2(_VirtualDom_attribute, name, value), attrList );
var tag = node.tagName.toLowerCase();
var kidList = _List_Nil;
var kids = node.childNodes;
for (var i = kids.length; i--; )
kidList = _List_Cons(_VirtualDom_virtualize(kids[i]), kidList);
return A3(_VirtualDom_node, tag, attrList, kidList);
function _VirtualDom_dekey(keyedNode)
var keyedKids = keyedNode.e;
var len = keyedKids.length;
var kids = new Array(len);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
kids[i] = keyedKids[i].b;
return {
$: 1,
c: keyedNode.c,
d: keyedNode.d,
e: kids,
f: keyedNode.f,
b: keyedNode.b
var _Debugger_element;
var _Browser_element = _Debugger_element || F4(function(impl, flagDecoder, debugMetadata, args)
return _Platform_initialize(
function(sendToApp, initialModel) {
var view = impl.view;
var domNode = args['node'];
var domNode = args && args['node'] ? args['node'] : _Debug_crash(0);
var currNode = _VirtualDom_virtualize(domNode);
return _Browser_makeAnimator(initialModel, function(model)
var nextNode = view(model);
var patches = _VirtualDom_diff(currNode, nextNode);
domNode = _VirtualDom_applyPatches(domNode, currNode, patches, sendToApp);
currNode = nextNode;
var _Debugger_document;
var _Browser_document = _Debugger_document || F4(function(impl, flagDecoder, debugMetadata, args)
return _Platform_initialize(
function(sendToApp, initialModel) {
var divertHrefToApp = impl.setup && impl.setup(sendToApp)
var view = impl.view;
var title = _VirtualDom_doc.title;
var bodyNode = _VirtualDom_doc.body;
var currNode = _VirtualDom_virtualize(bodyNode);
return _Browser_makeAnimator(initialModel, function(model)
_VirtualDom_divertHrefToApp = divertHrefToApp;
var doc = view(model);
var nextNode = _VirtualDom_node('body')(_List_Nil)(doc.body);
var patches = _VirtualDom_diff(currNode, nextNode);
bodyNode = _VirtualDom_applyPatches(bodyNode, currNode, patches, sendToApp);
currNode = nextNode;
_VirtualDom_divertHrefToApp = 0;
(title !== doc.title) && (_VirtualDom_doc.title = title = doc.title);
var _Browser_cancelAnimationFrame =
typeof cancelAnimationFrame !== 'undefined'
? cancelAnimationFrame
: function(id) { clearTimeout(id); };
var _Browser_requestAnimationFrame =
typeof requestAnimationFrame !== 'undefined'
? requestAnimationFrame
: function(callback) { return setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60); };
function _Browser_makeAnimator(model, draw)
var state = 0;
function updateIfNeeded()
state = state === 1
? 0
: ( _Browser_requestAnimationFrame(updateIfNeeded), draw(model), 1 );
return function(nextModel, isSync)
model = nextModel;
? ( draw(model),
state === 2 && (state = 1)
: ( state === 0 && _Browser_requestAnimationFrame(updateIfNeeded),
state = 2
function _Browser_application(impl)
var onUrlChange = impl.onUrlChange;
var onUrlRequest = impl.onUrlRequest;
var key = function() { key.a(onUrlChange(_Browser_getUrl())); };
return _Browser_document({
setup: function(sendToApp)
key.a = sendToApp;
_Browser_window.addEventListener('popstate', key);
_Browser_window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Trident') < 0 || _Browser_window.addEventListener('hashchange', key);
return F2(function(domNode, event)
if (!event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey && !event.shiftKey && event.button < 1 && !domNode.target && !domNode.hasAttribute('download'))
var href = domNode.href;
var curr = _Browser_getUrl();
var next = $elm$url$Url$fromString(href).a;
&& curr.protocol === next.protocol
&& curr.host === next.host
&& curr.port_.a === next.port_.a
? $elm$browser$Browser$Internal(next)
: $elm$browser$Browser$External(href)
init: function(flags)
return A3(impl.init, flags, _Browser_getUrl(), key);
view: impl.view,
update: impl.update,
subscriptions: impl.subscriptions
function _Browser_getUrl()
return $elm$url$Url$fromString(_VirtualDom_doc.location.href).a || _Debug_crash(1);
var _Browser_go = F2(function(key, n)
return A2($elm$core$Task$perform, $elm$core$Basics$never, _Scheduler_binding(function() {
n && history.go(n);
var _Browser_pushUrl = F2(function(key, url)
return A2($elm$core$Task$perform, $elm$core$Basics$never, _Scheduler_binding(function() {
history.pushState({}, '', url);
var _Browser_replaceUrl = F2(function(key, url)
return A2($elm$core$Task$perform, $elm$core$Basics$never, _Scheduler_binding(function() {
history.replaceState({}, '', url);
var _Browser_fakeNode = { addEventListener: function() {}, removeEventListener: function() {} };
var _Browser_doc = typeof document !== 'undefined' ? document : _Browser_fakeNode;
var _Browser_window = typeof window !== 'undefined' ? window : _Browser_fakeNode;
var _Browser_on = F3(function(node, eventName, sendToSelf)
return _Scheduler_spawn(_Scheduler_binding(function(callback)
function handler(event) { _Scheduler_rawSpawn(sendToSelf(event)); }
node.addEventListener(eventName, handler, _VirtualDom_passiveSupported && { passive: true });
return function() { node.removeEventListener(eventName, handler); };
var _Browser_decodeEvent = F2(function(decoder, event)
var result = _Json_runHelp(decoder, event);
return $elm$core$Result$isOk(result) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just(result.a) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
function _Browser_visibilityInfo()
return (typeof _VirtualDom_doc.hidden !== 'undefined')
? { hidden: 'hidden', change: 'visibilitychange' }
(typeof _VirtualDom_doc.mozHidden !== 'undefined')
? { hidden: 'mozHidden', change: 'mozvisibilitychange' }
(typeof _VirtualDom_doc.msHidden !== 'undefined')
? { hidden: 'msHidden', change: 'msvisibilitychange' }
(typeof _VirtualDom_doc.webkitHidden !== 'undefined')
? { hidden: 'webkitHidden', change: 'webkitvisibilitychange' }
: { hidden: 'hidden', change: 'visibilitychange' };
function _Browser_rAF()
return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback)
var id = _Browser_requestAnimationFrame(function() {
return function() {
function _Browser_now()
return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback)
function _Browser_withNode(id, doStuff)
return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback)
_Browser_requestAnimationFrame(function() {
var node = document.getElementById(id);
? _Scheduler_succeed(doStuff(node))
: _Scheduler_fail($elm$browser$Browser$Dom$NotFound(id))
function _Browser_withWindow(doStuff)
return _Scheduler_binding(function(callback)
_Browser_requestAnimationFrame(function() {
var _Browser_call = F2(function(functionName, id)
return _Browser_withNode(id, function(node) {
return _Utils_Tuple0;
function _Browser_getViewport()
return {
scene: _Browser_getScene(),
viewport: {
x: _Browser_window.pageXOffset,
y: _Browser_window.pageYOffset,
width: _Browser_doc.documentElement.clientWidth,
height: _Browser_doc.documentElement.clientHeight
function _Browser_getScene()
var body = _Browser_doc.body;
var elem = _Browser_doc.documentElement;
return {
width: Math.max(body.scrollWidth, body.offsetWidth, elem.scrollWidth, elem.offsetWidth, elem.clientWidth),
height: Math.max(body.scrollHeight, body.offsetHeight, elem.scrollHeight, elem.offsetHeight, elem.clientHeight)
var _Browser_setViewport = F2(function(x, y)
return _Browser_withWindow(function()
_Browser_window.scroll(x, y);
return _Utils_Tuple0;
function _Browser_getViewportOf(id)
return _Browser_withNode(id, function(node)
return {
scene: {
width: node.scrollWidth,
height: node.scrollHeight
viewport: {
x: node.scrollLeft,
y: node.scrollTop,
width: node.clientWidth,
height: node.clientHeight
var _Browser_setViewportOf = F3(function(id, x, y)
return _Browser_withNode(id, function(node)
node.scrollLeft = x;
node.scrollTop = y;
return _Utils_Tuple0;
function _Browser_getElement(id)
return _Browser_withNode(id, function(node)
var rect = node.getBoundingClientRect();
var x = _Browser_window.pageXOffset;
var y = _Browser_window.pageYOffset;
return {
scene: _Browser_getScene(),
viewport: {
x: x,
y: y,
width: _Browser_doc.documentElement.clientWidth,
height: _Browser_doc.documentElement.clientHeight
element: {
x: x + rect.left,
y: y + rect.top,
width: rect.width,
height: rect.height
function _Browser_reload(skipCache)
return A2($elm$core$Task$perform, $elm$core$Basics$never, _Scheduler_binding(function(callback)
function _Browser_load(url)
return A2($elm$core$Task$perform, $elm$core$Basics$never, _Scheduler_binding(function(callback)
_Browser_window.location = url;
// Only Firefox can throw a NS_ERROR_MALFORMED_URI exception here.
// Other browsers reload the page, so let's be consistent about that.
var _Bitwise_and = F2(function(a, b)
return a & b;
var _Bitwise_or = F2(function(a, b)
return a | b;
var _Bitwise_xor = F2(function(a, b)
return a ^ b;
function _Bitwise_complement(a)
return ~a;
var _Bitwise_shiftLeftBy = F2(function(offset, a)
return a << offset;
var _Bitwise_shiftRightBy = F2(function(offset, a)
return a >> offset;
var _Bitwise_shiftRightZfBy = F2(function(offset, a)
return a >>> offset;
var $elm$core$Basics$EQ = {$: 'EQ'};
var $elm$core$Basics$GT = {$: 'GT'};
var $elm$core$Basics$LT = {$: 'LT'};
var $elm$core$List$cons = _List_cons;
var $elm$core$Dict$foldr = F3(
function (func, acc, t) {
while (true) {
if (t.$ === 'RBEmpty_elm_builtin') {
return acc;
} else {
var key = t.b;
var value = t.c;
var left = t.d;
var right = t.e;
var $temp$func = func,
$temp$acc = A3(
A3($elm$core$Dict$foldr, func, acc, right)),
$temp$t = left;
func = $temp$func;
acc = $temp$acc;
t = $temp$t;
continue foldr;
var $elm$core$Dict$toList = function (dict) {
return A3(
function (key, value, list) {
return A2(
_Utils_Tuple2(key, value),
var $elm$core$Dict$keys = function (dict) {
return A3(
function (key, value, keyList) {
return A2($elm$core$List$cons, key, keyList);
var $elm$core$Set$toList = function (_v0) {
var dict = _v0.a;
return $elm$core$Dict$keys(dict);
var $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$foldr = _JsArray_foldr;
var $elm$core$Array$foldr = F3(
function (func, baseCase, _v0) {
var tree = _v0.c;
var tail = _v0.d;
var helper = F2(
function (node, acc) {
if (node.$ === 'SubTree') {
var subTree = node.a;
return A3($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$foldr, helper, acc, subTree);
} else {
var values = node.a;
return A3($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$foldr, func, acc, values);
return A3(
A3($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$foldr, func, baseCase, tail),
var $elm$core$Array$toList = function (array) {
return A3($elm$core$Array$foldr, $elm$core$List$cons, _List_Nil, array);
var $elm$core$Result$Err = function (a) {
return {$: 'Err', a: a};
var $elm$json$Json$Decode$Failure = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'Failure', a: a, b: b};
var $elm$json$Json$Decode$Field = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'Field', a: a, b: b};
var $elm$json$Json$Decode$Index = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'Index', a: a, b: b};
var $elm$core$Result$Ok = function (a) {
return {$: 'Ok', a: a};
var $elm$json$Json$Decode$OneOf = function (a) {
return {$: 'OneOf', a: a};
var $elm$core$Basics$False = {$: 'False'};
var $elm$core$Basics$add = _Basics_add;
var $elm$core$Maybe$Just = function (a) {
return {$: 'Just', a: a};
var $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing = {$: 'Nothing'};
var $elm$core$String$all = _String_all;
var $elm$core$Basics$and = _Basics_and;
var $elm$core$Basics$append = _Utils_append;
var $elm$json$Json$Encode$encode = _Json_encode;
var $elm$core$String$fromInt = _String_fromNumber;
var $elm$core$String$join = F2(
function (sep, chunks) {
return A2(
var $elm$core$String$split = F2(
function (sep, string) {
return _List_fromArray(
A2(_String_split, sep, string));
var $elm$json$Json$Decode$indent = function (str) {
return A2(
'\n ',
A2($elm$core$String$split, '\n', str));
var $elm$core$List$foldl = F3(
function (func, acc, list) {
while (true) {
if (!list.b) {
return acc;
} else {
var x = list.a;
var xs = list.b;
var $temp$func = func,
$temp$acc = A2(func, x, acc),
$temp$list = xs;
func = $temp$func;
acc = $temp$acc;
list = $temp$list;
continue foldl;
var $elm$core$List$length = function (xs) {
return A3(
function (_v0, i) {
return i + 1;
var $elm$core$List$map2 = _List_map2;
var $elm$core$Basics$le = _Utils_le;
var $elm$core$Basics$sub = _Basics_sub;
var $elm$core$List$rangeHelp = F3(
function (lo, hi, list) {
while (true) {
if (_Utils_cmp(lo, hi) < 1) {
var $temp$lo = lo,
$temp$hi = hi - 1,
$temp$list = A2($elm$core$List$cons, hi, list);
lo = $temp$lo;
hi = $temp$hi;
list = $temp$list;
continue rangeHelp;
} else {
return list;
var $elm$core$List$range = F2(
function (lo, hi) {
return A3($elm$core$List$rangeHelp, lo, hi, _List_Nil);
var $elm$core$List$indexedMap = F2(
function (f, xs) {
return A3(
$elm$core$List$length(xs) - 1),
var $elm$core$Char$toCode = _Char_toCode;
var $elm$core$Char$isLower = function (_char) {
var code = $elm$core$Char$toCode(_char);
return (97 <= code) && (code <= 122);
var $elm$core$Char$isUpper = function (_char) {
var code = $elm$core$Char$toCode(_char);
return (code <= 90) && (65 <= code);
var $elm$core$Basics$or = _Basics_or;
var $elm$core$Char$isAlpha = function (_char) {
return $elm$core$Char$isLower(_char) || $elm$core$Char$isUpper(_char);
var $elm$core$Char$isDigit = function (_char) {
var code = $elm$core$Char$toCode(_char);
return (code <= 57) && (48 <= code);
var $elm$core$Char$isAlphaNum = function (_char) {
return $elm$core$Char$isLower(_char) || ($elm$core$Char$isUpper(_char) || $elm$core$Char$isDigit(_char));
var $elm$core$List$reverse = function (list) {
return A3($elm$core$List$foldl, $elm$core$List$cons, _List_Nil, list);
var $elm$core$String$uncons = _String_uncons;
var $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorOneOf = F2(
function (i, error) {
return '\n\n(' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(i + 1) + (') ' + $elm$json$Json$Decode$indent(
var $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorToString = function (error) {
return A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$errorToStringHelp, error, _List_Nil);
var $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorToStringHelp = F2(
function (error, context) {
while (true) {
switch (error.$) {
case 'Field':
var f = error.a;
var err = error.b;
var isSimple = function () {
var _v1 = $elm$core$String$uncons(f);
if (_v1.$ === 'Nothing') {
return false;
} else {
var _v2 = _v1.a;
var _char = _v2.a;
var rest = _v2.b;
return $elm$core$Char$isAlpha(_char) && A2($elm$core$String$all, $elm$core$Char$isAlphaNum, rest);
var fieldName = isSimple ? ('.' + f) : ('[\'' + (f + '\']'));
var $temp$error = err,
$temp$context = A2($elm$core$List$cons, fieldName, context);
error = $temp$error;
context = $temp$context;
continue errorToStringHelp;
case 'Index':
var i = error.a;
var err = error.b;
var indexName = '[' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + ']');
var $temp$error = err,
$temp$context = A2($elm$core$List$cons, indexName, context);
error = $temp$error;
context = $temp$context;
continue errorToStringHelp;
case 'OneOf':
var errors = error.a;
if (!errors.b) {
return 'Ran into a Json.Decode.oneOf with no possibilities' + function () {
if (!context.b) {
return '!';
} else {
return ' at json' + A2(
} else {
if (!errors.b.b) {
var err = errors.a;
var $temp$error = err,
$temp$context = context;
error = $temp$error;
context = $temp$context;
continue errorToStringHelp;
} else {
var starter = function () {
if (!context.b) {
return 'Json.Decode.oneOf';
} else {
return 'The Json.Decode.oneOf at json' + A2(
var introduction = starter + (' failed in the following ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(
$elm$core$List$length(errors)) + ' ways:'));
return A2(
A2($elm$core$List$indexedMap, $elm$json$Json$Decode$errorOneOf, errors)));
var msg = error.a;
var json = error.b;
var introduction = function () {
if (!context.b) {
return 'Problem with the given value:\n\n';
} else {
return 'Problem with the value at json' + (A2(
$elm$core$List$reverse(context)) + ':\n\n ');
return introduction + ($elm$json$Json$Decode$indent(
A2($elm$json$Json$Encode$encode, 4, json)) + ('\n\n' + msg));
var $elm$core$Array$branchFactor = 32;
var $elm$core$Array$Array_elm_builtin = F4(
function (a, b, c, d) {
return {$: 'Array_elm_builtin', a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d};
var $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$empty = _JsArray_empty;
var $elm$core$Basics$ceiling = _Basics_ceiling;
var $elm$core$Basics$fdiv = _Basics_fdiv;
var $elm$core$Basics$logBase = F2(
function (base, number) {
return _Basics_log(number) / _Basics_log(base);
var $elm$core$Basics$toFloat = _Basics_toFloat;
var $elm$core$Array$shiftStep = $elm$core$Basics$ceiling(
A2($elm$core$Basics$logBase, 2, $elm$core$Array$branchFactor));
var $elm$core$Array$empty = A4($elm$core$Array$Array_elm_builtin, 0, $elm$core$Array$shiftStep, $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$empty, $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$empty);
var $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$initialize = _JsArray_initialize;
var $elm$core$Array$Leaf = function (a) {
return {$: 'Leaf', a: a};
var $elm$core$Basics$apL = F2(
function (f, x) {
return f(x);
var $elm$core$Basics$apR = F2(
function (x, f) {
return f(x);
var $elm$core$Basics$eq = _Utils_equal;
var $elm$core$Basics$floor = _Basics_floor;
var $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$length = _JsArray_length;
var $elm$core$Basics$gt = _Utils_gt;
var $elm$core$Basics$max = F2(
function (x, y) {
return (_Utils_cmp(x, y) > 0) ? x : y;
var $elm$core$Basics$mul = _Basics_mul;
var $elm$core$Array$SubTree = function (a) {
return {$: 'SubTree', a: a};
var $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$initializeFromList = _JsArray_initializeFromList;
var $elm$core$Array$compressNodes = F2(
function (nodes, acc) {
while (true) {
var _v0 = A2($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$initializeFromList, $elm$core$Array$branchFactor, nodes);
var node = _v0.a;
var remainingNodes = _v0.b;
var newAcc = A2(
if (!remainingNodes.b) {
return $elm$core$List$reverse(newAcc);
} else {
var $temp$nodes = remainingNodes,
$temp$acc = newAcc;
nodes = $temp$nodes;
acc = $temp$acc;
continue compressNodes;
var $elm$core$Tuple$first = function (_v0) {
var x = _v0.a;
return x;
var $elm$core$Array$treeFromBuilder = F2(
function (nodeList, nodeListSize) {
while (true) {
var newNodeSize = $elm$core$Basics$ceiling(nodeListSize / $elm$core$Array$branchFactor);
if (newNodeSize === 1) {
return A2($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$initializeFromList, $elm$core$Array$branchFactor, nodeList).a;
} else {
var $temp$nodeList = A2($elm$core$Array$compressNodes, nodeList, _List_Nil),
$temp$nodeListSize = newNodeSize;
nodeList = $temp$nodeList;
nodeListSize = $temp$nodeListSize;
continue treeFromBuilder;
var $elm$core$Array$builderToArray = F2(
function (reverseNodeList, builder) {
if (!builder.nodeListSize) {
return A4(
} else {
var treeLen = builder.nodeListSize * $elm$core$Array$branchFactor;
var depth = $elm$core$Basics$floor(
A2($elm$core$Basics$logBase, $elm$core$Array$branchFactor, treeLen - 1));
var correctNodeList = reverseNodeList ? $elm$core$List$reverse(builder.nodeList) : builder.nodeList;
var tree = A2($elm$core$Array$treeFromBuilder, correctNodeList, builder.nodeListSize);
return A4(
$elm$core$Elm$JsArray$length(builder.tail) + treeLen,
A2($elm$core$Basics$max, 5, depth * $elm$core$Array$shiftStep),
var $elm$core$Basics$idiv = _Basics_idiv;
var $elm$core$Basics$lt = _Utils_lt;
var $elm$core$Array$initializeHelp = F5(
function (fn, fromIndex, len, nodeList, tail) {
while (true) {
if (fromIndex < 0) {
return A2(
{nodeList: nodeList, nodeListSize: (len / $elm$core$Array$branchFactor) | 0, tail: tail});
} else {
var leaf = $elm$core$Array$Leaf(
A3($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$initialize, $elm$core$Array$branchFactor, fromIndex, fn));
var $temp$fn = fn,
$temp$fromIndex = fromIndex - $elm$core$Array$branchFactor,
$temp$len = len,
$temp$nodeList = A2($elm$core$List$cons, leaf, nodeList),
$temp$tail = tail;
fn = $temp$fn;
fromIndex = $temp$fromIndex;
len = $temp$len;
nodeList = $temp$nodeList;
tail = $temp$tail;
continue initializeHelp;
var $elm$core$Basics$remainderBy = _Basics_remainderBy;
var $elm$core$Array$initialize = F2(
function (len, fn) {
if (len <= 0) {
return $elm$core$Array$empty;
} else {
var tailLen = len % $elm$core$Array$branchFactor;
var tail = A3($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$initialize, tailLen, len - tailLen, fn);
var initialFromIndex = (len - tailLen) - $elm$core$Array$branchFactor;
return A5($elm$core$Array$initializeHelp, fn, initialFromIndex, len, _List_Nil, tail);
var $elm$core$Basics$True = {$: 'True'};
var $elm$core$Result$isOk = function (result) {
if (result.$ === 'Ok') {
return true;
} else {
return false;
var $elm$json$Json$Decode$map = _Json_map1;
var $elm$json$Json$Decode$map2 = _Json_map2;
var $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed = _Json_succeed;
var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$toHandlerInt = function (handler) {
switch (handler.$) {
case 'Normal':
return 0;
case 'MayStopPropagation':
return 1;
case 'MayPreventDefault':
return 2;
return 3;
var $elm$browser$Browser$External = function (a) {
return {$: 'External', a: a};
var $elm$browser$Browser$Internal = function (a) {
return {$: 'Internal', a: a};
var $elm$core$Basics$identity = function (x) {
return x;
var $elm$browser$Browser$Dom$NotFound = function (a) {
return {$: 'NotFound', a: a};
var $elm$url$Url$Http = {$: 'Http'};
var $elm$url$Url$Https = {$: 'Https'};
var $elm$url$Url$Url = F6(
function (protocol, host, port_, path, query, fragment) {
return {fragment: fragment, host: host, path: path, port_: port_, protocol: protocol, query: query};
var $elm$core$String$contains = _String_contains;
var $elm$core$String$length = _String_length;
var $elm$core$String$slice = _String_slice;
var $elm$core$String$dropLeft = F2(
function (n, string) {
return (n < 1) ? string : A3(
var $elm$core$String$indexes = _String_indexes;
var $elm$core$String$isEmpty = function (string) {
return string === '';
var $elm$core$String$left = F2(
function (n, string) {
return (n < 1) ? '' : A3($elm$core$String$slice, 0, n, string);
var $elm$core$String$toInt = _String_toInt;
var $elm$url$Url$chompBeforePath = F5(
function (protocol, path, params, frag, str) {
if ($elm$core$String$isEmpty(str) || A2($elm$core$String$contains, '@', str)) {
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
} else {
var _v0 = A2($elm$core$String$indexes, ':', str);
if (!_v0.b) {
return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(
A6($elm$url$Url$Url, protocol, str, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, path, params, frag));
} else {
if (!_v0.b.b) {
var i = _v0.a;
var _v1 = $elm$core$String$toInt(
A2($elm$core$String$dropLeft, i + 1, str));
if (_v1.$ === 'Nothing') {
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
} else {
var port_ = _v1;
return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(
A2($elm$core$String$left, i, str),
} else {
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
var $elm$url$Url$chompBeforeQuery = F4(
function (protocol, params, frag, str) {
if ($elm$core$String$isEmpty(str)) {
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
} else {
var _v0 = A2($elm$core$String$indexes, '/', str);
if (!_v0.b) {
return A5($elm$url$Url$chompBeforePath, protocol, '/', params, frag, str);
} else {
var i = _v0.a;
return A5(
A2($elm$core$String$dropLeft, i, str),
A2($elm$core$String$left, i, str));
var $elm$url$Url$chompBeforeFragment = F3(
function (protocol, frag, str) {
if ($elm$core$String$isEmpty(str)) {
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
} else {
var _v0 = A2($elm$core$String$indexes, '?', str);
if (!_v0.b) {
return A4($elm$url$Url$chompBeforeQuery, protocol, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, frag, str);
} else {
var i = _v0.a;
return A4(
A2($elm$core$String$dropLeft, i + 1, str)),
A2($elm$core$String$left, i, str));
var $elm$url$Url$chompAfterProtocol = F2(
function (protocol, str) {
if ($elm$core$String$isEmpty(str)) {
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
} else {
var _v0 = A2($elm$core$String$indexes, '#', str);
if (!_v0.b) {
return A3($elm$url$Url$chompBeforeFragment, protocol, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, str);
} else {
var i = _v0.a;
return A3(
A2($elm$core$String$dropLeft, i + 1, str)),
A2($elm$core$String$left, i, str));
var $elm$core$String$startsWith = _String_startsWith;
var $elm$url$Url$fromString = function (str) {
return A2($elm$core$String$startsWith, 'http://', str) ? A2(
A2($elm$core$String$dropLeft, 7, str)) : (A2($elm$core$String$startsWith, 'https://', str) ? A2(
A2($elm$core$String$dropLeft, 8, str)) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing);
var $elm$core$Basics$never = function (_v0) {
while (true) {
var nvr = _v0.a;
var $temp$_v0 = nvr;
_v0 = $temp$_v0;
continue never;
var $elm$core$Task$Perform = function (a) {
return {$: 'Perform', a: a};
var $elm$core$Task$succeed = _Scheduler_succeed;
var $elm$core$Task$init = $elm$core$Task$succeed(_Utils_Tuple0);
var $elm$core$List$foldrHelper = F4(
function (fn, acc, ctr, ls) {
if (!ls.b) {
return acc;
} else {
var a = ls.a;
var r1 = ls.b;
if (!r1.b) {
return A2(fn, a, acc);
} else {
var b = r1.a;
var r2 = r1.b;
if (!r2.b) {
return A2(
A2(fn, b, acc));
} else {
var c = r2.a;
var r3 = r2.b;
if (!r3.b) {
return A2(
A2(fn, c, acc)));
} else {
var d = r3.a;
var r4 = r3.b;
var res = (ctr > 500) ? A3(
$elm$core$List$reverse(r4)) : A4($elm$core$List$foldrHelper, fn, acc, ctr + 1, r4);
return A2(
A2(fn, d, res))));
var $elm$core$List$foldr = F3(
function (fn, acc, ls) {
return A4($elm$core$List$foldrHelper, fn, acc, 0, ls);
var $elm$core$List$map = F2(
function (f, xs) {
return A3(
function (x, acc) {
return A2(
var $elm$core$Task$andThen = _Scheduler_andThen;
var $elm$core$Task$map = F2(
function (func, taskA) {
return A2(
function (a) {
return $elm$core$Task$succeed(
var $elm$core$Task$map2 = F3(
function (func, taskA, taskB) {
return A2(
function (a) {
return A2(
function (b) {
return $elm$core$Task$succeed(
A2(func, a, b));
var $elm$core$Task$sequence = function (tasks) {
return A3(
var $elm$core$Platform$sendToApp = _Platform_sendToApp;
var $elm$core$Task$spawnCmd = F2(
function (router, _v0) {
var task = _v0.a;
return _Scheduler_spawn(
var $elm$core$Task$onEffects = F3(
function (router, commands, state) {
return A2(
function (_v0) {
return _Utils_Tuple0;
var $elm$core$Task$onSelfMsg = F3(
function (_v0, _v1, _v2) {
return $elm$core$Task$succeed(_Utils_Tuple0);
var $elm$core$Task$cmdMap = F2(
function (tagger, _v0) {
var task = _v0.a;
return $elm$core$Task$Perform(
A2($elm$core$Task$map, tagger, task));
_Platform_effectManagers['Task'] = _Platform_createManager($elm$core$Task$init, $elm$core$Task$onEffects, $elm$core$Task$onSelfMsg, $elm$core$Task$cmdMap);
var $elm$core$Task$command = _Platform_leaf('Task');
var $elm$core$Task$perform = F2(
function (toMessage, task) {
return $elm$core$Task$command(
A2($elm$core$Task$map, toMessage, task)));
var $elm$browser$Browser$element = _Browser_element;
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $author$project$Main$Category = function (a) {
return {$: 'Category', a: a};
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
var $author$project$Emoji$Recent = {$: 'Recent'};
var $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch = _Platform_batch;
var $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$none = $elm$core$Platform$Cmd$batch(_List_Nil);
var $author$project$Main$init = function (_v0) {
return _Utils_Tuple2(
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
var $elm$core$Platform$Sub$batch = _Platform_batch;
var $elm$core$Platform$Sub$none = $elm$core$Platform$Sub$batch(_List_Nil);
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $author$project$Main$Search = function (a) {
return {$: 'Search', a: a};
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
var $elm$json$Json$Encode$string = _Json_wrap;
var $author$project$Main$copy = _Platform_outgoingPort('copy', $elm$json$Json$Encode$string);
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $elm$core$List$head = function (list) {
if (list.b) {
var x = list.a;
var xs = list.b;
return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(x);
} else {
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
var $elm$core$Maybe$map = F2(
function (f, maybe) {
if (maybe.$ === 'Just') {
var value = maybe.a;
return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
} else {
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $author$project$Emoji$Nature = {$: 'Nature'};
var $author$project$Emoji$Objects = {$: 'Objects'};
var $author$project$Emoji$People = {$: 'People'};
var $author$project$Emoji$Places = {$: 'Places'};
var $author$project$Emoji$Symbols = {$: 'Symbols'};
var $author$project$Emoji$categories = _List_fromArray(
[$author$project$Emoji$Recent, $author$project$Emoji$People, $author$project$Emoji$Nature, $author$project$Emoji$Objects, $author$project$Emoji$Places, $author$project$Emoji$Symbols]);
var $elm$core$List$append = F2(
function (xs, ys) {
if (!ys.b) {
return xs;
} else {
return A3($elm$core$List$foldr, $elm$core$List$cons, ys, xs);
var $elm$core$List$concat = function (lists) {
return A3($elm$core$List$foldr, $elm$core$List$append, _List_Nil, lists);
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $elm$core$List$concatMap = F2(
function (f, list) {
return $elm$core$List$concat(
A2($elm$core$List$map, f, list));
var $dasch$levenshtein$Table$Table = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'Table', a: a, b: b};
var $elm$core$Basics$negate = function (n) {
return -n;
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $elm$core$Array$repeat = F2(
function (n, e) {
return A2(
function (_v0) {
return e;
var $dasch$levenshtein$Table$empty = function (_v0) {
var sizeA = _v0.a;
var sizeB = _v0.b;
var dimension = sizeB + 1;
var arraySize = ((sizeA + 1) * dimension) - 1;
return A2(
A2($elm$core$Array$repeat, arraySize, -1));
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $elm$core$Bitwise$and = _Bitwise_and;
var $elm$core$Bitwise$shiftRightZfBy = _Bitwise_shiftRightZfBy;
var $elm$core$Array$bitMask = 4294967295 >>> (32 - $elm$core$Array$shiftStep);
var $elm$core$Basics$ge = _Utils_ge;
var $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$unsafeGet = _JsArray_unsafeGet;
var $elm$core$Array$getHelp = F3(
function (shift, index, tree) {
while (true) {
var pos = $elm$core$Array$bitMask & (index >>> shift);
var _v0 = A2($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$unsafeGet, pos, tree);
if (_v0.$ === 'SubTree') {
var subTree = _v0.a;
var $temp$shift = shift - $elm$core$Array$shiftStep,
$temp$index = index,
$temp$tree = subTree;
shift = $temp$shift;
index = $temp$index;
tree = $temp$tree;
continue getHelp;
} else {
var values = _v0.a;
return A2($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$unsafeGet, $elm$core$Array$bitMask & index, values);
var $elm$core$Bitwise$shiftLeftBy = _Bitwise_shiftLeftBy;
var $elm$core$Array$tailIndex = function (len) {
return (len >>> 5) << 5;
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $elm$core$Array$get = F2(
function (index, _v0) {
var len = _v0.a;
var startShift = _v0.b;
var tree = _v0.c;
var tail = _v0.d;
return ((index < 0) || (_Utils_cmp(index, len) > -1)) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing : ((_Utils_cmp(
$elm$core$Array$tailIndex(len)) > -1) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just(
A2($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$unsafeGet, $elm$core$Array$bitMask & index, tail)) : $elm$core$Maybe$Just(
A3($elm$core$Array$getHelp, startShift, index, tree)));
var $elm$core$Elm$JsArray$unsafeSet = _JsArray_unsafeSet;
var $elm$core$Array$setHelp = F4(
function (shift, index, value, tree) {
var pos = $elm$core$Array$bitMask & (index >>> shift);
var _v0 = A2($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$unsafeGet, pos, tree);
if (_v0.$ === 'SubTree') {
var subTree = _v0.a;
var newSub = A4($elm$core$Array$setHelp, shift - $elm$core$Array$shiftStep, index, value, subTree);
return A3(
} else {
var values = _v0.a;
var newLeaf = A3($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$unsafeSet, $elm$core$Array$bitMask & index, value, values);
return A3(
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $elm$core$Array$set = F3(
function (index, value, array) {
var len = array.a;
var startShift = array.b;
var tree = array.c;
var tail = array.d;
return ((index < 0) || (_Utils_cmp(index, len) > -1)) ? array : ((_Utils_cmp(
$elm$core$Array$tailIndex(len)) > -1) ? A4(
A3($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$unsafeSet, $elm$core$Array$bitMask & index, value, tail)) : A4(
A4($elm$core$Array$setHelp, startShift, index, value, tree),
var $dasch$levenshtein$Table$fetch = F3(
function (key, builder, table) {
var iKey = key.a;
var jKey = key.b;
var dimension = table.a;
var distanceStore = table.b;
var index = (iKey * dimension) + jKey;
var _v0 = A2($elm$core$Array$get, index, distanceStore);
if (_v0.$ === 'Just') {
var editDistance = _v0.a;
if (_Utils_eq(editDistance, -1)) {
var _v1 = A2(builder, table, key);
var _v2 = _v1.a;
var newStore = _v2.b;
var actualEditDistance = _v1.b;
return _Utils_Tuple2(
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
A3($elm$core$Array$set, index, actualEditDistance, newStore)),
} else {
return _Utils_Tuple2(table, editDistance);
} else {
return _Utils_Tuple2(table, -1);
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $elm$core$Array$length = function (_v0) {
var len = _v0.a;
return len;
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $elm$core$Basics$neq = _Utils_notEqual;
var $elm$core$Tuple$second = function (_v0) {
var y = _v0.b;
return y;
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $dasch$levenshtein$Levenshtein$distanceHelper = F2(
function (arr1, arr2) {
var indecesForLastChars = _Utils_Tuple2(
var calculateEditDistanceForChars = F2(
function (table, _v0) {
var i = _v0.a;
var j = _v0.b;
var _v1 = _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($elm$core$Array$get, i - 1, arr1),
A2($elm$core$Array$get, j - 1, arr2));
if ((_v1.a.$ === 'Just') && (_v1.b.$ === 'Just')) {
var chr1 = _v1.a.a;
var chr2 = _v1.b.a;
var _v2 = A3(
_Utils_Tuple2(i - 1, j),
var table1 = _v2.a;
var dist1 = _v2.b;
var _v3 = A3(
_Utils_Tuple2(i, j - 1),
var table2 = _v3.a;
var dist2 = _v3.b;
var _v4 = A3(
_Utils_Tuple2(i - 1, j - 1),
var table3 = _v4.a;
var dist3 = _v4.b;
return _Utils_Tuple2(
(_Utils_cmp(dist3, dist1) < 0) ? ((_Utils_cmp(dist3, dist2) < 0) ? ((!_Utils_eq(chr1, chr2)) ? (dist3 + 1) : dist3) : (dist2 + 1)) : ((_Utils_cmp(dist1, dist2) > 0) ? (dist2 + 1) : (dist1 + 1)));
} else {
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($elm$core$Basics$max, i, j));
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
return A2(
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $elm$core$Array$fromListHelp = F3(
function (list, nodeList, nodeListSize) {
while (true) {
var _v0 = A2($elm$core$Elm$JsArray$initializeFromList, $elm$core$Array$branchFactor, list);
var jsArray = _v0.a;
var remainingItems = _v0.b;
if (_Utils_cmp(
$elm$core$Array$branchFactor) < 0) {
return A2(
{nodeList: nodeList, nodeListSize: nodeListSize, tail: jsArray});
} else {
var $temp$list = remainingItems,
$temp$nodeList = A2(
$temp$nodeListSize = nodeListSize + 1;
list = $temp$list;
nodeList = $temp$nodeList;
nodeListSize = $temp$nodeListSize;
continue fromListHelp;
var $elm$core$Array$fromList = function (list) {
if (!list.b) {
return $elm$core$Array$empty;
} else {
return A3($elm$core$Array$fromListHelp, list, _List_Nil, 0);
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $elm$core$String$foldr = _String_foldr;
var $elm$core$String$toList = function (string) {
return A3($elm$core$String$foldr, $elm$core$List$cons, _List_Nil, string);
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $dasch$levenshtein$Levenshtein$distance = F2(
function (str1, str2) {
return _Utils_eq(str1, str2) ? 0 : A2(
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $author$project$Emoji$emojis = {
nature: _List_fromArray(
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
name: 'dog',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🐶',
x: 644,
y: 874
name: 'cat',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🐱',
x: 644,
y: 644
{name: 'mouse', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐭', x: 0, y: 1334},
name: 'hamster',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🐹',
x: 368,
y: 1104
name: 'rabbit',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🐰',
x: 368,
y: 1472
{name: 'fox_face', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🦊', x: 1058, y: 184},
{name: 'bear', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐻', x: 0, y: 460},
{name: 'panda_face', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐼', x: 1426, y: 874},
{name: 'koala', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐨', x: 552, y: 1196},
{name: 'tiger', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐯', x: 1656, y: 1610},
{name: 'lion', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🦁', x: 1242, y: 874},
{name: 'cow', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐮', x: 828, y: 552},
{name: 'pig', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐷', x: 920, y: 1426},
{name: 'pig_nose', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐽', x: 1012, y: 1426},
{name: 'frog', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐸', x: 1058, y: 644},
{name: 'monkey_face', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐵', x: 1334, y: 414},
name: 'see_no_evil',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['monkey', 'blind', 'ignore']),
unicode: '🙈',
x: 1564,
y: 92
name: 'hear_no_evil',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['monkey', 'deaf']),
unicode: '🙉',
x: 782,
y: 1104
name: 'speak_no_evil',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['monkey', 'mute', 'hush']),
unicode: '🙊',
x: 1610,
y: 552
{name: 'monkey', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐒', x: 1334, y: 368},
{name: 'chicken', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐔', x: 0, y: 690},
{name: 'penguin', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐧', x: 368, y: 1426},
{name: 'bird', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐦', x: 0, y: 506},
{name: 'baby_chick', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐤', x: 276, y: 368},
{name: 'hatching_chick', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐣', x: 690, y: 1104},
{name: 'hatched_chick', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐥', x: 644, y: 1104},
{name: 'duck', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🦆', x: 920, y: 506},
{name: 'eagle', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🦅', x: 920, y: 644},
{name: 'owl', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🦉', x: 1426, y: 276},
{name: 'bat', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🦇', x: 460, y: 230},
{name: 'wolf', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐺', x: 1748, y: 920},
{name: 'boar', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐗', x: 552, y: 368},
{name: 'horse', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐴', x: 1150, y: 874},
{name: 'unicorn', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🦄', x: 1702, y: 1426},
{name: 'bee', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐝', x: 92, y: 460},
{name: 'bug', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐛', x: 0, y: 598},
{name: 'butterfly', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🦋', x: 644, y: 0},
name: 'snail',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🐌',
x: 1058,
y: 1564
name: 'shell',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['sea', 'beach']),
unicode: '🐚',
x: 1564,
y: 644
name: 'beetle',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🐞',
x: 230,
y: 460
{name: 'ant', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐜', x: 138, y: 230},
{name: 'spider', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕷', x: 1610, y: 782},
{name: 'spider_web', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕸', x: 1610, y: 828},
name: 'turtle',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🐢',
x: 1702,
y: 276
{name: 'snake', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐍', x: 1104, y: 1564},
{name: 'lizard', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🦎', x: 1242, y: 1058},
{name: 'scorpion', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🦂', x: 1334, y: 1518},
{name: 'crab', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🦀', x: 828, y: 690},
{name: 'squid', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🦑', x: 1610, y: 1012},
{name: 'octopus', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐙', x: 368, y: 1380},
{name: 'shrimp', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🦐', x: 1564, y: 1150},
{name: 'tropical_fish', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐠', x: 1518, y: 1656},
{name: 'fish', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐟', x: 0, y: 1012},
{name: 'blowfish', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐡', x: 552, y: 138},
{name: 'dolphin', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐬', x: 828, y: 874},
{name: 'shark', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🦈', x: 1564, y: 506},
name: 'whale',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🐳',
x: 1748,
y: 92
{name: 'whale2', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐋', x: 1748, y: 138},
{name: 'crocodile', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐊', x: 138, y: 828},
{name: 'leopard', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐆', x: 1242, y: 460},
{name: 'tiger2', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐅', x: 0, y: 1656},
{name: 'water_buffalo', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐃', x: 1288, y: 1702},
{name: 'ox', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐂', x: 1426, y: 322},
{name: 'cow2', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐄', x: 828, y: 598},
{name: 'deer', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🦌', x: 874, y: 782},
name: 'dromedary_camel',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🐪',
x: 920,
y: 322
{name: 'camel', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐫', x: 644, y: 322},
{name: 'elephant', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐘', x: 460, y: 920},
{name: 'rhinoceros', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🦏', x: 1518, y: 736},
{name: 'gorilla', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🦍', x: 1058, y: 1058},
name: 'racehorse',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🐎',
x: 460,
y: 1472
{name: 'pig2', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐖', x: 966, y: 1426},
{name: 'goat', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐐', x: 782, y: 1058},
{name: 'ram', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐏', x: 1426, y: 1472},
{name: 'sheep', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐑', x: 1564, y: 598},
{name: 'dog2', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐕', x: 690, y: 874},
name: 'poodle',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🐩',
x: 1472,
y: 414
{name: 'cat2', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐈', x: 690, y: 0},
{name: 'rooster', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐓', x: 1518, y: 1380},
name: 'turkey',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🦃',
x: 1702,
y: 138
name: 'dove',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🕊',
x: 920,
y: 138
{name: 'rabbit2', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐇', x: 414, y: 1472},
{name: 'mouse2', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐁', x: 46, y: 1334},
{name: 'rat', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐀', x: 1518, y: 0},
{name: 'chipmunk', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐿', x: 138, y: 690},
{name: 'feet', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐾', x: 1012, y: 230},
{name: 'dragon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐉', x: 920, y: 184},
{name: 'dragon_face', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🐲', x: 920, y: 230},
{name: 'cactus', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌵', x: 644, y: 46},
{name: 'christmas_tree', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎄', x: 276, y: 690},
name: 'evergreen_tree',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🌲',
x: 966,
y: 184
name: 'deciduous_tree',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🌳',
x: 874,
y: 736
{name: 'palm_tree', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌴', x: 1426, y: 736},
name: 'seedling',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🌱',
x: 1564,
y: 138
{name: 'herb', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌿', x: 1150, y: 414},
{name: 'shamrock', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '☘️', x: 1564, y: 460},
name: 'four_leaf_clover',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍀',
x: 1058,
y: 138
{name: 'bamboo', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎍', x: 46, y: 414},
{name: 'tanabata_tree', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎋', x: 1656, y: 690},
name: 'leaves',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍃',
x: 1242,
y: 92
name: 'fallen_leaf',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍂',
x: 966,
y: 736
name: 'maple_leaf',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍁',
x: 1288,
y: 1242
{name: 'mushroom', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍄', x: 322, y: 1334},
{name: 'ear_of_rice', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌾', x: 920, y: 736},
name: 'bouquet',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💐',
x: 368,
y: 552
name: 'tulip',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🌷',
x: 1702,
y: 0
name: 'rose',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🌹',
x: 1518,
y: 1426
{name: 'wilted_flower', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🥀', x: 1748, y: 690},
{name: 'sunflower', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌻', x: 966, y: 1610},
{name: 'blossom', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌼', x: 552, y: 92},
name: 'cherry_blossom',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['flower', 'spring']),
unicode: '🌸',
x: 690,
y: 598
{name: 'hibiscus', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌺', x: 1150, y: 460},
name: 'earth_americas',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['globe', 'world', 'international']),
unicode: '🌎',
x: 920,
y: 828
name: 'earth_africa',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['globe', 'world', 'international']),
unicode: '🌍',
x: 920,
y: 782
name: 'earth_asia',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['globe', 'world', 'international']),
unicode: '🌏',
x: 920,
y: 874
{name: 'full_moon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌕', x: 1058, y: 966},
{name: 'waning_gibbous_moon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌖', x: 1104, y: 1702},
{name: 'last_quarter_moon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌗', x: 1104, y: 1196},
{name: 'waning_crescent_moon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌘', x: 1058, y: 1702},
{name: 'new_moon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌑', x: 1288, y: 1334},
{name: 'waxing_crescent_moon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌒', x: 1472, y: 1702},
{name: 'first_quarter_moon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌓', x: 1012, y: 920},
{name: 'moon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌔', x: 1334, y: 598},
{name: 'new_moon_with_face', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌚', x: 1334, y: 1334},
{name: 'full_moon_with_face', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌝', x: 1058, y: 1012},
name: 'sun_with_face',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🌞',
x: 920,
y: 1610
{name: 'first_quarter_moon_with_face', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌛', x: 1012, y: 966},
{name: 'last_quarter_moon_with_face', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌜', x: 1150, y: 1196},
name: 'crescent_moon',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🌙',
x: 0,
y: 828
name: 'dizzy',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💫',
x: 460,
y: 874
{name: 'star', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⭐️', x: 1610, y: 1472},
{name: 'star2', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌟', x: 1610, y: 1518},
name: 'sparkles',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '✨',
x: 1610,
y: 460
name: 'zap',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['lightning', 'thunder']),
unicode: '⚡️',
x: 1012,
y: 1748
name: 'fire',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🔥',
x: 1012,
y: 782
name: 'boom',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💥',
x: 184,
y: 552
{name: 'comet', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '☄', x: 782, y: 598},
name: 'sunny',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '☀️',
x: 1058,
y: 1610
{name: 'sun_behind_small_cloud', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌤', x: 874, y: 1610},
name: 'partly_sunny',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['weather', 'cloud']),
unicode: '⛅️',
x: 1426,
y: 1242
{name: 'sun_behind_large_cloud', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌥', x: 782, y: 1610},
{name: 'sun_behind_rain_cloud', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌦', x: 828, y: 1610},
{name: 'rainbow', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌈', x: 1012, y: 1472},
{name: 'cloud', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '☁️', x: 690, y: 736},
{name: 'cloud_with_rain', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌧', x: 782, y: 46},
{name: 'cloud_with_lightning_and_rain', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⛈', x: 782, y: 0},
{name: 'cloud_with_lightning', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌩', x: 736, y: 736},
{name: 'cloud_with_snow', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌨', x: 782, y: 92},
name: 'snowman_with_snow',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['winter', 'christmas']),
unicode: '☃️',
x: 1334,
y: 1564
name: 'snowman',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '⛄️',
x: 1288,
y: 1564
name: 'snowflake',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['winter', 'cold', 'weather']),
unicode: '❄️',
x: 1242,
y: 1564
{name: 'wind_face', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌬', x: 1748, y: 782},
name: 'dash',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['wind', 'blow', 'fast']),
unicode: '💨',
x: 874,
y: 598
{name: 'tornado', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌪', x: 736, y: 1656},
{name: 'fog', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌫', x: 828, y: 1012},
name: 'ocean',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🌊',
x: 276,
y: 1380
name: 'droplet',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💧',
x: 920,
y: 414
name: 'sweat_drops',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['water', 'workout']),
unicode: '💦',
x: 1610,
y: 1610
name: 'umbrella',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['rain', 'weather']),
unicode: '☔️',
x: 1702,
y: 1288
name: 'green_apple',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍏',
x: 1104,
y: 92
{name: 'apple', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍎', x: 276, y: 0},
{name: 'pear', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍐', x: 184, y: 1426},
{name: 'tangerine', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍊', x: 1656, y: 736},
{name: 'lemon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍋', x: 1242, y: 368},
name: 'banana',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍌',
x: 92,
y: 414
{name: 'watermelon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍉', x: 1334, y: 1702},
{name: 'grapes', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍇', x: 1104, y: 0},
name: 'strawberry',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍓',
x: 460,
y: 1610
{name: 'melon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍈', x: 644, y: 1288},
name: 'cherries',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍒',
x: 690,
y: 552
{name: 'peach', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍑', x: 92, y: 1426},
{name: 'pineapple', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍍', x: 1104, y: 1426},
{name: 'kiwi_fruit', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🥝', x: 460, y: 1196},
{name: 'avocado', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🥑', x: 46, y: 368},
{name: 'tomato', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍅', x: 506, y: 1656},
name: 'eggplant',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍆',
x: 92,
y: 920
{name: 'cucumber', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🥒', x: 598, y: 828},
{name: 'carrot', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🥕', x: 598, y: 644},
{name: 'corn', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌽', x: 782, y: 782},
name: 'hot_pepper',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🌶',
x: 1150,
y: 1012
{name: 'potato', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🥔', x: 1472, y: 782},
{name: 'sweet_potato', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍠', x: 1656, y: 92},
{name: 'chestnut', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌰', x: 690, y: 644},
{name: 'peanuts', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🥜', x: 138, y: 1426},
{name: 'honey_pot', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍯', x: 1150, y: 736},
{name: 'croissant', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🥐', x: 184, y: 828},
name: 'bread',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍞',
x: 598,
y: 230
{name: 'baguette_bread', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🥖', x: 414, y: 138},
{name: 'cheese', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🧀', x: 690, y: 506},
{name: 'egg', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🥚', x: 46, y: 920},
name: 'fried_egg',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍳',
x: 1058,
y: 506
{name: 'bacon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🥓', x: 414, y: 0},
{name: 'pancakes', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🥞', x: 1426, y: 828},
name: 'fried_shrimp',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍤',
x: 1058,
y: 552
name: 'poultry_leg',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['meat', 'chicken']),
unicode: '🍗',
x: 1472,
y: 874
{name: 'meat_on_bone', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍖', x: 460, y: 1288},
{name: 'pizza', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍕', x: 1288, y: 1426},
{name: 'hotdog', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌭', x: 1150, y: 1058},
name: 'hamburger',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍔',
x: 184,
y: 1104
{name: 'fries', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍟', x: 1058, y: 598},
{name: 'stuffed_flatbread', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🥙', x: 690, y: 1610},
{name: 'taco', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌮', x: 1656, y: 506},
{name: 'burrito', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌯', x: 322, y: 598},
{name: 'green_salad', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🥗', x: 1104, y: 230},
name: 'shallow_pan_of_food',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['paella', 'curry']),
unicode: '🥘',
x: 1564,
y: 414
name: 'spaghetti',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍝',
x: 1610,
y: 322
name: 'ramen',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍜',
x: 1472,
y: 1472
{name: 'stew', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍲', x: 230, y: 1610},
{name: 'fish_cake', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍥', x: 46, y: 1012},
{name: 'sushi', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍣', x: 1380, y: 1610},
{name: 'bento', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍱', x: 506, y: 92},
{name: 'curry', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍛', x: 828, y: 828},
{name: 'rice', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍚', x: 1518, y: 828},
{name: 'rice_ball', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍙', x: 1518, y: 874},
{name: 'rice_cracker', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍘', x: 1518, y: 920},
{name: 'oden', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍢', x: 414, y: 1380},
{name: 'dango', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍡', x: 874, y: 460},
{name: 'shaved_ice', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍧', x: 1564, y: 552},
{name: 'ice_cream', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍨', x: 460, y: 1150},
{name: 'icecream', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍦', x: 598, y: 1150},
name: 'cake',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍰',
x: 644,
y: 92
name: 'birthday',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🎂',
x: 46,
y: 506
{name: 'custard', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍮', x: 874, y: 0},
{name: 'lollipop', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍭', x: 1242, y: 1196},
name: 'candy',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍬',
x: 92,
y: 644
{name: 'chocolate_bar', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍫', x: 184, y: 690},
{name: 'popcorn', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍿', x: 1472, y: 506},
{name: 'doughnut', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍩', x: 920, y: 92},
{name: 'cookie', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍪', x: 598, y: 782},
{name: 'milk_glass', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🥛', x: 1196, y: 1288},
name: 'baby_bottle',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍼',
x: 230,
y: 368
name: 'coffee',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['cafe', 'espresso']),
unicode: '☕️',
x: 782,
y: 368
name: 'tea',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['green', 'breakfast']),
unicode: '🍵',
x: 1656,
y: 920
{name: 'sake', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍶', x: 736, y: 1518},
name: 'beer',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍺',
x: 138,
y: 460
name: 'beers',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍻',
x: 184,
y: 460
name: 'clinking_glasses',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['cheers', 'toast']),
unicode: '🥂',
x: 736,
y: 92
{name: 'wine_glass', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🍷', x: 1748, y: 828},
name: 'tumbler_glass',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🥃',
x: 1702,
y: 46
name: 'cocktail',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍸',
x: 782,
y: 276
name: 'tropical_drink',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['summer', 'vacation']),
unicode: '🍹',
x: 1472,
y: 1656
name: 'champagne',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['bottle', 'bubbly', 'celebration']),
unicode: '🍾',
x: 690,
y: 276
{name: 'spoon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🥄', x: 1610, y: 966},
name: 'fork_and_knife',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🍴',
x: 1012,
y: 1012
name: 'plate_with_cutlery',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['dining', 'dinner']),
unicode: '🍽',
x: 1380,
y: 1426
objects: _List_fromArray(
name: 'soccer',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '⚽️',
x: 1426,
y: 1564
name: 'basketball',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🏀',
x: 460,
y: 92
name: 'football',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🏈',
x: 920,
y: 1012
name: 'baseball',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '⚾️',
x: 414,
y: 414
name: 'tennis',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🎾',
x: 1656,
y: 1104
{name: 'volleyball', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏐', x: 736, y: 1702},
{name: 'rugby_football', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏉', x: 276, y: 1518},
name: '8ball',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['pool', 'billiards']),
unicode: '🎱',
x: 46,
y: 92
{name: 'ping_pong', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏓', x: 1150, y: 1426},
{name: 'badminton', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏸', x: 414, y: 46},
{name: 'goal_net', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🥅', x: 736, y: 1058},
{name: 'ice_hockey', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏒', x: 506, y: 1150},
{name: 'field_hockey', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏑', x: 1012, y: 414},
{name: 'cricket', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏏', x: 46, y: 828},
{name: 'golf', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⛳️', x: 920, y: 1058},
name: 'bow_and_arrow',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🏹',
x: 460,
y: 552
{name: 'fishing_pole_and_fish', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎣', x: 92, y: 1012},
{name: 'boxing_glove', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🥊', x: 598, y: 92},
{name: 'martial_arts_uniform', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🥋', x: 46, y: 1288},
name: 'ice_skate',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '⛸',
x: 552,
y: 1150
{name: 'ski', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎿', x: 1564, y: 1472},
{name: 'skier', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⛷', x: 1564, y: 1518},
{name: 'snowboarder', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏂', x: 1196, y: 1564},
name: 'weight_lifting_woman',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['gym', 'workout']),
unicode: '🏋️\u200D♀',
x: 1748,
y: 0
name: 'weight_lifting_man',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['gym', 'workout']),
unicode: '🏋',
x: 1702,
y: 1702
{name: 'person_fencing', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤺', x: 552, y: 1426},
{name: 'women_wrestling', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤼\u200D♀', x: 414, y: 1748},
{name: 'men_wrestling', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤼\u200D♂', x: 736, y: 1288},
{name: 'woman_cartwheeling', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤸\u200D♀', x: 1748, y: 1104},
{name: 'man_cartwheeling', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤸\u200D♂', x: 1288, y: 0},
{name: 'basketball_woman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⛹️\u200D♀', x: 460, y: 184},
{name: 'basketball_man', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⛹', x: 460, y: 138},
{name: 'woman_playing_handball', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤾\u200D♀', x: 1748, y: 1656},
{name: 'man_playing_handball', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤾\u200D♂', x: 1288, y: 644},
{name: 'golfing_woman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏌️\u200D♀', x: 1012, y: 1058},
{name: 'golfing_man', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏌', x: 966, y: 1058},
{name: 'surfing_woman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏄\u200D♀', x: 1288, y: 1610},
{name: 'surfing_man', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏄', x: 1242, y: 1610},
{name: 'swimming_woman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏊\u200D♀', x: 1656, y: 230},
{name: 'swimming_man', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏊', x: 1656, y: 184},
{name: 'woman_playing_water_polo', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤽\u200D♀', x: 1748, y: 1702},
{name: 'man_playing_water_polo', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤽\u200D♂', x: 1288, y: 690},
{name: 'rowing_woman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚣\u200D♀', x: 184, y: 1518},
{name: 'rowing_man', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚣', x: 138, y: 1518},
{name: 'horse_racing', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏇', x: 1150, y: 920},
{name: 'biking_woman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚴\u200D♀', x: 506, y: 368},
{name: 'biking_man', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚴', x: 506, y: 322},
{name: 'mountain_biking_woman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚵\u200D♀', x: 1334, y: 1150},
{name: 'mountain_biking_man', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚵', x: 1334, y: 1104},
name: 'running_shirt_with_sash',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🎽',
x: 460,
y: 1518
name: 'medal_sports',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['gold', 'winner']),
unicode: '🏅',
x: 552,
y: 1288
{name: 'medal_military', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎖', x: 506, y: 1288},
name: '1st_place_medal',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🥇',
x: 92,
y: 0
name: '2nd_place_medal',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🥈',
x: 92,
y: 46
name: '3rd_place_medal',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🥉',
x: 0,
y: 92
name: 'trophy',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['award', 'contest', 'winner']),
unicode: '🏆',
x: 1426,
y: 1656
{name: 'rosette', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏵', x: 1518, y: 1472},
{name: 'reminder_ribbon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎗', x: 1518, y: 368},
{name: 'ticket', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎫', x: 1656, y: 1518},
{name: 'tickets', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎟', x: 1656, y: 1564},
{name: 'circus_tent', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎪', x: 414, y: 690},
{name: 'woman_juggling', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤹\u200D♀', x: 1748, y: 1472},
{name: 'man_juggling', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤹\u200D♂', x: 1288, y: 460},
name: 'performing_arts',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['theater', 'drama']),
unicode: '🎭',
x: 460,
y: 1426
name: 'art',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['design', 'paint']),
unicode: '🎨',
x: 230,
y: 322
name: 'clapper',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🎬',
x: 736,
y: 0
name: 'microphone',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🎤',
x: 1058,
y: 1288
name: 'headphones',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['music', 'earphones']),
unicode: '🎧',
x: 736,
y: 1104
{name: 'musical_score', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎼', x: 460, y: 1334},
name: 'musical_keyboard',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🎹',
x: 368,
y: 1334
{name: 'drum', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🥁', x: 920, y: 460},
{name: 'saxophone', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎷', x: 1150, y: 1518},
{name: 'trumpet', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎺', x: 1610, y: 1656},
name: 'guitar',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🎸',
x: 1104,
y: 966
{name: 'violin', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎻', x: 598, y: 1702},
name: 'game_die',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['dice', 'gambling']),
unicode: '🎲',
x: 138,
y: 1058
name: 'dart',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🎯',
x: 874,
y: 552
{name: 'bowling', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎳', x: 598, y: 0},
name: 'video_game',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['play', 'controller', 'console']),
unicode: '🎮',
x: 506,
y: 1702
{name: 'slot_machine', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎰', x: 322, y: 1564},
name: 'watch',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '⌚️',
x: 1242,
y: 1702
name: 'iphone',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['smartphone', 'mobile']),
unicode: '📱',
x: 1196,
y: 0
name: 'calling',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['call', 'incoming']),
unicode: '📲',
x: 644,
y: 230
name: 'computer',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['desktop', 'screen']),
unicode: '💻',
x: 782,
y: 690
{name: 'keyboard', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⌨️', x: 1196, y: 1150},
{name: 'desktop_computer', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🖥', x: 184, y: 874},
{name: 'printer', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🖨', x: 1472, y: 1426},
{name: 'computer_mouse', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🖱', x: 782, y: 736},
{name: 'trackball', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🖲', x: 828, y: 1656},
{name: 'joystick', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕹', x: 1196, y: 874},
{name: 'clamp', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🗜', x: 644, y: 690},
{name: 'minidisc', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💽', x: 1334, y: 0},
name: 'floppy_disk',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💾',
x: 690,
y: 1012
{name: 'cd', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💿', x: 690, y: 92},
{name: 'dvd', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📀', x: 920, y: 552},
{name: 'vhs', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📼', x: 368, y: 1702},
name: 'camera',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '📷',
x: 644,
y: 368
name: 'camera_flash',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '📸',
x: 644,
y: 414
{name: 'video_camera', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📹', x: 460, y: 1702},
name: 'movie_camera',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['film', 'video']),
unicode: '🎥',
x: 92,
y: 1334
{name: 'film_projector', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📽', x: 1012, y: 598},
{name: 'film_strip', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎞', x: 1012, y: 644},
name: 'telephone_receiver',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['phone', 'call']),
unicode: '📞',
x: 1656,
y: 1012
{name: 'phone', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '☎️', x: 828, y: 1426},
{name: 'pager', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📟', x: 1426, y: 506},
{name: 'fax', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📠', x: 1012, y: 92},
{name: 'tv', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📺', x: 1702, y: 368},
name: 'radio',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '📻',
x: 552,
y: 1472
name: 'studio_microphone',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🎙',
x: 644,
y: 1610
{name: 'level_slider', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎚', x: 1242, y: 552},
{name: 'control_knobs', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎛', x: 460, y: 782},
{name: 'stopwatch', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⏱', x: 368, y: 1610},
{name: 'timer_clock', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⏲', x: 46, y: 1656},
name: 'alarm_clock',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '⏰',
x: 184,
y: 46
{name: 'mantelpiece_clock', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕰', x: 1288, y: 1196},
name: 'hourglass',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '⌛️',
x: 46,
y: 1150
name: 'hourglass_flowing_sand',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '⏳',
x: 92,
y: 1150
name: 'satellite',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '📡',
x: 1012,
y: 1518
name: 'battery',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🔋',
x: 460,
y: 368
{name: 'electric_plug', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔌', x: 368, y: 920},
name: 'bulb',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['idea', 'light']),
unicode: '💡',
x: 92,
y: 598
{name: 'flashlight', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔦', x: 460, y: 1012},
{name: 'candle', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕯', x: 46, y: 644},
name: 'wastebasket',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🗑',
x: 1196,
y: 1702
{name: 'oil_drum', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛢', x: 506, y: 1380},
name: 'money_with_wings',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💸',
x: 1334,
y: 230
name: 'dollar',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💵',
x: 736,
y: 874
{name: 'yen', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💴', x: 828, y: 1748},
{name: 'euro', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💶', x: 966, y: 0},
{name: 'pound', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💷', x: 1472, y: 920},
name: 'moneybag',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['dollar', 'cream']),
unicode: '💰',
x: 1334,
y: 276
name: 'credit_card',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💳',
x: 828,
y: 782
name: 'gem',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💎',
x: 276,
y: 1058
{name: 'balance_scale', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⚖️', x: 414, y: 276},
name: 'wrench',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🔧',
x: 598,
y: 1748
name: 'hammer',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🔨',
x: 230,
y: 1104
{name: 'hammer_and_pick', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⚒', x: 276, y: 1104},
{name: 'hammer_and_wrench', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛠', x: 322, y: 1104},
{name: 'pick', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⛏', x: 874, y: 1426},
{name: 'nut_and_bolt', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔩', x: 138, y: 1380},
{name: 'gear', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⚙️', x: 230, y: 1058},
{name: 'chains', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⛓', x: 690, y: 230},
name: 'gun',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['shoot', 'weapon']),
unicode: '🔫',
x: 1104,
y: 1012
name: 'bomb',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💣',
x: 552,
y: 506
name: 'hocho',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['cut', 'chop']),
unicode: '🔪',
x: 1150,
y: 598
{name: 'dagger', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🗡', x: 874, y: 230},
{name: 'crossed_swords', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⚔️', x: 322, y: 828},
{name: 'shield', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛡', x: 1564, y: 690},
name: 'smoking',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🚬',
x: 1012,
y: 1564
name: 'coffin',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '⚰️',
x: 782,
y: 414
{name: 'funeral_urn', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⚱️', x: 0, y: 1058},
{name: 'amphora', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏺', x: 184, y: 184},
name: 'crystal_ball',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🔮',
x: 506,
y: 828
{name: 'prayer_beads', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📿', x: 1472, y: 1196},
{name: 'barber', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💈', x: 368, y: 414},
{name: 'alembic', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⚗️', x: 184, y: 138},
{name: 'telescope', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔭', x: 1656, y: 1058},
name: 'microscope',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['science', 'laboratory', 'investigate']),
unicode: '🔬',
x: 1104,
y: 1288
{name: 'hole', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕳', x: 1150, y: 644},
name: 'pill',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['health', 'medicine']),
unicode: '💊',
x: 1058,
y: 1426
name: 'syringe',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['health', 'hospital', 'needle']),
unicode: '💉',
x: 1656,
y: 460
{name: 'thermometer', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌡', x: 1656, y: 1242},
name: 'toilet',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🚽',
x: 368,
y: 1656
{name: 'potable_water', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚰', x: 1472, y: 736},
name: 'shower',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🚿',
x: 1564,
y: 1104
{name: 'bathtub', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛁', x: 460, y: 322},
name: 'bath',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🛀',
x: 460,
y: 276
{name: 'bellhop_bell', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛎', x: 506, y: 0},
name: 'key',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['lock', 'password']),
unicode: '🔑',
x: 1196,
y: 1104
{name: 'old_key', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🗝', x: 736, y: 1380},
{name: 'door', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚪', x: 920, y: 46},
{name: 'couch_and_lamp', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛋', x: 828, y: 92},
{name: 'bed', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛏', x: 46, y: 460},
{name: 'sleeping_bed', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛌', x: 138, y: 1564},
{name: 'framed_picture', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🖼', x: 1058, y: 276},
name: 'shopping',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🛍',
x: 1564,
y: 1012
{name: 'shopping_cart', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛒', x: 1564, y: 1058},
name: 'gift',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['present', 'birthday', 'christmas']),
unicode: '🎁',
x: 552,
y: 1058
name: 'balloon',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['party', 'birthday']),
unicode: '🎈',
x: 414,
y: 322
{name: 'flags', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎏', x: 414, y: 1012},
{name: 'ribbon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎀', x: 1518, y: 782},
{name: 'confetti_ball', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎊', x: 0, y: 782},
name: 'tada',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['hooray', 'party']),
unicode: '🎉',
x: 1656,
y: 552
{name: 'dolls', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎎', x: 782, y: 874},
{name: 'izakaya_lantern', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏮', x: 1196, y: 322},
{name: 'wind_chime', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎐', x: 1748, y: 736},
name: 'email',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '✉️',
x: 506,
y: 920
{name: 'envelope_with_arrow', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📩', x: 644, y: 920},
{name: 'incoming_envelope', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📨', x: 874, y: 1150},
{name: 'e-mail', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📧', x: 920, y: 598},
name: 'love_letter',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['email', 'envelope']),
unicode: '💌',
x: 184,
y: 1242
{name: 'inbox_tray', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📥', x: 828, y: 1150},
{name: 'outbox_tray', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📤', x: 1426, y: 230},
name: 'package',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '📦',
x: 1426,
y: 368
name: 'label',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🏷',
x: 828,
y: 1196
{name: 'mailbox_closed', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📪', x: 736, y: 1242},
{name: 'mailbox', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📫', x: 690, y: 1242},
{name: 'mailbox_with_mail', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📬', x: 782, y: 1242},
{name: 'mailbox_with_no_mail', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📭', x: 828, y: 1242},
{name: 'postbox', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📮', x: 1472, y: 690},
{name: 'postal_horn', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📯', x: 1472, y: 644},
name: 'scroll',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '📜',
x: 1518,
y: 1518
{name: 'page_with_curl', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📃', x: 1426, y: 460},
name: 'page_facing_up',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '📄',
x: 1426,
y: 414
{name: 'bookmark_tabs', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📑', x: 92, y: 552},
name: 'bar_chart',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['stats', 'metrics']),
unicode: '📊',
x: 276,
y: 414
name: 'chart_with_upwards_trend',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['graph', 'metrics']),
unicode: '📈',
x: 690,
y: 414
name: 'chart_with_downwards_trend',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['graph', 'metrics']),
unicode: '📉',
x: 690,
y: 368
{name: 'spiral_notepad', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🗒', x: 1610, y: 920},
{name: 'spiral_calendar', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🗓', x: 1610, y: 874},
name: 'calendar',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '📆',
x: 644,
y: 138
name: 'date',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['calendar', 'schedule']),
unicode: '📅',
x: 874,
y: 644
{name: 'card_index', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📇', x: 414, y: 644},
{name: 'card_file_box', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🗃', x: 368, y: 644},
{name: 'ballot_box', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🗳', x: 414, y: 368},
{name: 'file_cabinet', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🗄', x: 1012, y: 506},
{name: 'clipboard', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📋', x: 736, y: 138},
name: 'file_folder',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '📁',
x: 1012,
y: 552
{name: 'open_file_folder', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📂', x: 1288, y: 1380},
{name: 'card_index_dividers', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🗂', x: 460, y: 644},
name: 'newspaper_roll',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🗞',
x: 1380,
y: 92
name: 'newspaper',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '📰',
x: 1380,
y: 46
{name: 'notebook', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📓', x: 0, y: 1380},
{name: 'notebook_with_decorative_cover', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📔', x: 46, y: 1380},
{name: 'ledger', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📒', x: 1242, y: 184},
{name: 'closed_book', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📕', x: 552, y: 736},
{name: 'green_book', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📗', x: 1104, y: 138},
{name: 'blue_book', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📘', x: 552, y: 184},
{name: 'orange_book', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📙', x: 1426, y: 138},
name: 'books',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '📚',
x: 138,
y: 552
{name: 'book', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📖', x: 0, y: 552},
{name: 'bookmark', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔖', x: 46, y: 552},
{name: 'link', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔗', x: 1242, y: 828},
{name: 'paperclip', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📎', x: 1426, y: 920},
{name: 'paperclips', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🖇', x: 1426, y: 966},
{name: 'triangular_ruler', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📐', x: 1150, y: 1656},
{name: 'straight_ruler', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📏', x: 414, y: 1610},
name: 'pushpin',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '📌',
x: 184,
y: 1472
name: 'round_pushpin',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '📍',
x: 46,
y: 1518
name: 'scissors',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '✂️',
x: 1288,
y: 1518
{name: 'pen', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🖊', x: 230, y: 1426},
{name: 'fountain_pen', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🖋', x: 1058, y: 46},
{name: 'black_nib', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '✒️', x: 414, y: 506},
{name: 'paintbrush', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🖌', x: 1426, y: 552},
{name: 'crayon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🖍', x: 828, y: 736},
name: 'memo',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['document', 'note']),
unicode: '📝',
x: 690,
y: 1288
{name: 'pencil2', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '✏️', x: 322, y: 1426},
name: 'mag',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['search', 'zoom']),
unicode: '🔍',
x: 552,
y: 1242
{name: 'mag_right', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔎', x: 598, y: 1242},
{name: 'lock_with_ink_pen', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔏', x: 1242, y: 1150},
name: 'closed_lock_with_key',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🔐',
x: 598,
y: 736
name: 'lock',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['security', 'private']),
unicode: '🔒',
x: 1242,
y: 1104
name: 'unlock',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🔓',
x: 1702,
y: 1518
people: _List_fromArray(
name: 'grinning',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['smile', 'happy']),
unicode: '😀',
x: 1104,
y: 552
name: 'smiley',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['happy', 'joy', 'haha']),
unicode: '😃',
x: 782,
y: 1564
name: 'smile',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['happy', 'joy', 'laugh', 'pleased']),
unicode: '😄',
x: 690,
y: 1564
{name: 'grin', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😁', x: 1104, y: 506},
name: 'laughing',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['happy', 'haha']),
unicode: '😆',
x: 1242,
y: 46
name: 'sweat_smile',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😅',
x: 1656,
y: 0
name: 'joy',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😂',
x: 1196,
y: 782
name: 'rofl',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['lol', 'laughing']),
unicode: '🤣',
x: 1518,
y: 1196
name: 'relaxed',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['blush', 'pleased']),
unicode: '☺️',
x: 1518,
y: 276
name: 'blush',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😊',
x: 552,
y: 322
name: 'innocent',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😇',
x: 1104,
y: 1150
{name: 'slightly_smiling_face', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🙂', x: 276, y: 1564},
{name: 'upside_down_face', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🙃', x: 1702, y: 1610},
name: 'wink',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😉',
x: 1748,
y: 874
name: 'relieved',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😌',
x: 1518,
y: 322
name: 'heart_eyes',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['love', 'crush']),
unicode: '😍',
x: 920,
y: 1104
name: 'kissing_heart',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😘',
x: 368,
y: 1196
{name: 'kissing', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😗', x: 230, y: 1196},
{name: 'kissing_smiling_eyes', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😙', x: 414, y: 1196},
{name: 'kissing_closed_eyes', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😚', x: 322, y: 1196},
name: 'yum',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['tongue', 'lick']),
unicode: '😋',
x: 920,
y: 1748
name: 'stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['prank', 'silly']),
unicode: '😜',
x: 598,
y: 1610
name: 'stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😝',
x: 552,
y: 1610
{name: 'stuck_out_tongue', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😛', x: 506, y: 1610},
name: 'money_mouth_face',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🤑',
x: 1334,
y: 184
{name: 'hugs', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤗', x: 276, y: 1150},
name: 'nerd_face',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['geek', 'glasses']),
unicode: '🤓',
x: 1058,
y: 1334
name: 'sunglasses',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😎',
x: 1012,
y: 1610
{name: 'clown_face', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤡', x: 782, y: 138},
{name: 'cowboy_hat_face', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤠', x: 828, y: 644},
name: 'smirk',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😏',
x: 920,
y: 1564
name: 'unamused',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😒',
x: 1702,
y: 1334
name: 'disappointed',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😞',
x: 368,
y: 874
{name: 'pensive', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😔', x: 414, y: 1426},
name: 'worried',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😟',
x: 552,
y: 1748
{name: 'confused', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😕', x: 92, y: 782},
{name: 'slightly_frowning_face', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🙁', x: 230, y: 1564},
{name: 'frowning_face', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '☹️', x: 1058, y: 736},
name: 'persevere',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😣',
x: 506,
y: 1426
{name: 'confounded', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😖', x: 46, y: 782},
name: 'tired_face',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['upset', 'whine']),
unicode: '😫',
x: 230,
y: 1656
name: 'weary',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😩',
x: 1610,
y: 1702
name: 'triumph',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😤',
x: 1288,
y: 1656
name: 'angry',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['mad', 'annoyed']),
unicode: '😠',
x: 0,
y: 230
name: 'rage',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😡',
x: 690,
y: 1472
name: 'no_mouth',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['mute', 'silence']),
unicode: '😶',
x: 1380,
y: 966
name: 'neutral_face',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😐',
x: 1150,
y: 1334
{name: 'expressionless', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😑', x: 966, y: 276},
name: 'hushed',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['silence', 'speechless']),
unicode: '😯',
x: 414,
y: 1150
{name: 'frowning', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😦', x: 1058, y: 690},
name: 'anguished',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😧',
x: 92,
y: 230
name: 'open_mouth',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['surprise', 'impressed', 'wow']),
unicode: '😮',
x: 1380,
y: 1380
name: 'astonished',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['amazed', 'gasp']),
unicode: '😲',
x: 368,
y: 92
{name: 'dizzy_face', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😵', x: 506, y: 874},
{name: 'flushed', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😳', x: 782, y: 1012},
name: 'scream',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['horror', 'shocked']),
unicode: '😱',
x: 1426,
y: 1518
name: 'fearful',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['scared', 'shocked', 'oops']),
unicode: '😨',
x: 1012,
y: 138
name: 'cold_sweat',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😰',
x: 782,
y: 460
name: 'cry',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['sad', 'tear']),
unicode: '😢',
x: 414,
y: 828
name: 'disappointed_relieved',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['phew', 'sweat', 'nervous']),
unicode: '😥',
x: 414,
y: 874
{name: 'drooling_face', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤤', x: 920, y: 368},
name: 'sob',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['sad', 'cry', 'bawling']),
unicode: '😭',
x: 1380,
y: 1564
{name: 'sweat', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😓', x: 1564, y: 1610},
name: 'sleepy',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😪',
x: 184,
y: 1564
name: 'sleeping',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '😴',
x: 92,
y: 1564
{name: 'roll_eyes', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🙄', x: 1518, y: 1242},
{name: 'thinking', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤔', x: 1656, y: 1288},
name: 'lying_face',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🤥',
x: 322,
y: 1242
{name: 'grimacing', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😬', x: 1104, y: 460},
name: 'zipper_mouth_face',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['silence', 'hush']),
unicode: '🤐',
x: 1150,
y: 1748
name: 'nauseated_face',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['sick', 'barf', 'disgusted']),
unicode: '🤢',
x: 828,
y: 1334
name: 'sneezing_face',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['achoo', 'sick']),
unicode: '🤧',
x: 1150,
y: 1564
name: 'mask',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['sick', 'ill']),
unicode: '😷',
x: 138,
y: 1288
name: 'face_with_thermometer',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🤒',
x: 966,
y: 552
name: 'face_with_head_bandage',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🤕',
x: 966,
y: 506
name: 'smiling_imp',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['devil', 'evil', 'horns']),
unicode: '😈',
x: 874,
y: 1564
name: 'imp',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['angry', 'devil', 'evil', 'horns']),
unicode: '👿',
x: 782,
y: 1150
name: 'japanese_ogre',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👹',
x: 1196,
y: 598
{name: 'japanese_goblin', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👺', x: 1196, y: 552},
name: 'hankey',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💩',
x: 552,
y: 1104
name: 'ghost',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👻',
x: 460,
y: 1058
name: 'skull',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['dead', 'danger', 'poison']),
unicode: '💀',
x: 0,
y: 1564
name: 'skull_and_crossbones',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['danger', 'pirate']),
unicode: '☠️',
x: 46,
y: 1564
name: 'alien',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👽',
x: 46,
y: 184
name: 'space_invader',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['game', 'retro']),
unicode: '👾',
x: 1610,
y: 230
{name: 'robot', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤖', x: 1518, y: 1104},
name: 'jack_o_lantern',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🎃',
x: 1196,
y: 368
{name: 'smiley_cat', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😺', x: 828, y: 1564},
{name: 'smile_cat', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😸', x: 736, y: 1564},
{name: 'joy_cat', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😹', x: 1196, y: 828},
{name: 'heart_eyes_cat', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😻', x: 966, y: 1104},
{name: 'smirk_cat', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😼', x: 966, y: 1564},
{name: 'kissing_cat', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😽', x: 276, y: 1196},
name: 'scream_cat',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🙀',
x: 1472,
y: 1518
name: 'crying_cat_face',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['sad', 'tear']),
unicode: '😿',
x: 460,
y: 828
{name: 'pouting_cat', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '😾', x: 1472, y: 1012},
{name: 'open_hands', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👐', x: 1334, y: 1380},
name: 'raised_hands',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🙌',
x: 1242,
y: 1472
name: 'clap',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['praise', 'applause']),
unicode: '👏',
x: 690,
y: 690
name: 'pray',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['please', 'hope', 'wish']),
unicode: '🙏',
x: 1472,
y: 1150
name: 'handshake',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🤝',
x: 506,
y: 1104
name: '+1',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['approve', 'ok']),
unicode: '👍',
x: 46,
y: 0
name: '-1',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['disapprove', 'bury']),
unicode: '👎',
x: 414,
y: 1288
name: 'fist_oncoming',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👊',
x: 230,
y: 1012
name: 'fist_raised',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '✊',
x: 276,
y: 1012
{name: 'fist_left', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤛', x: 184, y: 1012},
{name: 'fist_right', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤜', x: 322, y: 1012},
name: 'crossed_fingers',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['luck', 'hopeful']),
unicode: '🤞',
x: 230,
y: 828
name: 'v',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['victory', 'peace']),
unicode: '✌️',
x: 138,
y: 1702
{name: 'metal', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤘', x: 874, y: 1288},
{name: 'ok_hand', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👌', x: 598, y: 1380},
{name: 'point_left', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👈', x: 1472, y: 46},
{name: 'point_right', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👉', x: 1472, y: 92},
{name: 'point_up_2', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👆', x: 1472, y: 184},
{name: 'point_down', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👇', x: 1472, y: 0},
{name: 'point_up', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '☝️', x: 1472, y: 138},
name: 'hand',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['highfive', 'stop']),
unicode: '✋',
x: 414,
y: 1104
{name: 'raised_back_of_hand', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤚', x: 1104, y: 1472},
{name: 'raised_hand_with_fingers_splayed', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🖐', x: 1196, y: 1472},
name: 'vulcan_salute',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['prosper', 'spock']),
unicode: '🖖',
x: 828,
y: 1702
name: 'wave',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👋',
x: 1380,
y: 1702
{name: 'call_me_hand', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤙', x: 644, y: 184},
name: 'muscle',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['flex', 'bicep', 'strong', 'workout']),
unicode: '💪',
x: 276,
y: 1334
{name: 'middle_finger', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🖕', x: 1150, y: 1288},
{name: 'writing_hand', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '✍️', x: 644, y: 1748},
{name: 'selfie', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤳', x: 1564, y: 184},
name: 'nail_care',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['beauty', 'manicure']),
unicode: '💅',
x: 598,
y: 1334
name: 'ring',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['wedding', 'marriage', 'engaged']),
unicode: '💍',
x: 1518,
y: 1058
name: 'lipstick',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💄',
x: 1242,
y: 966
name: 'kiss',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💋',
x: 184,
y: 1196
name: 'lips',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👄',
x: 1242,
y: 920
name: 'tongue',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👅',
x: 598,
y: 1656
name: 'ear',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['hear', 'sound', 'listen']),
unicode: '👂',
x: 920,
y: 690
name: 'nose',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👃',
x: 1380,
y: 1334
name: 'footprints',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['feet', 'tracks']),
unicode: '👣',
x: 966,
y: 1012
{name: 'eye', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👁', x: 966, y: 322},
name: 'eyes',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['look', 'see', 'watch']),
unicode: '👀',
x: 966,
y: 460
{name: 'speaking_head', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🗣', x: 1610, y: 644},
name: 'bust_in_silhouette',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👤',
x: 552,
y: 598
name: 'busts_in_silhouette',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['users', 'group', 'team']),
unicode: '👥',
x: 598,
y: 598
name: 'baby',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['child', 'newborn']),
unicode: '👶',
x: 184,
y: 368
name: 'boy',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👦',
x: 598,
y: 138
name: 'girl',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👧',
x: 644,
y: 1058
name: 'man',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['mustache', 'father', 'dad']),
unicode: '👨',
x: 1150,
y: 1242
name: 'woman',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👩',
x: 1748,
y: 966
{name: 'blonde_woman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👱\u200D♀', x: 552, y: 46},
{name: 'blonde_woman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👱\u200D♀', x: 552, y: 46},
name: 'blonde_man',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👱',
x: 552,
y: 0
{name: 'older_man', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👴', x: 782, y: 1380},
{name: 'older_woman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👵', x: 828, y: 1380},
{name: 'man_with_gua_pi_mao', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👲', x: 1288, y: 1012},
{name: 'woman_with_turban', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👳\u200D♀', x: 276, y: 1748},
{name: 'man_with_turban', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👳', x: 1288, y: 1058},
{name: 'policewoman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👮\u200D♀', x: 1472, y: 368},
name: 'policeman',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['police', 'law']),
unicode: '👮',
x: 1472,
y: 322
{name: 'construction_worker_woman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👷\u200D♀', x: 414, y: 782},
name: 'construction_worker_man',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👷',
x: 368,
y: 782
{name: 'guardswoman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💂\u200D♀', x: 1104, y: 736},
{name: 'guardsman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💂', x: 1104, y: 690},
name: 'female_detective',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🕵️\u200D♀',
x: 1012,
y: 276
name: 'male_detective',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🕵',
x: 1012,
y: 1242
name: 'woman_health_worker',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['doctor', 'nurse']),
unicode: '👩\u200D⚕',
x: 1748,
y: 1380
name: 'man_health_worker',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['doctor', 'nurse']),
unicode: '👨\u200D⚕',
x: 1288,
y: 322
{name: 'woman_farmer', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👩\u200D🌾', x: 1748, y: 1288},
{name: 'man_farmer', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D🌾', x: 1288, y: 230},
name: 'woman_cook',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👩\u200D🍳',
x: 1748,
y: 1150
name: 'man_cook',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👨\u200D🍳',
x: 1288,
y: 46
name: 'woman_student',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👩\u200D🎓',
x: 138,
y: 1748
name: 'man_student',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👨\u200D🎓',
x: 1288,
y: 874
name: 'woman_singer',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👩\u200D🎤',
x: 92,
y: 1748
name: 'man_singer',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👨\u200D🎤',
x: 1288,
y: 828
name: 'woman_teacher',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['school', 'professor']),
unicode: '👩\u200D🏫',
x: 184,
y: 1748
name: 'man_teacher',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['school', 'professor']),
unicode: '👨\u200D🏫',
x: 1288,
y: 920
{name: 'woman_factory_worker', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👩\u200D🏭', x: 1748, y: 1242},
{name: 'man_factory_worker', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D🏭', x: 1288, y: 184},
name: 'woman_technologist',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👩\u200D💻',
x: 230,
y: 1748
name: 'man_technologist',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👨\u200D💻',
x: 1288,
y: 966
name: 'woman_office_worker',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👩\u200D💼',
x: 1748,
y: 1564
name: 'man_office_worker',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👨\u200D💼',
x: 1288,
y: 552
{name: 'woman_mechanic', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👩\u200D🔧', x: 1748, y: 1518},
{name: 'man_mechanic', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D🔧', x: 1288, y: 506},
name: 'woman_scientist',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👩\u200D🔬',
x: 0,
y: 1748
name: 'man_scientist',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👨\u200D🔬',
x: 1288,
y: 736
name: 'woman_artist',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👩\u200D🎨',
x: 1748,
y: 1012
name: 'man_artist',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👨\u200D🎨',
x: 1196,
y: 1242
{name: 'woman_firefighter', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👩\u200D🚒', x: 1748, y: 1334},
{name: 'man_firefighter', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D🚒', x: 1288, y: 276},
{name: 'woman_pilot', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👩\u200D✈', x: 1748, y: 1610},
{name: 'man_pilot', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D✈', x: 1288, y: 598},
name: 'woman_astronaut',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👩\u200D🚀',
x: 1748,
y: 1058
name: 'man_astronaut',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👨\u200D🚀',
x: 1242,
y: 1242
name: 'woman_judge',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👩\u200D⚖',
x: 1748,
y: 1426
name: 'man_judge',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👨\u200D⚖',
x: 1288,
y: 414
name: 'mrs_claus',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🤶',
x: 230,
y: 1334
name: 'santa',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🎅',
x: 920,
y: 1518
name: 'princess',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['blonde', 'crown', 'royal']),
unicode: '👸',
x: 1472,
y: 1380
name: 'prince',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['crown', 'royal']),
unicode: '🤴',
x: 1472,
y: 1334
name: 'bride_with_veil',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['marriage', 'wedding']),
unicode: '👰',
x: 598,
y: 276
name: 'man_in_tuxedo',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['groom', 'marriage', 'wedding']),
unicode: '🤵',
x: 1288,
y: 368
{name: 'angel', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👼', x: 230, y: 92},
{name: 'pregnant_woman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤰', x: 1472, y: 1242},
name: 'bowing_woman',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['respect', 'thanks']),
unicode: '🙇\u200D♀',
x: 552,
y: 552
name: 'bowing_man',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['respect', 'thanks']),
unicode: '🙇',
x: 506,
y: 552
{name: 'tipping_hand_woman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💁', x: 184, y: 1656},
name: 'tipping_hand_man',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💁\u200D♂',
x: 138,
y: 1656
name: 'no_good_woman',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['stop', 'halt']),
unicode: '🙅',
x: 1380,
y: 874
name: 'no_good_man',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['stop', 'halt']),
unicode: '🙅\u200D♂',
x: 1380,
y: 828
{name: 'ok_woman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🙆', x: 690, y: 1380},
{name: 'ok_man', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🙆\u200D♂', x: 644, y: 1380},
{name: 'raising_hand_woman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🙋', x: 1380, y: 1472},
{name: 'raising_hand_man', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🙋\u200D♂', x: 1334, y: 1472},
{name: 'woman_facepalming', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤦\u200D♀', x: 1748, y: 1196},
{name: 'man_facepalming', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤦\u200D♂', x: 1288, y: 138},
{name: 'woman_shrugging', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤷\u200D♀', x: 46, y: 1748},
{name: 'man_shrugging', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🤷\u200D♂', x: 1288, y: 782},
{name: 'pouting_woman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🙎', x: 1472, y: 1104},
{name: 'pouting_man', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🙎\u200D♂', x: 1472, y: 1058},
name: 'frowning_woman',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🙍',
x: 1058,
y: 828
{name: 'frowning_man', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🙍\u200D♂', x: 1058, y: 782},
name: 'haircut_woman',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💇',
x: 92,
y: 1104
{name: 'haircut_man', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💇\u200D♂', x: 46, y: 1104},
name: 'massage_woman',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💆',
x: 276,
y: 1288
name: 'massage_man',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💆\u200D♂',
x: 230,
y: 1288
{name: 'business_suit_levitating', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕴', x: 460, y: 598},
name: 'dancer',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💃',
x: 874,
y: 276
name: 'man_dancing',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🕺',
x: 1288,
y: 92
name: 'dancing_women',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👯',
x: 874,
y: 414
name: 'dancing_men',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👯\u200D♂',
x: 874,
y: 368
{name: 'walking_woman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚶\u200D♀', x: 966, y: 1702},
{name: 'walking_man', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚶', x: 920, y: 1702},
name: 'running_woman',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['exercise', 'workout', 'marathon']),
unicode: '🏃\u200D♀',
x: 506,
y: 1518
name: 'running_man',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['exercise', 'workout', 'marathon']),
unicode: '🏃',
x: 414,
y: 1518
name: 'couple',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👫',
x: 828,
y: 138
name: 'two_women_holding_hands',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['couple', 'date']),
unicode: '👭',
x: 1702,
y: 598
name: 'two_men_holding_hands',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['couple', 'date']),
unicode: '👬',
x: 1702,
y: 552
{name: 'couple_with_heart_woman_man', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💑', x: 828, y: 276},
{name: 'couple_with_heart_woman_woman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👩\u200D❤\u200D👩', x: 828, y: 322},
{name: 'couple_with_heart_man_man', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D❤\u200D👨', x: 828, y: 230},
{name: 'couplekiss_man_woman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💏', x: 828, y: 460},
{name: 'couplekiss_woman_woman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👩\u200D❤\u200D💋\u200D👩', x: 828, y: 506},
{name: 'couplekiss_man_man', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D❤\u200D💋\u200D👨', x: 828, y: 414},
name: 'family_man_woman_boy',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['home', 'parents', 'child']),
unicode: '👪',
x: 322,
y: 966
{name: 'family_man_woman_girl', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D👩\u200D👧', x: 414, y: 966},
{name: 'family_man_woman_girl_boy', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D👩\u200D👧\u200D👦', x: 460, y: 966},
{name: 'family_man_woman_boy_boy', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D👩\u200D👦\u200D👦', x: 368, y: 966},
{name: 'family_man_woman_girl_girl', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D👩\u200D👧\u200D👧', x: 506, y: 966},
{name: 'family_woman_woman_boy', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👩\u200D👩\u200D👦', x: 782, y: 966},
{name: 'family_woman_woman_girl', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👩\u200D👩\u200D👧', x: 874, y: 966},
{name: 'family_woman_woman_girl_boy', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👩\u200D👩\u200D👧\u200D👦', x: 920, y: 966},
{name: 'family_woman_woman_boy_boy', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👩\u200D👩\u200D👦\u200D👦', x: 828, y: 966},
{name: 'family_woman_woman_girl_girl', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👩\u200D👩\u200D👧\u200D👧', x: 966, y: 966},
{name: 'family_man_man_boy', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D👨\u200D👦', x: 92, y: 966},
{name: 'family_man_man_girl', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D👨\u200D👧', x: 184, y: 966},
{name: 'family_man_man_girl_boy', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D👨\u200D👧\u200D👦', x: 230, y: 966},
{name: 'family_man_man_boy_boy', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D👨\u200D👦\u200D👦', x: 138, y: 966},
{name: 'family_man_man_girl_girl', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D👨\u200D👧\u200D👧', x: 276, y: 966},
{name: 'family_woman_boy', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👩\u200D👦', x: 552, y: 966},
{name: 'family_woman_girl', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👩\u200D👧', x: 644, y: 966},
{name: 'family_woman_girl_boy', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👩\u200D👧\u200D👦', x: 690, y: 966},
{name: 'family_woman_boy_boy', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👩\u200D👦\u200D👦', x: 598, y: 966},
{name: 'family_woman_girl_girl', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👩\u200D👧\u200D👧', x: 736, y: 966},
{name: 'family_man_boy', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D👦', x: 966, y: 828},
{name: 'family_man_girl', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D👧', x: 966, y: 920},
{name: 'family_man_girl_boy', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D👧\u200D👦', x: 0, y: 966},
{name: 'family_man_boy_boy', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D👦\u200D👦', x: 966, y: 874},
{name: 'family_man_girl_girl', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👨\u200D👧\u200D👧', x: 46, y: 966},
{name: 'womans_clothes', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👚', x: 322, y: 1748},
{name: 'shirt', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👕', x: 1564, y: 874},
name: 'jeans',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👖',
x: 1196,
y: 644
name: 'necktie',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['shirt', 'formal']),
unicode: '👔',
x: 920,
y: 1334
{name: 'dress', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👗', x: 920, y: 276},
name: 'bikini',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👙',
x: 506,
y: 414
{name: 'kimono', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👘', x: 92, y: 1196},
name: 'high_heel',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👠',
x: 1150,
y: 552
name: 'sandal',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👡',
x: 874,
y: 1518
{name: 'boot', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👢', x: 230, y: 552},
{name: 'mans_shoe', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👞', x: 1288, y: 1150},
name: 'athletic_shoe',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['sneaker', 'sport', 'running']),
unicode: '👟',
x: 368,
y: 138
{name: 'womans_hat', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👒', x: 368, y: 1748},
name: 'tophat',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['hat', 'classy']),
unicode: '🎩',
x: 690,
y: 1656
name: 'mortar_board',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['education', 'college', 'university', 'graduation']),
unicode: '🎓',
x: 1334,
y: 690
name: 'crown',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['king', 'queen', 'royal']),
unicode: '👑',
x: 368,
y: 828
{name: 'rescue_worker_helmet', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⛑', x: 1518, y: 506},
{name: 'school_satchel', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎒', x: 1242, y: 1518},
name: 'pouch',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👝',
x: 1472,
y: 828
{name: 'purse', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👛', x: 138, y: 1472},
name: 'handbag',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👜',
x: 460,
y: 1104
name: 'briefcase',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💼',
x: 598,
y: 368
name: 'eyeglasses',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '👓',
x: 966,
y: 414
{name: 'dark_sunglasses', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕶', x: 874, y: 506},
name: 'closed_umbrella',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['weather', 'rain']),
unicode: '🌂',
x: 644,
y: 736
{name: 'open_umbrella', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '☂️', x: 1426, y: 0}
places: _List_fromArray(
{name: 'car', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚗', x: 322, y: 644},
{name: 'taxi', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚕', x: 1656, y: 874},
{name: 'blue_car', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚙', x: 552, y: 230},
{name: 'bus', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚌', x: 414, y: 598},
{name: 'trolleybus', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚎', x: 1334, y: 1656},
{name: 'racing_car', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏎', x: 506, y: 1472},
{name: 'police_car', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚓', x: 1472, y: 276},
{name: 'ambulance', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚑', x: 92, y: 184},
{name: 'fire_engine', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚒', x: 1012, y: 828},
{name: 'minibus', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚐', x: 1288, y: 1288},
{name: 'truck', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚚', x: 1564, y: 1656},
{name: 'articulated_lorry', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚛', x: 276, y: 322},
{name: 'tractor', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚜', x: 874, y: 1656},
{name: 'kick_scooter', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛴', x: 46, y: 1196},
name: 'bike',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🚲',
x: 506,
y: 276
{name: 'motor_scooter', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛵', x: 1334, y: 828},
{name: 'motorcycle', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏍', x: 1334, y: 874},
name: 'rotating_light',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['911', 'emergency']),
unicode: '🚨',
x: 0,
y: 1518
{name: 'oncoming_police_car', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚔', x: 1104, y: 1380},
{name: 'oncoming_bus', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚍', x: 1058, y: 1380},
{name: 'oncoming_automobile', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚘', x: 1012, y: 1380},
{name: 'oncoming_taxi', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚖', x: 1150, y: 1380},
{name: 'aerial_tramway', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚡', x: 46, y: 138},
{name: 'mountain_cableway', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚠', x: 1334, y: 1196},
{name: 'suspension_railway', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚟', x: 1472, y: 1610},
{name: 'railway_car', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚃', x: 920, y: 1472},
{name: 'train', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚋', x: 966, y: 1656},
{name: 'mountain_railway', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚞', x: 1334, y: 1242},
{name: 'monorail', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚝', x: 1334, y: 460},
name: 'bullettrain_side',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🚄',
x: 230,
y: 598
name: 'bullettrain_front',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🚅',
x: 184,
y: 598
{name: 'light_rail', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚈', x: 1242, y: 782},
name: 'steam_locomotive',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🚂',
x: 184,
y: 1610
{name: 'train2', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚆', x: 1012, y: 1656},
{name: 'metro', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚇', x: 920, y: 1288},
{name: 'tram', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚊', x: 1058, y: 1656},
{name: 'station', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚉', x: 92, y: 1610},
{name: 'helicopter', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚁', x: 1150, y: 368},
name: 'small_airplane',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🛩',
x: 460,
y: 1564
name: 'airplane',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '✈️',
x: 138,
y: 138
{name: 'flight_departure', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛫', x: 598, y: 1012},
{name: 'flight_arrival', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛬', x: 552, y: 1012},
name: 'rocket',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['ship', 'launch']),
unicode: '🚀',
x: 1518,
y: 1150
name: 'artificial_satellite',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['orbit', 'space']),
unicode: '🛰',
x: 322,
y: 322
{name: 'seat', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💺', x: 1564, y: 0},
{name: 'canoe', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛶', x: 138, y: 644},
{name: 'boat', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⛵️', x: 552, y: 414},
{name: 'motor_boat', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛥', x: 1334, y: 782},
name: 'speedboat',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🚤',
x: 1610,
y: 736
name: 'passenger_ship',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🛳',
x: 1426,
y: 1288
{name: 'ferry', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⛴', x: 1012, y: 368},
{name: 'ship', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚢', x: 1564, y: 782},
name: 'anchor',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '⚓️',
x: 230,
y: 0
name: 'construction',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🚧',
x: 276,
y: 782
{name: 'fuelpump', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⛽️', x: 1058, y: 920},
{name: 'busstop', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚏', x: 506, y: 598},
name: 'vertical_traffic_light',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🚦',
x: 322,
y: 1702
{name: 'traffic_light', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚥', x: 920, y: 1656},
name: 'world_map',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🗺',
x: 506,
y: 1748
name: 'moyai',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🗿',
x: 138,
y: 1334
{name: 'statue_of_liberty', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🗽', x: 138, y: 1610},
{name: 'fountain', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⛲️', x: 1058, y: 0},
{name: 'tokyo_tower', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🗼', x: 460, y: 1656},
{name: 'european_castle', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏰', x: 966, y: 46},
{name: 'japanese_castle', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏯', x: 1196, y: 506},
{name: 'stadium', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏟', x: 1610, y: 1426},
{name: 'ferris_wheel', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎡', x: 1012, y: 322},
{name: 'roller_coaster', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎢', x: 1518, y: 1288},
{name: 'carousel_horse', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎠', x: 552, y: 644},
name: 'parasol_on_ground',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '⛱',
x: 1426,
y: 1104
{name: 'beach_umbrella', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏖', x: 460, y: 414},
{name: 'desert_island', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏝', x: 138, y: 874},
{name: 'mountain', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⛰', x: 1334, y: 1012},
{name: 'mountain_snow', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏔', x: 1334, y: 1288},
{name: 'mount_fuji', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🗻', x: 1334, y: 966},
{name: 'volcano', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌋', x: 690, y: 1702},
{name: 'desert', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏜', x: 92, y: 874},
{name: 'camping', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏕', x: 644, y: 506},
name: 'tent',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '⛺️',
x: 1656,
y: 1150
{name: 'railway_track', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛤', x: 966, y: 1472},
{name: 'motorway', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛣', x: 1334, y: 920},
{name: 'building_construction', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏗', x: 46, y: 598},
{name: 'factory', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏭', x: 966, y: 644},
{name: 'house', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏠', x: 138, y: 1150},
{name: 'house_with_garden', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏡', x: 184, y: 1150},
{name: 'houses', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏘', x: 230, y: 1150},
{name: 'derelict_house', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏚', x: 46, y: 874},
{name: 'office', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏢', x: 460, y: 1380},
{name: 'department_store', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏬', x: 0, y: 874},
{name: 'post_office', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏣', x: 1472, y: 598},
{name: 'european_post_office', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏤', x: 966, y: 92},
{name: 'hospital', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏥', x: 1150, y: 966},
{name: 'bank', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏦', x: 230, y: 414},
{name: 'hotel', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏨', x: 1150, y: 1104},
{name: 'convenience_store', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏪', x: 506, y: 782},
{name: 'school', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏫', x: 1196, y: 1518},
{name: 'love_hotel', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏩', x: 138, y: 1242},
name: 'wedding',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💒',
x: 1656,
y: 1702
{name: 'classical_building', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏛', x: 736, y: 46},
{name: 'church', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⛪️', x: 322, y: 690},
{name: 'mosque', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕌', x: 1334, y: 736},
{name: 'synagogue', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕍', x: 1656, y: 368},
{name: 'kaaba', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕋', x: 1196, y: 966},
{name: 'shinto_shrine', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⛩', x: 1564, y: 736},
{name: 'japan', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🗾', x: 1196, y: 460},
{name: 'rice_scene', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎑', x: 1518, y: 966},
{name: 'national_park', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏞', x: 736, y: 1334},
{name: 'sunrise', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌅', x: 1104, y: 1610},
{name: 'sunrise_over_mountains', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌄', x: 1150, y: 1610},
{name: 'stars', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌠', x: 46, y: 1610},
{name: 'sparkler', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎇', x: 1610, y: 414},
name: 'fireworks',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['festival', 'celebration']),
unicode: '🎆',
x: 1012,
y: 874
{name: 'city_sunrise', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌇', x: 460, y: 690},
{name: 'city_sunset', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌆', x: 506, y: 690},
name: 'cityscape',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🏙',
x: 552,
y: 690
{name: 'night_with_stars', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌃', x: 1380, y: 460},
{name: 'milky_way', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌌', x: 1242, y: 1288},
{name: 'bridge_at_night', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🌉', x: 598, y: 322},
name: 'foggy',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🌁',
x: 874,
y: 1012
{name: 'white_flag', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏳️', x: 1748, y: 368},
{name: 'black_flag', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏴', x: 138, y: 506},
name: 'checkered_flag',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['milestone', 'finish']),
unicode: '🏁',
x: 690,
y: 460
{name: 'triangular_flag_on_post', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚩', x: 1104, y: 1656},
name: 'rainbow_flag',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🏳️\u200D🌈',
x: 1058,
y: 1472
{name: 'afghanistan', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇦🇫', x: 92, y: 138},
{name: 'aland_islands', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇦🇽', x: 184, y: 0},
{name: 'albania', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇦🇱', x: 184, y: 92},
{name: 'algeria', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇩🇿', x: 0, y: 184},
{name: 'american_samoa', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇦🇸', x: 138, y: 184},
{name: 'andorra', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇦🇩', x: 230, y: 46},
{name: 'angola', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇦🇴', x: 230, y: 184},
{name: 'anguilla', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇦🇮', x: 46, y: 230},
{name: 'antarctica', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇦🇶', x: 184, y: 230},
{name: 'antigua_barbuda', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇦🇬', x: 230, y: 230},
{name: 'argentina', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇦🇷', x: 276, y: 92},
{name: 'armenia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇦🇲', x: 276, y: 184},
{name: 'aruba', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇦🇼', x: 368, y: 0},
{name: 'australia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇦🇺', x: 368, y: 322},
{name: 'austria', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇦🇹', x: 0, y: 368},
{name: 'azerbaijan', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇦🇿', x: 92, y: 368},
{name: 'bahamas', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇧🇸', x: 414, y: 184},
{name: 'bahrain', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇧🇭', x: 414, y: 230},
{name: 'bangladesh', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇧🇩', x: 184, y: 414},
{name: 'barbados', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇧🇧', x: 322, y: 414},
{name: 'belarus', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇧🇾', x: 322, y: 460},
{name: 'belgium', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇧🇪', x: 368, y: 460},
{name: 'belize', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇧🇿', x: 414, y: 460},
{name: 'benin', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇧🇯', x: 506, y: 46},
{name: 'bermuda', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇧🇲', x: 506, y: 138},
{name: 'bhutan', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇧🇹', x: 506, y: 184},
{name: 'bolivia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇧🇴', x: 552, y: 460},
{name: 'caribbean_netherlands', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇧🇶', x: 506, y: 644},
{name: 'bosnia_herzegovina', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇧🇦', x: 276, y: 552},
{name: 'botswana', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇧🇼', x: 322, y: 552},
{name: 'brazil', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇧🇷', x: 598, y: 184},
{name: 'british_indian_ocean_territory', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇮🇴', x: 598, y: 414},
{name: 'british_virgin_islands', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇻🇬', x: 598, y: 460},
{name: 'brunei', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇧🇳', x: 598, y: 552},
{name: 'bulgaria', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇧🇬', x: 138, y: 598},
{name: 'burkina_faso', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇧🇫', x: 276, y: 598},
{name: 'burundi', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇧🇮', x: 368, y: 598},
{name: 'cape_verde', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇨🇻', x: 184, y: 644},
{name: 'cambodia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇰🇭', x: 644, y: 276},
{name: 'cameroon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇨🇲', x: 644, y: 460},
{name: 'canada', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇨🇦', x: 644, y: 552},
{name: 'canary_islands', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇮🇨', x: 644, y: 598},
{name: 'cayman_islands', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇰🇾', x: 690, y: 46},
{name: 'central_african_republic', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇨🇫', x: 690, y: 138},
{name: 'chad', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇹🇩', x: 690, y: 184},
{name: 'chile', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇨🇱', x: 92, y: 690},
name: 'cn',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🇨🇳',
x: 782,
y: 230
{name: 'christmas_island', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇨🇽', x: 230, y: 690},
name: 'cocos_islands',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🇨🇨',
x: 782,
y: 322
{name: 'colombia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇨🇴', x: 782, y: 552},
{name: 'comoros', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇰🇲', x: 782, y: 644},
{name: 'congo_brazzaville', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇨🇬', x: 138, y: 782},
{name: 'congo_kinshasa', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇨🇩', x: 184, y: 782},
{name: 'cook_islands', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇨🇰', x: 552, y: 782},
{name: 'costa_rica', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇨🇷', x: 828, y: 0},
name: 'cote_divoire',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🇨🇮',
x: 828,
y: 46
{name: 'croatia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇭🇷', x: 92, y: 828},
{name: 'cuba', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇨🇺', x: 552, y: 828},
{name: 'curacao', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇨🇼', x: 690, y: 828},
{name: 'cyprus', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇨🇾', x: 874, y: 138},
{name: 'czech_republic', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇨🇿', x: 874, y: 184},
{name: 'denmark', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇩🇰', x: 874, y: 828},
{name: 'djibouti', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇩🇯', x: 552, y: 874},
{name: 'dominica', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇩🇲', x: 874, y: 874},
{name: 'dominican_republic', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇩🇴', x: 920, y: 0},
{name: 'ecuador', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇪🇨', x: 0, y: 920},
{name: 'egypt', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇪🇬', x: 138, y: 920},
{name: 'el_salvador', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇸🇻', x: 322, y: 920},
{name: 'equatorial_guinea', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇬🇶', x: 690, y: 920},
{name: 'eritrea', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇪🇷', x: 736, y: 920},
{name: 'estonia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇪🇪', x: 828, y: 920},
{name: 'ethiopia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇪🇹', x: 874, y: 920},
{name: 'eu', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇪🇺', x: 920, y: 920},
{name: 'falkland_islands', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇫🇰', x: 966, y: 690},
{name: 'faroe_islands', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇫🇴', x: 1012, y: 0},
{name: 'fiji', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇫🇯', x: 1012, y: 460},
{name: 'finland', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇫🇮', x: 1012, y: 690},
name: 'fr',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['france', 'french']),
unicode: '🇫🇷',
x: 1058,
y: 230
{name: 'french_guiana', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇬🇫', x: 1058, y: 368},
{name: 'french_polynesia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇵🇫', x: 1058, y: 414},
{name: 'french_southern_territories', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇹🇫', x: 1058, y: 460},
{name: 'gabon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇬🇦', x: 46, y: 1058},
{name: 'gambia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇬🇲', x: 92, y: 1058},
{name: 'georgia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇬🇪', x: 368, y: 1058},
name: 'de',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['flag', 'germany']),
unicode: '🇩🇪',
x: 874,
y: 690
{name: 'ghana', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇬🇭', x: 414, y: 1058},
{name: 'gibraltar', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇬🇮', x: 506, y: 1058},
{name: 'greece', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇬🇷', x: 1104, y: 46},
{name: 'greenland', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇬🇱', x: 1104, y: 276},
{name: 'grenada', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇬🇩', x: 1104, y: 322},
{name: 'guadeloupe', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇬🇵', x: 1104, y: 598},
{name: 'guam', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇬🇺', x: 1104, y: 644},
{name: 'guatemala', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇬🇹', x: 1104, y: 782},
{name: 'guernsey', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇬🇬', x: 1104, y: 828},
{name: 'guinea', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇬🇳', x: 1104, y: 874},
{name: 'guinea_bissau', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇬🇼', x: 1104, y: 920},
{name: 'guyana', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇬🇾', x: 1104, y: 1058},
{name: 'haiti', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇭🇹', x: 138, y: 1104},
{name: 'honduras', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇭🇳', x: 1150, y: 690},
{name: 'hong_kong', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇭🇰', x: 1150, y: 828},
{name: 'hungary', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇭🇺', x: 322, y: 1150},
{name: 'iceland', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇮🇸', x: 644, y: 1150},
{name: 'india', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇮🇳', x: 920, y: 1150},
{name: 'indonesia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇮🇩', x: 966, y: 1150},
{name: 'iran', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇮🇷', x: 1196, y: 46},
{name: 'iraq', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇮🇶', x: 1196, y: 92},
{name: 'ireland', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇮🇪', x: 1196, y: 138},
{name: 'isle_of_man', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇮🇲', x: 1196, y: 184},
{name: 'israel', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇮🇱', x: 1196, y: 230},
name: 'it',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🇮🇹',
x: 1196,
y: 276
{name: 'jamaica', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇯🇲', x: 1196, y: 414},
name: 'jp',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🇯🇵',
x: 1196,
y: 920
{name: 'crossed_flags', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎌', x: 276, y: 828},
{name: 'jersey', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇯🇪', x: 1196, y: 690},
{name: 'jordan', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇯🇴', x: 1196, y: 736},
{name: 'kazakhstan', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇰🇿', x: 1196, y: 1012},
{name: 'kenya', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇰🇪', x: 1196, y: 1058},
{name: 'kiribati', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇰🇮', x: 138, y: 1196},
{name: 'kosovo', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇽🇰', x: 644, y: 1196},
{name: 'kuwait', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇰🇼', x: 736, y: 1196},
{name: 'kyrgyzstan', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇰🇬', x: 782, y: 1196},
{name: 'laos', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇱🇦', x: 920, y: 1196},
{name: 'latvia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇱🇻', x: 1242, y: 0},
{name: 'lebanon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇱🇧', x: 1242, y: 138},
{name: 'lesotho', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇱🇸', x: 1242, y: 506},
{name: 'liberia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇱🇷', x: 1242, y: 598},
{name: 'libya', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇱🇾', x: 1242, y: 690},
{name: 'liechtenstein', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇱🇮', x: 1242, y: 736},
{name: 'lithuania', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇱🇹', x: 1242, y: 1012},
{name: 'luxembourg', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇱🇺', x: 276, y: 1242},
{name: 'macau', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇴', x: 414, y: 1242},
{name: 'macedonia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇰', x: 460, y: 1242},
{name: 'madagascar', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇬', x: 506, y: 1242},
{name: 'malawi', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇼', x: 874, y: 1242},
{name: 'malaysia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇾', x: 920, y: 1242},
{name: 'maldives', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇻', x: 966, y: 1242},
{name: 'mali', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇱', x: 1058, y: 1242},
{name: 'malta', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇹', x: 1104, y: 1242},
{name: 'marshall_islands', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇭', x: 0, y: 1288},
{name: 'martinique', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇶', x: 92, y: 1288},
{name: 'mauritania', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇷', x: 322, y: 1288},
{name: 'mauritius', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇺', x: 368, y: 1288},
{name: 'mayotte', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇾🇹', x: 0, y: 0},
{name: 'mexico', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇽', x: 966, y: 1288},
{name: 'micronesia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇫🇲', x: 1012, y: 1288},
{name: 'moldova', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇩', x: 1334, y: 92},
{name: 'monaco', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇨', x: 1334, y: 138},
{name: 'mongolia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇳', x: 1334, y: 322},
{name: 'montenegro', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇪', x: 1334, y: 506},
{name: 'montserrat', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇸', x: 1334, y: 552},
{name: 'morocco', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇦', x: 1334, y: 644},
{name: 'mozambique', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇿', x: 184, y: 1334},
name: 'myanmar',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🇲🇲',
x: 552,
y: 1334
{name: 'namibia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇳🇦', x: 690, y: 1334},
{name: 'nauru', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇳🇷', x: 782, y: 1334},
{name: 'nepal', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇳🇵', x: 1012, y: 1334},
{name: 'netherlands', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇳🇱', x: 1104, y: 1334},
{name: 'new_caledonia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇳🇨', x: 1242, y: 1334},
{name: 'new_zealand', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇳🇿', x: 1380, y: 0},
{name: 'nicaragua', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇳🇮', x: 1380, y: 322},
{name: 'niger', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇳🇪', x: 1380, y: 368},
{name: 'nigeria', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇳🇬', x: 1380, y: 414},
{name: 'niue', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇳🇺', x: 1380, y: 552},
{name: 'norfolk_island', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇳🇫', x: 1380, y: 1150},
{name: 'northern_mariana_islands', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇲🇵', x: 1380, y: 1242},
{name: 'north_korea', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇰🇵', x: 1380, y: 1196},
{name: 'norway', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇳🇴', x: 1380, y: 1288},
{name: 'oman', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇴🇲', x: 920, y: 1380},
{name: 'pakistan', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇵🇰', x: 1426, y: 598},
{name: 'palau', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇵🇼', x: 1426, y: 644},
{name: 'palestinian_territories', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇵🇸', x: 1426, y: 690},
{name: 'panama', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇵🇦', x: 1426, y: 782},
{name: 'papua_new_guinea', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇵🇬', x: 1426, y: 1012},
{name: 'paraguay', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇵🇾', x: 1426, y: 1058},
{name: 'peru', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇵🇪', x: 736, y: 1426},
{name: 'philippines', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇵🇭', x: 782, y: 1426},
{name: 'pitcairn_islands', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇵🇳', x: 1242, y: 1426},
{name: 'poland', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇵🇱', x: 1472, y: 230},
{name: 'portugal', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇵🇹', x: 1472, y: 552},
{name: 'puerto_rico', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇵🇷', x: 0, y: 1472},
{name: 'qatar', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇶🇦', x: 276, y: 1472},
{name: 'reunion', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇷🇪', x: 1518, y: 598},
{name: 'romania', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇷🇴', x: 1518, y: 1334},
name: 'ru',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🇷🇺',
x: 230,
y: 1518
{name: 'rwanda', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇷🇼', x: 552, y: 1518},
{name: 'st_barthelemy', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇧🇱', x: 1610, y: 1150},
{name: 'st_helena', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇸🇭', x: 1610, y: 1196},
{name: 'st_kitts_nevis', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇰🇳', x: 1610, y: 1242},
{name: 'st_lucia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇱🇨', x: 1610, y: 1288},
{name: 'st_pierre_miquelon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇵🇲', x: 1610, y: 1334},
{name: 'st_vincent_grenadines', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇻🇨', x: 1610, y: 1380},
{name: 'samoa', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇼🇸', x: 782, y: 1518},
{name: 'san_marino', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇸🇲', x: 828, y: 1518},
{name: 'sao_tome_principe', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇸🇹', x: 966, y: 1518},
{name: 'saudi_arabia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇸🇦', x: 1104, y: 1518},
{name: 'senegal', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇸🇳', x: 1564, y: 230},
{name: 'serbia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇷🇸', x: 1564, y: 276},
{name: 'seychelles', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇸🇨', x: 1564, y: 368},
{name: 'sierra_leone', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇸🇱', x: 1564, y: 1196},
{name: 'singapore', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇸🇬', x: 1564, y: 1288},
{name: 'sint_maarten', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇸🇽', x: 1564, y: 1334},
{name: 'slovakia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇸🇰', x: 368, y: 1564},
{name: 'slovenia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇸🇮', x: 414, y: 1564},
{name: 'solomon_islands', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇸🇧', x: 1472, y: 1564},
{name: 'somalia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇸🇴', x: 1518, y: 1564},
{name: 'south_africa', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇿🇦', x: 1610, y: 92},
{name: 'south_georgia_south_sandwich_islands', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇬🇸', x: 1610, y: 138},
name: 'kr',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🇰🇷',
x: 690,
y: 1196
{name: 'south_sudan', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇸🇸', x: 1610, y: 184},
name: 'es',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🇪🇸',
x: 782,
y: 920
{name: 'sri_lanka', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇱🇰', x: 1610, y: 1104},
{name: 'sudan', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇸🇩', x: 736, y: 1610},
{name: 'suriname', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇸🇷', x: 1334, y: 1610},
{name: 'swaziland', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇸🇿', x: 1518, y: 1610},
{name: 'sweden', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇸🇪', x: 1656, y: 46},
{name: 'switzerland', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇨🇭', x: 1656, y: 276},
{name: 'syria', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇸🇾', x: 1656, y: 414},
{name: 'taiwan', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇹🇼', x: 1656, y: 598},
{name: 'tajikistan', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇹🇯', x: 1656, y: 644},
{name: 'tanzania', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇹🇿', x: 1656, y: 782},
{name: 'thailand', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇹🇭', x: 1656, y: 1196},
{name: 'timor_leste', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇹🇱', x: 92, y: 1656},
{name: 'togo', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇹🇬', x: 322, y: 1656},
{name: 'tokelau', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇹🇰', x: 414, y: 1656},
{name: 'tonga', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇹🇴', x: 552, y: 1656},
{name: 'trinidad_tobago', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇹🇹', x: 1242, y: 1656},
{name: 'tunisia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇹🇳', x: 1702, y: 92},
name: 'tr',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🇹🇷',
x: 782,
y: 1656
{name: 'turkmenistan', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇹🇲', x: 1702, y: 184},
{name: 'turks_caicos_islands', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇹🇨', x: 1702, y: 230},
{name: 'tuvalu', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇹🇻', x: 1702, y: 322},
{name: 'uganda', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇺🇬', x: 1702, y: 1150},
{name: 'ukraine', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇺🇦', x: 1702, y: 1242},
{name: 'united_arab_emirates', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇦🇪', x: 1702, y: 1472},
name: 'gb',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['flag', 'british']),
unicode: '🇬🇧',
x: 184,
y: 1058
name: 'us',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['flag', 'united', 'america']),
unicode: '🇺🇸',
x: 0,
y: 1702
{name: 'us_virgin_islands', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇻🇮', x: 46, y: 1702},
{name: 'uruguay', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇺🇾', x: 1702, y: 1656},
{name: 'uzbekistan', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇺🇿', x: 92, y: 1702},
{name: 'vanuatu', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇻🇺', x: 184, y: 1702},
{name: 'vatican_city', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇻🇦', x: 230, y: 1702},
{name: 'venezuela', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇻🇪', x: 276, y: 1702},
{name: 'vietnam', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇻🇳', x: 552, y: 1702},
{name: 'wallis_futuna', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇼🇫', x: 1012, y: 1702},
{name: 'western_sahara', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇪🇭', x: 1748, y: 46},
{name: 'yemen', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇾🇪', x: 782, y: 1748},
{name: 'zambia', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇿🇲', x: 966, y: 1748},
{name: 'zimbabwe', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🇿🇼', x: 1104, y: 1748}
symbols: _List_fromArray(
name: 'heart',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '❤️',
x: 828,
y: 1104
{name: 'yellow_heart', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💛', x: 736, y: 1748},
{name: 'green_heart', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💚', x: 1104, y: 184},
{name: 'blue_heart', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💙', x: 552, y: 276},
{name: 'purple_heart', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💜', x: 92, y: 1472},
{name: 'black_heart', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🖤', x: 184, y: 506},
{name: 'broken_heart', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💔', x: 598, y: 506},
{name: 'heavy_heart_exclamation', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '❣️', x: 1150, y: 184},
{name: 'two_hearts', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💕', x: 1702, y: 506},
{name: 'revolving_hearts', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💞', x: 1518, y: 644},
{name: 'heartbeat', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💓', x: 1012, y: 1104},
{name: 'heartpulse', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💗', x: 1058, y: 1104},
{name: 'sparkling_heart', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💖', x: 1610, y: 506},
name: 'cupid',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['love', 'heart']),
unicode: '💘',
x: 644,
y: 828
name: 'gift_heart',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💝',
x: 598,
y: 1058
{name: 'heart_decoration', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💟', x: 874, y: 1104},
{name: 'peace_symbol', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '☮️', x: 46, y: 1426},
{name: 'latin_cross', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '✝️', x: 1196, y: 1196},
{name: 'star_and_crescent', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '☪️', x: 1610, y: 1564},
{name: 'om', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕉', x: 874, y: 1380},
{name: 'wheel_of_dharma', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '☸️', x: 1748, y: 184},
{name: 'star_of_david', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '✡️', x: 0, y: 1610},
{name: 'six_pointed_star', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔯', x: 1564, y: 1426},
{name: 'menorah', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕎', x: 782, y: 1288},
{name: 'yin_yang', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '☯️', x: 874, y: 1748},
{name: 'orthodox_cross', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '☦️', x: 1426, y: 184},
{name: 'place_of_worship', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛐', x: 1334, y: 1426},
{name: 'ophiuchus', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⛎', x: 1426, y: 46},
{name: 'aries', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '♈️', x: 276, y: 138},
{name: 'taurus', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '♉️', x: 1656, y: 828},
{name: 'gemini', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '♊️', x: 322, y: 1058},
{name: 'cancer', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '♋️', x: 0, y: 644},
{name: 'leo', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '♌️', x: 1242, y: 414},
{name: 'virgo', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '♍️', x: 644, y: 1702},
{name: 'libra', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '♎️', x: 1242, y: 644},
{name: 'scorpius', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '♏️', x: 1380, y: 1518},
{name: 'sagittarius', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '♐️', x: 644, y: 1518},
{name: 'capricorn', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '♑️', x: 276, y: 644},
{name: 'aquarius', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '♒️', x: 276, y: 46},
{name: 'pisces', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '♓️', x: 1196, y: 1426},
{name: 'id', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🆔', x: 690, y: 1150},
{name: 'atom_symbol', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⚛️', x: 368, y: 276},
{name: 'accept', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🉑', x: 0, y: 138},
{name: 'radioactive', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '☢️', x: 644, y: 1472},
{name: 'biohazard', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '☣️', x: 506, y: 460},
name: 'mobile_phone_off',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['mute', 'off']),
unicode: '📴',
x: 1334,
y: 46
{name: 'vibration_mode', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📳', x: 414, y: 1702},
{name: 'u6709', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🈶', x: 1702, y: 874},
{name: 'u7121', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🈚️', x: 1702, y: 966},
{name: 'u7533', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🈸', x: 1702, y: 1012},
{name: 'u55b6', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🈺', x: 1702, y: 736},
{name: 'u6708', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🈷️', x: 1702, y: 828},
{name: 'eight_pointed_black_star', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '✴️', x: 230, y: 920},
{name: 'vs', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🆚', x: 782, y: 1702},
{name: 'white_flower', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💮', x: 1748, y: 414},
{name: 'ideograph_advantage', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🉐', x: 736, y: 1150},
{name: 'secret', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '㊙️', x: 1564, y: 46},
{name: 'congratulations', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '㊗️', x: 230, y: 782},
{name: 'u5408', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🈴', x: 1702, y: 690},
{name: 'u6e80', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🈵', x: 1702, y: 920},
{name: 'u5272', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🈹', x: 1702, y: 644},
{name: 'u7981', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🈲', x: 1702, y: 1058},
{name: 'a', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🅰️', x: 92, y: 92},
{name: 'b', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🅱️', x: 138, y: 368},
{name: 'ab', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🆎', x: 138, y: 0},
{name: 'cl', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🆑', x: 598, y: 690},
{name: 'o2', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🅾️', x: 230, y: 1380},
name: 'sos',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['help', 'emergency']),
unicode: '🆘',
x: 1610,
y: 0
{name: 'x', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '❌', x: 690, y: 1748},
{name: 'o', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⭕️', x: 184, y: 1380},
{name: 'stop_sign', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛑', x: 322, y: 1610},
name: 'no_entry',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '⛔️',
x: 1380,
y: 690
{name: 'name_badge', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📛', x: 644, y: 1334},
name: 'no_entry_sign',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['block', 'forbidden']),
unicode: '🚫',
x: 1380,
y: 736
name: '100',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['score', 'perfect']),
unicode: '💯',
x: 0,
y: 46
name: 'anger',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💢',
x: 230,
y: 138
{name: 'hotsprings', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '♨️', x: 0, y: 1150},
{name: 'no_pedestrians', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚷', x: 1380, y: 1012},
{name: 'do_not_litter', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚯', x: 598, y: 874},
{name: 'no_bicycles', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚳', x: 1380, y: 644},
{name: 'non-potable_water', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚱', x: 1380, y: 1104},
{name: 'underage', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔞', x: 1702, y: 1380},
{name: 'no_mobile_phones', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📵', x: 1380, y: 920},
{name: 'no_smoking', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚭', x: 1380, y: 1058},
name: 'exclamation',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '❗️',
x: 966,
y: 230
{name: 'grey_exclamation', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '❕', x: 1104, y: 368},
name: 'question',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '❓',
x: 322,
y: 1472
{name: 'grey_question', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '❔', x: 1104, y: 414},
{name: 'bangbang', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '‼️', x: 138, y: 414},
{name: 'interrobang', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⁉️', x: 1150, y: 1150},
{name: 'low_brightness', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔅', x: 230, y: 1242},
{name: 'high_brightness', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔆', x: 1150, y: 506},
{name: 'part_alternation_mark', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '〽️', x: 1426, y: 1196},
name: 'warning',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '⚠️',
x: 1150,
y: 1702
{name: 'children_crossing', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚸', x: 46, y: 690},
{name: 'trident', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔱', x: 1196, y: 1656},
{name: 'fleur_de_lis', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⚜️', x: 506, y: 1012},
{name: 'beginner', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔰', x: 276, y: 460},
name: 'recycle',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['environment', 'green']),
unicode: '♻️',
x: 1518,
y: 92
{name: 'white_check_mark', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '✅', x: 1748, y: 276},
{name: 'u6307', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🈯️', x: 1702, y: 782},
{name: 'chart', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💹', x: 690, y: 322},
{name: 'sparkle', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '❇️', x: 1610, y: 368},
{name: 'eight_spoked_asterisk', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '✳️', x: 276, y: 920},
{name: 'negative_squared_cross_mark', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '❎', x: 966, y: 1334},
name: 'globe_with_meridians',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['world', 'global', 'international']),
unicode: '🌐',
x: 690,
y: 1058
{name: 'diamond_shape_with_a_dot_inside', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💠', x: 276, y: 874},
{name: 'm', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: 'Ⓜ️', x: 368, y: 1242},
name: 'cyclone',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🌀',
x: 874,
y: 92
name: 'zzz',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💤',
x: 1196,
y: 1748
{name: 'atm', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🏧', x: 368, y: 184},
name: 'wc',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['toilet', 'restroom']),
unicode: '🚾',
x: 1564,
y: 1702
name: 'wheelchair',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '♿️',
x: 1748,
y: 230
{name: 'parking', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🅿️', x: 1426, y: 1150},
{name: 'u7a7a', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🈳', x: 1702, y: 1104},
{name: 'sa', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🈂️', x: 598, y: 1518},
{name: 'passport_control', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛂', x: 1426, y: 1334},
{name: 'customs', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛃', x: 874, y: 46},
name: 'baggage_claim',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🛄',
x: 414,
y: 92
{name: 'left_luggage', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🛅', x: 1242, y: 230},
{name: 'mens', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚹', x: 828, y: 1288},
{name: 'womens', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚺', x: 460, y: 1748},
{name: 'baby_symbol', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚼', x: 322, y: 368},
name: 'restroom',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🚻',
x: 1518,
y: 552
{name: 'put_litter_in_its_place', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚮', x: 230, y: 1472},
name: 'cinema',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['film', 'movie']),
unicode: '🎦',
x: 368,
y: 690
name: 'signal_strength',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '📶',
x: 1564,
y: 1242
{name: 'koko', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🈁', x: 598, y: 1196},
{name: 'symbols', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔣', x: 1656, y: 322},
{name: 'information_source', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '', x: 1058, y: 1150},
name: 'abc',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🔤',
x: 138,
y: 46
{name: 'abcd', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔡', x: 138, y: 92},
name: 'capital_abcd',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🔠',
x: 230,
y: 644
{name: 'ng', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🆖', x: 1380, y: 184},
name: 'ok',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🆗',
x: 552,
y: 1380
{name: 'up', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🆙', x: 1702, y: 1564},
{name: 'cool', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🆒', x: 644, y: 782},
name: 'new',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🆕',
x: 1196,
y: 1334
{name: 'free', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🆓', x: 1058, y: 322},
{name: 'zero', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '0⃣', x: 1058, y: 1748},
{name: 'one', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '1⃣', x: 1196, y: 1380},
{name: 'two', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '2⃣', x: 1702, y: 460},
{name: 'three', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '3⃣', x: 1656, y: 1380},
{name: 'four', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '4⃣', x: 1058, y: 92},
{name: 'five', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '5⃣', x: 368, y: 1012},
{name: 'six', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '6⃣', x: 1564, y: 1380},
{name: 'seven', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '7⃣', x: 1564, y: 322},
{name: 'eight', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '8⃣', x: 184, y: 920},
{name: 'nine', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '9⃣', x: 1380, y: 506},
{name: 'keycap_ten', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔟', x: 0, y: 1196},
name: '1234',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🔢',
x: 46,
y: 46
name: 'hash',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '#️⃣',
x: 598,
y: 1104
{name: 'asterisk', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '*️⃣', x: 368, y: 46},
{name: 'arrow_forward', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '▶️', x: 184, y: 276},
{name: 'pause_button', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⏸', x: 1426, y: 1380},
{name: 'play_or_pause_button', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⏯', x: 1426, y: 1426},
{name: 'stop_button', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⏹', x: 276, y: 1610},
{name: 'record_button', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⏺', x: 1518, y: 46},
{name: 'next_track_button', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⏭', x: 1380, y: 138},
{name: 'previous_track_button', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⏮', x: 1472, y: 1288},
{name: 'fast_forward', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⏩', x: 1012, y: 46},
{name: 'rewind', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⏪', x: 1518, y: 690},
{name: 'arrow_double_up', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⏫', x: 46, y: 276},
{name: 'arrow_double_down', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⏬', x: 0, y: 276},
{name: 'arrow_backward', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '◀️', x: 276, y: 230},
{name: 'arrow_up_small', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔼', x: 0, y: 322},
{name: 'arrow_down_small', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔽', x: 138, y: 276},
{name: 'arrow_right', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '➡️', x: 322, y: 138},
{name: 'arrow_left', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⬅️', x: 322, y: 0},
{name: 'arrow_up', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⬆️', x: 322, y: 230},
{name: 'arrow_down', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⬇️', x: 92, y: 276},
{name: 'arrow_upper_right', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '↗️', x: 92, y: 322},
{name: 'arrow_lower_right', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '↘️', x: 322, y: 92},
{name: 'arrow_lower_left', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '↙️', x: 322, y: 46},
{name: 'arrow_upper_left', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '↖️', x: 46, y: 322},
{name: 'arrow_up_down', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '↕️', x: 322, y: 276},
{name: 'left_right_arrow', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '↔️', x: 1242, y: 276},
{name: 'arrow_right_hook', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '↪️', x: 322, y: 184},
name: 'leftwards_arrow_with_hook',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '↩️',
x: 1242,
y: 322
{name: 'arrow_heading_up', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⤴️', x: 276, y: 276},
{name: 'arrow_heading_down', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⤵️', x: 230, y: 276},
name: 'twisted_rightwards_arrows',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🔀',
x: 1702,
y: 414
name: 'repeat',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🔁',
x: 1518,
y: 414
{name: 'repeat_one', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔂', x: 1518, y: 460},
name: 'arrows_counterclockwise',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🔄',
x: 184,
y: 322
{name: 'arrows_clockwise', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔃', x: 138, y: 322},
{name: 'musical_note', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎵', x: 414, y: 1334},
name: 'notes',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🎶',
x: 92,
y: 1380
{name: 'heavy_plus_sign', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '', x: 1150, y: 322},
{name: 'heavy_minus_sign', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '', x: 1150, y: 230},
{name: 'heavy_division_sign', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '➗', x: 1150, y: 46},
{name: 'heavy_multiplication_x', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '✖️', x: 1150, y: 276},
{name: 'heavy_dollar_sign', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💲', x: 1150, y: 92},
{name: 'currency_exchange', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '💱', x: 782, y: 828},
name: 'tm',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '™️',
x: 276,
y: 1656
{name: 'copyright', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '©️', x: 736, y: 782},
{name: 'registered', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '®️', x: 1518, y: 230},
{name: 'wavy_dash', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '〰️', x: 1426, y: 1702},
{name: 'curly_loop', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '➰', x: 736, y: 828},
{name: 'loop', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '➿', x: 0, y: 1242},
{name: 'end', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔚', x: 552, y: 920},
{name: 'back', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔙', x: 368, y: 368},
{name: 'on', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔛', x: 966, y: 1380},
{name: 'top', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔝', x: 644, y: 1656},
{name: 'soon', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔜', x: 1564, y: 1564},
{name: 'heavy_check_mark', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '✔️', x: 1150, y: 0},
{name: 'ballot_box_with_check', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '☑️', x: 0, y: 414},
{name: 'radio_button', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔘', x: 598, y: 1472},
{name: 'white_circle', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⚪️', x: 1748, y: 322},
{name: 'black_circle', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⚫️', x: 92, y: 506},
{name: 'red_circle', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔴', x: 1518, y: 184},
{name: 'large_blue_circle', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔵', x: 966, y: 1196},
{name: 'small_red_triangle', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔺', x: 598, y: 1564},
{name: 'small_red_triangle_down', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔻', x: 644, y: 1564},
{name: 'small_orange_diamond', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔸', x: 552, y: 1564},
{name: 'small_blue_diamond', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔹', x: 506, y: 1564},
{name: 'large_orange_diamond', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔶', x: 1058, y: 1196},
{name: 'large_blue_diamond', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔷', x: 1012, y: 1196},
{name: 'white_square_button', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔳', x: 1748, y: 644},
{name: 'black_square_button', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔲', x: 506, y: 506},
{name: 'black_small_square', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '▪️', x: 460, y: 506},
{name: 'white_small_square', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '▫️', x: 1748, y: 598},
{name: 'black_medium_small_square', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '◾️', x: 322, y: 506},
{name: 'white_medium_small_square', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '◽️', x: 1748, y: 506},
{name: 'black_medium_square', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '◼️', x: 368, y: 506},
{name: 'white_medium_square', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '◻️', x: 1748, y: 552},
{name: 'black_large_square', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⬛️', x: 276, y: 506},
{name: 'white_large_square', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '⬜️', x: 1748, y: 460},
{name: 'speaker', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🔈', x: 1610, y: 598},
name: 'mute',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['sound', 'volume']),
unicode: '🔇',
x: 506,
y: 1334
name: 'sound',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🔉',
x: 1610,
y: 46
name: 'loud_sound',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🔊',
x: 46,
y: 1242
name: 'bell',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['sound', 'notification']),
unicode: '🔔',
x: 460,
y: 460
name: 'no_bell',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['volume', 'off']),
unicode: '🔕',
x: 1380,
y: 598
{name: 'mega', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '📣', x: 598, y: 1288},
name: 'loudspeaker',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '📢',
x: 92,
y: 1242
{name: 'eye_speech_bubble', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '👁\u200D🗨', x: 966, y: 368},
name: 'speech_balloon',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💬',
x: 1610,
y: 690
name: 'thought_balloon',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '💭',
x: 1656,
y: 1334
{name: 'right_anger_bubble', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🗯', x: 1518, y: 1012},
{name: 'spades', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '♠️', x: 1610, y: 276},
{name: 'clubs', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '♣️', x: 782, y: 184},
{name: 'hearts', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '♥️', x: 1104, y: 1104},
{name: 'diamonds', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '♦️', x: 322, y: 874},
{name: 'black_joker', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🃏', x: 230, y: 506},
{name: 'flower_playing_cards', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🎴', x: 736, y: 1012},
{name: 'mahjong', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🀄️', x: 644, y: 1242},
{name: 'clock1', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕐', x: 736, y: 184},
{name: 'clock2', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕑', x: 736, y: 552},
{name: 'clock3', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕒', x: 736, y: 644},
{name: 'clock4', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕓', x: 0, y: 736},
{name: 'clock5', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕔', x: 92, y: 736},
{name: 'clock6', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕕', x: 184, y: 736},
{name: 'clock7', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕖', x: 276, y: 736},
{name: 'clock8', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕗', x: 368, y: 736},
{name: 'clock9', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕘', x: 460, y: 736},
{name: 'clock10', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕙', x: 736, y: 230},
{name: 'clock11', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕚', x: 736, y: 322},
{name: 'clock12', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕛', x: 736, y: 414},
{name: 'clock130', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕜', x: 736, y: 506},
{name: 'clock230', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕝', x: 736, y: 598},
{name: 'clock330', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕞', x: 736, y: 690},
{name: 'clock430', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕟', x: 46, y: 736},
{name: 'clock530', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕠', x: 138, y: 736},
{name: 'clock630', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕡', x: 230, y: 736},
{name: 'clock730', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕢', x: 322, y: 736},
{name: 'clock830', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕣', x: 414, y: 736},
{name: 'clock930', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕤', x: 506, y: 736},
{name: 'clock1030', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕥', x: 736, y: 276},
{name: 'clock1130', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕦', x: 736, y: 368},
{name: 'clock1230', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕧', x: 736, y: 460}
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $author$project$Emoji$getEmojis = function (category) {
switch (category.$) {
case 'Recent':
return _List_Nil;
case 'People':
return $author$project$Emoji$emojis.people;
case 'Nature':
return $author$project$Emoji$emojis.nature;
case 'Objects':
return $author$project$Emoji$emojis.objects;
case 'Places':
return $author$project$Emoji$emojis.places;
return $author$project$Emoji$emojis.symbols;
var $elm$core$Basics$min = F2(
function (x, y) {
return (_Utils_cmp(x, y) < 0) ? x : y;
var $elm$core$List$minimum = function (list) {
if (list.b) {
var x = list.a;
var xs = list.b;
return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(
A3($elm$core$List$foldl, $elm$core$Basics$min, x, xs));
} else {
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
var $author$project$Main$minimum = function (_v0) {
var h = _v0.a;
var t = _v0.b;
var _v1 = $elm$core$List$minimum(t);
if (_v1.$ === 'Nothing') {
return h;
} else {
var v = _v1.a;
return A2($elm$core$Basics$min, h, v);
var $elm$core$List$sortBy = _List_sortBy;
var $author$project$Main$modelEmojis = function (model) {
if (model.$ === 'Category') {
var c = model.a;
return $author$project$Emoji$getEmojis(c);
} else {
var s = model.a;
return A2(
function (x) {
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($dasch$levenshtein$Levenshtein$distance, s, x.name),
function (v) {
return A2($dasch$levenshtein$Levenshtein$distance, s, v) + 1;
A2($elm$core$List$concatMap, $author$project$Emoji$getEmojis, $author$project$Emoji$categories))));
var $elm$core$Maybe$withDefault = F2(
function (_default, maybe) {
if (maybe.$ === 'Just') {
var value = maybe.a;
return value;
} else {
return _default;
var $author$project$Main$update = F2(
function (msg, model) {
switch (msg.$) {
case 'CategoryClicked':
var category = msg.a;
return _Utils_Tuple2(
case 'SearchChanged':
var search = msg.a;
return _Utils_Tuple2(
case 'EnterPressed':
return _Utils_Tuple2(
function ($) {
return $.unicode;
var c = msg.a;
return _Utils_Tuple2(
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unkeyed = function (a) {
return {$: 'Unkeyed', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsColumn = {$: 'AsColumn'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asColumn = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsColumn;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes = {above: 'a', active: 'atv', alignBottom: 'ab', alignCenterX: 'cx', alignCenterY: 'cy', alignContainerBottom: 'acb', alignContainerCenterX: 'accx', alignContainerCenterY: 'accy', alignContainerRight: 'acr', alignLeft: 'al', alignRight: 'ar', alignTop: 'at', alignedHorizontally: 'ah', alignedVertically: 'av', any: 's', behind: 'bh', below: 'b', bold: 'w7', borderDashed: 'bd', borderDotted: 'bdt', borderNone: 'bn', borderSolid: 'bs', capturePointerEvents: 'cpe', clip: 'cp', clipX: 'cpx', clipY: 'cpy', column: 'c', container: 'ctr', contentBottom: 'cb', contentCenterX: 'ccx', contentCenterY: 'ccy', contentLeft: 'cl', contentRight: 'cr', contentTop: 'ct', cursorPointer: 'cptr', cursorText: 'ctxt', focus: 'fcs', focusedWithin: 'focus-within', fullSize: 'fs', grid: 'g', hasBehind: 'hbh', heightContent: 'hc', heightExact: 'he', heightFill: 'hf', heightFillPortion: 'hfp', hover: 'hv', imageContainer: 'ic', inFront: 'fr', inputLabel: 'lbl', inputMultiline: 'iml', inputMultilineFiller: 'imlf', inputMultilineParent: 'imlp', inputMultilineWrapper: 'implw', inputText: 'it', italic: 'i', link: 'lnk', nearby: 'nb', noTextSelection: 'notxt', onLeft: 'ol', onRight: 'or', opaque: 'oq', overflowHidden: 'oh', page: 'pg', paragraph: 'p', passPointerEvents: 'ppe', root: 'ui', row: 'r', scrollbars: 'sb', scrollbarsX: 'sbx', scrollbarsY: 'sby', seButton: 'sbt', single: 'e', sizeByCapital: 'cap', spaceEvenly: 'sev', strike: 'sk', text: 't', textCenter: 'tc', textExtraBold: 'w8', textExtraLight: 'w2', textHeavy: 'w9', textJustify: 'tj', textJustifyAll: 'tja', textLeft: 'tl', textLight: 'w3', textMedium: 'w5', textNormalWeight: 'w4', textRight: 'tr', textSemiBold: 'w6', textThin: 'w1', textUnitalicized: 'tun', transition: 'ts', transparent: 'clr', underline: 'u', widthContent: 'wc', widthExact: 'we', widthFill: 'wf', widthFillPortion: 'wfp', wrapped: 'wrp'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Generic = {$: 'Generic'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$div = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Generic;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoNearbyChildren = {$: 'NoNearbyChildren'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$columnClass = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.column);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$gridClass = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.grid);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$pageClass = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.page);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$paragraphClass = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.paragraph);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$rowClass = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.row);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$singleClass = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$contextClasses = function (context) {
switch (context.$) {
case 'AsRow':
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$rowClass;
case 'AsColumn':
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$columnClass;
case 'AsEl':
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$singleClass;
case 'AsGrid':
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$gridClass;
case 'AsParagraph':
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$paragraphClass;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$pageClass;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Keyed = function (a) {
return {$: 'Keyed', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet = {$: 'NoStyleSheet'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Styled = function (a) {
return {$: 'Styled', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unstyled = function (a) {
return {$: 'Unstyled', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addChildren = F2(
function (existing, nearbyChildren) {
switch (nearbyChildren.$) {
case 'NoNearbyChildren':
return existing;
case 'ChildrenBehind':
var behind = nearbyChildren.a;
return _Utils_ap(behind, existing);
case 'ChildrenInFront':
var inFront = nearbyChildren.a;
return _Utils_ap(existing, inFront);
var behind = nearbyChildren.a;
var inFront = nearbyChildren.b;
return _Utils_ap(
_Utils_ap(existing, inFront));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addKeyedChildren = F3(
function (key, existing, nearbyChildren) {
switch (nearbyChildren.$) {
case 'NoNearbyChildren':
return existing;
case 'ChildrenBehind':
var behind = nearbyChildren.a;
return _Utils_ap(
function (x) {
return _Utils_Tuple2(key, x);
case 'ChildrenInFront':
var inFront = nearbyChildren.a;
return _Utils_ap(
function (x) {
return _Utils_Tuple2(key, x);
var behind = nearbyChildren.a;
var inFront = nearbyChildren.b;
return _Utils_ap(
function (x) {
return _Utils_Tuple2(key, x);
function (x) {
return _Utils_Tuple2(key, x);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsEl = {$: 'AsEl'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsEl;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsParagraph = {$: 'AsParagraph'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asParagraph = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsParagraph;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Flag = function (a) {
return {$: 'Flag', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Second = function (a) {
return {$: 'Second', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag = function (i) {
return (i > 31) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Second(1 << (i - 32)) : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Flag(1 << i);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$alignBottom = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(41);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$alignRight = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(40);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$centerX = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(42);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$centerY = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(43);
var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty = F2(
function (key, string) {
return A2(
var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$class = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty('className');
var $elm$html$Html$div = _VirtualDom_node('div');
var $elm$core$Set$Set_elm_builtin = function (a) {
return {$: 'Set_elm_builtin', a: a};
var $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin = {$: 'RBEmpty_elm_builtin'};
var $elm$core$Dict$empty = $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin;
var $elm$core$Set$empty = $elm$core$Set$Set_elm_builtin($elm$core$Dict$empty);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName = function (x) {
switch (x.$) {
case 'Px':
var px = x.a;
return $elm$core$String$fromInt(px) + 'px';
case 'Content':
return 'auto';
case 'Fill':
var i = x.a;
return $elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + 'fr';
case 'Min':
var min = x.a;
var len = x.b;
return 'min' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(min) + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName(len));
var max = x.a;
var len = x.b;
return 'max' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(max) + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName(len));
var $elm$core$Basics$round = _Basics_round;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass = function (x) {
return $elm$core$String$fromInt(
$elm$core$Basics$round(x * 255));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$transformClass = function (transform) {
switch (transform.$) {
case 'Untransformed':
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
case 'Moved':
var _v1 = transform.a;
var x = _v1.a;
var y = _v1.b;
var z = _v1.c;
return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(
'mv-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(x) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(y) + ('-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(z))))));
var _v2 = transform.a;
var tx = _v2.a;
var ty = _v2.b;
var tz = _v2.c;
var _v3 = transform.b;
var sx = _v3.a;
var sy = _v3.b;
var sz = _v3.c;
var _v4 = transform.c;
var ox = _v4.a;
var oy = _v4.b;
var oz = _v4.c;
var angle = transform.d;
return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(
'tfrm-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(tx) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(ty) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(tz) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(sx) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(sy) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(sz) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(ox) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(oy) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(oz) + ('-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(angle))))))))))))))))))));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getStyleName = function (style) {
switch (style.$) {
case 'Shadows':
var name = style.a;
return name;
case 'Transparency':
var name = style.a;
var o = style.b;
return name;
case 'Style':
var _class = style.a;
return _class;
case 'FontFamily':
var name = style.a;
return name;
case 'FontSize':
var i = style.a;
return 'font-size-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(i);
case 'Single':
var _class = style.a;
return _class;
case 'Colored':
var _class = style.a;
return _class;
case 'SpacingStyle':
var cls = style.a;
var x = style.b;
var y = style.c;
return cls;
case 'PaddingStyle':
var cls = style.a;
var top = style.b;
var right = style.c;
var bottom = style.d;
var left = style.e;
return cls;
case 'BorderWidth':
var cls = style.a;
var top = style.b;
var right = style.c;
var bottom = style.d;
var left = style.e;
return cls;
case 'GridTemplateStyle':
var template = style.a;
return 'grid-rows-' + (A2(
A2($elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName, template.rows)) + ('-cols-' + (A2(
A2($elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName, template.columns)) + ('-space-x-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName(template.spacing.a) + ('-space-y-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName(template.spacing.b)))))));
case 'GridPosition':
var pos = style.a;
return 'gp grid-pos-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(pos.row) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(pos.col) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(pos.width) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(pos.height)))))));
case 'PseudoSelector':
var selector = style.a;
var subStyle = style.b;
var name = function () {
switch (selector.$) {
case 'Focus':
return 'fs';
case 'Hover':
return 'hv';
return 'act';
return A2(
' ',
function (sty) {
var _v1 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getStyleName(sty);
if (_v1 === '') {
return '';
} else {
var styleName = _v1;
return styleName + ('-' + name);
var x = style.a;
return A2(
var $elm$core$Dict$Black = {$: 'Black'};
var $elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin = F5(
function (a, b, c, d, e) {
return {$: 'RBNode_elm_builtin', a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e};
var $elm$core$Dict$Red = {$: 'Red'};
var $elm$core$Dict$balance = F5(
function (color, key, value, left, right) {
if ((right.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') && (right.a.$ === 'Red')) {
var _v1 = right.a;
var rK = right.b;
var rV = right.c;
var rLeft = right.d;
var rRight = right.e;
if ((left.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') && (left.a.$ === 'Red')) {
var _v3 = left.a;
var lK = left.b;
var lV = left.c;
var lLeft = left.d;
var lRight = left.e;
return A5(
A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Black, lK, lV, lLeft, lRight),
A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Black, rK, rV, rLeft, rRight));
} else {
return A5(
A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Red, key, value, left, rLeft),
} else {
if ((((left.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') && (left.a.$ === 'Red')) && (left.d.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin')) && (left.d.a.$ === 'Red')) {
var _v5 = left.a;
var lK = left.b;
var lV = left.c;
var _v6 = left.d;
var _v7 = _v6.a;
var llK = _v6.b;
var llV = _v6.c;
var llLeft = _v6.d;
var llRight = _v6.e;
var lRight = left.e;
return A5(
A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Black, llK, llV, llLeft, llRight),
A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Black, key, value, lRight, right));
} else {
return A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, color, key, value, left, right);
var $elm$core$Basics$compare = _Utils_compare;
var $elm$core$Dict$insertHelp = F3(
function (key, value, dict) {
if (dict.$ === 'RBEmpty_elm_builtin') {
return A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Red, key, value, $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$RBEmpty_elm_builtin);
} else {
var nColor = dict.a;
var nKey = dict.b;
var nValue = dict.c;
var nLeft = dict.d;
var nRight = dict.e;
var _v1 = A2($elm$core$Basics$compare, key, nKey);
switch (_v1.$) {
case 'LT':
return A5(
A3($elm$core$Dict$insertHelp, key, value, nLeft),
case 'EQ':
return A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, nColor, nKey, value, nLeft, nRight);
return A5(
A3($elm$core$Dict$insertHelp, key, value, nRight));
var $elm$core$Dict$insert = F3(
function (key, value, dict) {
var _v0 = A3($elm$core$Dict$insertHelp, key, value, dict);
if ((_v0.$ === 'RBNode_elm_builtin') && (_v0.a.$ === 'Red')) {
var _v1 = _v0.a;
var k = _v0.b;
var v = _v0.c;
var l = _v0.d;
var r = _v0.e;
return A5($elm$core$Dict$RBNode_elm_builtin, $elm$core$Dict$Black, k, v, l, r);
} else {
var x = _v0;
return x;
var $elm$core$Set$insert = F2(
function (key, _v0) {
var dict = _v0.a;
return $elm$core$Set$Set_elm_builtin(
A3($elm$core$Dict$insert, key, _Utils_Tuple0, dict));
var $elm$core$Dict$get = F2(
function (targetKey, dict) {
while (true) {
if (dict.$ === 'RBEmpty_elm_builtin') {
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
} else {
var key = dict.b;
var value = dict.c;
var left = dict.d;
var right = dict.e;
var _v1 = A2($elm$core$Basics$compare, targetKey, key);
switch (_v1.$) {
case 'LT':
var $temp$targetKey = targetKey,
$temp$dict = left;
targetKey = $temp$targetKey;
dict = $temp$dict;
continue get;
case 'EQ':
return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(value);
var $temp$targetKey = targetKey,
$temp$dict = right;
targetKey = $temp$targetKey;
dict = $temp$dict;
continue get;
var $elm$core$Dict$member = F2(
function (key, dict) {
var _v0 = A2($elm$core$Dict$get, key, dict);
if (_v0.$ === 'Just') {
return true;
} else {
return false;
var $elm$core$Set$member = F2(
function (key, _v0) {
var dict = _v0.a;
return A2($elm$core$Dict$member, key, dict);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$reduceStyles = F2(
function (style, nevermind) {
var cache = nevermind.a;
var existing = nevermind.b;
var styleName = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getStyleName(style);
return A2($elm$core$Set$member, styleName, cache) ? nevermind : _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($elm$core$Set$insert, styleName, cache),
A2($elm$core$List$cons, style, existing));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'Property', a: a, b: b};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Style = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'Style', a: a, b: b};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot = function (c) {
return '.' + c;
var $elm$core$List$maybeCons = F3(
function (f, mx, xs) {
var _v0 = f(mx);
if (_v0.$ === 'Just') {
var x = _v0.a;
return A2($elm$core$List$cons, x, xs);
} else {
return xs;
var $elm$core$List$filterMap = F2(
function (f, xs) {
return A3(
var $elm$core$String$fromFloat = _String_fromNumber;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColor = function (_v0) {
var red = _v0.a;
var green = _v0.b;
var blue = _v0.c;
var alpha = _v0.d;
return 'rgba(' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(
$elm$core$Basics$round(red * 255)) + ((',' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(
$elm$core$Basics$round(green * 255))) + ((',' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(
$elm$core$Basics$round(blue * 255))) + (',' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(alpha) + ')')))));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatBoxShadow = function (shadow) {
return A2(
' ',
shadow.inset ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just('inset') : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing,
$elm$core$String$fromFloat(shadow.offset.a) + 'px'),
$elm$core$String$fromFloat(shadow.offset.b) + 'px'),
$elm$core$String$fromFloat(shadow.blur) + 'px'),
$elm$core$String$fromFloat(shadow.size) + 'px'),
var $elm$core$Tuple$mapFirst = F2(
function (func, _v0) {
var x = _v0.a;
var y = _v0.b;
return _Utils_Tuple2(
var $elm$core$Tuple$mapSecond = F2(
function (func, _v0) {
var x = _v0.a;
var y = _v0.b;
return _Utils_Tuple2(
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderFocusStyle = function (focus) {
return _List_fromArray(
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.focusedWithin) + ':focus-within',
function (color) {
return A2(
function (color) {
return A2(
function (shadow) {
return A2(
blur: shadow.blur,
color: shadow.color,
inset: false,
offset: A2(
A2($elm$core$Tuple$mapFirst, $elm$core$Basics$toFloat, shadow.offset)),
size: shadow.size
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'outline', 'none'))
($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any) + ':focus .focusable, ') + (($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any) + '.focusable:focus, ') + ('.ui-slide-bar:focus + ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any) + ' .focusable-thumb'))),
function (color) {
return A2(
function (color) {
return A2(
function (shadow) {
return A2(
blur: shadow.blur,
color: shadow.color,
inset: false,
offset: A2(
A2($elm$core$Tuple$mapFirst, $elm$core$Basics$toFloat, shadow.offset)),
size: shadow.size
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'outline', 'none'))
var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node = function (tag) {
return _VirtualDom_node(
var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$property = F2(
function (key, value) {
return A2(
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$AllChildren = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'AllChildren', a: a, b: b};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Batch = function (a) {
return {$: 'Batch', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Child = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'Child', a: a, b: b};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Class = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'Class', a: a, b: b};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Descriptor = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'Descriptor', a: a, b: b};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Left = {$: 'Left'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'Prop', a: a, b: b};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Right = {$: 'Right'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Self = function (a) {
return {$: 'Self', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Supports = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'Supports', a: a, b: b};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Content = function (a) {
return {$: 'Content', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Bottom = {$: 'Bottom'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$CenterX = {$: 'CenterX'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$CenterY = {$: 'CenterY'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Top = {$: 'Top'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$alignments = _List_fromArray(
[$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Top, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Bottom, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Right, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Left, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$CenterX, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$CenterY]);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$contentName = function (desc) {
switch (desc.a.$) {
case 'Top':
var _v1 = desc.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentTop);
case 'Bottom':
var _v2 = desc.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentBottom);
case 'Right':
var _v3 = desc.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentRight);
case 'Left':
var _v4 = desc.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentLeft);
case 'CenterX':
var _v5 = desc.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterX);
var _v6 = desc.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterY);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$selfName = function (desc) {
switch (desc.a.$) {
case 'Top':
var _v1 = desc.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignTop);
case 'Bottom':
var _v2 = desc.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignBottom);
case 'Right':
var _v3 = desc.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignRight);
case 'Left':
var _v4 = desc.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignLeft);
case 'CenterX':
var _v5 = desc.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignCenterX);
var _v6 = desc.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignCenterY);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$describeAlignment = function (values) {
var createDescription = function (alignment) {
var _v0 = values(alignment);
var content = _v0.a;
var indiv = _v0.b;
return _List_fromArray(
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Batch(
A2($elm$core$List$concatMap, createDescription, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$alignments));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$elDescription = _List_fromArray(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-direction', 'column'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'pre'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '-1')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'auto !important')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', 'auto')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '100000')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-start')
function (alignment) {
switch (alignment.$) {
case 'Top':
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-start')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto !important'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', '0 !important')
case 'Bottom':
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-end')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto !important'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', '0 !important')
case 'Right':
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-end')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-end')
case 'Left':
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-start')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-start')
case 'CenterX':
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'center')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'center')
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto !important'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto !important')
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$gridAlignments = function (values) {
var createDescription = function (alignment) {
return _List_fromArray(
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Batch(
A2($elm$core$List$concatMap, createDescription, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$alignments));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Above = {$: 'Above'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Behind = {$: 'Behind'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Below = {$: 'Below'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$OnLeft = {$: 'OnLeft'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$OnRight = {$: 'OnRight'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Within = {$: 'Within'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$locations = function () {
var loc = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Above;
var _v0 = function () {
switch (loc.$) {
case 'Above':
return _Utils_Tuple0;
case 'Below':
return _Utils_Tuple0;
case 'OnRight':
return _Utils_Tuple0;
case 'OnLeft':
return _Utils_Tuple0;
case 'Within':
return _Utils_Tuple0;
return _Utils_Tuple0;
return _List_fromArray(
[$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Above, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Below, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$OnRight, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$OnLeft, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Within, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Behind]);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$baseSheet = _List_fromArray(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'padding', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'block'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'max-height', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'object-fit', 'cover')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'max-width', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'object-fit', 'cover')
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any) + ':focus',
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'outline', 'none')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', 'auto'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'min-height', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'fixed'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '20')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'relative'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border', 'none'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-direction', 'row'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto'),
function (fn) {
return A2($elm$core$List$map, fn, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$locations);
function (loc) {
switch (loc.$) {
case 'Above':
return A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'absolute'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'bottom', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'left', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '20'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', 'auto')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto')
case 'Below':
return A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'absolute'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'bottom', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'left', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '20'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', 'auto')
case 'OnRight':
return A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'absolute'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'left', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'top', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '20'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto')
case 'OnLeft':
return A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'absolute'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'right', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'top', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '20'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto')
case 'Within':
return A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'absolute'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'left', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'top', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto')
return A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'absolute'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'left', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'top', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'relative'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border', 'none'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-shrink', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-direction', 'row'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'resize', 'none'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-feature-settings', 'inherit'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'box-sizing', 'border-box'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'padding', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border-width', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border-style', 'solid'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-size', 'inherit'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'color', 'inherit'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-family', 'inherit'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'line-height', '1'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', 'inherit'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration', 'none'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-style', 'inherit'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-wrap', 'wrap')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, '-moz-user-select', 'none'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, '-webkit-user-select', 'none'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, '-ms-user-select', 'none'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'user-select', 'none')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'cursor', 'pointer')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'cursor', 'text')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none !important')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'auto !important')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '0')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '1')
_Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.hover, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.transparent)) + ':hover',
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '0')
_Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.hover, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.opaque)) + ':hover',
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '1')
_Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.focus, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.transparent)) + ':focus',
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '0')
_Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.focus, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.opaque)) + ':focus',
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '1')
_Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.active, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.transparent)) + ':active',
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '0')
_Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.active, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.opaque)) + ':active',
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'opacity', '1')
', ',
function (x) {
return x + ' 160ms';
['transform', 'opacity', 'filter', 'background-color', 'color', 'font-size']))))
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'overflow', 'auto'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-shrink', '1')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'overflow-x', 'auto'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-shrink', '1')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'overflow-y', 'auto'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-shrink', '1')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-shrink', '1')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'overflow', 'hidden')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'overflow-x', 'hidden')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'overflow-y', 'hidden')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', 'auto')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border-width', '0')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border-style', 'dashed')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border-style', 'dotted')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'border-style', 'solid')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'pre'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline-block')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'line-height', '1.05'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'background', 'transparent'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-align', 'inherit')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-direction', 'row'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', '0%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'stretch !important')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'stretch !important')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '100000')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'stretch')
'u:first-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerRight,
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1')
's:first-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterX,
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-left', 'auto !important')
's:last-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterX,
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-right', 'auto !important')
's:only-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterX,
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto !important'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto !important')
's:last-of-type.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterX + ' ~ u'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0')
'u:first-of-type.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerRight + (' ~ s.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterX)),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0')
function (alignment) {
switch (alignment.$) {
case 'Top':
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-start')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-start')
case 'Bottom':
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-end')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-end')
case 'Right':
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-end')
case 'Left':
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-start')
case 'CenterX':
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'center')
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'center')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'center')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'space-between')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'baseline')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-direction', 'column'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', '0px'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'min-height', 'min-content'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '100000')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-start')
'u:first-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerBottom,
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1')
's:first-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterY,
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto !important'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', '0 !important')
's:last-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterY,
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto !important'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', '0 !important')
's:only-of-type.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterY,
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '1'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto !important'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto !important')
's:last-of-type.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterY + ' ~ u'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0')
'u:first-of-type.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerBottom + (' ~ s.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterY)),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0')
function (alignment) {
switch (alignment.$) {
case 'Top':
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-start')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-bottom', 'auto')
case 'Bottom':
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-end')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin-top', 'auto')
case 'Right':
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-end')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-end')
case 'Left':
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-start')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'flex-start')
case 'CenterX':
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'center')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'center')
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'center')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-grow', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-self', 'stretch !important')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'space-between')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', '-ms-grid'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%')
_Utils_Tuple2('display', 'grid'),
_Utils_Tuple2('display', 'grid')
function (alignment) {
switch (alignment.$) {
case 'Top':
return _List_fromArray(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-start')
case 'Bottom':
return _List_fromArray(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'flex-end')
case 'Right':
return _List_fromArray(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-end')
case 'Left':
return _List_fromArray(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'flex-start')
case 'CenterX':
return _List_fromArray(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'align-items', 'center')
return _List_fromArray(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'justify-content', 'center')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'block'),
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + ':first-child'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important')
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$selfName(
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Self($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Left)) + (':first-child + .' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any))),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important')
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$selfName(
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Self($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Right)) + (':first-child + .' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any))),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'margin', '0 !important')
function (alignment) {
switch (alignment.$) {
case 'Top':
return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil);
case 'Bottom':
return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil);
case 'Right':
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'float', 'right'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'content', '\"\"'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'table'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'clear', 'both')
case 'Left':
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'float', 'left'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'content', '\"\"'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'table'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'clear', 'both')
case 'CenterX':
return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil);
return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil);
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'pre-wrap !important'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'background-color', 'transparent')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'flex-basis', 'auto')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'pre-wrap !important'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'cursor', 'text'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'pre-wrap !important'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'color', 'transparent')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'block'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'normal'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'overflow-wrap', 'break-word'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'z-index', '-1')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'normal')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'content', 'none')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'content', 'none')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'normal'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline-block')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'flex')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'white-space', 'normal')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline-flex')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'inline-grid')
function (alignment) {
switch (alignment.$) {
case 'Top':
return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil);
case 'Bottom':
return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil);
case 'Right':
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'float', 'right')
case 'Left':
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'float', 'left')
case 'CenterX':
return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil);
return _Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil);
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'display', 'none')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '100')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '200')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '300')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '400')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '500')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '600')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '700')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '800')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-weight', '900')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-style', 'italic')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration', 'line-through')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration', 'underline'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration-skip-ink', 'auto'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration-skip', 'ink')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration', 'line-through underline'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration-skip-ink', 'auto'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-decoration-skip', 'ink')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-style', 'normal')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-align', 'justify')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-align', 'justify-all')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-align', 'center')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-align', 'right')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'text-align', 'left')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'position', 'fixed'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'left', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'top', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'width', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'height', '100%'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'pointer-events', 'none')
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$fontVariant = function (_var) {
return _List_fromArray(
'.v-' + _var,
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-feature-settings', '\"' + (_var + '\"'))
'.v-' + (_var + '-off'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-feature-settings', '\"' + (_var + '\" 0'))
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$commonValues = $elm$core$List$concat(
function (x) {
return A2(
'.border-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(x),
$elm$core$String$fromInt(x) + 'px')
A2($elm$core$List$range, 0, 6)),
function (i) {
return A2(
'.font-size-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(i),
$elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + 'px')
A2($elm$core$List$range, 8, 32)),
function (i) {
return A2(
'.p-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(i),
$elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + 'px')
A2($elm$core$List$range, 0, 24)),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-variant', 'small-caps')
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Prop, 'font-variant', 'normal')
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$explainer = '\n.explain {\n border: 6px solid rgb(174, 121, 15) !important;\n}\n.explain > .' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' {\n border: 4px dashed rgb(0, 151, 167) !important;\n}\n\n.ctr {\n border: none !important;\n}\n.explain > .ctr > .' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + ' {\n border: 4px dashed rgb(0, 151, 167) !important;\n}\n\n')));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$inputTextReset = '\ninput[type="search"],\ninput[type="search"]::-webkit-search-decoration,\ninput[type="search"]::-webkit-search-cancel-button,\ninput[type="search"]::-webkit-search-results-button,\ninput[type="search"]::-webkit-search-results-decoration {\n -webkit-appearance:none;\n}\n';
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$sliderReset = '\ninput[type=range] {\n -webkit-appearance: none; \n background: transparent;\n position:absolute;\n left:0;\n top:0;\n z-index:10;\n width: 100%;\n outline: dashed 1px;\n height: 100%;\n opacity: 0;\n}\n';
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$thumbReset = '\ninput[type=range]::-webkit-slider-thumb {\n -webkit-appearance: none;\n opacity: 0.5;\n width: 80px;\n height: 80px;\n background-color: black;\n border:none;\n border-radius: 5px;\n}\ninput[type=range]::-moz-range-thumb {\n opacity: 0.5;\n width: 80px;\n height: 80px;\n background-color: black;\n border:none;\n border-radius: 5px;\n}\ninput[type=range]::-ms-thumb {\n opacity: 0.5;\n width: 80px;\n height: 80px;\n background-color: black;\n border:none;\n border-radius: 5px;\n}\ninput[type=range][orient=vertical]{\n writing-mode: bt-lr; /* IE */\n -webkit-appearance: slider-vertical; /* WebKit */\n}\n';
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$trackReset = '\ninput[type=range]::-moz-range-track {\n background: transparent;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\ninput[type=range]::-ms-track {\n background: transparent;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\ninput[type=range]::-webkit-slider-runnable-track {\n background: transparent;\n cursor: pointer;\n}\n';
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$overrides = '@media screen and (-ms-high-contrast: active), (-ms-high-contrast: none) {' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any) + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.row) + (' > ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any) + (' { flex-basis: auto !important; } ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any) + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.row) + (' > ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any) + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.container) + (' { flex-basis: auto !important; }}' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$inputTextReset + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$sliderReset + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$trackReset + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$thumbReset + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$explainer)))))))))))))));
var $elm$core$String$concat = function (strings) {
return A2($elm$core$String$join, '', strings);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Intermediate = function (a) {
return {$: 'Intermediate', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$emptyIntermediate = F2(
function (selector, closing) {
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Intermediate(
{closing: closing, others: _List_Nil, props: _List_Nil, selector: selector});
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$renderRules = F2(
function (_v0, rulesToRender) {
var parent = _v0.a;
var generateIntermediates = F2(
function (rule, rendered) {
switch (rule.$) {
case 'Prop':
var name = rule.a;
var val = rule.b;
return _Utils_update(
props: A2(
_Utils_Tuple2(name, val),
case 'Supports':
var _v2 = rule.a;
var prop = _v2.a;
var value = _v2.b;
var props = rule.b;
return _Utils_update(
others: A2(
{closing: '\n}', others: _List_Nil, props: props, selector: '@supports (' + (prop + (':' + (value + (') {' + parent.selector))))}),
case 'Adjacent':
var selector = rule.a;
var adjRules = rule.b;
return _Utils_update(
others: A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$emptyIntermediate, parent.selector + (' + ' + selector), ''),
case 'Child':
var child = rule.a;
var childRules = rule.b;
return _Utils_update(
others: A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$emptyIntermediate, parent.selector + (' > ' + child), ''),
case 'AllChildren':
var child = rule.a;
var childRules = rule.b;
return _Utils_update(
others: A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$emptyIntermediate, parent.selector + (' ' + child), ''),
case 'Descriptor':
var descriptor = rule.a;
var descriptorRules = rule.b;
return _Utils_update(
others: A2(
_Utils_ap(parent.selector, descriptor),
var batched = rule.a;
return _Utils_update(
others: A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$emptyIntermediate, parent.selector, ''),
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$Intermediate(
A3($elm$core$List$foldr, generateIntermediates, parent, rulesToRender));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$renderCompact = function (styleClasses) {
var renderValues = function (values) {
return $elm$core$String$concat(
function (_v3) {
var x = _v3.a;
var y = _v3.b;
return x + (':' + (y + ';'));
var renderClass = function (rule) {
var _v2 = rule.props;
if (!_v2.b) {
return '';
} else {
return rule.selector + ('{' + (renderValues(rule.props) + (rule.closing + '}')));
var renderIntermediate = function (_v0) {
var rule = _v0.a;
return _Utils_ap(
A2($elm$core$List$map, renderIntermediate, rule.others)));
return $elm$core$String$concat(
function (_v1, existing) {
var name = _v1.a;
var styleRules = _v1.b;
return A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$emptyIntermediate, name, ''),
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$rules = _Utils_ap(
_Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$baseSheet, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$commonValues)));
var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$text = _VirtualDom_text;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$staticRoot = function (opts) {
var _v0 = opts.mode;
switch (_v0.$) {
case 'Layout':
return A3(
case 'NoStaticStyleSheet':
return $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$text('');
return A3(
var $elm$json$Json$Encode$list = F2(
function (func, entries) {
return _Json_wrap(
var $elm$json$Json$Encode$object = function (pairs) {
return _Json_wrap(
function (_v0, obj) {
var k = _v0.a;
var v = _v0.b;
return A3(_Json_addField, k, v, obj);
var $elm$core$List$any = F2(
function (isOkay, list) {
while (true) {
if (!list.b) {
return false;
} else {
var x = list.a;
var xs = list.b;
if (isOkay(x)) {
return true;
} else {
var $temp$isOkay = isOkay,
$temp$list = xs;
isOkay = $temp$isOkay;
list = $temp$list;
continue any;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontName = function (font) {
switch (font.$) {
case 'Serif':
return 'serif';
case 'SansSerif':
return 'sans-serif';
case 'Monospace':
return 'monospace';
case 'Typeface':
var name = font.a;
return '\"' + (name + '\"');
case 'ImportFont':
var name = font.a;
var url = font.b;
return '\"' + (name + '\"');
var name = font.a.name;
return '\"' + (name + '\"');
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$isSmallCaps = function (_var) {
switch (_var.$) {
case 'VariantActive':
var name = _var.a;
return name === 'smcp';
case 'VariantOff':
var name = _var.a;
return false;
var name = _var.a;
var index = _var.b;
return (name === 'smcp') && (index === 1);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$hasSmallCaps = function (typeface) {
if (typeface.$ === 'FontWith') {
var font = typeface.a;
return A2($elm$core$List$any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$isSmallCaps, font.variants);
} else {
return false;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderProps = F3(
function (force, _v0, existing) {
var key = _v0.a;
var val = _v0.b;
return force ? (existing + ('\n ' + (key + (': ' + (val + ' !important;'))))) : (existing + ('\n ' + (key + (': ' + (val + ';')))));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle = F4(
function (options, maybePseudo, selector, props) {
if (maybePseudo.$ === 'Nothing') {
return _List_fromArray(
selector + ('{' + (A3(
props) + '\n}'))
} else {
var pseudo = maybePseudo.a;
switch (pseudo.$) {
case 'Hover':
var _v2 = options.hover;
switch (_v2.$) {
case 'NoHover':
return _List_Nil;
case 'ForceHover':
return _List_fromArray(
selector + ('-hv {' + (A3(
props) + '\n}'))
return _List_fromArray(
selector + ('-hv:hover {' + (A3(
props) + '\n}'))
case 'Focus':
var renderedProps = A3(
return _List_fromArray(
selector + ('-fs:focus {' + (renderedProps + '\n}')),
('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (':focus ' + (selector + '-fs {')))) + (renderedProps + '\n}'),
(selector + '-fs:focus-within {') + (renderedProps + '\n}'),
('.ui-slide-bar:focus + ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any) + (' .focusable-thumb' + (selector + '-fs {')))) + (renderedProps + '\n}')
return _List_fromArray(
selector + ('-act:active {' + (A3(
props) + '\n}'))
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderVariant = function (_var) {
switch (_var.$) {
case 'VariantActive':
var name = _var.a;
return '\"' + (name + '\"');
case 'VariantOff':
var name = _var.a;
return '\"' + (name + '\" 0');
var name = _var.a;
var index = _var.b;
return '\"' + (name + ('\" ' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(index)));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderVariants = function (typeface) {
if (typeface.$ === 'FontWith') {
var font = typeface.a;
return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(
', ',
A2($elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderVariant, font.variants)));
} else {
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$transformValue = function (transform) {
switch (transform.$) {
case 'Untransformed':
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
case 'Moved':
var _v1 = transform.a;
var x = _v1.a;
var y = _v1.b;
var z = _v1.c;
return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(
'translate3d(' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(x) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(y) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(z) + 'px)'))))));
var _v2 = transform.a;
var tx = _v2.a;
var ty = _v2.b;
var tz = _v2.c;
var _v3 = transform.b;
var sx = _v3.a;
var sy = _v3.b;
var sz = _v3.c;
var _v4 = transform.c;
var ox = _v4.a;
var oy = _v4.b;
var oz = _v4.c;
var angle = transform.d;
var translate = 'translate3d(' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(tx) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(ty) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(tz) + 'px)')))));
var scale = 'scale3d(' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(sx) + (', ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(sy) + (', ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(sz) + ')')))));
var rotate = 'rotate3d(' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(ox) + (', ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(oy) + (', ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(oz) + (', ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(angle) + 'rad)')))))));
return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(translate + (' ' + (scale + (' ' + rotate))));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyleRule = F3(
function (options, rule, maybePseudo) {
switch (rule.$) {
case 'Style':
var selector = rule.a;
var props = rule.b;
return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, selector, props);
case 'Shadows':
var name = rule.a;
var prop = rule.b;
return A4(
'.' + name,
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'box-shadow', prop)
case 'Transparency':
var name = rule.a;
var transparency = rule.b;
var opacity = A2(
A2($elm$core$Basics$min, 1, 1 - transparency));
return A4(
'.' + name,
case 'FontSize':
var i = rule.a;
return A4(
'.font-size-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(i),
$elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + 'px')
case 'FontFamily':
var name = rule.a;
var typefaces = rule.b;
var features = A2(
', ',
A2($elm$core$List$filterMap, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderVariants, typefaces));
var families = _List_fromArray(
', ',
A2($elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontName, typefaces))),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'font-feature-settings', features),
A2($elm$core$List$any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$hasSmallCaps, typefaces) ? 'small-caps' : 'normal')
return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyle, options, maybePseudo, '.' + name, families);
case 'Single':
var _class = rule.a;
var prop = rule.b;
var val = rule.c;
return A4(
'.' + _class,
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, prop, val)
case 'Colored':
var _class = rule.a;
var prop = rule.b;
var color = rule.c;
return A4(
'.' + _class,
case 'SpacingStyle':
var cls = rule.a;
var x = rule.b;
var y = rule.c;
var yPx = $elm$core$String$fromInt(y) + 'px';
var xPx = $elm$core$String$fromInt(x) + 'px';
var single = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single;
var row = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.row;
var wrappedRow = '.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.wrapped + row);
var right = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignRight;
var paragraph = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.paragraph;
var page = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.page;
var left = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignLeft;
var halfY = $elm$core$String$fromFloat(y / 2) + 'px';
var halfX = $elm$core$String$fromFloat(x / 2) + 'px';
var column = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.column;
var _class = '.' + cls;
var any = '.' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any;
return $elm$core$List$concat(
_class + (row + (' > ' + (any + (' + ' + any)))),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-left', xPx)
_class + (wrappedRow + (' > ' + any)),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin', halfY + (' ' + halfX))
_class + (column + (' > ' + (any + (' + ' + any)))),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-top', yPx)
_class + (page + (' > ' + (any + (' + ' + any)))),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-top', yPx)
_class + (page + (' > ' + left)),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-right', xPx)
_class + (page + (' > ' + right)),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-left', xPx)
_Utils_ap(_class, paragraph),
'calc(1em + ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(y) + 'px)'))
'textarea' + (any + _class),
'calc(1em + ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(y) + 'px)')),
'calc(100% + ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(y) + 'px)'))
_class + (paragraph + (' > ' + left)),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-right', xPx)
_class + (paragraph + (' > ' + right)),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'margin-left', xPx)
_class + (paragraph + '::after'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'content', '\'\''),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'display', 'block'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'height', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'width', '0'),
$elm$core$String$fromInt((-1) * ((y / 2) | 0)) + 'px')
_class + (paragraph + '::before'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'content', '\'\''),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'display', 'block'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'height', '0'),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'width', '0'),
$elm$core$String$fromInt((-1) * ((y / 2) | 0)) + 'px')
case 'PaddingStyle':
var cls = rule.a;
var top = rule.b;
var right = rule.c;
var bottom = rule.d;
var left = rule.e;
var _class = '.' + cls;
return A4(
$elm$core$String$fromFloat(top) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(right) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(bottom) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(left) + 'px')))))))
case 'BorderWidth':
var cls = rule.a;
var top = rule.b;
var right = rule.c;
var bottom = rule.d;
var left = rule.e;
var _class = '.' + cls;
return A4(
$elm$core$String$fromInt(top) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(right) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(bottom) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(left) + 'px')))))))
case 'GridTemplateStyle':
var template = rule.a;
var toGridLengthHelper = F3(
function (minimum, maximum, x) {
while (true) {
switch (x.$) {
case 'Px':
var px = x.a;
return $elm$core$String$fromInt(px) + 'px';
case 'Content':
var _v2 = _Utils_Tuple2(minimum, maximum);
if (_v2.a.$ === 'Nothing') {
if (_v2.b.$ === 'Nothing') {
var _v3 = _v2.a;
var _v4 = _v2.b;
return 'max-content';
} else {
var _v6 = _v2.a;
var maxSize = _v2.b.a;
return 'minmax(max-content, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize) + 'px)');
} else {
if (_v2.b.$ === 'Nothing') {
var minSize = _v2.a.a;
var _v5 = _v2.b;
return 'minmax(' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize) + ('px, ' + 'max-content)'));
} else {
var minSize = _v2.a.a;
var maxSize = _v2.b.a;
return 'minmax(' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize) + 'px)')));
case 'Fill':
var i = x.a;
var _v7 = _Utils_Tuple2(minimum, maximum);
if (_v7.a.$ === 'Nothing') {
if (_v7.b.$ === 'Nothing') {
var _v8 = _v7.a;
var _v9 = _v7.b;
return $elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + 'fr';
} else {
var _v11 = _v7.a;
var maxSize = _v7.b.a;
return 'minmax(max-content, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize) + 'px)');
} else {
if (_v7.b.$ === 'Nothing') {
var minSize = _v7.a.a;
var _v10 = _v7.b;
return 'minmax(' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(i) + ('fr' + 'fr)'))));
} else {
var minSize = _v7.a.a;
var maxSize = _v7.b.a;
return 'minmax(' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize) + ('px, ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize) + 'px)')));
case 'Min':
var m = x.a;
var len = x.b;
var $temp$minimum = $elm$core$Maybe$Just(m),
$temp$maximum = maximum,
$temp$x = len;
minimum = $temp$minimum;
maximum = $temp$maximum;
x = $temp$x;
continue toGridLengthHelper;
var m = x.a;
var len = x.b;
var $temp$minimum = minimum,
$temp$maximum = $elm$core$Maybe$Just(m),
$temp$x = len;
minimum = $temp$minimum;
maximum = $temp$maximum;
x = $temp$x;
continue toGridLengthHelper;
var toGridLength = function (x) {
return A3(toGridLengthHelper, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, x);
var xSpacing = toGridLength(template.spacing.a);
var ySpacing = toGridLength(template.spacing.b);
var rows = function (x) {
return 'grid-template-rows: ' + (x + ';');
' ',
A2($elm$core$List$map, toGridLength, template.rows)));
var msRows = function (x) {
return '-ms-grid-rows: ' + (x + ';');
A2($elm$core$List$map, toGridLength, template.columns)));
var msColumns = function (x) {
return '-ms-grid-columns: ' + (x + ';');
A2($elm$core$List$map, toGridLength, template.columns)));
var gapY = 'grid-row-gap:' + (toGridLength(template.spacing.b) + ';');
var gapX = 'grid-column-gap:' + (toGridLength(template.spacing.a) + ';');
var columns = function (x) {
return 'grid-template-columns: ' + (x + ';');
' ',
A2($elm$core$List$map, toGridLength, template.columns)));
var _class = '.grid-rows-' + (A2(
A2($elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName, template.rows)) + ('-cols-' + (A2(
A2($elm$core$List$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName, template.columns)) + ('-space-x-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName(template.spacing.a) + ('-space-y-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$lengthClassName(template.spacing.b)))))));
var modernGrid = _class + ('{' + (columns + (rows + (gapX + (gapY + '}')))));
var supports = '@supports (display:grid) {' + (modernGrid + '}');
var base = _class + ('{' + (msColumns + (msRows + '}')));
return _List_fromArray(
[base, supports]);
case 'GridPosition':
var position = rule.a;
var msPosition = A2(
' ',
'-ms-grid-row: ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.row) + ';'),
'-ms-grid-row-span: ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.height) + ';'),
'-ms-grid-column: ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.col) + ';'),
'-ms-grid-column-span: ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.width) + ';')
var modernPosition = A2(
' ',
'grid-row: ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.row) + (' / ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.row + position.height) + ';'))),
'grid-column: ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.col) + (' / ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.col + position.width) + ';')))
var _class = '.grid-pos-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.row) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.col) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(position.width) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(position.height)))))));
var modernGrid = _class + ('{' + (modernPosition + '}'));
var supports = '@supports (display:grid) {' + (modernGrid + '}');
var base = _class + ('{' + (msPosition + '}'));
return _List_fromArray(
[base, supports]);
case 'PseudoSelector':
var _class = rule.a;
var styles = rule.b;
var renderPseudoRule = function (style) {
return A3(
return A2($elm$core$List$concatMap, renderPseudoRule, styles);
var transform = rule.a;
var val = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$transformValue(transform);
var _class = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$transformClass(transform);
var _v12 = _Utils_Tuple2(_class, val);
if ((_v12.a.$ === 'Just') && (_v12.b.$ === 'Just')) {
var cls = _v12.a.a;
var v = _v12.b.a;
return A4(
'.' + cls,
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Property, 'transform', v)
} else {
return _List_Nil;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$encodeStyles = F2(
function (options, stylesheet) {
return $elm$json$Json$Encode$object(
function (style) {
var styled = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyleRule, options, style, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing);
return _Utils_Tuple2(
A2($elm$json$Json$Encode$list, $elm$json$Json$Encode$string, styled));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$bracket = F2(
function (selector, rules) {
var renderPair = function (_v0) {
var name = _v0.a;
var val = _v0.b;
return name + (': ' + (val + ';'));
return selector + (' {' + (A2(
A2($elm$core$List$map, renderPair, rules)) + '}'));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontRule = F3(
function (name, modifier, _v0) {
var parentAdj = _v0.a;
var textAdjustment = _v0.b;
return _List_fromArray(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$bracket, '.' + (name + ('.' + (modifier + (', ' + ('.' + (name + (' .' + modifier))))))), parentAdj),
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$bracket, '.' + (name + ('.' + (modifier + ('> .' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.text + (', .' + (name + (' .' + (modifier + (' > .' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.text)))))))))), textAdjustment)
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderFontAdjustmentRule = F3(
function (fontToAdjust, _v0, otherFontName) {
var full = _v0.a;
var capital = _v0.b;
var name = _Utils_eq(fontToAdjust, otherFontName) ? fontToAdjust : (otherFontName + (' .' + fontToAdjust));
return A2(
' ',
A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontRule, name, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.sizeByCapital, capital),
A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontRule, name, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.fullSize, full)));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderNullAdjustmentRule = F2(
function (fontToAdjust, otherFontName) {
var name = _Utils_eq(fontToAdjust, otherFontName) ? fontToAdjust : (otherFontName + (' .' + fontToAdjust));
return A2(
' ',
'.' + (name + ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.sizeByCapital + (', ' + ('.' + (name + (' .' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.sizeByCapital))))))),
_Utils_Tuple2('line-height', '1')
'.' + (name + ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.sizeByCapital + ('> .' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.text + (', .' + (name + (' .' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.sizeByCapital + (' > .' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.text)))))))))),
_Utils_Tuple2('vertical-align', '0'),
_Utils_Tuple2('line-height', '1')
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$adjust = F3(
function (size, height, vertical) {
return {height: height / size, size: size, vertical: vertical};
var $elm$core$List$filter = F2(
function (isGood, list) {
return A3(
function (x, xs) {
return isGood(x) ? A2($elm$core$List$cons, x, xs) : xs;
var $elm$core$List$maximum = function (list) {
if (list.b) {
var x = list.a;
var xs = list.b;
return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(
A3($elm$core$List$foldl, $elm$core$Basics$max, x, xs));
} else {
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$convertAdjustment = function (adjustment) {
var lines = _List_fromArray(
[adjustment.capital, adjustment.baseline, adjustment.descender, adjustment.lowercase]);
var lineHeight = 1.5;
var normalDescender = (lineHeight - 1) / 2;
var oldMiddle = lineHeight / 2;
var descender = A2(
var newBaseline = A2(
function (x) {
return !_Utils_eq(x, descender);
var base = lineHeight;
var ascender = A2(
var capitalSize = 1 / (ascender - newBaseline);
var capitalVertical = 1 - ascender;
var fullSize = 1 / (ascender - descender);
var fullVertical = 1 - ascender;
var newCapitalMiddle = ((ascender - newBaseline) / 2) + newBaseline;
var newFullMiddle = ((ascender - descender) / 2) + descender;
return {
capital: A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$adjust, capitalSize, ascender - newBaseline, capitalVertical),
full: A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$adjust, fullSize, ascender - descender, fullVertical)
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$fontAdjustmentRules = function (converted) {
return _Utils_Tuple2(
_Utils_Tuple2('display', 'block')
_Utils_Tuple2('display', 'inline-block'),
$elm$core$String$fromFloat(converted.vertical) + 'em'),
$elm$core$String$fromFloat(converted.size) + 'em')
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$typefaceAdjustment = function (typefaces) {
return A3(
function (face, found) {
if (found.$ === 'Nothing') {
if (face.$ === 'FontWith') {
var _with = face.a;
var _v2 = _with.adjustment;
if (_v2.$ === 'Nothing') {
return found;
} else {
var adjustment = _v2.a;
return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(
function ($) {
return $.full;
function ($) {
return $.capital;
} else {
return found;
} else {
return found;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderTopLevelValues = function (rules) {
var withImport = function (font) {
if (font.$ === 'ImportFont') {
var url = font.b;
return $elm$core$Maybe$Just('@import url(\'' + (url + '\');'));
} else {
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
var fontImports = function (_v2) {
var name = _v2.a;
var typefaces = _v2.b;
var imports = A2(
A2($elm$core$List$filterMap, withImport, typefaces));
return imports;
var allNames = A2($elm$core$List$map, $elm$core$Tuple$first, rules);
var fontAdjustments = function (_v1) {
var name = _v1.a;
var typefaces = _v1.b;
var _v0 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$typefaceAdjustment(typefaces);
if (_v0.$ === 'Nothing') {
return A2(
} else {
var adjustment = _v0.a;
return A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderFontAdjustmentRule, name, adjustment),
return _Utils_ap(
A2($elm$core$List$map, fontImports, rules)),
A2($elm$core$List$map, fontAdjustments, rules)));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$topLevelValue = function (rule) {
if (rule.$ === 'FontFamily') {
var name = rule.a;
var typefaces = rule.b;
return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(
_Utils_Tuple2(name, typefaces));
} else {
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toStyleSheetString = F2(
function (options, stylesheet) {
var combine = F2(
function (style, rendered) {
return {
rules: _Utils_ap(
A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderStyleRule, options, style, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing)),
topLevel: function () {
var _v1 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$topLevelValue(style);
if (_v1.$ === 'Nothing') {
return rendered.topLevel;
} else {
var topLevel = _v1.a;
return A2($elm$core$List$cons, topLevel, rendered.topLevel);
var _v0 = A3(
{rules: _List_Nil, topLevel: _List_Nil},
var topLevel = _v0.topLevel;
var rules = _v0.rules;
return _Utils_ap(
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toStyleSheet = F2(
function (options, styleSheet) {
var _v0 = options.mode;
switch (_v0.$) {
case 'Layout':
return A3(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toStyleSheetString, options, styleSheet))
case 'NoStaticStyleSheet':
return A3(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toStyleSheetString, options, styleSheet))
return A3(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$encodeStyles, options, styleSheet))
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$embedKeyed = F4(
function (_static, opts, styles, children) {
var dynamicStyleSheet = A2(
return _static ? A2(
_Utils_Tuple2('dynamic-stylesheet', dynamicStyleSheet),
children)) : A2(
_Utils_Tuple2('dynamic-stylesheet', dynamicStyleSheet),
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$embedWith = F4(
function (_static, opts, styles, children) {
var dynamicStyleSheet = A2(
return _static ? A2(
A2($elm$core$List$cons, dynamicStyleSheet, children)) : A2($elm$core$List$cons, dynamicStyleSheet, children);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightBetween = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(45);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightFill = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(37);
var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$keyedNode = function (tag) {
return _VirtualDom_keyedNode(
var $elm$core$Basics$not = _Basics_not;
var $elm$html$Html$p = _VirtualDom_node('p');
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present = F2(
function (myFlag, _v0) {
var fieldOne = _v0.a;
var fieldTwo = _v0.b;
if (myFlag.$ === 'Flag') {
var first = myFlag.a;
return _Utils_eq(first & fieldOne, first);
} else {
var second = myFlag.a;
return _Utils_eq(second & fieldTwo, second);
var $elm$html$Html$s = _VirtualDom_node('s');
var $elm$html$Html$u = _VirtualDom_node('u');
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthBetween = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(44);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthFill = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(39);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$finalizeNode = F6(
function (has, node, attributes, children, embedMode, parentContext) {
var createNode = F2(
function (nodeName, attrs) {
if (children.$ === 'Keyed') {
var keyed = children.a;
return A3(
function () {
switch (embedMode.$) {
case 'NoStyleSheet':
return keyed;
case 'OnlyDynamic':
var opts = embedMode.a;
var styles = embedMode.b;
return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$embedKeyed, false, opts, styles, keyed);
var opts = embedMode.a;
var styles = embedMode.b;
return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$embedKeyed, true, opts, styles, keyed);
} else {
var unkeyed = children.a;
return A2(
function () {
switch (nodeName) {
case 'div':
return $elm$html$Html$div;
case 'p':
return $elm$html$Html$p;
return $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$node(nodeName);
function () {
switch (embedMode.$) {
case 'NoStyleSheet':
return unkeyed;
case 'OnlyDynamic':
var opts = embedMode.a;
var styles = embedMode.b;
return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$embedWith, false, opts, styles, unkeyed);
var opts = embedMode.a;
var styles = embedMode.b;
return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$embedWith, true, opts, styles, unkeyed);
var html = function () {
switch (node.$) {
case 'Generic':
return A2(createNode, 'div', attributes);
case 'NodeName':
var nodeName = node.a;
return A2(createNode, nodeName, attributes);
var nodeName = node.a;
var internal = node.b;
return A3(
$elm$html$Html$Attributes$class($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single))
switch (parentContext.$) {
case 'AsRow':
return (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthFill, has) && (!A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthBetween, has))) ? html : (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$alignRight, has) ? A2(
' ',
[$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.container, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterY, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerRight])))
[html])) : (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$centerX, has) ? A2(
' ',
[$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.container, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterY, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterX])))
[html])) : html));
case 'AsColumn':
return (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightFill, has) && (!A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightBetween, has))) ? html : (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$centerY, has) ? A2(
' ',
[$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.container, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerCenterY])))
[html])) : (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$alignBottom, has) ? A2(
' ',
[$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.container, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignContainerBottom])))
[html])) : html));
return html;
var $elm$core$List$isEmpty = function (xs) {
if (!xs.b) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
var $elm$html$Html$text = $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$text;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElementClasses = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.text + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthContent + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightContent)))));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElement = function (str) {
return A2(
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElementFillClasses = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.text + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthFill + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightFill)))));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElementFill = function (str) {
return A2(
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$createElement = F3(
function (context, children, rendered) {
var gatherKeyed = F2(
function (_v8, _v9) {
var key = _v8.a;
var child = _v8.b;
var htmls = _v9.a;
var existingStyles = _v9.b;
switch (child.$) {
case 'Unstyled':
var html = child.a;
return _Utils_eq(context, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asParagraph) ? _Utils_Tuple2(
existingStyles) : _Utils_Tuple2(
case 'Styled':
var styled = child.a;
return _Utils_eq(context, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asParagraph) ? _Utils_Tuple2(
A2(styled.html, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet, context)),
$elm$core$List$isEmpty(existingStyles) ? styled.styles : _Utils_ap(styled.styles, existingStyles)) : _Utils_Tuple2(
A2(styled.html, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet, context)),
$elm$core$List$isEmpty(existingStyles) ? styled.styles : _Utils_ap(styled.styles, existingStyles));
case 'Text':
var str = child.a;
return _Utils_Tuple2(
_Utils_eq(context, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElementFill(str) : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElement(str)),
return _Utils_Tuple2(htmls, existingStyles);
var gather = F2(
function (child, _v6) {
var htmls = _v6.a;
var existingStyles = _v6.b;
switch (child.$) {
case 'Unstyled':
var html = child.a;
return _Utils_eq(context, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asParagraph) ? _Utils_Tuple2(
existingStyles) : _Utils_Tuple2(
case 'Styled':
var styled = child.a;
return _Utils_eq(context, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asParagraph) ? _Utils_Tuple2(
A2(styled.html, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet, context),
$elm$core$List$isEmpty(existingStyles) ? styled.styles : _Utils_ap(styled.styles, existingStyles)) : _Utils_Tuple2(
A2(styled.html, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet, context),
$elm$core$List$isEmpty(existingStyles) ? styled.styles : _Utils_ap(styled.styles, existingStyles));
case 'Text':
var str = child.a;
return _Utils_Tuple2(
_Utils_eq(context, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElementFill(str) : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElement(str),
return _Utils_Tuple2(htmls, existingStyles);
if (children.$ === 'Keyed') {
var keyedChildren = children.a;
var _v1 = A3(
_Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil),
var keyed = _v1.a;
var styles = _v1.b;
var newStyles = $elm$core$List$isEmpty(styles) ? rendered.styles : _Utils_ap(rendered.styles, styles);
if (!newStyles.b) {
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unstyled(
A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addKeyedChildren, 'nearby-element-pls', keyed, rendered.children)),
} else {
var allStyles = newStyles;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Styled(
html: A4(
A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addKeyedChildren, 'nearby-element-pls', keyed, rendered.children))),
styles: allStyles
} else {
var unkeyedChildren = children.a;
var _v3 = A3(
_Utils_Tuple2(_List_Nil, _List_Nil),
var unkeyed = _v3.a;
var styles = _v3.b;
var newStyles = $elm$core$List$isEmpty(styles) ? rendered.styles : _Utils_ap(rendered.styles, styles);
if (!newStyles.b) {
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unstyled(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addChildren, unkeyed, rendered.children)),
} else {
var allStyles = newStyles;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Styled(
html: A4(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addChildren, unkeyed, rendered.children))),
styles: allStyles
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single = F3(
function (a, b, c) {
return {$: 'Single', a: a, b: b, c: c};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Transform = function (a) {
return {$: 'Transform', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Field = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'Field', a: a, b: b};
var $elm$core$Bitwise$or = _Bitwise_or;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add = F2(
function (myFlag, _v0) {
var one = _v0.a;
var two = _v0.b;
if (myFlag.$ === 'Flag') {
var first = myFlag.a;
return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Field, first | one, two);
} else {
var second = myFlag.a;
return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Field, one, second | two);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenBehind = function (a) {
return {$: 'ChildrenBehind', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenBehindAndInFront = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'ChildrenBehindAndInFront', a: a, b: b};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenInFront = function (a) {
return {$: 'ChildrenInFront', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$nearbyElement = F2(
function (location, elem) {
return A2(
function () {
switch (location.$) {
case 'Above':
return A2(
' ',
[$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.nearby, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.above]));
case 'Below':
return A2(
' ',
[$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.nearby, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.below]));
case 'OnRight':
return A2(
' ',
[$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.nearby, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.onRight]));
case 'OnLeft':
return A2(
' ',
[$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.nearby, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.onLeft]));
case 'InFront':
return A2(
' ',
[$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.nearby, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.inFront]));
return A2(
' ',
[$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.nearby, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.behind]));
function () {
switch (elem.$) {
case 'Empty':
return $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$text('');
case 'Text':
var str = elem.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElement(str);
case 'Unstyled':
var html = elem.a;
return html($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl);
var styled = elem.a;
return A2(styled.html, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoStyleSheet, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNearbyElement = F3(
function (location, elem, existing) {
var nearby = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$nearbyElement, location, elem);
switch (existing.$) {
case 'NoNearbyChildren':
if (location.$ === 'Behind') {
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenBehind(
} else {
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenInFront(
case 'ChildrenBehind':
var existingBehind = existing.a;
if (location.$ === 'Behind') {
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenBehind(
A2($elm$core$List$cons, nearby, existingBehind));
} else {
return A2(
case 'ChildrenInFront':
var existingInFront = existing.a;
if (location.$ === 'Behind') {
return A2(
} else {
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$ChildrenInFront(
A2($elm$core$List$cons, nearby, existingInFront));
var existingBehind = existing.a;
var existingInFront = existing.b;
if (location.$ === 'Behind') {
return A2(
A2($elm$core$List$cons, nearby, existingBehind),
} else {
return A2(
A2($elm$core$List$cons, nearby, existingInFront));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Embedded = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'Embedded', a: a, b: b};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName = function (a) {
return {$: 'NodeName', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName = F2(
function (newNode, old) {
switch (old.$) {
case 'Generic':
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName(newNode);
case 'NodeName':
var name = old.a;
return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Embedded, name, newNode);
var x = old.a;
var y = old.b;
return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Embedded, x, y);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$alignXName = function (align) {
switch (align.$) {
case 'Left':
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignedHorizontally + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignLeft);
case 'Right':
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignedHorizontally + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignRight);
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignedHorizontally + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignCenterX);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$alignYName = function (align) {
switch (align.$) {
case 'Top':
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignedVertically + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignTop);
case 'Bottom':
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignedVertically + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignBottom);
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignedVertically + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.alignCenterY);
var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$attribute = F2(
function (key, value) {
return A2(
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform = F4(
function (a, b, c, d) {
return {$: 'FullTransform', a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved = function (a) {
return {$: 'Moved', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$composeTransformation = F2(
function (transform, component) {
switch (transform.$) {
case 'Untransformed':
switch (component.$) {
case 'MoveX':
var x = component.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved(
_Utils_Tuple3(x, 0, 0));
case 'MoveY':
var y = component.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved(
_Utils_Tuple3(0, y, 0));
case 'MoveZ':
var z = component.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved(
_Utils_Tuple3(0, 0, z));
case 'MoveXYZ':
var xyz = component.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved(xyz);
case 'Rotate':
var xyz = component.a;
var angle = component.b;
return A4(
_Utils_Tuple3(0, 0, 0),
_Utils_Tuple3(1, 1, 1),
var xyz = component.a;
return A4(
_Utils_Tuple3(0, 0, 0),
_Utils_Tuple3(0, 0, 1),
case 'Moved':
var moved = transform.a;
var x = moved.a;
var y = moved.b;
var z = moved.c;
switch (component.$) {
case 'MoveX':
var newX = component.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved(
_Utils_Tuple3(newX, y, z));
case 'MoveY':
var newY = component.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved(
_Utils_Tuple3(x, newY, z));
case 'MoveZ':
var newZ = component.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved(
_Utils_Tuple3(x, y, newZ));
case 'MoveXYZ':
var xyz = component.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Moved(xyz);
case 'Rotate':
var xyz = component.a;
var angle = component.b;
return A4(
_Utils_Tuple3(1, 1, 1),
var scale = component.a;
return A4(
_Utils_Tuple3(0, 0, 1),
var moved = transform.a;
var x = moved.a;
var y = moved.b;
var z = moved.c;
var scaled = transform.b;
var origin = transform.c;
var angle = transform.d;
switch (component.$) {
case 'MoveX':
var newX = component.a;
return A4(
_Utils_Tuple3(newX, y, z),
case 'MoveY':
var newY = component.a;
return A4(
_Utils_Tuple3(x, newY, z),
case 'MoveZ':
var newZ = component.a;
return A4(
_Utils_Tuple3(x, y, newZ),
case 'MoveXYZ':
var newMove = component.a;
return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, newMove, scaled, origin, angle);
case 'Rotate':
var newOrigin = component.a;
var newAngle = component.b;
return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, moved, scaled, newOrigin, newAngle);
var newScale = component.a;
return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FullTransform, moved, newScale, origin, angle);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(7);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightContent = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(36);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$merge = F2(
function (_v0, _v1) {
var one = _v0.a;
var two = _v0.b;
var three = _v1.a;
var four = _v1.b;
return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Field, one | three, two | four);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$Field, 0, 0);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderHeight = function (h) {
switch (h.$) {
case 'Px':
var px = h.a;
var val = $elm$core$String$fromInt(px);
var name = 'height-px-' + val;
return _Utils_Tuple3(
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightExact + (' ' + name),
A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, name, 'height', val + 'px')
case 'Content':
return _Utils_Tuple3(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightContent, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none),
case 'Fill':
var portion = h.a;
return (portion === 1) ? _Utils_Tuple3(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightFill, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none),
_List_Nil) : _Utils_Tuple3(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightFill, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none),
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightFillPortion + (' height-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion)),
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.column + (' > ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot(
'height-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion))))),
$elm$core$String$fromInt(portion * 100000))
case 'Min':
var minSize = h.a;
var len = h.b;
var cls = 'min-height-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize);
var style = A3(
$elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize) + 'px !important');
var _v1 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderHeight(len);
var newFlag = _v1.a;
var newAttrs = _v1.b;
var newStyle = _v1.c;
return _Utils_Tuple3(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightBetween, newFlag),
cls + (' ' + newAttrs),
A2($elm$core$List$cons, style, newStyle));
var maxSize = h.a;
var len = h.b;
var cls = 'max-height-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize);
var style = A3(
$elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize) + 'px');
var _v2 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderHeight(len);
var newFlag = _v2.a;
var newAttrs = _v2.b;
var newStyle = _v2.c;
return _Utils_Tuple3(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$heightBetween, newFlag),
cls + (' ' + newAttrs),
A2($elm$core$List$cons, style, newStyle));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthContent = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(38);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderWidth = function (w) {
switch (w.$) {
case 'Px':
var px = w.a;
return _Utils_Tuple3(
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthExact + (' width-px-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(px)),
'width-px-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(px),
$elm$core$String$fromInt(px) + 'px')
case 'Content':
return _Utils_Tuple3(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthContent, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none),
case 'Fill':
var portion = w.a;
return (portion === 1) ? _Utils_Tuple3(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthFill, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none),
_List_Nil) : _Utils_Tuple3(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthFill, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$none),
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthFillPortion + (' width-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion)),
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.row + (' > ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot(
'width-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion))))),
$elm$core$String$fromInt(portion * 100000))
case 'Min':
var minSize = w.a;
var len = w.b;
var cls = 'min-width-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize);
var style = A3(
$elm$core$String$fromInt(minSize) + 'px');
var _v1 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderWidth(len);
var newFlag = _v1.a;
var newAttrs = _v1.b;
var newStyle = _v1.c;
return _Utils_Tuple3(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthBetween, newFlag),
cls + (' ' + newAttrs),
A2($elm$core$List$cons, style, newStyle));
var maxSize = w.a;
var len = w.b;
var cls = 'max-width-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize);
var style = A3(
$elm$core$String$fromInt(maxSize) + 'px');
var _v2 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderWidth(len);
var newFlag = _v2.a;
var newAttrs = _v2.b;
var newStyle = _v2.c;
return _Utils_Tuple3(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$widthBetween, newFlag),
cls + (' ' + newAttrs),
A2($elm$core$List$cons, style, newStyle));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderWidth = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(27);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$skippable = F2(
function (flag, style) {
if (_Utils_eq(flag, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderWidth)) {
if (style.$ === 'Single') {
var val = style.c;
switch (val) {
case '0px':
return true;
case '1px':
return true;
case '2px':
return true;
case '3px':
return true;
case '4px':
return true;
case '5px':
return true;
case '6px':
return true;
return false;
} else {
return false;
} else {
switch (style.$) {
case 'FontSize':
var i = style.a;
return (i >= 8) && (i <= 32);
case 'PaddingStyle':
var name = style.a;
var t = style.b;
var r = style.c;
var b = style.d;
var l = style.e;
return _Utils_eq(t, b) && (_Utils_eq(t, r) && (_Utils_eq(t, l) && ((t >= 0) && (t <= 24))));
return false;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(6);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$xAlign = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(30);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$yAlign = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(29);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$gatherAttrRecursive = F8(
function (classes, node, has, transform, styles, attrs, children, elementAttrs) {
while (true) {
if (!elementAttrs.b) {
var _v1 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$transformClass(transform);
if (_v1.$ === 'Nothing') {
return {
attributes: A2(
children: children,
has: has,
node: node,
styles: styles
} else {
var _class = _v1.a;
return {
attributes: A2(
$elm$html$Html$Attributes$class(classes + (' ' + _class)),
children: children,
has: has,
node: node,
styles: A2(
} else {
var attribute = elementAttrs.a;
var remaining = elementAttrs.b;
switch (attribute.$) {
case 'NoAttribute':
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'Class':
var flag = attribute.a;
var exactClassName = attribute.b;
if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, flag, has)) {
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
} else {
var $temp$classes = exactClassName + (' ' + classes),
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, flag, has),
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'Attr':
var actualAttribute = attribute.a;
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = A2($elm$core$List$cons, actualAttribute, attrs),
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'StyleClass':
var flag = attribute.a;
var style = attribute.b;
if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, flag, has)) {
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
} else {
if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$skippable, flag, style)) {
var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getStyleName(style) + (' ' + classes),
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, flag, has),
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
} else {
var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$getStyleName(style) + (' ' + classes),
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, flag, has),
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = A2($elm$core$List$cons, style, styles),
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'TransformComponent':
var flag = attribute.a;
var component = attribute.b;
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, flag, has),
$temp$transform = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$composeTransformation, transform, component),
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'Width':
var width = attribute.a;
if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width, has)) {
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
} else {
switch (width.$) {
case 'Px':
var px = width.a;
var $temp$classes = ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthExact + (' width-px-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(px))) + (' ' + classes),
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width, has),
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = A2(
'width-px-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(px),
$elm$core$String$fromInt(px) + 'px'),
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'Content':
var $temp$classes = classes + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthContent),
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width, has)),
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'Fill':
var portion = width.a;
if (portion === 1) {
var $temp$classes = classes + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthFill),
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width, has)),
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
} else {
var $temp$classes = classes + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.widthFillPortion + (' width-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion)))),
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width, has)),
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = A2(
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.row + (' > ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot(
'width-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion))))),
$elm$core$String$fromInt(portion * 100000)),
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
var _v4 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderWidth(width);
var addToFlags = _v4.a;
var newClass = _v4.b;
var newStyles = _v4.c;
var $temp$classes = classes + (' ' + newClass),
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$width, has)),
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = _Utils_ap(newStyles, styles),
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'Height':
var height = attribute.a;
if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height, has)) {
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
} else {
switch (height.$) {
case 'Px':
var px = height.a;
var val = $elm$core$String$fromInt(px) + 'px';
var name = 'height-px-' + val;
var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightExact + (' ' + (name + (' ' + classes))),
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height, has),
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = A2(
A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Single, name, 'height ', val),
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'Content':
var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightContent + (' ' + classes),
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height, has)),
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'Fill':
var portion = height.a;
if (portion === 1) {
var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightFill + (' ' + classes),
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height, has)),
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
} else {
var $temp$classes = classes + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.heightFillPortion + (' height-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion)))),
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height, has)),
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = A2(
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any + ('.' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.column + (' > ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$dot(
'height-fill-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(portion))))),
$elm$core$String$fromInt(portion * 100000)),
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
var _v6 = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderHeight(height);
var addToFlags = _v6.a;
var newClass = _v6.b;
var newStyles = _v6.c;
var $temp$classes = classes + (' ' + newClass),
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$height, has)),
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = _Utils_ap(newStyles, styles),
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'Describe':
var description = attribute.a;
switch (description.$) {
case 'Main':
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName, 'main', node),
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'Navigation':
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName, 'nav', node),
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'ContentInfo':
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName, 'footer', node),
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'Complementary':
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName, 'aside', node),
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'Heading':
var i = description.a;
if (i <= 1) {
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName, 'h1', node),
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
} else {
if (i < 7) {
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = A2(
'h' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(i),
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
} else {
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNodeName, 'h6', node),
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'Paragraph':
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'Button':
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = A2(
A2($elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$attribute, 'role', 'button'),
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'Label':
var label = description.a;
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = A2(
A2($elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$attribute, 'aria-label', label),
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'LivePolite':
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = A2(
A2($elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$attribute, 'aria-live', 'polite'),
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = A2(
A2($elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$attribute, 'aria-live', 'assertive'),
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'Nearby':
var location = attribute.a;
var elem = attribute.b;
var newStyles = function () {
switch (elem.$) {
case 'Empty':
return styles;
case 'Text':
var str = elem.a;
return styles;
case 'Unstyled':
var html = elem.a;
return styles;
var styled = elem.a;
return _Utils_ap(styles, styled.styles);
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = newStyles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$addNearbyElement, location, elem, children),
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
case 'AlignX':
var x = attribute.a;
if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$xAlign, has)) {
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
} else {
var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$alignXName(x) + (' ' + classes),
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = function (flags) {
switch (x.$) {
case 'CenterX':
return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$centerX, flags);
case 'Right':
return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$alignRight, flags);
return flags;
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$xAlign, has)),
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
var y = attribute.a;
if (A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$present, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$yAlign, has)) {
var $temp$classes = classes,
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = has,
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
} else {
var $temp$classes = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$alignYName(y) + (' ' + classes),
$temp$node = node,
$temp$has = function (flags) {
switch (y.$) {
case 'CenterY':
return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$centerY, flags);
case 'Bottom':
return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$alignBottom, flags);
return flags;
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$add, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$yAlign, has)),
$temp$transform = transform,
$temp$styles = styles,
$temp$attrs = attrs,
$temp$children = children,
$temp$elementAttrs = remaining;
classes = $temp$classes;
node = $temp$node;
has = $temp$has;
transform = $temp$transform;
styles = $temp$styles;
attrs = $temp$attrs;
children = $temp$children;
elementAttrs = $temp$elementAttrs;
continue gatherAttrRecursive;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Untransformed = {$: 'Untransformed'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$untransformed = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Untransformed;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$element = F4(
function (context, node, attributes, children) {
return A3(
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Height = function (a) {
return {$: 'Height', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$height = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Height;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr = function (a) {
return {$: 'Attr', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass = function (cls) {
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr(
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Content = {$: 'Content'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$shrink = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Content;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Width = function (a) {
return {$: 'Width', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$width = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Width;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$column = F2(
function (attrs, children) {
return A4(
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentTop + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentLeft)),
var $author$project$Main$CategoryClicked = function (a) {
return {$: 'CategoryClicked', a: a};
var $author$project$Main$EnterPressed = {$: 'EnterPressed'};
var $author$project$Main$SearchChanged = function (a) {
return {$: 'SearchChanged', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Button = {$: 'Button'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Describe = function (a) {
return {$: 'Describe', a: a};
var $elm$json$Json$Encode$bool = _Json_wrap;
var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$boolProperty = F2(
function (key, bool) {
return A2(
var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$disabled = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$boolProperty('disabled');
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$enter = 'Enter';
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute = {$: 'NoAttribute'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$hasFocusStyle = function (attr) {
if (((attr.$ === 'StyleClass') && (attr.b.$ === 'PseudoSelector')) && (attr.b.a.$ === 'Focus')) {
var _v1 = attr.b;
var _v2 = _v1.a;
return true;
} else {
return false;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$focusDefault = function (attrs) {
return A2($elm$core$List$any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$hasFocusStyle, attrs) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass('focusable');
var $elm$core$Basics$composeL = F3(
function (g, f, x) {
return g(
var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$Normal = function (a) {
return {$: 'Normal', a: a};
var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$on = _VirtualDom_on;
var $elm$html$Html$Events$on = F2(
function (event, decoder) {
return A2(
var $elm$html$Html$Events$onClick = function (msg) {
return A2(
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Events$onClick = A2($elm$core$Basics$composeL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr, $elm$html$Html$Events$onClick);
var $elm$json$Json$Decode$andThen = _Json_andThen;
var $elm$json$Json$Decode$fail = _Json_fail;
var $elm$json$Json$Decode$field = _Json_decodeField;
var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$MayPreventDefault = function (a) {
return {$: 'MayPreventDefault', a: a};
var $elm$html$Html$Events$preventDefaultOn = F2(
function (event, decoder) {
return A2(
var $elm$json$Json$Decode$string = _Json_decodeString;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$onKeyLookup = function (lookup) {
var decode = function (code) {
var _v0 = lookup(code);
if (_v0.$ === 'Nothing') {
return $elm$json$Json$Decode$fail('No key matched');
} else {
var msg = _v0.a;
return $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed(msg);
var isKey = A2(
A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$field, 'key', $elm$json$Json$Decode$string));
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr(
function (fired) {
return _Utils_Tuple2(fired, true);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'Class', a: a, b: b};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$cursor = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(21);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$pointer = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$cursor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cursorPointer);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$space = ' ';
var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$tabindex = function (n) {
return A2(
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$button = F2(
function (attrs, _v0) {
var onPress = _v0.onPress;
var label = _v0.label;
return A4(
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterX + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterY + (' ' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.seButton + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.noTextSelection)))))),
function () {
if (onPress.$ === 'Nothing') {
return A2(
} else {
var msg = onPress.a;
return A2(
function (code) {
return _Utils_eq(code, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$enter) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just(msg) : (_Utils_eq(code, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$space) ? $elm$core$Maybe$Just(msg) : $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing);
var $author$project$Emoji$categoryEmoji = function (category) {
switch (category.$) {
case 'Recent':
return {name: 'clock9', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🕘', x: 460, y: 736};
case 'People':
return {
name: 'grinning',
tags: _List_fromArray(
['smile', 'happy']),
unicode: '😀',
x: 1104,
y: 552
case 'Nature':
return {
name: 'dog',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '🐶',
x: 644,
y: 874
case 'Objects':
return {
name: 'soccer',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '⚽️',
x: 1426,
y: 1564
case 'Places':
return {name: 'car', tags: _List_Nil, unicode: '🚗', x: 322, y: 644};
return {
name: 'heart',
tags: _List_fromArray(
unicode: '❤️',
x: 828,
y: 1104
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Colored = F3(
function (a, b, c) {
return {$: 'Colored', a: a, b: b, c: c};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StyleClass = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'StyleClass', a: a, b: b};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderColor = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(28);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColorClass = function (_v0) {
var red = _v0.a;
var green = _v0.b;
var blue = _v0.c;
var alpha = _v0.d;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(red) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(green) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(blue) + ('-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(alpha))))));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$color = function (clr) {
return A2(
'bc-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColorClass(clr),
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$el = F2(
function (attrs, child) {
return A4(
var $author$project$Main$Copy = function (a) {
return {$: 'Copy', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignX = function (a) {
return {$: 'AlignX', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$CenterX = {$: 'CenterX'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerX = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignX($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$CenterX);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignY = function (a) {
return {$: 'AlignY', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$CenterY = {$: 'CenterY'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$centerY = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AlignY($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$CenterY);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$htmlAttribute = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Text = function (a) {
return {$: 'Text', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text = function (content) {
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Text(content);
var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$title = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty('title');
var $author$project$Main$emoji = function (e) {
return A2(
label: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$text(e.unicode),
onPress: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Fill = function (a) {
return {$: 'Fill', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$fill = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Fill(1);
var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$autofocus = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$boolProperty('autofocus');
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$focusedOnLoad = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr(
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$HiddenLabel = function (a) {
return {$: 'HiddenLabel', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelHidden = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$HiddenLabel;
var $author$project$Main$modelCategory = function (model) {
if (model.$ === 'Category') {
var c = model.a;
return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(c);
} else {
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $author$project$Main$modelSearch = function (model) {
if (model.$ === 'Search') {
var s = model.a;
return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(s);
} else {
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $author$project$Main$onEnter = function (msg) {
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$htmlAttribute(
function (key) {
return (key === 'Enter') ? $elm$json$Json$Decode$succeed(msg) : $elm$json$Json$Decode$fail('Not the enter key');
A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$field, 'key', $elm$json$Json$Decode$string))));
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$PaddingStyle = F5(
function (a, b, c, d, e) {
return {$: 'PaddingStyle', a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e};
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$padding = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(2);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$padding = function (x) {
var f = x;
return A2(
'p-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(x),
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$Placeholder = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'Placeholder', a: a, b: b};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$placeholder = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$Placeholder;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba = F4(
function (a, b, c, d) {
return {$: 'Rgba', a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb255 = F3(
function (red, green, blue) {
return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, red / 255, green / 255, blue / 255, 1);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$borderRound = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(17);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$rounded = function (radius) {
return A2(
'br-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(radius),
$elm$core$String$fromInt(radius) + 'px'));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsRow = {$: 'AsRow'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asRow = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AsRow;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$row = F2(
function (attrs, children) {
return A4(
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentLeft + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.contentCenterY)),
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$SpacingStyle = F3(
function (a, b, c) {
return {$: 'SpacingStyle', a: a, b: b, c: c};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$spacing = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(3);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$spacingName = F2(
function (x, y) {
return 'spacing-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(x) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(y)));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing = function (x) {
return A2(
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$spacingName, x, x),
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$TextInputNode = function (a) {
return {$: 'TextInputNode', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$TextArea = {$: 'TextArea'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$LivePolite = {$: 'LivePolite'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Region$announce = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Describe($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$LivePolite);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$applyLabel = F3(
function (attrs, label, input) {
if (label.$ === 'HiddenLabel') {
var labelText = label.a;
return A4(
} else {
var position = label.a;
var labelAttrs = label.b;
var labelChild = label.c;
var labelElement = A4(
switch (position.$) {
case 'Above':
return A4(
[labelElement, input])));
case 'Below':
return A4(
[input, labelElement])));
case 'OnRight':
return A4(
[input, labelElement])));
return A4(
[labelElement, input])));
var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$attribute = $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$attribute;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$autofill = A2(
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Behind = {$: 'Behind'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Nearby = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'Nearby', a: a, b: b};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$createNearby = F2(
function (loc, element) {
if (element.$ === 'Empty') {
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute;
} else {
return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Nearby, loc, element);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$behindContent = function (element) {
return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$createNearby, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Behind, element);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$MoveY = function (a) {
return {$: 'MoveY', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$TransformComponent = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'TransformComponent', a: a, b: b};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$moveY = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(26);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$moveUp = function (y) {
return A2(
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$calcMoveToCompensateForPadding = function (attrs) {
var gatherSpacing = F2(
function (attr, found) {
if ((attr.$ === 'StyleClass') && (attr.b.$ === 'SpacingStyle')) {
var _v2 = attr.b;
var x = _v2.b;
var y = _v2.c;
if (found.$ === 'Nothing') {
return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(y);
} else {
return found;
} else {
return found;
var _v0 = A3($elm$core$List$foldr, gatherSpacing, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, attrs);
if (_v0.$ === 'Nothing') {
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute;
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
} else {
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var vSpace = _v0.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$moveUp(
$elm$core$Basics$floor(vSpace / 2));
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$overflow = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(20);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$clip = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$overflow, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.clip);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$bgColor = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(8);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Background$color = function (clr) {
return A2(
'bg-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColorClass(clr),
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb = F3(
function (r, g, b) {
return A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, r, g, b, 1);
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$darkGrey = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb, 186 / 255, 189 / 255, 182 / 255);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY = F2(
function (x, y) {
if (_Utils_eq(x, y)) {
var f = x;
return A2(
'p-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(x),
} else {
var yFloat = y;
var xFloat = x;
return A2(
'p-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(x) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(y))),
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$defaultTextPadding = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingXY, 12, 12);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$white = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb, 1, 1, 1);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$BorderWidth = F5(
function (a, b, c, d, e) {
return {$: 'BorderWidth', a: a, b: b, c: c, d: d, e: e};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width = function (v) {
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
return A2(
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
'b-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(v),
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$defaultTextBoxStyle = _List_fromArray(
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$getHeight = function (attr) {
if (attr.$ === 'Height') {
var h = attr.a;
return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(h);
} else {
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Label = function (a) {
return {$: 'Label', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$hiddenLabelAttribute = function (label) {
if (label.$ === 'HiddenLabel') {
var textLabel = label.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Describe(
} else {
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$InFront = {$: 'InFront'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$inFront = function (element) {
return A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$createNearby, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$InFront, element);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isConstrained = function (len) {
while (true) {
switch (len.$) {
case 'Content':
return false;
case 'Px':
return true;
case 'Fill':
return true;
case 'Min':
var l = len.b;
var $temp$len = l;
len = $temp$len;
continue isConstrained;
var l = len.b;
return true;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isHiddenLabel = function (label) {
if (label.$ === 'HiddenLabel') {
return true;
} else {
return false;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isStacked = function (label) {
if (label.$ === 'Label') {
var loc = label.a;
switch (loc.$) {
case 'OnRight':
return false;
case 'OnLeft':
return false;
case 'Above':
return true;
return true;
} else {
return true;
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$negateBox = function (box) {
return {bottom: -box.bottom, left: -box.left, right: -box.right, top: -box.top};
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $elm$html$Html$Events$alwaysStop = function (x) {
return _Utils_Tuple2(x, true);
var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$MayStopPropagation = function (a) {
return {$: 'MayStopPropagation', a: a};
var $elm$html$Html$Events$stopPropagationOn = F2(
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
function (event, decoder) {
return A2(
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $elm$json$Json$Decode$at = F2(
function (fields, decoder) {
return A3($elm$core$List$foldr, $elm$json$Json$Decode$field, decoder, fields);
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $elm$html$Html$Events$targetValue = A2(
['target', 'value']),
var $elm$html$Html$Events$onInput = function (tagger) {
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
return A2(
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
A2($elm$json$Json$Decode$map, tagger, $elm$html$Html$Events$targetValue)));
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$paddingName = F4(
function (top, right, bottom, left) {
return 'pad-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(top) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(right) + ('-' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(bottom) + ('-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(left)))))));
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$paddingEach = function (_v0) {
var top = _v0.top;
var right = _v0.right;
var bottom = _v0.bottom;
var left = _v0.left;
if (_Utils_eq(top, right) && (_Utils_eq(top, bottom) && _Utils_eq(top, left))) {
var topFloat = top;
return A2(
'p-' + $elm$core$String$fromInt(top),
} else {
return A2(
A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$paddingName, top, right, bottom, left),
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isFill = function (len) {
while (true) {
switch (len.$) {
case 'Fill':
return true;
case 'Content':
return false;
case 'Px':
return false;
case 'Min':
var l = len.b;
var $temp$len = l;
len = $temp$len;
continue isFill;
var l = len.b;
var $temp$len = l;
len = $temp$len;
continue isFill;
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isPixel = function (len) {
while (true) {
switch (len.$) {
case 'Content':
return false;
case 'Px':
return true;
case 'Fill':
return false;
case 'Min':
var l = len.b;
var $temp$len = l;
len = $temp$len;
continue isPixel;
var l = len.b;
var $temp$len = l;
len = $temp$len;
continue isPixel;
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$paddingNameFloat = F4(
function (top, right, bottom, left) {
return 'pad-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(top) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(right) + ('-' + ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(bottom) + ('-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(left)))))));
var $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$style = _VirtualDom_style;
var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$style = $elm$virtual_dom$VirtualDom$style;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$redistributeOver = F4(
function (isMultiline, stacked, attr, els) {
switch (attr.$) {
case 'Nearby':
return _Utils_update(
parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent)
case 'Width':
var width = attr.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isFill(width) ? _Utils_update(
fullParent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.fullParent),
input: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.input),
parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent)
}) : (stacked ? _Utils_update(
fullParent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.fullParent)
}) : _Utils_update(
parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent)
case 'Height':
var height = attr.a;
return (!stacked) ? _Utils_update(
fullParent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.fullParent),
parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent)
}) : ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isFill(height) ? _Utils_update(
fullParent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.fullParent),
parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent)
}) : ($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isPixel(height) ? _Utils_update(
parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent)
}) : _Utils_update(
parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent)
case 'AlignX':
return _Utils_update(
fullParent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.fullParent)
case 'AlignY':
return _Utils_update(
fullParent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.fullParent)
case 'StyleClass':
switch (attr.b.$) {
case 'SpacingStyle':
var _v1 = attr.b;
return _Utils_update(
fullParent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.fullParent),
input: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.input),
parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent),
wrapper: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.wrapper)
case 'PaddingStyle':
var cls = attr.a;
var _v2 = attr.b;
var pad = _v2.a;
var t = _v2.b;
var r = _v2.c;
var b = _v2.d;
var l = _v2.e;
if (isMultiline) {
return _Utils_update(
cover: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.cover),
parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent)
} else {
var newTop = t - A2($elm$core$Basics$min, t, b);
var newLineHeight = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$htmlAttribute(
'calc(1.0em + ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(
2 * A2($elm$core$Basics$min, t, b)) + 'px)')));
var newHeight = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$htmlAttribute(
'calc(1.0em + ' + ($elm$core$String$fromFloat(
2 * A2($elm$core$Basics$min, t, b)) + 'px)')));
var newBottom = b - A2($elm$core$Basics$min, t, b);
var reducedVerticalPadding = A2(
A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$paddingNameFloat, newTop, r, newBottom, l),
return _Utils_update(
cover: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.cover),
input: A2(
A2($elm$core$List$cons, newLineHeight, els.input)),
parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, reducedVerticalPadding, els.parent)
case 'BorderWidth':
var _v3 = attr.b;
return _Utils_update(
cover: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.cover),
parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent)
case 'Transform':
return _Utils_update(
cover: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.cover),
parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent)
case 'FontSize':
return _Utils_update(
fullParent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.fullParent)
case 'FontFamily':
var _v4 = attr.b;
return _Utils_update(
fullParent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.fullParent)
var flag = attr.a;
var cls = attr.b;
return _Utils_update(
parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent)
case 'NoAttribute':
return els;
case 'Attr':
var a = attr.a;
return _Utils_update(
input: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.input)
case 'Describe':
return _Utils_update(
input: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.input)
case 'Class':
return _Utils_update(
parent: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.parent)
return _Utils_update(
input: A2($elm$core$List$cons, attr, els.input)
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$redistribute = F3(
function (isMultiline, stacked, attrs) {
return function (redist) {
return {
cover: $elm$core$List$reverse(redist.cover),
fullParent: $elm$core$List$reverse(redist.fullParent),
input: $elm$core$List$reverse(redist.input),
parent: $elm$core$List$reverse(redist.parent),
wrapper: $elm$core$List$reverse(redist.wrapper)
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$redistributeOver, isMultiline, stacked),
{cover: _List_Nil, fullParent: _List_Nil, input: _List_Nil, parent: _List_Nil, wrapper: _List_Nil},
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$renderBox = function (_v0) {
var top = _v0.top;
var right = _v0.right;
var bottom = _v0.bottom;
var left = _v0.left;
return $elm$core$String$fromInt(top) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(right) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(bottom) + ('px ' + ($elm$core$String$fromInt(left) + 'px'))))));
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Transparency = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'Transparency', a: a, b: b};
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$transparency = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(0);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$alpha = function (o) {
var transparency = function (x) {
return 1 - x;
A2($elm$core$Basics$max, 0.0, o)));
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
return A2(
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
'transparency-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$floatClass(transparency),
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$charcoal = A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb, 136 / 255, 138 / 255, 133 / 255);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontColor = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(14);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Font$color = function (fontColor) {
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
return A2(
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
'fc-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColorClass(fontColor),
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgba = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$renderPlaceholder = F3(
function (_v0, forPlaceholder, on) {
var placeholderAttrs = _v0.a;
var placeholderEl = _v0.b;
return A2(
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.noTextSelection + (' ' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.passPointerEvents)),
A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgba, 0, 0, 0, 0)),
A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgba, 0, 0, 0, 0)),
on ? 1 : 0)
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$scrollbarY = A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$overflow, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.scrollbarsY);
var $elm$html$Html$span = _VirtualDom_node('span');
var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$spellcheck = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$boolProperty('spellcheck');
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$spellcheck = A2($elm$core$Basics$composeL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr, $elm$html$Html$Attributes$spellcheck);
var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$type_ = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty('type');
var $elm$core$Basics$always = F2(
function (a, _v0) {
return a;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$unstyled = A2($elm$core$Basics$composeL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Unstyled, $elm$core$Basics$always);
var $elm$html$Html$Attributes$value = $elm$html$Html$Attributes$stringProperty('value');
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$value = A2($elm$core$Basics$composeL, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Attr, $elm$html$Html$Attributes$value);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$textHelper = F3(
function (textInput, attrs, textOptions) {
var withDefaults = _Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$defaultTextBoxStyle, attrs);
var redistributed = A3(
_Utils_eq(textInput.type_, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$TextArea),
var onlySpacing = function (attr) {
if ((attr.$ === 'StyleClass') && (attr.b.$ === 'SpacingStyle')) {
var _v9 = attr.b;
return true;
} else {
return false;
var heightConstrained = function () {
var _v7 = textInput.type_;
if (_v7.$ === 'TextInputNode') {
var inputType = _v7.a;
return false;
} else {
return A2(
A2($elm$core$List$filterMap, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$getHeight, withDefaults)))));
var getPadding = function (attr) {
if ((attr.$ === 'StyleClass') && (attr.b.$ === 'PaddingStyle')) {
var cls = attr.a;
var _v6 = attr.b;
var pad = _v6.a;
var t = _v6.b;
var r = _v6.c;
var b = _v6.d;
var l = _v6.e;
return $elm$core$Maybe$Just(
bottom: A2(
$elm$core$Basics$floor(b - 3)),
left: A2(
$elm$core$Basics$floor(l - 3)),
right: A2(
$elm$core$Basics$floor(r - 3)),
top: A2(
$elm$core$Basics$floor(t - 3))
} else {
return $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing;
var parentPadding = A2(
{bottom: 0, left: 0, right: 0, top: 0},
A2($elm$core$List$filterMap, getPadding, withDefaults))));
var inputElement = A4(
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
function () {
var _v3 = textInput.type_;
if (_v3.$ === 'TextInputNode') {
var inputType = _v3.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('input');
} else {
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NodeName('textarea');
function () {
var _v4 = textInput.type_;
if (_v4.$ === 'TextInputNode') {
var inputType = _v4.a;
return _List_fromArray(
} else {
return _List_fromArray(
A2($elm$html$Html$Attributes$style, 'box-sizing', 'content-box'))
A2($elm$core$Maybe$map, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$autofill, textInput.autofill))
var wrappedInput = function () {
var _v0 = textInput.type_;
if (_v0.$ === 'TextArea') {
return A4(
(heightConstrained ? $elm$core$List$cons($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$scrollbarY) : $elm$core$Basics$identity)(
A2($elm$core$List$any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$hasFocusStyle, withDefaults) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.focusedWithin),
function () {
if (textOptions.text === '') {
var _v1 = textOptions.placeholder;
if (_v1.$ === 'Nothing') {
return _List_fromArray(
} else {
var place = _v1.a;
return _List_fromArray(
A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$renderPlaceholder, place, _List_Nil, textOptions.text === '')
} else {
return _List_fromArray(
$elm$html$Html$text(textOptions.text + '\u00A0')
} else {
var inputType = _v0.a;
return A4(
A2($elm$core$List$any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$hasFocusStyle, withDefaults) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$htmlClass($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.focusedWithin),
function () {
var _v2 = textOptions.placeholder;
if (_v2.$ === 'Nothing') {
return _List_Nil;
} else {
var place = _v2.a;
return _List_fromArray(
A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$renderPlaceholder, place, redistributed.cover, textOptions.text === ''))
return A3(
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
A2($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Class, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$cursor, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.cursorText),
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$isHiddenLabel(textOptions.label) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$NoAttribute : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$spacing(5),
A2($elm$core$List$cons, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Region$announce, redistributed.fullParent))),
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$text = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$textHelper(
autofill: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing,
spellchecked: false,
type_: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$TextInputNode('text')
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
var $author$project$Main$header = function (model) {
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
return A2(
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
function (x) {
return A2(
A3($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$rgb255, 0, 0, 0)),
$elm$core$Maybe$Just(x)) ? $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(5) : $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Border$width(1),
label: A2(
onPress: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
label: $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$Input$labelHidden('input'),
onChange: $author$project$Main$SearchChanged,
placeholder: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(
text: A2(
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$OnlyDynamic = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'OnlyDynamic', a: a, b: b};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StaticRootAndDynamic = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'StaticRootAndDynamic', a: a, b: b};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AllowHover = {$: 'AllowHover'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Layout = {$: 'Layout'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$focusDefaultStyle = {
backgroundColor: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing,
borderColor: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing,
shadow: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(
blur: 0,
color: A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, 155 / 255, 203 / 255, 1, 1),
offset: _Utils_Tuple2(0, 0),
size: 3
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$optionsToRecord = function (options) {
var combine = F2(
function (opt, record) {
switch (opt.$) {
case 'HoverOption':
var hoverable = opt.a;
var _v4 = record.hover;
if (_v4.$ === 'Nothing') {
return _Utils_update(
hover: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(hoverable)
} else {
return record;
case 'FocusStyleOption':
var focusStyle = opt.a;
var _v5 = record.focus;
if (_v5.$ === 'Nothing') {
return _Utils_update(
focus: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(focusStyle)
} else {
return record;
var renderMode = opt.a;
var _v6 = record.mode;
if (_v6.$ === 'Nothing') {
return _Utils_update(
mode: $elm$core$Maybe$Just(renderMode)
} else {
return record;
var andFinally = function (record) {
return {
focus: function () {
var _v0 = record.focus;
if (_v0.$ === 'Nothing') {
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$focusDefaultStyle;
} else {
var focusable = _v0.a;
return focusable;
hover: function () {
var _v1 = record.hover;
if (_v1.$ === 'Nothing') {
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$AllowHover;
} else {
var hoverable = _v1.a;
return hoverable;
mode: function () {
var _v2 = record.mode;
if (_v2.$ === 'Nothing') {
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Layout;
} else {
var actualMode = _v2.a;
return actualMode;
return andFinally(
{focus: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, hover: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, mode: $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing},
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$toHtml = F2(
function (mode, el) {
switch (el.$) {
case 'Unstyled':
var html = el.a;
return html($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$asEl);
case 'Styled':
var styles = el.a.styles;
var html = el.a.html;
return A2(
case 'Text':
var text = el.a;
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElement(text);
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$textElement('');
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderRoot = F3(
function (optionList, attributes, child) {
var options = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$optionsToRecord(optionList);
var embedStyle = function () {
var _v0 = options.mode;
if (_v0.$ === 'NoStaticStyleSheet') {
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$OnlyDynamic(options);
} else {
return $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$StaticRootAndDynamic(options);
return A2(
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FontFamily = F2(
function (a, b) {
return {$: 'FontFamily', a: a, b: b};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$FontSize = function (a) {
return {$: 'FontSize', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$SansSerif = {$: 'SansSerif'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Typeface = function (a) {
return {$: 'Typeface', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontFamily = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(5);
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$fontSize = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Flag$flag(4);
var $elm$core$String$toLower = _String_toLower;
var $elm$core$String$words = _String_words;
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderFontClassName = F2(
function (font, current) {
return _Utils_ap(
function () {
switch (font.$) {
case 'Serif':
return 'serif';
case 'SansSerif':
return 'sans-serif';
case 'Monospace':
return 'monospace';
case 'Typeface':
var name = font.a;
return A2(
case 'ImportFont':
var name = font.a;
var url = font.b;
return A2(
var name = font.a.name;
return A2(
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$rootStyle = function () {
var families = _List_fromArray(
$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Typeface('Open Sans'),
return _List_fromArray(
'bg-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColorClass(
A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, 1, 1, 1, 0)),
A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, 1, 1, 1, 0))),
'fc-' + $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$formatColorClass(
A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, 0, 0, 0, 1)),
A4($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Rgba, 0, 0, 0, 1))),
A3($elm$core$List$foldl, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$renderFontClassName, 'font-', families),
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$layoutWith = F3(
function (_v0, attrs, child) {
var options = _v0.options;
return A3(
' ',
[$mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.root, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.any, $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Style$classes.single]))),
_Utils_ap($mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$rootStyle, attrs)),
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$layout = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$layoutWith(
{options: _List_Nil});
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Empty = {$: 'Empty'};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$none = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Empty;
var $author$project$Main$maybeEmoji = function (e) {
return A2(
A2($elm$core$Maybe$map, $author$project$Main$emoji, e)));
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Px = function (a) {
return {$: 'Px', a: a};
var $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Element$px = $mdgriffith$elm_ui$Internal$Model$Px;
var $author$project$Main$regroupAux = F4(
function (currentTotal, currentPart, num, input) {
while (true) {
if (!input.b) {
if (_Utils_cmp(
num) < 0) {
var $temp$currentTotal = currentTotal,
$temp$currentPart = A2($elm$core$List$cons, $elm$core$Maybe$Nothing, currentPart),
$temp$num = num,
$temp$input = _List_Nil;
currentTotal = $temp$currentTotal;
currentPart = $temp$currentPart;
num = $temp$num;
input = $temp$input;
continue regroupAux;
} else {
return A2(
} else {
var h = input.a;
var t = input.b;
if (_Utils_cmp(
num) > -1) {
var $temp$currentTotal = A2(
$temp$currentPart = _List_fromArray(
$temp$num = num,
$temp$input = t;
currentTotal = $temp$currentTotal;
currentPart = $temp$currentPart;
num = $temp$num;
input = $temp$input;
continue regroupAux;
} else {
var $temp$currentTotal = currentTotal,
$temp$currentPart = A2(
$temp$num = num,
$temp$input = t;
currentTotal = $temp$currentTotal;
currentPart = $temp$currentPart;
num = $temp$num;
input = $temp$input;
continue regroupAux;
var $author$project$Main$regroup = F2(
function (num, input) {
return $elm$core$List$reverse(
A4($author$project$Main$regroupAux, _List_Nil, _List_Nil, num, input));
var $author$project$Main$panel = function (em) {
return A2(
function (x) {
return A2($elm$core$List$map, $author$project$Main$maybeEmoji, x);
A2($author$project$Main$regroup, 10, em))));
var $author$project$Main$view = function (model) {
return A2(
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
2022-02-05 21:05:41 +01:00
2022-02-04 18:01:04 +01:00
var $author$project$Main$main = $elm$browser$Browser$element(
init: $author$project$Main$init,
subscriptions: function (_v0) {
return $elm$core$Platform$Sub$none;
update: $author$project$Main$update,
view: $author$project$Main$view