
251 lines
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module Twitch exposing
( Playlist
, Video
, fetchPlaylists
, playlistMiniatureUrl
, videoId
, videoMiniatureUrl
, videoName
import Html.Parser
import Http
import Iso8601
import Json.Decode as Decode
import Task exposing (Task)
import Time
type alias Playlist =
{ url : String
, name : String
, videos : List Video
type alias Video =
{ name : String
, url : String
, duration : Int
, date : Maybe Time.Posix
videoName : Video -> String
videoName video =
String.join "/" (List.drop 3 (String.split "/" video.url))
videoId : Video -> String
videoId video =
String.dropLeft 1 video.url |> String.replace "/" "-"
get : { url : String, resolver : Http.Resolver x a } -> Task x a
get { url, resolver } =
{ body = Http.emptyBody
, headers = []
, method = "GET"
, resolver = resolver
, timeout = Nothing
, url = url
playlistMiniatureUrl : Playlist -> String
playlistMiniatureUrl playlist =
case List.head playlist.videos of
Just v ->
v.url ++ "miniature-050.png"
_ ->
videoMiniatureUrl : Video -> String
videoMiniatureUrl video =
video.url ++ "miniature-050.png"
sortPlaylist : Playlist -> Playlist
sortPlaylist playlist =
{ playlist | videos = List.sortBy .url playlist.videos |> List.reverse }
sortPlaylists : List Playlist -> List Playlist
sortPlaylists playlists =
List.sortBy .url (List.map sortPlaylist playlists) |> List.reverse
fetchPlaylists : Task x ( List Playlist, Time.Zone )
fetchPlaylists =
|> Task.andThen fetchPlaylistsMapper
|> Task.map sortPlaylists
|> Task.andThen fetchTimezone
fetchTimezone : List Playlist -> Task x ( List Playlist, Time.Zone )
fetchTimezone playlists =
Task.map (\zone -> ( playlists, zone )) Time.here
fetchPlaylistPath : Task x (List String)
fetchPlaylistPath =
{ url = "/videos"
, resolver = Http.stringResolver parseHrefs
fetchPlaylist : String -> Task x Playlist
fetchPlaylist name =
fetchPlaylistName name
|> Task.andThen
(\a ->
fetchPlaylistVideoPaths name
|> Task.andThen (\c -> fetchVideos name c)
|> Task.map (Playlist name a)
fetchVideo : String -> String -> Task x Video
fetchVideo playlist video =
url =
"/videos/" ++ playlist ++ video
{ url = url ++ "description.json"
, resolver = Http.stringResolver (parseVideo url)
fetchVideos : String -> List String -> Task x (List Video)
fetchVideos playlist videos =
Task.sequence (List.map (fetchVideo playlist) videos)
fetchPlaylistName : String -> Task x String
fetchPlaylistName path =
{ url = "/videos/" ++ path ++ "description.json"
, resolver = Http.stringResolver parsePlaylistName
fetchPlaylistVideoPaths : String -> Task x (List String)
fetchPlaylistVideoPaths name =
{ url = "/videos/" ++ name
, resolver = Http.stringResolver parseHrefs
parseVideo : String -> Http.Response String -> Result x Video
parseVideo url result =
case result of
Http.GoodStatus_ _ content ->
case Decode.decodeString (decodeVideo url) content of
Ok v ->
Ok v
_ ->
Ok { name = "", url = url, duration = 0, date = Nothing }
_ ->
Ok { name = "", url = url, duration = 0, date = Nothing }
fetchPlaylistsMapper : List String -> Task x (List Playlist)
fetchPlaylistsMapper names =
Task.sequence (List.map fetchPlaylist names)
parsePlaylistName : Http.Response String -> Result x String
parsePlaylistName result =
case result of
Http.GoodStatus_ _ content ->
case Decode.decodeString decodePlaylistName content of
Ok p ->
Ok p
_ ->
Ok ""
_ ->
Ok ""
parseHrefs : Http.Response String -> Result x (List String)
parseHrefs result =
case result of
Http.GoodStatus_ _ content ->
withoutDoctype =
if String.startsWith "<!doctype" (String.toLower content) then
String.lines content |> List.drop 1 |> String.join "\n"
decoded =
Html.Parser.run withoutDoctype
hrefs =
Result.map findHrefs decoded
case hrefs of
Ok h ->
Ok h
_ ->
Ok []
_ ->
Ok []
findHrefsAux : List String -> Html.Parser.Node -> List String
findHrefsAux acc node =
case node of
Html.Parser.Element string (( key, value ) :: t) nodes ->
newAcc =
if key == "href" && String.endsWith "/" value && value /= "../" then
value :: acc
findHrefsAux newAcc (Html.Parser.Element string t nodes)
Html.Parser.Element string [] (h :: t) ->
attrs =
findHrefsAux [] h
findHrefsAux (acc ++ attrs) (Html.Parser.Element string [] t)
_ ->
findHrefs : List Html.Parser.Node -> List String
findHrefs x =
findHrefsAux [] (Html.Parser.Element "" [] x)
decodePlaylistName : Decode.Decoder String
decodePlaylistName =
Decode.field "title" Decode.string
decodeVideo : String -> Decode.Decoder Video
decodeVideo url =
Decode.map3 (\x y -> Video x url y)
(Decode.field "title" Decode.string)
(Decode.map Basics.round (Decode.field "duration" Decode.float))
(Decode.maybe (Decode.field "date" Iso8601.decoder))