
322 lines
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module Core exposing (Model, Msg(..), Page(..), init, subscriptions, update)
import Browser
import Browser.Events as Events
import Browser.Navigation as Nav
import Dict exposing (Dict)
import Element
import Hover exposing (Hover)
import Http
import Ports
import Task
import Time
import TimeZone
import Twitch
import Url
import Video
import Video.Events
type alias Model =
{ playlists : List Twitch.Playlist
, zone : Time.Zone
, page : Page
, key : Nav.Key
, device : Element.Device
, time : Time.Posix
, currentDate : Time.Posix
, url : Url.Url
, darkMode : Bool
, darkSetting : Maybe Bool
type Page
= Home (Maybe (Hover Twitch.Playlist))
| Playlist Twitch.Playlist (Maybe (Hover Twitch.Video))
| Video Twitch.Playlist Twitch.Video Video.Video (Maybe (Hover Twitch.Video))
type Msg
= Noop
| PlaylistsReceived (List Twitch.Playlist)
| HomeClicked
| PlaylistClicked Twitch.Playlist
| VideoClicked Twitch.Playlist Twitch.Video
| UrlReceived Url.Url
| UrlRequested Browser.UrlRequest
| SizeReceived Int Int
| TimeZoneReceivedResult (Result TimeZone.Error ( String, Time.Zone ))
| TimeZoneReceived Time.Zone
| HoverPlaylist Twitch.Playlist
| HoverVideo Twitch.Video
| Unhover
| TimeReceived Time.Posix
| CurrentDateReceived Time.Posix
| DarkMode Bool
| DarkModeClicked
| VideoMsg Video.Msg
init : { width : Int, height : Int, darkMode : Bool, darkSetting : Maybe Bool } -> Url.Url -> Nav.Key -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
init { width, height, darkMode, darkSetting } url key =
( Model
(Home Nothing)
(Element.classifyDevice { width = width, height = height })
(Time.millisToPosix 0)
(Time.millisToPosix 0)
, Cmd.batch
[ Task.attempt TimeZoneReceivedResult TimeZone.getZone
, Task.perform CurrentDateReceived Time.now
, Twitch.fetchPlaylists resultToMsg
resultToMsg : Result Http.Error (List Twitch.Playlist) -> Msg
resultToMsg result =
case result of
Ok o ->
PlaylistsReceived o
Err _ ->
subscriptions : Model -> Sub Msg
subscriptions model =
[ Events.onResize (\w h -> SizeReceived w h)
, Time.every 200 TimeReceived
, Ports.darkMode DarkMode
, Sub.map VideoMsg
(case model.page of
Video _ _ v _ ->
Video.Events.subs v
_ ->
update : Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Cmd Msg )
update msg model =
case msg of
Noop ->
( model, Cmd.none )
TimeZoneReceived z ->
( { model | zone = z }, Cmd.none )
TimeZoneReceivedResult (Ok ( _, zone )) ->
( { model | zone = zone }, Cmd.none )
TimeZoneReceivedResult (Err _) ->
( model, Task.perform TimeZoneReceived Time.here )
TimeReceived p ->
( { model | time = p }, Cmd.none )
CurrentDateReceived d ->
( { model | currentDate = d }, Cmd.none )
HoverPlaylist hover ->
case model.page of
Home Nothing ->
( { model | page = Home (Just (Hover.hover hover model.time)) }, Cmd.none )
_ ->
( model, Cmd.none )
HoverVideo hover ->
case model.page of
Playlist p Nothing ->
( { model | page = Playlist p (Just (Hover.hover hover model.time)) }, Cmd.none )
Video p v x Nothing ->
( { model | page = Video p v x (Just (Hover.hover hover model.time)) }, Cmd.none )
_ ->
( model, Cmd.none )
Unhover ->
case model.page of
Home _ ->
( { model | page = Home Nothing }, Cmd.none )
Playlist p _ ->
( { model | page = Playlist p Nothing }, Cmd.none )
Video p v x _ ->
( { model | page = Video p v x Nothing }, Cmd.none )
SizeReceived w h ->
( { model | device = Element.classifyDevice { width = w, height = h } }
, Cmd.none
PlaylistsReceived playlists ->
(UrlReceived model.url)
{ model | playlists = playlists, page = Home Nothing }
HomeClicked ->
( model
, Nav.pushUrl model.key "#"
DarkModeClicked ->
next =
nextDarkSetting model.darkSetting
( { model | darkSetting = next }, Ports.setDarkMode next )
PlaylistClicked playlist ->
( model
, Nav.pushUrl model.key ("#" ++ playlist.url)
VideoClicked playlist video ->
( model
, Nav.pushUrl model.key ("#" ++ playlist.url ++ video.url)
UrlReceived url ->
if List.isEmpty model.playlists then
( { model | url = url }, Cmd.none )
splits =
String.split "?" (Maybe.withDefault "" url.fragment)
( split, args ) =
case splits of
h1 :: h2 :: _ ->
( String.split "/" h1, parseQueryString h2 )
h1 :: _ ->
( String.split "/" h1, Dict.empty )
_ ->
( [], Dict.empty )
time =
case Dict.get "t" args of
Just "0" ->
Just t ->
Just t
_ ->
( playlistName, videoName ) =
case split of
p :: v :: _ ->
( Just (p ++ "/"), Just (v ++ "/") )
p :: _ ->
( Just (p ++ "/"), Nothing )
_ ->
( Nothing, Nothing )
playlist =
List.head (List.filter (\x -> Just x.url == playlistName) model.playlists)
video =
case playlist of
Just p ->
List.head (List.filter (\x -> Just x.url == videoName) p.videos)
_ ->
( page, cmd ) =
case ( playlist, video ) of
( Just p, Just v ) ->
( el, videoCommand ) =
{ url = "/videos/" ++ p.url ++ v.url ++ "/manifest.m3u8"
, id = "video"
, autoplay = True
, enableMiniatures = True
, startTime = Nothing
( Video p v el Nothing, Cmd.map VideoMsg videoCommand )
( Just p, Nothing ) ->
( Playlist p Nothing, Cmd.none )
_ ->
( Home Nothing, Cmd.none )
( { model | page = page }, cmd )
UrlRequested u ->
case u of
Browser.Internal url ->
( model, Nav.pushUrl model.key (Url.toString url) )
Browser.External s ->
( model, Nav.load s )
DarkMode dark ->
( { model | darkMode = dark }, Cmd.none )
VideoMsg vMsg ->
( newPage, newCommand ) =
case model.page of
Video a b v c ->
( newVideo, cmd ) =
Video.update vMsg v
( Video a b newVideo c, cmd )
_ ->
( model.page, Cmd.none )
( { model | page = newPage }, Cmd.map VideoMsg newCommand )
splitter : String -> Maybe ( String, String )
splitter input =
case String.split "=" input of
h :: t ->
Just ( h, String.join "=" t )
_ ->
parseQueryString : String -> Dict String String
parseQueryString input =
Dict.fromList (List.filterMap splitter (String.split "&" input))
nextDarkSetting : Maybe Bool -> Maybe Bool
nextDarkSetting current =
case current of
Nothing ->
Just True
Just True ->
Just False
Just False ->