-- Quick launchbar widget for Awesome WM -- http://awesome.naquadah.org/wiki/Quick_launch_bar_widget/3.5 -- Put into your awesome/ folder and add the following to rc.lua: -- local launchbar = require('launchbar') -- local mylb = launchbar("/path/to/directory/with/shortcuts/") -- Then add mylb to the wibox. local naughty = require('naughty') local layout = require("wibox.layout") local util = require("awful.util") local launcher = require("awful.widget.launcher") local launchbar = {} local function getValue(t, key) local _, _, res = string.find(t, key .. " *= *([^%c]+)%c") return res end local function find_icon(icon_name) if string.sub(icon_name, 1, 1) == '/' then if util.file_readable(icon_name) then return icon_name else return nil end end if launchbar.icon_dirs then for _, v in ipairs(launchbar.icon_dirs) do if util.file_readable(v .. "/" .. icon_name) then return v .. '/' .. icon_name end end end return nil end function launchbar.new(filedir) if not filedir then error("Launchbar: filedir was not specified") end local items = {} local widget = layout.fixed.horizontal() local files = io.popen("ls " .. filedir .. "*.desktop") for f in files:lines() do local t = io.open(f):read("*all") table.insert(items, { image = find_icon(getValue(t,"Icon")), command = getValue(t,"Exec"), position = tonumber(getValue(t,"Position")) or 255 }) end table.sort(items, function(a,b) return a.position < b.position end) for _, v in ipairs(items) do if v.image then widget:add(launcher(v)) end end return widget end return setmetatable(launchbar, { __call = function(_, ...) return launchbar.new(...) end })