_date_format() { case $UPDATE_CHECK in "daily") echo +%d/%m/%Y;; "weekly") echo +%V/%Y;; "monthly") echo +%m/%Y;; esac } _check_date_file() { mkdir -p ~/.config/dotfiles/.data touch ~/.config/dotfiles/.data/update_date } _sentence() { subject0=("Your" "The" "This") subject1=("system" "machine" "pc" "computer") adjective=("awesome" "incredible" "amazing" "brave" "hard working" "loyal" "nice" "polite" "powerful" "pro-active" "reliable" "fabulous" "fantastic" "incredible" "outstanding" "remarkable" "spectacular" "splendid" "super" "happy" "cheerful") verb=("is" "seems" "looks" "appears to be") no_verb=("is not" "doesn't seem" "doesn't look" "appears not to be") adverb=("up-to-date" "ready" "updated") dot=("." "!" "...") n_subject0=`shuf -i1-"${#subject0[@]}" -n1` n_subject1=`shuf -i1-"${#subject1[@]}" -n1` n_adjective=`shuf -i1-"${#adjective[@]}" -n1` n_adverb=`shuf -i1-"${#adverb[@]}" -n1` n_dot=`shuf -i1-"${#dot[@]}" -n1` if [ $1 = "updated" ]; then color="32" n_verb=`shuf -i1-"${#verb[@]}" -n1` s_verb=$verb[$n_verb] elif [ $1 = "not_updated" ]; then color="31" n_verb=`shuf -i1-"${#no_verb[@]}" -n1` s_verb=$no_verb[$n_verb] fi echo "\033[$color;1m$subject0[$n_subject0] $adjective[$n_adjective] $subject1[$n_subject1] $s_verb $adverb[$n_adverb]$dot[$n_dot]\033[0m" } _check_date() { _check_date_file old_date=`cat ~/.config/dotfiles/.data/update_date` new_date=`date $1` if [ "$new_date" != "$old_date" ]; then _sentence not_updated elif [ "$UPDATE_CHECK_ALWAYS" == "true" ]; then _sentence updated fi } update-system() { # Ask for sudo right now sudoresult=$(sudo -nv 2>&1) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then # Nothing to do elif echo $sudoresult | grep -q '^sudo:'; then echo "\033[32;1m=== Starting system update, please enter your password ===\033[0m" sudo true if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Could not get sudo..." return 1 fi else echo "\033[33;1m=== You are not a sudoer, skipping system update... ===\033[0m" return 1 fi echo "\033[32;1m=== Updating system ===\033[0m" start_system_update=`date +%s` # Debian based systems command -v apt > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then sudo apt update -y if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then sudo apt upgrade -y if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then sudo apt autoremove -y fi fi fi # Archlinux based systems command -v yaourt > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then yaourt -Syu else command -v pacman > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then sudo pacman -Syu fi fi # Fedora based systems command -v dnf > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then sudo dnf upgrade fi seconds=$((`date +%s` - $start_system_update )) formatted=`date -ud "@$seconds" +'%H hours %M minutes %S seconds'` echo "\033[32;1m=== System updated in $formatted ===\033[0m" } update-rust() { # Update rust if installed command -v rustup > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then return fi start_rust_update=`date +%s` echo "\033[32;1m=== Updating rustup ===\033[0m" rustup self update echo "\033[32;1m=== Updating rust ===\033[0m" rustup update cargo install-update --help > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then pkg-config --libs --cflags openssl > /dev/null 2>&1 # We need to install openssl if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then # Ask for sudo right now sudoresult=$(sudo -nv 2>&1) if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then command -v apt > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then sudo apt install -y libssl-dev fi # For fedora command -v dnf > /dev/null 2>&1 if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then sudo dnf install openssl-devel fi elif echo $sudoresult | grep -q '^sudo:'; then echo "\033[32;1m=== libssl-dev is needed to update rust packages, please enter your password ===\033[0m" sudo true if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then echo "Could not get sudo..." return 1 fi else echo "\033[33;1m=== You are not a sudoer, cannot install cargo-update... ===\033[0m" return 1 fi fi echo "\033[32;1m=== Installing rust packages updater ===\033[0m" cargo install cargo-update fi echo "\033[32;1m=== Updating rust packages ===\033[0m" cargo install-update -ag seconds=$((`date +%s` - $start_rust_update )) formatted=`date -ud "@$seconds" +'%H hours %M minutes %S seconds'` echo "\033[32;1m=== Rust updated in $formatted ===\033[0m" } update-dotfiles() { start_dotfiles_update=`date +%s` current_dir=$PWD echo "\033[32;1m=== Updating oh-my-zsh ===\033[0m" cd ~/.config/oh-my-zsh && git pull echo "\033[32;1m=== Updating dotfiles ===\033[0m" cd ~/.config/dotfiles && git pull if [ -d ~/.config/awesome/.git ]; then echo "\033[32;1m=== Updating awesome config ===\033[0m" cd ~/.config/awesome/ && git pull fi cd $current_dir seconds=$((`date +%s` - $start_dotfiles_update )) formatted=`date -ud "@$seconds" +'%H hours %M minutes %S seconds'` echo "\033[32;1m=== Dotfiles updated in $formatted ===\033[0m" } update() { start=`date +%s` echo "\033[32;1m=== Starting update ===\033[0m" # Update the system update-system # Update rust and rust packages update-rust # Update the dotfiles update-dotfiles seconds=$((`date +%s` - $start )) formatted=`date -ud "@$seconds" +'%H hours %M minutes %S seconds'` echo "\033[32;1m=== Update finished in $formatted ===\033[0m" format=`_date_format` if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then _check_date_file date $format > ~/.config/dotfiles/.data/update_date fi } # Spawn anonymous function function() { local format=`_date_format` if [ "$format" != "" ]; then _check_date $format fi }