Adds a loop in weather script to get weather for several cities at once #1

tforgione merged 1 commits from feature/weather_city_loop into master 2022-05-08 18:19:35 +01:00

Adds a loop in weather script to get weather for several cities at once. Also works at startup.

Adds a loop in weather script to get weather for several cities at once. Also works at startup.
tforgione was assigned by tblancbeyne 2022-05-08 18:08:19 +01:00
tblancbeyne added 10 commits 2022-05-08 18:08:20 +01:00
tblancbeyne force-pushed feature/weather_city_loop from 007064ce60 to 76f6f09a67 2022-05-08 18:09:56 +01:00 Compare
tblancbeyne requested review from tforgione 2022-05-08 18:13:09 +01:00
tblancbeyne self-assigned this 2022-05-08 18:13:16 +01:00
tforgione merged commit 6eed7a6523 into master 2022-05-08 18:19:35 +01:00
tblancbeyne deleted branch feature/weather_city_loop 2022-05-08 18:24:14 +01:00
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Reference: tforgione/dotfiles#1
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