
1713 lines
51 KiB

* @author Kai Salmen /
* Development repository:
'use strict';
if ( THREE.LoaderSupport === undefined ) { THREE.LoaderSupport = {} }
* Validation functions.
* @class
THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator = {
* If given input is null or undefined, false is returned otherwise true.
* @param input Can be anything
* @returns {boolean}
isValid: function( input ) {
return ( input !== null && input !== undefined );
* If given input is null or undefined, the defaultValue is returned otherwise the given input.
* @param input Can be anything
* @param defaultValue Can be anything
* @returns {*}
verifyInput: function( input, defaultValue ) {
return ( input === null || input === undefined ) ? defaultValue : input;
* Callbacks utilized by loaders and builders.
* @class
THREE.LoaderSupport.Callbacks = function () {
this.onProgress = null;
this.onReportError = null;
this.onMeshAlter = null;
this.onLoad = null;
this.onLoadMaterials = null;
THREE.LoaderSupport.Callbacks.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.LoaderSupport.Callbacks,
* Register callback function that is invoked by internal function "announceProgress" to print feedback.
* @param {callback} callbackOnProgress Callback function for described functionality
setCallbackOnProgress: function ( callbackOnProgress ) {
this.onProgress = THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.verifyInput( callbackOnProgress, this.onProgress );
* Register callback function that is invoked when an error is reported.
* @param {callback} callbackOnReportError Callback function for described functionality
setCallbackOnReportError: function ( callbackOnReportError ) {
this.onReportError = THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.verifyInput( callbackOnReportError, this.onReportError );
* Register callback function that is called every time a mesh was loaded.
* Use {@link THREE.LoaderSupport.LoadedMeshUserOverride} for alteration instructions (geometry, material or disregard mesh).
* @param {callback} callbackOnMeshAlter Callback function for described functionality
setCallbackOnMeshAlter: function ( callbackOnMeshAlter ) {
this.onMeshAlter = THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.verifyInput( callbackOnMeshAlter, this.onMeshAlter );
* Register callback function that is called once loading of the complete OBJ file is completed.
* @param {callback} callbackOnLoad Callback function for described functionality
setCallbackOnLoad: function ( callbackOnLoad ) {
this.onLoad = THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.verifyInput( callbackOnLoad, this.onLoad );
* Register callback function that is called when materials have been loaded.
* @param {callback} callbackOnLoadMaterials Callback function for described functionality
setCallbackOnLoadMaterials: function ( callbackOnLoadMaterials ) {
this.onLoadMaterials = THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.verifyInput( callbackOnLoadMaterials, this.onLoadMaterials );
* Object to return by callback onMeshAlter. Used to disregard a certain mesh or to return one to many meshes.
* @class
* @param {boolean} disregardMesh=false Tell implementation to completely disregard this mesh
* @param {boolean} disregardMesh=false Tell implementation that mesh(es) have been altered or added
THREE.LoaderSupport.LoadedMeshUserOverride = function( disregardMesh, alteredMesh ) {
this.disregardMesh = disregardMesh === true;
this.alteredMesh = alteredMesh === true;
this.meshes = [];
THREE.LoaderSupport.LoadedMeshUserOverride.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.LoaderSupport.LoadedMeshUserOverride,
* Add a mesh created within callback.
* @param {THREE.Mesh} mesh
addMesh: function ( mesh ) {
this.meshes.push( mesh );
this.alteredMesh = true;
* Answers if mesh shall be disregarded completely.
* @returns {boolean}
isDisregardMesh: function () {
return this.disregardMesh;
* Answers if new mesh(es) were created.
* @returns {boolean}
providesAlteredMeshes: function () {
return this.alteredMesh;
* A resource description used by {@link THREE.LoaderSupport.PrepData} and others.
* @class
* @param {string} url URL to the file
* @param {string} extension The file extension (type)
THREE.LoaderSupport.ResourceDescriptor = function ( url, extension ) {
var urlParts = url.split( '/' );
this.resourcePath; = url;
this.url = url;
if ( urlParts.length >= 2 ) {
this.path = THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.verifyInput( urlParts.slice( 0, urlParts.length - 1).join( '/' ) + '/', this.path ); = urlParts[ urlParts.length - 1 ];
this.url = url;
} = THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.verifyInput(, 'Unnamed_Resource' );
this.extension = THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.verifyInput( extension, 'default' );
this.extension = this.extension.trim();
this.content = null;
THREE.LoaderSupport.ResourceDescriptor.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.LoaderSupport.ResourceDescriptor,
* Set the content of this resource
* @param {Object} content The file content as arraybuffer or text
setContent: function ( content ) {
this.content = THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.verifyInput( content, null );
* Allows to specify resourcePath for dependencies of specified resource.
* @param {string} resourcePath
setResourcePath: function ( resourcePath ) {
this.resourcePath = THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.verifyInput( resourcePath, this.resourcePath );
* Configuration instructions to be used by run method.
* @class
THREE.LoaderSupport.PrepData = function ( modelName ) {
this.logging = {
enabled: true,
debug: false
this.modelName = THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.verifyInput( modelName, '' );
this.resources = [];
this.callbacks = new THREE.LoaderSupport.Callbacks();
THREE.LoaderSupport.PrepData.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.LoaderSupport.PrepData,
* Enable or disable logging in general (except warn and error), plus enable or disable debug logging.
* @param {boolean} enabled True or false.
* @param {boolean} debug True or false.
setLogging: function ( enabled, debug ) {
this.logging.enabled = enabled === true;
this.logging.debug = debug === true;
* Returns all callbacks as {@link THREE.LoaderSupport.Callbacks}
* @returns {THREE.LoaderSupport.Callbacks}
getCallbacks: function () {
return this.callbacks;
* Add a resource description.
* @param {THREE.LoaderSupport.ResourceDescriptor} Adds a {@link THREE.LoaderSupport.ResourceDescriptor}
addResource: function ( resource ) {
this.resources.push( resource );
* Clones this object and returns it afterwards. Callbacks and resources are not cloned deep (references!).
* @returns {@link THREE.LoaderSupport.PrepData}
clone: function () {
var clone = new THREE.LoaderSupport.PrepData( this.modelName );
clone.logging.enabled = this.logging.enabled;
clone.logging.debug = this.logging.debug;
clone.resources = this.resources;
clone.callbacks = this.callbacks;
var property, value;
for ( property in this ) {
value = this[ property ];
if ( ! clone.hasOwnProperty( property ) && typeof this[ property ] !== 'function' ) {
clone[ property ] = value;
return clone;
* Identify files or content of interest from an Array of {@link THREE.LoaderSupport.ResourceDescriptor}.
* @param {THREE.LoaderSupport.ResourceDescriptor[]} resources Array of {@link THREE.LoaderSupport.ResourceDescriptor}
* @param Object fileDesc Object describing which resources are of interest (ext, type (string or UInt8Array) and ignore (boolean))
* @returns {{}} Object with each "ext" and the corresponding {@link THREE.LoaderSupport.ResourceDescriptor}
checkResourceDescriptorFiles: function ( resources, fileDesc ) {
var resource, triple, i, found;
var result = {};
for ( var index in resources ) {
resource = resources[ index ];
found = false;
if ( ! THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.isValid( ) ) continue;
if ( THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.isValid( resource.content ) ) {
for ( i = 0; i < fileDesc.length && !found; i++ ) {
triple = fileDesc[ i ];
if ( resource.extension.toLowerCase() === triple.ext.toLowerCase() ) {
if ( triple.ignore ) {
found = true;
} else if ( triple.type === "ArrayBuffer" ) {
// fast-fail on bad type
if ( ! ( resource.content instanceof ArrayBuffer || resource.content instanceof Uint8Array ) ) throw 'Provided content is not of type ArrayBuffer! Aborting...';
result[ triple.ext ] = resource;
found = true;
} else if ( triple.type === "String" ) {
if ( ! ( typeof( resource.content ) === 'string' || resource.content instanceof String) ) throw 'Provided content is not of type String! Aborting...';
result[ triple.ext ] = resource;
found = true;
if ( !found ) throw 'Unidentified resource "' + + '": ' + resource.url;
} else {
// fast-fail on bad type
if ( ! ( typeof( ) === 'string' || instanceof String ) ) throw 'Provided file is not properly defined! Aborting...';
for ( i = 0; i < fileDesc.length && !found; i++ ) {
triple = fileDesc[ i ];
if ( resource.extension.toLowerCase() === triple.ext.toLowerCase() ) {
if ( ! triple.ignore ) result[ triple.ext ] = resource;
found = true;
if ( !found ) throw 'Unidentified resource "' + + '": ' + resource.url;
return result;
* Builds one or many THREE.Mesh from one raw set of Arraybuffers, materialGroup descriptions and further parameters.
* Supports vertex, vertexColor, normal, uv and index buffers.
* @class
THREE.LoaderSupport.MeshBuilder = function() {
this.validator = THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator;
this.logging = {
enabled: true,
debug: false
this.callbacks = new THREE.LoaderSupport.Callbacks();
this.materials = {};
THREE.LoaderSupport.MeshBuilder.LOADER_MESH_BUILDER_VERSION = '1.3.1'; 'Using THREE.LoaderSupport.MeshBuilder version: ' + THREE.LoaderSupport.MeshBuilder.LOADER_MESH_BUILDER_VERSION );
THREE.LoaderSupport.MeshBuilder.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.LoaderSupport.MeshBuilder,
* Enable or disable logging in general (except warn and error), plus enable or disable debug logging.
* @param {boolean} enabled True or false.
* @param {boolean} debug True or false.
setLogging: function ( enabled, debug ) {
this.logging.enabled = enabled === true;
this.logging.debug = debug === true;
* Initializes the MeshBuilder (currently only default material initialisation).
init: function () {
var defaultMaterial = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( { color: 0xDCF1FF } ); = 'defaultMaterial';
var defaultVertexColorMaterial = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial( { color: 0xDCF1FF } ); = 'defaultVertexColorMaterial';
defaultVertexColorMaterial.vertexColors = THREE.VertexColors;
var defaultLineMaterial = new THREE.LineBasicMaterial(); = 'defaultLineMaterial';
var defaultPointMaterial = new THREE.PointsMaterial( { size: 1 } ); = 'defaultPointMaterial';
var runtimeMaterials = {};
runtimeMaterials[ ] = defaultMaterial;
runtimeMaterials[ ] = defaultVertexColorMaterial;
runtimeMaterials[ ] = defaultLineMaterial;
runtimeMaterials[ ] = defaultPointMaterial;
cmd: 'materialData',
materials: {
materialCloneInstructions: null,
serializedMaterials: null,
runtimeMaterials: runtimeMaterials
* Set materials loaded by any supplier of an Array of {@link THREE.Material}.
* @param {THREE.Material[]} materials Array of {@link THREE.Material}
setMaterials: function ( materials ) {
var payload = {
cmd: 'materialData',
materials: {
materialCloneInstructions: null,
serializedMaterials: null,
runtimeMaterials: this.validator.isValid( this.callbacks.onLoadMaterials ) ? this.callbacks.onLoadMaterials( materials ) : materials
this.updateMaterials( payload );
_setCallbacks: function ( callbacks ) {
if ( this.validator.isValid( callbacks.onProgress ) ) this.callbacks.setCallbackOnProgress( callbacks.onProgress );
if ( this.validator.isValid( callbacks.onReportError ) ) this.callbacks.setCallbackOnReportError( callbacks.onReportError );
if ( this.validator.isValid( callbacks.onMeshAlter ) ) this.callbacks.setCallbackOnMeshAlter( callbacks.onMeshAlter );
if ( this.validator.isValid( callbacks.onLoad ) ) this.callbacks.setCallbackOnLoad( callbacks.onLoad );
if ( this.validator.isValid( callbacks.onLoadMaterials ) ) this.callbacks.setCallbackOnLoadMaterials( callbacks.onLoadMaterials );
* Delegates processing of the payload (mesh building or material update) to the corresponding functions (BW-compatibility).
* @param {Object} payload Raw Mesh or Material descriptions.
* @returns {THREE.Mesh[]} mesh Array of {@link THREE.Mesh} or null in case of material update
processPayload: function ( payload ) {
if ( payload.cmd === 'meshData' ) {
return this.buildMeshes( payload );
} else if ( payload.cmd === 'materialData' ) {
this.updateMaterials( payload );
return null;
* Builds one or multiple meshes from the data described in the payload (buffers, params, material info).
* @param {Object} meshPayload Raw mesh description (buffers, params, materials) used to build one to many meshes.
* @returns {THREE.Mesh[]} mesh Array of {@link THREE.Mesh}
buildMeshes: function ( meshPayload ) {
var meshName = meshPayload.params.meshName;
var bufferGeometry = new THREE.BufferGeometry();
bufferGeometry.addAttribute( 'position', new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( meshPayload.buffers.vertices ), 3 ) );
if ( this.validator.isValid( meshPayload.buffers.indices ) ) {
bufferGeometry.setIndex( new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Uint32Array( meshPayload.buffers.indices ), 1 ));
var haveVertexColors = this.validator.isValid( meshPayload.buffers.colors );
if ( haveVertexColors ) {
bufferGeometry.addAttribute( 'color', new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( meshPayload.buffers.colors ), 3 ) );
if ( this.validator.isValid( meshPayload.buffers.normals ) ) {
bufferGeometry.addAttribute( 'normal', new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( meshPayload.buffers.normals ), 3 ) );
} else {
if ( this.validator.isValid( meshPayload.buffers.uvs ) ) {
bufferGeometry.addAttribute( 'uv', new THREE.BufferAttribute( new Float32Array( meshPayload.buffers.uvs ), 2 ) );
var material, materialName, key;
var materialNames = meshPayload.materials.materialNames;
var createMultiMaterial = meshPayload.materials.multiMaterial;
var multiMaterials = [];
for ( key in materialNames ) {
materialName = materialNames[ key ];
material = this.materials[ materialName ];
if ( createMultiMaterial ) multiMaterials.push( material );
if ( createMultiMaterial ) {
material = multiMaterials;
var materialGroups = meshPayload.materials.materialGroups;
var materialGroup;
for ( key in materialGroups ) {
materialGroup = materialGroups[ key ];
bufferGeometry.addGroup( materialGroup.start, materialGroup.count, materialGroup.index );
var meshes = [];
var mesh;
var callbackOnMeshAlter = this.callbacks.onMeshAlter;
var callbackOnMeshAlterResult;
var useOrgMesh = true;
var geometryType = this.validator.verifyInput( meshPayload.geometryType, 0 );
if ( this.validator.isValid( callbackOnMeshAlter ) ) {
callbackOnMeshAlterResult = callbackOnMeshAlter(
detail: {
meshName: meshName,
bufferGeometry: bufferGeometry,
material: material,
geometryType: geometryType
if ( this.validator.isValid( callbackOnMeshAlterResult ) ) {
if ( callbackOnMeshAlterResult.isDisregardMesh() ) {
useOrgMesh = false;
} else if ( callbackOnMeshAlterResult.providesAlteredMeshes() ) {
for ( var i in callbackOnMeshAlterResult.meshes ) {
meshes.push( callbackOnMeshAlterResult.meshes[ i ] );
useOrgMesh = false;
if ( useOrgMesh ) {
if ( meshPayload.computeBoundingSphere ) bufferGeometry.computeBoundingSphere();
if ( geometryType === 0 ) {
mesh = new THREE.Mesh( bufferGeometry, material );
} else if ( geometryType === 1) {
mesh = new THREE.LineSegments( bufferGeometry, material );
} else {
mesh = new THREE.Points( bufferGeometry, material );
} = meshName;
meshes.push( mesh );
var progressMessage;
if ( this.validator.isValid( meshes ) && meshes.length > 0 ) {
var meshNames = [];
for ( var i in meshes ) {
mesh = meshes[ i ];
meshNames[ i ] =;
progressMessage = 'Adding mesh(es) (' + meshNames.length + ': ' + meshNames + ') from input mesh: ' + meshName;
progressMessage += ' (' + ( meshPayload.progress.numericalValue * 100 ).toFixed( 2 ) + '%)';
} else {
progressMessage = 'Not adding mesh: ' + meshName;
progressMessage += ' (' + ( meshPayload.progress.numericalValue * 100 ).toFixed( 2 ) + '%)';
var callbackOnProgress = this.callbacks.onProgress;
if ( this.validator.isValid( callbackOnProgress ) ) {
var event = new CustomEvent( 'MeshBuilderEvent', {
detail: {
type: 'progress',
modelName: meshPayload.params.meshName,
text: progressMessage,
numericalValue: meshPayload.progress.numericalValue
} );
callbackOnProgress( event );
return meshes;
* Updates the materials with contained material objects (sync) or from alteration instructions (async).
* @param {Object} materialPayload Material update instructions
updateMaterials: function ( materialPayload ) {
var material, materialName;
var materialCloneInstructions = materialPayload.materials.materialCloneInstructions;
if ( this.validator.isValid( materialCloneInstructions ) ) {
var materialNameOrg = materialCloneInstructions.materialNameOrg;
var materialOrg = this.materials[ materialNameOrg ];
if ( this.validator.isValid( materialNameOrg ) ) {
material = materialOrg.clone();
materialName = materialCloneInstructions.materialName; = materialName;
var materialProperties = materialCloneInstructions.materialProperties;
for ( var key in materialProperties ) {
if ( material.hasOwnProperty( key ) && materialProperties.hasOwnProperty( key ) ) material[ key ] = materialProperties[ key ];
this.materials[ materialName ] = material;
} else {
console.warn( 'Requested material "' + materialNameOrg + '" is not available!' );
var materials = materialPayload.materials.serializedMaterials;
if ( this.validator.isValid( materials ) && Object.keys( materials ).length > 0 ) {
var loader = new THREE.MaterialLoader();
var materialJson;
for ( materialName in materials ) {
materialJson = materials[ materialName ];
if ( this.validator.isValid( materialJson ) ) {
material = loader.parse( materialJson );
if ( this.logging.enabled ) 'De-serialized material with name "' + materialName + '" will be added.' );
this.materials[ materialName ] = material;
materials = materialPayload.materials.runtimeMaterials;
if ( this.validator.isValid( materials ) && Object.keys( materials ).length > 0 ) {
for ( materialName in materials ) {
material = materials[ materialName ];
if ( this.logging.enabled ) 'Material with name "' + materialName + '" will be added.' );
this.materials[ materialName ] = material;
* Returns the mapping object of material name and corresponding jsonified material.
* @returns {Object} Map of Materials in JSON representation
getMaterialsJSON: function () {
var materialsJSON = {};
var material;
for ( var materialName in this.materials ) {
material = this.materials[ materialName ];
materialsJSON[ materialName ] = material.toJSON();
return materialsJSON;
* Returns the mapping object of material name and corresponding material.
* @returns {Object} Map of {@link THREE.Material}
getMaterials: function () {
return this.materials;
* This class provides means to transform existing parser code into a web worker. It defines a simple communication protocol
* which allows to configure the worker and receive raw mesh data during execution.
* @class
THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport = function () {
this.logging = {
enabled: true,
debug: false
//Choose implementation of worker based on environment
this.loaderWorker = typeof window !== "undefined" ? new THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport.LoaderWorker() : new THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport.NodeLoaderWorker();
THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport.WORKER_SUPPORT_VERSION = '2.3.0'; 'Using THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport version: ' + THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport.WORKER_SUPPORT_VERSION );
THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport,
* Enable or disable logging in general (except warn and error), plus enable or disable debug logging.
* @param {boolean} enabled True or false.
* @param {boolean} debug True or false.
setLogging: function ( enabled, debug ) {
this.logging.enabled = enabled === true;
this.logging.debug = debug === true;
this.loaderWorker.setLogging( this.logging.enabled, this.logging.debug );
* Forces all ArrayBuffers to be transferred to worker to be copied.
* @param {boolean} forceWorkerDataCopy True or false.
setForceWorkerDataCopy: function ( forceWorkerDataCopy ) {
this.loaderWorker.setForceCopy( forceWorkerDataCopy );
* Validate the status of worker code and the derived worker.
* @param {Function} functionCodeBuilder Function that is invoked with funcBuildObject and funcBuildSingleton that allows stringification of objects and singletons.
* @param {String} parserName Name of the Parser object
* @param {String[]} libLocations URL of libraries that shall be added to worker code relative to libPath
* @param {String} libPath Base path used for loading libraries
* @param {THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerRunnerRefImpl} runnerImpl The default worker parser wrapper implementation (communication and execution). An extended class could be passed here.
validate: function ( functionCodeBuilder, parserName, libLocations, libPath, runnerImpl ) {
if ( THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.isValid( this.loaderWorker.worker ) ) return;
if ( this.logging.enabled ) { 'WorkerSupport: Building worker code...' );
console.time( 'buildWebWorkerCode' );
if ( THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.isValid( runnerImpl ) ) {
if ( this.logging.enabled ) 'WorkerSupport: Using "' + runnerImpl.runnerName + '" as Runner class for worker.' );
// Browser implementation
} else if ( typeof window !== "undefined" ) {
runnerImpl = THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerRunnerRefImpl;
if ( this.logging.enabled ) 'WorkerSupport: Using DEFAULT "THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerRunnerRefImpl" as Runner class for worker.' );
// NodeJS implementation
} else {
runnerImpl = THREE.LoaderSupport.NodeWorkerRunnerRefImpl;
if ( this.logging.enabled ) 'WorkerSupport: Using DEFAULT "THREE.LoaderSupport.NodeWorkerRunnerRefImpl" as Runner class for worker.' );
var userWorkerCode = functionCodeBuilder( THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport.CodeSerializer );
userWorkerCode += 'var Parser = '+ parserName + ';\n\n';
userWorkerCode += THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport.CodeSerializer.serializeClass( runnerImpl.runnerName, runnerImpl );
userWorkerCode += 'new ' + runnerImpl.runnerName + '();\n\n';
var scope = this;
if ( THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.isValid( libLocations ) && libLocations.length > 0 ) {
var libsContent = '';
var loadAllLibraries = function ( path, locations ) {
if ( locations.length === 0 ) {
scope.loaderWorker.initWorker( libsContent + userWorkerCode, runnerImpl.runnerName );
if ( scope.logging.enabled ) console.timeEnd( 'buildWebWorkerCode' );
} else {
var loadedLib = function ( contentAsString ) {
libsContent += contentAsString;
loadAllLibraries( path, locations );
var fileLoader = new THREE.FileLoader();
fileLoader.setPath( path );
fileLoader.setResponseType( 'text' );
fileLoader.load( locations[ 0 ], loadedLib );
loadAllLibraries( libPath, libLocations );
} else {
this.loaderWorker.initWorker( userWorkerCode, runnerImpl.runnerName );
if ( this.logging.enabled ) console.timeEnd( 'buildWebWorkerCode' );
* Specify functions that should be build when new raw mesh data becomes available and when the parser is finished.
* @param {Function} meshBuilder The mesh builder function. Default is {@link THREE.LoaderSupport.MeshBuilder}.
* @param {Function} onLoad The function that is called when parsing is complete.
setCallbacks: function ( meshBuilder, onLoad ) {
this.loaderWorker.setCallbacks( meshBuilder, onLoad );
* Runs the parser with the provided configuration.
* @param {Object} payload Raw mesh description (buffers, params, materials) used to build one to many meshes.
run: function ( payload ) { payload );
* Request termination of worker once parser is finished.
* @param {boolean} terminateRequested True or false.
setTerminateRequested: function ( terminateRequested ) {
this.loaderWorker.setTerminateRequested( terminateRequested );
THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport.LoaderWorker = function () {
THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport.LoaderWorker.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport.LoaderWorker,
_reset: function () {
this.logging = {
enabled: true,
debug: false
this.worker = null;
this.runnerImplName = null;
this.callbacks = {
meshBuilder: null,
onLoad: null
this.terminateRequested = false;
this.queuedMessage = null;
this.started = false;
this.forceCopy = false;
* Check support for Workers and other necessary features returning
* reason if the environment is unsupported
* @returns {string|undefined} Returns undefined if supported, or
* string with error if not supported
checkSupport: function() {
if ( window.Worker === undefined ) return "This browser does not support web workers!";
if ( window.Blob === undefined ) return "This browser does not support Blob!";
if ( typeof window.URL.createObjectURL !== 'function' ) return "This browser does not support Object creation from URL!";
setLogging: function ( enabled, debug ) {
this.logging.enabled = enabled === true;
this.logging.debug = debug === true;
setForceCopy: function ( forceCopy ) {
this.forceCopy = forceCopy === true;
initWorker: function ( code, runnerImplName ) {
var supportError = this.checkSupport();
if ( supportError ) {
throw supportError;
this.runnerImplName = runnerImplName;
var blob = new Blob( [ code ], { type: 'application/javascript' } );
this.worker = new Worker( window.URL.createObjectURL( blob ) );
this.worker.onmessage = this._receiveWorkerMessage;
// set referemce to this, then processing in worker scope within "_receiveWorkerMessage" can access members
this.worker.runtimeRef = this;
// process stored queuedMessage
* Executed in worker scope
_receiveWorkerMessage: function ( e ) {
var payload =;
switch ( payload.cmd ) {
case 'meshData':
case 'materialData':
case 'imageData':
this.runtimeRef.callbacks.meshBuilder( payload );
case 'complete':
this.runtimeRef.queuedMessage = null;
this.started = false;
this.runtimeRef.callbacks.onLoad( payload.msg );
if ( this.runtimeRef.terminateRequested ) {
if ( this.runtimeRef.logging.enabled ) 'WorkerSupport [' + this.runtimeRef.runnerImplName + ']: Run is complete. Terminating application on request!' );
case 'error':
console.error( 'WorkerSupport [' + this.runtimeRef.runnerImplName + ']: Reported error: ' + payload.msg );
this.runtimeRef.queuedMessage = null;
this.started = false;
this.runtimeRef.callbacks.onLoad( payload.msg );
if ( this.runtimeRef.terminateRequested ) {
if ( this.runtimeRef.logging.enabled ) 'WorkerSupport [' + this.runtimeRef.runnerImplName + ']: Run reported error. Terminating application on request!' );
console.error( 'WorkerSupport [' + this.runtimeRef.runnerImplName + ']: Received unknown command: ' + payload.cmd );
setCallbacks: function ( meshBuilder, onLoad ) {
this.callbacks.meshBuilder = THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.verifyInput( meshBuilder, this.callbacks.meshBuilder );
this.callbacks.onLoad = THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.verifyInput( onLoad, this.callbacks.onLoad );
run: function( payload ) {
if ( THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.isValid( this.queuedMessage ) ) {
console.warn( 'Already processing message. Rejecting new run instruction' );
} else {
this.queuedMessage = payload;
this.started = true;
if ( ! THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.isValid( this.callbacks.meshBuilder ) ) throw 'Unable to run as no "MeshBuilder" callback is set.';
if ( ! THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.isValid( this.callbacks.onLoad ) ) throw 'Unable to run as no "onLoad" callback is set.';
if ( payload.cmd !== 'run' ) payload.cmd = 'run';
if ( THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.isValid( payload.logging ) ) {
payload.logging.enabled = payload.logging.enabled === true;
payload.logging.debug = payload.logging.debug === true;
} else {
payload.logging = {
enabled: true,
debug: false
_postMessage: function () {
if ( THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.isValid( this.queuedMessage ) && THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.isValid( this.worker ) ) {
if ( instanceof ArrayBuffer ) {
var content;
if ( this.forceCopy ) {
content = 0 );
} else {
content =;
this.worker.postMessage( this.queuedMessage, [ content ] );
} else {
this.worker.postMessage( this.queuedMessage );
setTerminateRequested: function ( terminateRequested ) {
this.terminateRequested = terminateRequested === true;
if ( this.terminateRequested && THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.isValid( this.worker ) && ! THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.isValid( this.queuedMessage ) && this.started ) {
if ( this.logging.enabled ) 'Worker is terminated immediately as it is not running!' );
_terminate: function () {
THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport.CodeSerializer = {
* @param fullName
* @param object
* @returns {string}
serializeObject: function ( fullName, object ) {
var objectString = fullName + ' = {\n\n';
var part;
for ( var name in object ) {
part = object[ name ];
if ( typeof( part ) === 'string' || part instanceof String ) {
part = part.replace( '\n', '\\n' );
part = part.replace( '\r', '\\r' );
objectString += '\t' + name + ': "' + part + '",\n';
} else if ( part instanceof Array ) {
objectString += '\t' + name + ': [' + part + '],\n';
} else if ( typeof part === 'object' ) {
// TODO: Short-cut for now. Recursion required?
objectString += '\t' + name + ': {},\n';
} else {
objectString += '\t' + name + ': ' + part + ',\n';
objectString += '}\n\n';
return objectString;
* @param fullName
* @param object
* @param basePrototypeName
* @param ignoreFunctions
* @returns {string}
serializeClass: function ( fullName, object, constructorName, basePrototypeName, ignoreFunctions, includeFunctions, overrideFunctions ) {
var valueString, objectPart, constructorString, i, funcOverride;
var prototypeFunctions = [];
var objectProperties = [];
var objectFunctions = [];
var isExtended = ( basePrototypeName !== null && basePrototypeName !== undefined );
if ( ! Array.isArray( ignoreFunctions ) ) ignoreFunctions = [];
if ( ! Array.isArray( includeFunctions ) ) includeFunctions = null;
if ( ! Array.isArray( overrideFunctions ) ) overrideFunctions = [];
for ( var name in object.prototype ) {
objectPart = object.prototype[ name ];
valueString = objectPart.toString();
if ( name === 'constructor' ) {
constructorString = fullName + ' = ' + valueString + ';\n\n';
} else if ( typeof objectPart === 'function' ) {
if ( ignoreFunctions.indexOf( name ) < 0 && ( includeFunctions === null || includeFunctions.indexOf( name ) >= 0 ) ) {
funcOverride = overrideFunctions[ name ];
if ( funcOverride && funcOverride.fullName === fullName + '.prototype.' + name ) {
valueString = funcOverride.code;
if ( isExtended ) {
prototypeFunctions.push( fullName + '.prototype.' + name + ' = ' + valueString + ';\n\n' );
} else {
prototypeFunctions.push( '\t' + name + ': ' + valueString + ',\n\n' );
for ( var name in object ) {
objectPart = object[ name ];
if ( typeof objectPart === 'function' ) {
if ( ignoreFunctions.indexOf( name ) < 0 && ( includeFunctions === null || includeFunctions.indexOf( name ) >= 0 ) ) {
funcOverride = overrideFunctions[ name ];
if ( funcOverride && funcOverride.fullName === fullName + '.' + name ) {
valueString = funcOverride.code;
} else {
valueString = objectPart.toString();
objectFunctions.push( fullName + '.' + name + ' = ' + valueString + ';\n\n' );
} else {
if ( typeof( objectPart ) === 'string' || objectPart instanceof String) {
valueString = '\"' + objectPart.toString() + '\"';
} else if ( typeof objectPart === 'object' ) {
// TODO: Short-cut for now. Recursion required?
valueString = "{}";
} else {
valueString = objectPart;
objectProperties.push( fullName + '.' + name + ' = ' + valueString + ';\n' );
if ( ( constructorString === undefined || constructorString === null ) && typeof object.prototype.constructor === 'function' ) {
constructorString = fullName + ' = ' + object.prototype.constructor.toString().replace( constructorName, '' );
var objectString = constructorString + '\n\n';
if ( isExtended ) {
objectString += fullName + '.prototype = Object.create( ' + basePrototypeName + '.prototype );\n';
objectString += fullName + '.prototype.constructor = ' + fullName + ';\n';
objectString += '\n\n';
for ( i = 0; i < objectProperties.length; i ++ ) objectString += objectProperties[ i ];
objectString += '\n\n';
for ( i = 0; i < objectFunctions.length; i ++ ) objectString += objectFunctions[ i ];
objectString += '\n\n';
if ( isExtended ) {
for ( i = 0; i < prototypeFunctions.length; i ++ ) objectString += prototypeFunctions[ i ];
} else {
objectString += fullName + '.prototype = {\n\n';
for ( i = 0; i < prototypeFunctions.length; i ++ ) objectString += prototypeFunctions[ i ];
objectString += '\n};';
objectString += '\n\n';
return objectString;
* Default implementation of the WorkerRunner responsible for creation and configuration of the parser within the worker.
* @class
THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerRunnerRefImpl = function () {
var scopedRunner = function( event ) {
this.processMessage( );
this.getParentScope().addEventListener( 'message', scopedRunner.bind( this ) );
THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerRunnerRefImpl.runnerName = 'THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerRunnerRefImpl';
THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerRunnerRefImpl.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerRunnerRefImpl,
* Returns the parent scope that this worker was spawned in.
* @returns {WorkerGlobalScope|Object} Returns a references
* to the parent global scope or compatible type.
getParentScope: function () {
return self;
* Applies values from parameter object via set functions or via direct assignment.
* @param {Object} parser The parser instance
* @param {Object} params The parameter object
applyProperties: function ( parser, params ) {
var property, funcName, values;
for ( property in params ) {
funcName = 'set' + property.substring( 0, 1 ).toLocaleUpperCase() + property.substring( 1 );
values = params[ property ];
if ( typeof parser[ funcName ] === 'function' ) {
parser[ funcName ]( values );
} else if ( parser.hasOwnProperty( property ) ) {
parser[ property ] = values;
* Configures the Parser implementation according the supplied configuration object.
* @param {Object} payload Raw mesh description (buffers, params, materials) used to build one to many meshes.
processMessage: function ( payload ) {
if ( payload.cmd === 'run' ) {
var self = this.getParentScope();
var callbacks = {
callbackOnAssetAvailable: function ( payload ) {
self.postMessage( payload );
callbackOnProgress: function ( text ) {
if ( payload.logging.enabled && payload.logging.debug ) console.debug( 'WorkerRunner: progress: ' + text );
// Parser is expected to be named as such
var parser = new Parser();
if ( typeof parser[ 'setLogging' ] === 'function' ) parser.setLogging( payload.logging.enabled, payload.logging.debug );
this.applyProperties( parser, payload.params );
this.applyProperties( parser, payload.materials );
this.applyProperties( parser, callbacks );
parser.workerScope = self;
parser.parse(, );
if ( payload.logging.enabled ) console.log( 'WorkerRunner: Run complete!' );
callbacks.callbackOnAssetAvailable( {
cmd: 'complete',
msg: 'WorkerRunner completed run.'
} );
} else {
console.error( 'WorkerRunner: Received unknown command: ' + payload.cmd );
* This class provides the NodeJS implementation of the WorkerRunnerRefImpl
* @class
* @extends THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerRunnerRefImpl
THREE.LoaderSupport.NodeWorkerRunnerRefImpl = function () {
this.runnerName = 'THREE.LoaderSupport.NodeWorkerRunnerRefImpl';
// No call to super because super class only binds to processMessage
// In NodeJS, there is no addEventListener so use onmessage.
// Also, the message object can be passed directly to
// processMessage() as it isn't an `Event`, but a plain object
// with the data
this.getParentScope().onmessage = this.processMessage.bind( this );
THREE.LoaderSupport.NodeWorkerRunnerRefImpl.prototype = Object.create( THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerRunnerRefImpl.prototype );
THREE.LoaderSupport.NodeWorkerRunnerRefImpl.prototype.constructor = THREE.LoaderSupport.NodeWorkerRunnerRefImpl;
THREE.LoaderSupport.NodeWorkerRunnerRefImpl.runnerName = 'THREE.LoaderSupport.NodeWorkerRunnerRefImpl';
THREE.LoaderSupport.NodeWorkerRunnerRefImpl.prototype = {
getParentScope: function(){
// Work around webpack builds failing with NodeJS requires
// (placing it outside this function will fail because
// this class is passed to the worker as a string!)
var _require = eval( 'require' );
return _require( 'worker_threads' ).parentPort;
* This class provides the NodeJS implementation of LoaderWorker
* @class
* @extends LoaderWorker
THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport.NodeLoaderWorker = function (){ this );
THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport.NodeLoaderWorker.prototype = Object.create( THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport.LoaderWorker.prototype );
THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport.NodeLoaderWorker.prototype.constructor = THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport.NodeLoaderWorker;
* @inheritdoc
THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport.NodeLoaderWorker.checkSupport = function() {
try {
// Work around webpack builds failing with NodeJS requires
var _require = eval( 'require' );
_require.resolve( 'worker_threads' );
catch(e) {
return 'This version of Node does not support web workers!';
* @inheritdoc
THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport.NodeLoaderWorker.prototype.initWorker = function ( code, runnerImplName ) {
var supportError = this.checkSupport();
if( supportError ) {
throw supportError;
this.runnerImplName = runnerImplName;
// Work around webpack builds failing with NodeJS requires
var _require = eval( 'require' );
var Worker = _require( 'worker_threads' ).Worker;
this.worker = new Worker( code, { eval: true } );
this.worker.onmessage = this._receiveWorkerMessage;
// set referemce to this, then processing in worker scope within "_receiveWorkerMessage" can access members
this.worker.runtimeRef = this;
// process stored queuedMessage
* Orchestrate loading of multiple OBJ files/data from an instruction queue with a configurable amount of workers (1-16).
* Workflow:
* prepareWorkers
* enqueueForRun
* processQueue
* tearDown (to force stop)
* @class
* @param {string} classDef Class definition to be used for construction
THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerDirector = function ( classDef ) {
this.logging = {
enabled: true,
debug: false
this.maxQueueSize = THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerDirector.MAX_QUEUE_SIZE ;
this.maxWebWorkers = THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerDirector.MAX_WEB_WORKER;
this.crossOrigin = null;
if ( ! THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.isValid( classDef ) ) throw 'Provided invalid classDef: ' + classDef;
this.workerDescription = {
classDef: classDef,
globalCallbacks: {},
workerSupports: {},
forceWorkerDataCopy: true
this.objectsCompleted = 0;
this.instructionQueue = [];
this.instructionQueuePointer = 0;
this.callbackOnFinishedProcessing = null;
THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerDirector.LOADER_WORKER_DIRECTOR_VERSION = '2.3.0';
THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerDirector.MAX_WEB_WORKER = 16;
THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerDirector.MAX_QUEUE_SIZE = 2048; 'Using THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerDirector version: ' + THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerDirector.LOADER_WORKER_DIRECTOR_VERSION );
THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerDirector.prototype = {
constructor: THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerDirector,
* Enable or disable logging in general (except warn and error), plus enable or disable debug logging.
* @param {boolean} enabled True or false.
* @param {boolean} debug True or false.
setLogging: function ( enabled, debug ) {
this.logging.enabled = enabled === true;
this.logging.debug = debug === true;
* Returns the maximum length of the instruction queue.
* @returns {number}
getMaxQueueSize: function () {
return this.maxQueueSize;
* Returns the maximum number of workers.
* @returns {number}
getMaxWebWorkers: function () {
return this.maxWebWorkers;
* Sets the CORS string to be used.
* @param {string} crossOrigin CORS value
setCrossOrigin: function ( crossOrigin ) {
this.crossOrigin = crossOrigin;
* Forces all ArrayBuffers to be transferred to worker to be copied.
* @param {boolean} forceWorkerDataCopy True or false.
setForceWorkerDataCopy: function ( forceWorkerDataCopy ) {
this.workerDescription.forceWorkerDataCopy = forceWorkerDataCopy === true;
* Create or destroy workers according limits. Set the name and register callbacks for dynamically created web workers.
* @param {THREE.OBJLoader2.WWOBJLoader2.PrepDataCallbacks} globalCallbacks Register global callbacks used by all web workers
* @param {number} maxQueueSize Set the maximum size of the instruction queue (1-1024)
* @param {number} maxWebWorkers Set the maximum amount of workers (1-16)
prepareWorkers: function ( globalCallbacks, maxQueueSize, maxWebWorkers ) {
if ( THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.isValid( globalCallbacks ) ) this.workerDescription.globalCallbacks = globalCallbacks;
this.maxQueueSize = Math.min( maxQueueSize, THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerDirector.MAX_QUEUE_SIZE );
this.maxWebWorkers = Math.min( maxWebWorkers, THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerDirector.MAX_WEB_WORKER );
this.maxWebWorkers = Math.min( this.maxWebWorkers, this.maxQueueSize );
this.objectsCompleted = 0;
this.instructionQueue = [];
this.instructionQueuePointer = 0;
for ( var instanceNo = 0; instanceNo < this.maxWebWorkers; instanceNo++ ) {
var workerSupport = new THREE.LoaderSupport.WorkerSupport();
workerSupport.setLogging( this.logging.enabled, this.logging.debug );
workerSupport.setForceWorkerDataCopy( this.workerDescription.forceWorkerDataCopy );
this.workerDescription.workerSupports[ instanceNo ] = {
instanceNo: instanceNo,
inUse: false,
terminateRequested: false,
workerSupport: workerSupport,
loader: null
* Store run instructions in internal instructionQueue.
* @param {THREE.LoaderSupport.PrepData} prepData
enqueueForRun: function ( prepData ) {
if ( this.instructionQueue.length < this.maxQueueSize ) {
this.instructionQueue.push( prepData );
* Returns if any workers are running.
* @returns {boolean}
isRunning: function () {
var wsKeys = Object.keys( this.workerDescription.workerSupports );
return ( ( this.instructionQueue.length > 0 && this.instructionQueuePointer < this.instructionQueue.length ) || wsKeys.length > 0 );
* Process the instructionQueue until it is depleted.
processQueue: function () {
var prepData, supportDesc;
for ( var instanceNo in this.workerDescription.workerSupports ) {
supportDesc = this.workerDescription.workerSupports[ instanceNo ];
if ( ! supportDesc.inUse ) {
if ( this.instructionQueuePointer < this.instructionQueue.length ) {
prepData = this.instructionQueue[ this.instructionQueuePointer ];
this._kickWorkerRun( prepData, supportDesc );
} else {
this._deregister( supportDesc );
if ( ! this.isRunning() && this.callbackOnFinishedProcessing !== null ) {
this.callbackOnFinishedProcessing = null;
_kickWorkerRun: function( prepData, supportDesc ) {
supportDesc.inUse = true;
supportDesc.workerSupport.setTerminateRequested( supportDesc.terminateRequested );
if ( this.logging.enabled ) '\nAssigning next item from queue to worker (queue length: ' + this.instructionQueue.length + ')\n\n' );
var validator = THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator;
var scope = this;
var prepDataCallbacks = prepData.getCallbacks();
var globalCallbacks = this.workerDescription.globalCallbacks;
var wrapperOnLoad = function ( event ) {
if ( validator.isValid( globalCallbacks.onLoad ) ) globalCallbacks.onLoad( event );
if ( validator.isValid( prepDataCallbacks.onLoad ) ) prepDataCallbacks.onLoad( event );
supportDesc.inUse = false;
var wrapperOnProgress = function ( event ) {
if ( validator.isValid( globalCallbacks.onProgress ) ) globalCallbacks.onProgress( event );
if ( validator.isValid( prepDataCallbacks.onProgress ) ) prepDataCallbacks.onProgress( event );
var wrapperOnMeshAlter = function ( event, override ) {
if ( validator.isValid( globalCallbacks.onMeshAlter ) ) override = globalCallbacks.onMeshAlter( event, override );
if ( validator.isValid( prepDataCallbacks.onMeshAlter ) ) override = globalCallbacks.onMeshAlter( event, override );
return override;
var wrapperOnLoadMaterials = function ( materials ) {
if ( validator.isValid( globalCallbacks.onLoadMaterials ) ) materials = globalCallbacks.onLoadMaterials( materials );
if ( validator.isValid( prepDataCallbacks.onLoadMaterials ) ) materials = prepDataCallbacks.onLoadMaterials( materials );
return materials;
var wrapperOnReportError = function ( errorMessage ) {
var continueProcessing = true;
if ( validator.isValid( globalCallbacks.onReportError ) ) continueProcessing = globalCallbacks.onReportError( supportDesc, errorMessage );
if ( validator.isValid( prepDataCallbacks.onReportError ) ) continueProcessing = prepDataCallbacks.onReportError( supportDesc, errorMessage );
if ( ! validator.isValid( globalCallbacks.onReportError ) && ! validator.isValid( prepDataCallbacks.onReportError ) ) {
console.error( 'Loader reported an error: ' );
console.error( errorMessage );
if ( continueProcessing ) {
supportDesc.inUse = false;
supportDesc.loader = this._buildLoader( supportDesc.instanceNo );
var updatedCallbacks = new THREE.LoaderSupport.Callbacks();
updatedCallbacks.setCallbackOnLoad( wrapperOnLoad );
updatedCallbacks.setCallbackOnProgress( wrapperOnProgress );
updatedCallbacks.setCallbackOnReportError( wrapperOnReportError );
updatedCallbacks.setCallbackOnMeshAlter( wrapperOnMeshAlter );
updatedCallbacks.setCallbackOnLoadMaterials( wrapperOnLoadMaterials );
prepData.callbacks = updatedCallbacks; prepData, supportDesc.workerSupport );
_buildLoader: function ( instanceNo ) {
var classDef = this.workerDescription.classDef;
var loader = Object.create( classDef.prototype ); loader, THREE.DefaultLoadingManager );
// verify that all required functions are implemented
if ( ! loader.hasOwnProperty( 'instanceNo' ) ) throw + ' has no property "instanceNo".';
loader.instanceNo = instanceNo;
if ( ! loader.hasOwnProperty( 'workerSupport' ) ) {
throw + ' has no property "workerSupport".';
if ( typeof !== 'function' ) throw + ' has no function "run".';
if ( ! loader.hasOwnProperty( 'callbacks' ) || ! THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.isValid( loader.callbacks ) ) {
console.warn( + ' has an invalid property "callbacks". Will change to "THREE.LoaderSupport.Callbacks"' );
loader.callbacks = new THREE.LoaderSupport.Callbacks();
return loader;
_deregister: function ( supportDesc ) {
if ( THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.isValid( supportDesc ) ) {
supportDesc.workerSupport.setTerminateRequested( true );
if ( this.logging.enabled ) 'Requested termination of worker #' + supportDesc.instanceNo + '.' );
var loaderCallbacks = supportDesc.loader.callbacks;
if ( THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.isValid( loaderCallbacks.onProgress ) ) loaderCallbacks.onProgress( { detail: { text: '' } } );
delete this.workerDescription.workerSupports[ supportDesc.instanceNo ];
* Terminate all workers.
* @param {callback} callbackOnFinishedProcessing Function called once all workers finished processing.
tearDown: function ( callbackOnFinishedProcessing ) {
if ( this.logging.enabled ) 'WorkerDirector received the deregister call. Terminating all workers!' );
this.instructionQueuePointer = this.instructionQueue.length;
this.callbackOnFinishedProcessing = THREE.LoaderSupport.Validator.verifyInput( callbackOnFinishedProcessing, null );
for ( var name in this.workerDescription.workerSupports ) {
this.workerDescription.workerSupports[ name ].terminateRequested = true;