2023-03-04 16:49:50 +01:00
scale_bouton_commencer = 0.6
function affichage_inscription(){
// Texte
draw_rectangle(0,0,canvas.width, canvas.height, "rgb(3, 26, 33)", 1) // ou + clair 4, 38, 48
ctx.strokeStyle = "rgb(255, 255, 255)" // Pour que le contour soit rouge
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(255, 255, 255)" // Pour que l'intérieur soit bleu
2023-03-04 17:17:07 +01:00
texte = "Give me your personal information"
2023-03-04 16:49:50 +01:00
font = "58pt Courier"
ctx.font = font
largeur = ctx.measureText(texte).width
ctx.fillText(texte, (window.innerWidth/2)- (largeur/2), 100)
// Pour les zones de textes
ctx.strokeStyle = "rgb(255, 255, 255)"
ctx.fillStyle = "rgb(255, 255, 255)"
ctx.font = "28pt Courier"
2023-03-04 17:17:07 +01:00
ctx.fillText("Firstname:", x_texte_zone, parseInt(document.getElementById("Firstname").style.top) -12)
ctx.fillText("Name:", x_texte_zone, parseInt(document.getElementById("Name").style.top) - 12)
ctx.fillText("Age:", x_texte_zone, parseInt(document.getElementById("Age").style.top) - 12)
2023-03-07 18:16:30 +01:00
ctx.fillText("Sex:", parseInt(document.getElementById("SexeM").style.left), parseInt(document.getElementById("SexeM").style.top) - 22)
2023-03-04 16:49:50 +01:00
ctx.font = "24pt Courier"
2023-03-04 17:17:07 +01:00
ctx.fillText("Male", parseInt(document.getElementById("SexeM").style.left)+40, parseInt(document.getElementById("SexeM").style.top)+24)
ctx.fillText("Female", parseInt(document.getElementById("SexeF").style.left)+40, parseInt(document.getElementById("SexeM").style.top)+24)
2023-03-07 18:16:30 +01:00
ctx.fillText("None of this above", parseInt(document.getElementById("SexeA").style.left)+40, parseInt(document.getElementById("SexeA").style.top)+24)
2023-03-04 16:49:50 +01:00
function afficher_bouton_commencer(){
w_bouton_commencer = scale_bouton_commencer*boutons["commencer"].width
h_bouton_commencer = scale_bouton_commencer*boutons["commencer"].height
x_bouton_commencer = (window.innerWidth/2)-(w_bouton_commencer/2)
y_bouton_commencer = innerHeight*0.75
// Bouton commencer
ctx.drawImage(boutons["commencer"], x_bouton_commencer, y_bouton_commencer , w_bouton_commencer, h_bouton_commencer)
// Survol
if(xyMouseMove.x >= x_bouton_commencer && xyMouseMove.x <= x_bouton_commencer + w_bouton_commencer && xyMouseMove.y > y_bouton_commencer && xyMouseMove.y < y_bouton_commencer + h_bouton_commencer){
draw_rectangle(x_bouton_commencer, y_bouton_commencer , w_bouton_commencer, h_bouton_commencer, "rgb(200, 200, 200)", 0.6)
2023-03-06 16:02:20 +01:00
function action_bouton_commencer(){
2023-03-04 16:49:50 +01:00
page_inscription = false
2023-03-06 16:02:20 +01:00
//page_vues = true
page_explication = true
2023-03-07 18:16:30 +01:00
interactions.push({"time": new Date().getTime(), "type": "Fin inscription - Début explications"})
2023-03-06 16:02:20 +01:00
//gestion des données personnelle de l'utilisateur
2023-03-04 16:49:50 +01:00
function traitement_inscription(){
if (champs_remplis_correctment()){
2023-03-06 16:02:20 +01:00
texte = "Are you ready for the explanations?"
font = "40pt Courier"
ctx.font = font
largeur = ctx.measureText(texte).width
ctx.fillText(texte, (window.innerWidth/2)- (largeur/2), y_bouton_commencer-20)
2023-03-04 16:49:50 +01:00
if (clicked && click_inside(xyMouseDown, x_bouton_commencer, y_bouton_commencer , w_bouton_commencer, h_bouton_commencer)){
// on passe aux choix
2023-03-06 16:02:20 +01:00
2023-03-04 16:49:50 +01:00
function champs_remplis_correctment(){
firstname_ok = false
name_ok = false
age_ok = false
sexe_ok = false
2023-03-06 16:02:20 +01:00
if ((document.getElementById("Firstname").value.length >0) && (value_non_vide(document.getElementById("Firstname").value))){firstname_ok = true}
if (document.getElementById("Name").value.length >0 && (value_non_vide(document.getElementById("Name").value))){name_ok = true}
2023-03-07 18:16:30 +01:00
if ((document.getElementById("Age").value >0) && (document.getElementById("Age").value.length >0) && (value_non_vide(document.getElementById("Age").value))){age_ok = true}
if (document.getElementById("SexeM").checked || document.getElementById("SexeF").checked || document.getElementById("SexeA").checked){ sexe_ok= true}
2023-03-04 16:49:50 +01:00
return firstname_ok && name_ok && age_ok && sexe_ok
2023-03-06 16:02:20 +01:00
function value_non_vide(V){
non_vide = false
for(let p=0;p<V.length; p++){
if (V[p] != ' '){return true}
return non_vide
2023-03-04 16:49:50 +01:00
function afficher_champs_inscription() {
w_text_zone = 30
h_text_zone = 42
nb_caract_min = 1
nb_caract_max = 30
x_texte_zone = (window.innerWidth/3)
y_texte_zone = 200
ecart_texte_zone = 160
// Zone de texte : Firstname
var input = document.createElement('input');
input.type = 'text';
input.id = 'Firstname';
input.minLength = nb_caract_min
input.maxLength = nb_caract_max
input.size = w_text_zone
input.style.position = 'fixed';
input.style.left = x_texte_zone+'px';
input.style.top = y_texte_zone+'px';
input.style.textAlign = 'left'
input.style.height = h_text_zone
input.style.font = "24pt Courier"
// Zone de texte : Name
var input2 = document.createElement('input');
input2.type = 'text';
input2.id = 'Name';
input2.minLength = nb_caract_min
input2.maxLength = nb_caract_max
input2.size = w_text_zone
// style
input2.style.position = 'fixed';
input2.style.left = x_texte_zone+'px';
input2.style.top = ecart_texte_zone+y_texte_zone+'px';
input2.style.textAlign = 'left'
input2.style.height = h_text_zone
input2.style.font = "24pt Courier"
// Zone de texte : Age
var input3 = document.createElement('input');
input3.type = 'number';
input3.id = 'Age';
input3.min = 1
input3.max = 99
input3.size = w_text_zone
// style
input3.style.position = 'fixed';
input3.style.left = x_texte_zone+'px';
input3.style.top = 2*ecart_texte_zone + y_texte_zone+'px';
input3.style.textAlign = 'left'
input3.style.height = h_text_zone
input3.style.font = "24pt Courier"
// Zone de texte : Sexe
var input4 = document.createElement('input');
input4.type = 'radio';
input4.id = 'SexeM';
input4.name = "sexe"
//input4.size = w_text_zone
// style
input4.style.position = 'fixed';
input4.style.left = x_texte_zone + 250;
2023-03-04 17:17:07 +01:00
input4.style.top = 10+ 2*ecart_texte_zone + y_texte_zone+'px';
input4.style.height = 20
input4.style.width = 20
2023-03-04 16:49:50 +01:00
var input5 = document.createElement('input');
input5.type = 'radio';
input5.id = 'SexeF';
input5.name = "sexe"
//input4.size = w_text_zone
// style
input5.style.position = 'fixed';
input5.style.left = x_texte_zone + 400;
2023-03-04 17:17:07 +01:00
input5.style.top = 10 + 2*ecart_texte_zone + y_texte_zone+'px';
input5.style.height = 20
input5.style.width = 20
2023-03-04 16:49:50 +01:00
2023-03-07 18:16:30 +01:00
var input6 = document.createElement('input');
input6.type = 'radio';
input6.id = 'SexeA';
input6.name = "sexe"
//input4.size = w_text_zone
// style
input6.style.position = 'fixed';
input6.style.left = x_texte_zone + 600;
input6.style.top = 10 + 2*ecart_texte_zone + y_texte_zone+'px';
input6.style.height = 20
input6.style.width = 20
2023-03-04 16:49:50 +01:00
function gestion_donnees_personnelles(){
// Sauvegarde des infos
if (document.getElementById("SexeM").checked){sexe = "M"}
else if (document.getElementById("SexeF").checked){sexe = "F"}
2023-03-07 18:16:30 +01:00
else if (document.getElementById("SexeM").checked){sexe = "M"}
2023-03-04 16:49:50 +01:00
else {sexe='None'}
choix['identite'] = {"Firstname":document.getElementById("Firstname").value,
"Name": document.getElementById("Name").value,
"Age": document.getElementById("Age").value,
"Sexe": sexe}
document.getElementById("Firstname").style.display = 'none'
document.getElementById("Name").style.display = 'none'
document.getElementById("Age").style.display = 'none'
document.getElementById("SexeM").style.display = 'none'
document.getElementById("SexeF").style.display = 'none'
2023-03-07 18:16:30 +01:00
document.getElementById("SexeA").style.display = 'none'
2023-03-04 16:49:50 +01:00