const config = require('../settings/config.js'); require('app-module-path').addPath(config.BASE_DIR); require('app-module-path').addPath(config.UTILS_DIR); require('app-module-path').addPath(config.CONTROLLERS_DIR); const model = require('model'); const User = require('auth/models'); const log = require('log'); model.reinitialize(() => { log.debug('Database reinitialized'); let user = new User(); = "toto"; user.password = "tata"; user.resources = 23; user.project_id = 42;, u) => { log.debug('New user created'); // Test password User.getById(1, (err, user) => { if (model.PasswordField.testSync("tata", user.password)) { log.debug("Password authentication succeed"); } else { log.error("Password should have succeeded but failed"); } if (!model.PasswordField.testSync("toto", user.password)) { log.debug("Password authentication failed as it was supposed to"); } else { log.error("Password should have failed but succeded"); } process.exit(0); }); }); });