/** * Class that represents a generator that streams the recommendation clicked if any, of the frustum * @constructor * @augments geo.ConfigGenerator * @param streamer {geo.MeshStreamer} the parent mesh streamer */ geo.V_PD_Generator = function() { geo.ConfigGenerator.apply(this, arguments); }; geo.V_PD_Generator.prototype = Object.create(geo.ConfigGenerator); geo.V_PD_Generator.prototype.constructor = geo.V_PD_Generator; /** * Generates a config that streams everything on the recommendation clicked if any, or full on the frustum * @param cameraFrustum {Object} the frustum of the camera (with its position, target, and planes) * @param recommendationClicked {Number|null} id of the recommendation (can be null if no recommendations are clicked) * @returns {Object[]} an array with one element corresponding to the recommendation clicked, or the camera frustum if there are no recommendations clicked */ geo.V_PD_Generator.prototype.generateMainConfig = function(cameraFrustum, recommendationClicked) { var config; if (recommendationClicked != null) { if (this.streamer.beginning === true) { this.streamer.beginning = false; } // Case full reco console.log("Going to " + recommendationClicked); console.log("Recommendation is clicking : full for " + JSON.stringify(this.streamer.mesh.recommendations[recommendationClicked].position)); config = [{recommendationId : recommendationClicked + 1, proportion: 1, smart:true}]; } else if (this.streamer.beginning === true) { console.log('Begining : full init'); config = [{recommendationId : 0, proportion:1, smart: true}]; } else { // Case without prefetch console.log("No prefetching"); config = [{ frustum: cameraFrustum, proportion: 1}]; } return config; }; /** * Generates a configuration with only the camera frustum, with proportion of 1 * @returns {Object[]} an array with one element corresponding to the camera frustum */ geo.V_PD_Generator.prototype.generateFillingConfig = function(a,b,cameraFrustum) { return [{proportion:1, frustum: cameraFrustum}]; };