/** * Parse a list as it is sent by the server and gives a slightly more comprehensible result * @private */ var _parseList2 = function(arr) { var ret = {}; ret.index = arr[1]; if (arr[0] === 'v') { ret.type = 'vertex'; ret.x = arr[2]; ret.y = arr[3]; ret.z = arr[4]; } else if (arr[0] === 'vt') { ret.type = 'texCoord'; ret.x = arr[2]; ret.y = arr[3]; } else if (arr[0] === 'f') { ret.type = 'face'; ret.mesh = arr[2]; // Only Face3 are allowed vertexIndices = arr[3]; textureIndices = arr[4]; normalIndices = arr[5]; // Vertex indices ret.a = vertexIndices[0]; ret.b = vertexIndices[1]; ret.c = vertexIndices[2]; // Texutre indices (if they exist) if (textureIndices.length > 0) { ret.aTexture = textureIndices[0]; ret.bTexture = textureIndices[1]; ret.cTexture = textureIndices[2]; } // Normal indices (if they exist) if (normalIndices.length > 0) { ret.aNormal = normalIndices[0]; ret.bNormal = normalIndices[1]; ret.cNormal = normalIndices[2]; } } else if (arr[0] === 'vn') { // Normal ret.type = "normal"; ret.x = arr[2]; ret.y = arr[3]; ret.z = arr[4]; } else if (arr[0] === 'u') { // usemtl ret.index = -1; ret.type = 'usemtl'; ret.materialName = arr[1]; ret.vLength = arr[2]; ret.fLength = arr[3]; ret.texCoordsExist = arr[4]; ret.normalsExist = arr[5]; } return ret; }; /** * Loads a mesh from socket.io * @param {string} path path to the .obj file * @param {THREE.Scene} scene to add the object * @param {PointerCamera} camera the camera that will be sent to server for smart * streaming (can be null, then the server will stream the mesh in the .obj * order) * @param {function} callback callback to call on the objects when they're created * @constructor */ var ProgressiveLoaderGeometry = function(path, scene, camera, callback) { /** * Path to the .obj file * @type {string} */ this.objPath = path; /** * Path to the folder where the textures are * @type {string} */ this.texturesPath = path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf('/')) + '/'; /** * Path to the .mtl file * @type {string} */ this.mtlPath = path.replace('.obj', '.mtl'); /** * Reference to the scene in which the object should be added */ this.scene = scene; /** * Callback to call on the object when they're created */ this.callback = callback; /** * Counter (not used) * @private */ this.counter = 0; /** * Group where the sub-objects will be added * @type {THREE.Object3D} */ this.obj = new THREE.Object3D(); scene.add(this.obj); /** * Array of the vertices of the mesh * @type {THREE.Vector3[]} */ this.vertices = []; /** * Array of the texture coordinates of the mesh * @type {THREE.Vector2[]} */ this.texCoords = []; /** * Array of the normal of the mesh * @type {THREE.Vector3[]} */ this.normals = []; /** * Array of the UV mapping * @description Each element is an array of 3 elements that are the indices * of the element in this.texCoords that should be * used as texture coordinates for the current vertex of the face * @type {Number[][]} */ this.uvs = []; /** * Array of all the meshes that will be added to the main object * @type {THREE.Mesh[]} */ this.meshes = []; /** * Loader for the material file * @type {THREE.MTLLoader} */ this.loader = new THREE.MTLLoader(this.texturesPath); /** * Socket to connect to get the mesh * @type {socket} */ this.socket = io(); this.initIOCallbacks(); /** * Reference to the camera * @type {PointerCamera} */ this.camera = camera; }; /** * Starts the loading of the mesh */ ProgressiveLoaderGeometry.prototype.load = function() { var self = this; this.loader.load(self.mtlPath, function(materialCreator) { self.materialCreator = materialCreator; materialCreator.preload(); self.start(); }); }; /** * Will return a list representation of the camera (to be sent to the server) */ ProgressiveLoaderGeometry.prototype.getCamera = function() { if (this.camera === null) return null; return this.toList(); }; /** * Initializes the socket.io functions so that it can discuss with the server */ ProgressiveLoaderGeometry.prototype.initIOCallbacks = function() { var self = this; this.socket.on('ok', function() { console.log('ok'); self.socket.emit('materials'); }); this.socket.on('elements', function(arr) { if (arr.length === 0) { console.log("Empty array"); } else { console.log("Stuff received"); } // console.log("Received elements for the " + (++self.counter) + "th time !"); for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { var elt = _parseList2(arr[i]); // console.log(elts); if (elt.type === 'vertex') { // New vertex arrived // Fill the array of vertices with null vector (to avoid undefined) while (elt.index > self.vertices.length) { self.vertices.push(new THREE.Vector3()); } self.vertices[elt.index] = new THREE.Vector3(elt.x, elt.y, elt.z); self.currentMesh.geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true; } else if (elt.type === 'texCoord') { // New texCoord arrived self.texCoords[elt.index] = new THREE.Vector2(elt.x, elt.y); self.currentMesh.geometry.uvsNeedUpdate = true; } else if (elt.type === 'normal') { // New normal arrived self.normals[elt.index] = new THREE.Vector3(elt.x, elt.y, elt.z); } else if (elt.type === 'usemtl') { if (self.currentMesh !== undefined) { // if (self.currentMesh.geometry.attributes.normal === undefined) { // self.currentMesh.geometry.computeVertexNormals(); // } } // Must create new mesh // console.log("New mesh arrived : " + elt.materialName); // Create mesh material var material; if (elt.materialName === null) { // If no material, create a default material material = new THREE.MeshLambertMaterial({color: 'red'}); } else { // If material name exists, load if from material, and do a couple of settings material = self.materialCreator.materials[elt.materialName.trim()]; material.side = THREE.DoubleSide; if (material.map) material.map.wrapS = material.map.wrapT = THREE.RepeatWrapping; } // Create mesh geometry self.uvs = []; var geometry = new THREE.Geometry(); geometry.vertices = self.vertices; geometry.faces = []; // If texture coords, init faceVertexUvs attribute if (elt.texCoordsExist) { geometry.faceVertexUvs = [self.uvs]; } geometry.dynamic = true; // Create mesh var mesh = new THREE.Mesh(geometry, material); mesh.faceNumber = elt.fLength; self.meshes.push(mesh); self.currentMesh = mesh; if (typeof self.callback === 'function') { self.callback(mesh); } } else if (elt.type === 'face') { if (!self.meshes[elt.mesh].added) { self.meshes[elt.mesh].added = true; self.obj.add(self.meshes[elt.mesh]); } if (elt.aNormal !== undefined) { self.meshes[elt.mesh].geometry.faces.push(new THREE.Face3(elt.a, elt.b, elt.c, [self.normals[elt.aNormal], self.normals[elt.bNormal], self.normals[elt.cNormal]])); } else { self.meshes[elt.mesh].geometry.faces.push(new THREE.Face3(elt.a, elt.b, elt.c)); self.meshes[elt.mesh].geometry.computeFaceNormals(); self.meshes[elt.mesh].geometry.computeVertexNormals(); } if (elt.aTexture !== undefined) { self.meshes[elt.mesh].geometry.faceVertexUvs[0].push([self.texCoords[elt.aTexture], self.texCoords[elt.bTexture], self.texCoords[elt.cTexture]]); } self.meshes[elt.mesh].geometry.verticesNeedUpdate = true; self.meshes[elt.mesh].geometry.uvsNeedUpdate = true; self.meshes[elt.mesh].geometry.normalsNeedUpdate = true; self.meshes[elt.mesh].geometry.groupsNeedUpdate = true; if (self.meshes[elt.mesh].faceNumber === self.meshes[elt.mesh].geometry.faces.length) { self.meshes[elt.mesh].geometry.computeBoundingSphere(); } } } // Ask for next elements self.socket.emit('next', self.getCamera()); }); this.socket.on('disconnect', function() { console.log('Finished !'); self.finished = true; }); }; /** * Starts the communication with the server */ ProgressiveLoaderGeometry.prototype.start = function() { this.socket.emit('request', this.objPath); };