// class camera extends THREE.PerspectiveCamera var PointerCamera = function() { THREE.PerspectiveCamera.apply(this, arguments); if (arguments[4] === undefined) listenerTarget = document; else listenerTarget = arguments[4]; // Set Position this.theta = Math.PI; this.phi = Math.PI; // this.keyboard = undefined; this.moving = false; this.dragging = false; this.mouse = {x: 0, y: 0}; this.mouseMove = {x: 0, y: 0}; // Stuff for rendering this.position = new THREE.Vector3(); this.forward = new THREE.Vector3(); this.left = new THREE.Vector3(); this.target = new THREE.Vector3(0,1,0); // Stuff for events this.motion = {}; this.sensitivity = 0.05; this.speed = 1; // Raycaster for collisions this.raycaster = new THREE.Raycaster(); // Create history object this.history = new History(); // Set events from the document var self = this; var onKeyDown = function(event) {self.onKeyDown(event);}; var onKeyUp = function(event) {self.onKeyUp(event);}; var onMouseDown = function(event) {self.onMouseDown(event); }; var onMouseMove = function(event) {self.onMouseMove(event); }; var onMouseUp = function(event) {self.onMouseUp(event); }; document.addEventListener('keydown', onKeyDown, false); document.addEventListener('keyup', onKeyUp, false); listenerTarget.addEventListener('mousedown', function(event) { if (event.which == 1) onMouseDown(event);}, false); listenerTarget.addEventListener('mousemove', function(event) { if (event.which == 1) onMouseMove(event);}, false); listenerTarget.addEventListener('mouseup', onMouseUp, false); // listenerTarget.addEventListener('mouseup', function() { console.log("mouseup");}, false); // listenerTarget.addEventListener('mouseout', onMouseUp, false); this.collisions = true; } PointerCamera.prototype = Object.create(THREE.PerspectiveCamera.prototype); PointerCamera.prototype.constructor = PointerCamera; // Update function PointerCamera.prototype.update = function(time) { if (this.moving) { this.linearMotion(time); } else if (this.movingHermite) { this.hermiteMotion(time); } else { this.normalMotion(time); } } PointerCamera.prototype.linearMotion = function(time) { var position_direction = Tools.diff(this.new_position, this.position); var target_direction = Tools.diff(this.new_target, this.target); this.position.add(Tools.mul(position_direction, 0.05 * time / 20)); this.target.add(Tools.mul(target_direction, 0.05 * time / 20)); if (Tools.norm2(Tools.diff(this.position, this.new_position)) < 0.01 && Tools.norm2(Tools.diff(this.target, this.new_target)) < 0.01) { this.moving = false; this.anglesFromVectors(); } } PointerCamera.prototype.hermiteMotion = function(time) { var eval = this.hermitePosition.eval(this.t); this.position.x = eval.x; this.position.y = eval.y; this.position.z = eval.z; this.target = Tools.sum(this.position, this.hermiteAngles.eval(this.t)); this.t += 0.01 * time / 20; if (this.t > 1) { this.movingHermite = false; this.anglesFromVectors(); } } PointerCamera.prototype.normalMotion = function(time) { // Update angles if (this.motion.increasePhi) {this.phi += this.sensitivity; this.changed = true; } if (this.motion.decreasePhi) {this.phi -= this.sensitivity; this.changed = true; } if (this.motion.increaseTheta) {this.theta += this.sensitivity; this.changed = true; } if (this.motion.decreaseTheta) {this.theta -= this.sensitivity; this.changed = true; } if (this.dragging) { this.theta += this.mouseMove.x; this.phi -= this.mouseMove.y; this.mouseMove.x = 0; this.mouseMove.y = 0; this.changed = true; } // Clamp phi and theta this.phi = Math.min(Math.max(-(Math.PI/2-0.1),this.phi), Math.PI/2-0.1); this.theta = ((this.theta - Math.PI) % (2*Math.PI)) + Math.PI; // Compute vectors (position and target) this.vectorsFromAngles(); // Update with events var delta = 0.1; var forward = this.forward.clone(); forward.multiplyScalar(400.0 * delta); var left = this.up.clone(); left.cross(forward); left.normalize(); left.multiplyScalar(400.0 * delta); // Move only if no collisions var speed = this.speed * time / 20; var direction = new THREE.Vector3(); if (this.motion.boost) speed *= 10; if (this.motion.moveForward) {direction.add(Tools.mul(forward, speed)); this.changed = true;} if (this.motion.moveBackward) {direction.sub(Tools.mul(forward, speed)); this.changed = true;} if (this.motion.moveLeft) {direction.add(Tools.mul(left, speed)); this.changed = true;} if (this.motion.moveRight) {direction.sub(Tools.mul(left, speed)); this.changed = true;} if (!this.collisions || !this.isColliding(direction)) { this.position.add(direction); } // Update angle this.target = this.position.clone(); this.target.add(forward); } PointerCamera.prototype.reset = function() { this.resetBobomb(); this.moving = false; this.movingHermite = false; (new BD.Event.ResetClicked()).send(); // this.position.copy(new THREE.Vector3(-8.849933489419644, 9.050627639459208, 0.6192960680432451)); // this.target.copy(new THREE.Vector3(17.945323228767702, -15.156828589982375, -16.585740412769756)); // this.anglesFromVectors(); } PointerCamera.prototype.resetBobomb = function() { this.position.copy(new THREE.Vector3(34.51854618261728,10.038879540840306,-21.772598201888613)); this.target.copy(new THREE.Vector3(-2.593404107644737,8.039712770013185,-6.983870133675925)); this.anglesFromVectors(); } PointerCamera.prototype.vectorsFromAngles = function() { // Update direction this.forward.y = Math.sin(this.phi); var cos = Math.cos(this.phi); this.forward.z = cos * Math.cos(this.theta); this.forward.x = cos * Math.sin(this.theta); this.forward.normalize(); } PointerCamera.prototype.anglesFromVectors = function() { // Update phi and theta so that return to reality does not hurt var forward = Tools.diff(this.target, this.position); forward.normalize(); this.phi = Math.asin(forward.y); // Don't know why this line works... But thanks Thierry-san and // Bastien because it seems to work... this.theta = Math.atan2(forward.x, forward.z); } PointerCamera.prototype.move = function(otherCamera, toSave) { if (toSave === undefined) toSave = true; this.moving = true; this.new_target = otherCamera.target.clone(); this.new_position = otherCamera.position.clone(); var t = [0,1]; var f = [this.position.clone(), this.new_position]; var fp = [Tools.diff(this.target, this.position), Tools.diff(this.new_target, this.new_position)]; this.hermite = new Hermite.Polynom(t,f,fp); this.t = 0; if (toSave) { if (this.changed) { this.save(); this.changed = false; } this.history.addState({position: otherCamera.position.clone(), target: otherCamera.target.clone()}); } } PointerCamera.prototype.moveHermite = function(otherCamera, toSave) { if (toSave === undefined) toSave = true; this.movingHermite = true; this.t = 0; this.hermitePosition = new Hermite.special.Polynom( this.position.clone(), otherCamera.position.clone(), Tools.mul(Tools.diff(otherCamera.target, otherCamera.position).normalize(),4) ); this.hermiteAngles = new Hermite.special.Polynom( Tools.diff(this.target, this.position), Tools.diff(otherCamera.target, otherCamera.position), new THREE.Vector3() ); if (toSave) { if (this.changed) { this.save(); this.changed = false; } this.history.addState({position: otherCamera.position.clone(), target: otherCamera.target.clone()}); } } PointerCamera.prototype.isColliding = function(direction) { this.raycaster.set(this.position, direction.clone().normalize()); var intersects = this.raycaster.intersectObjects(this.collidableObjects, true); for (var i in intersects) { if (intersects[i].distance < 100*this.speed) { return true; } } return false; } // Look function PointerCamera.prototype.look = function() { this.lookAt(this.target); } PointerCamera.prototype.addToScene = function(scene) { scene.add(this); } PointerCamera.prototype.onKeyEvent = function(event, toSet) { // Create copy of state var motionJsonCopy = JSON.stringify(this.motion); switch ( event.keyCode ) { // Azerty keyboards case 38: case 90: this.motion.moveForward = toSet; break; // up / z case 37: case 81: this.motion.moveLeft = toSet; break; // left / q case 40: case 83: this.motion.moveBackward = toSet; break; // down / s case 39: case 68: this.motion.moveRight = toSet; break; // right / d case 32: this.motion.boost = toSet; break; // Qwerty keyboards case 38: case 87: this.motion.moveForward = toSet; break; // up / w case 37: case 65: this.motion.moveLeft = toSet; break; // left / a case 40: case 83: this.motion.moveBackward = toSet; break; // down / s case 39: case 68: this.motion.moveRight = toSet; break; // right / d case 73: case 104: this.motion.increasePhi = toSet; break; // 8 Up for angle case 75: case 98: this.motion.decreasePhi = toSet; break; // 2 Down for angle case 74: case 100: this.motion.increaseTheta = toSet; break; // 4 Left for angle case 76: case 102: this.motion.decreaseTheta = toSet; break; // 6 Right for angle case 13: if (toSet) this.log(); break; } if (motionJsonCopy != JSON.stringify(this.motion)) { // Log any change var event = new BD.Event.KeyboardEvent(); event.camera = this; event.send(); } } PointerCamera.prototype.onKeyDown = function(event) { this.onKeyEvent(event, true); } PointerCamera.prototype.onKeyUp = function(event) { this.onKeyEvent(event, false); } PointerCamera.prototype.onMouseDown = function(event) { this.mouse.x = ( ( event.clientX - renderer.domElement.offsetLeft ) / renderer.domElement.width ) * 2 - 1; this.mouse.y = - ( ( event.clientY - renderer.domElement.offsetTop ) / renderer.domElement.height ) * 2 + 1; this.dragging = true; this.mouseMoved = false; } PointerCamera.prototype.onMouseMove = function(event) { if (this.dragging) { var mouse = {x: this.mouse.x, y: this.mouse.y}; this.mouse.x = ( ( event.clientX - renderer.domElement.offsetLeft ) / renderer.domElement.width ) * 2 - 1; this.mouse.y = - ( ( event.clientY - renderer.domElement.offsetTop ) / renderer.domElement.height ) * 2 + 1; this.mouseMove.x = this.mouse.x - mouse.x; this.mouseMove.y = this.mouse.y - mouse.y; this.mouseMoved = true; } } PointerCamera.prototype.onMouseUp = function(event) { this.onMouseMove(event); // Send log to DB if (this.dragging && this.mouseMoved && !this.moving && !this.movingHermite) { var event = new BD.Event.KeyboardEvent(); event.camera = this; event.send(); } this.dragging = false; } PointerCamera.prototype.log = function() { console.log("createCamera(\nnew THREE.Vector3(" + this.position.x + "," + this.position.y + ',' + this.position.z + '),\n' + "new THREE.Vector3(" + this.target.x + "," + this.target.y + ',' + this.target.z + ')\n)'); } PointerCamera.prototype.save = function() { var backup = {}; backup.position = this.position.clone(); backup.target = this.target.clone(); this.history.addState(backup); } PointerCamera.prototype.undo = function() { var move = this.history.undo(); if (move !== undefined) { var event = new BD.Event.PreviousNextClicked(); event.previous = true; event.camera = move; event.send(); this.move(move, false); } } PointerCamera.prototype.redo = function() { var move = this.history.redo(); if (move !== undefined) { var event = new BD.Event.PreviousNextClicked(); event.previous = false; event.camera = move; event.send(); this.move(move, false); } } PointerCamera.prototype.undoable = function() { return this.history.undoable(); } PointerCamera.prototype.redoable = function() { return this.history.redoable(); } // Static members PointerCamera.DISTANCE_X = 1000; PointerCamera.DISTANCE_Z = 300; var History = function() { this.states = new Array(); this.index = -1; this.size = 0; console.log('New state ' + this.index + ' / ' + this.size); } History.prototype.addState = function(state) { ++this.index; this.size = this.index + 1; this.states[this.size-1] = state; console.log('New state ' + this.index + ' / ' + this.size); } History.prototype.undo = function() { if (this.undoable()) { this.index--; console.log('New state ' + this.index + ' / ' + this.size); return this.currentState(); } } History.prototype.redo = function() { if (this.redoable()) { this.index++; console.log('New state ' + this.index + ' / ' + this.size); return this.currentState(); } } History.prototype.undoable = function() { return this.index > 0; } History.prototype.redoable = function() { return this.index < this.size - 1; } History.prototype.currentState = function() { return this.states[this.index]; }