L3D.utils = (function() { var utils = {}; // Defines a double linked-list class utils.List = function() { this._size = 0; this._begin = null; this._end = null; }; // Returns the number of element of a list utils.List.prototype.size = function() { return this._size; }; // Pushes an element to the end of a class utils.List.prototype.push = function(element) { if (this._size === 0) { this._begin = { data : element, next: null, prev: null }; this._end = this._begin; this._size = 1; } else { var newObject = { data: element, next: null, prev: this._end }; this._end.next = newObject; this._end = newObject; this._size++; } }; // Sort the list utils.List.prototype.sort = function(comparator) { if (comparator === undefined) { comparator = priv.defaultComparator; } var array = []; this.forEach(function(elt) { array.push(elt); }); array.sort(function(a, b) { return comparator(a, b); }); var size = this.size(); this.clear(); for (var i = 0; i < size; i++) { this.push(array[i]); } }; // Remove last element and returns it utils.List.prototype.pop = function() { var tmp = this._end; this._end = null; return tmp.data; }; // Apply a function to each element of the list utils.List.prototype.forEach = function(callback) { var chain = this._begin; while (chain !== null) { callback(chain.data); chain = chain.next; } }; // Apply a function to each element of the list (starting from the end) utils.List.prototype.forEachInverse = function(callback) { var chain = this._end; while (chain !== null) { callback(chain.data); chain = chain.prev; } }; // Get ith element of the list utils.List.prototype.at = function(ith) { if (ith < 0 || ith >= this.size()) { return null; } var chain = this._begin; for (var i = 0; i < ith; i++) { chain = chain.next; } return chain.data; }; // Clear the list utils.List.prototype.clear = function() { this._begin = null; this._end = null; this._size = 0; }; // Insert an element at the right place in the list // Precondition : list must be sorted utils.List.prototype.insertSorted = function(elt, comparator) { var newElement; if (comparator === undefined) { comparator = priv.defaultComparator; } if (this._begin === null) { // Inserted in front (empty list) this.push(elt); } else if (comparator(this._begin.data, elt) > 0) { // Inserted in front (smallest element) newElement = {prev: null, next: this._begin, data: elt}; this._begin.prev = newElement; this._begin = newElement; this._size ++; } else if (comparator(this._end.data, elt) < 0) { // Inserted in end this.push(elt); } else { // Inserted in the middle var chain = this._begin; while (chain.next !== null) { // If chain < elt < chain.next if (comparator(chain.next.data, elt) > 0) { newElement = {data: elt, next: chain.next, prev: chain}; if (chain.next) { chain.next.prev = newElement; } chain.next = newElement; this._size ++; return; } // Next step chain = chain.next; } } }; // Check if a list is sorted of not utils.List.prototype.isSorted = function(comparator) { var chain = this._begin; if (comparator === undefined) { comparator = priv.defaultComparator; } while (chain.next !== null) { if (comparator(chain.data, chain.next.data) > 0) { return false; } chain = chain.next; } return true; }; // Gives an iterator to the begin of the list utils.List.prototype.begin = function() { return new utils.List.Iterator(this._begin, 0); }; // Gives an iterator to the end of the list utils.List.prototype.end = function() { return new utils.List.Iterator(this._end, this.size() - 1); }; // Class iterator utils.List.Iterator = function(chain, counter) { this._chain = chain; this._counter = counter; }; // Go to the next element utils.List.Iterator.prototype.next = function() { this._chain = this._chain.next; this._counter ++; }; // Go to the previous element utils.List.Iterator.prototype.prev = function() { this._chain = this._chain.prev; this._counter --; }; // Return the current element utils.List.Iterator.prototype.get = function() { return this._chain.data; }; // Check if there is another element next utils.List.Iterator.prototype.hasNext = function() { return this._chain.next !== null; }; // Check if there is another element before utils.List.Iterator.prototype.hasPrev = function() { return this._chain.prev !== null; }; // Compares to another iterator of the same list utils.List.Iterator.prototype.lowerThan = function(it2) { return utils.distance(this, it2) > 0; }; // Compares to another iterator of the same list utils.List.Iterator.prototype.greaterThan = function(it2) { return utils.distance(this, it2) < 0; }; // Returns the distance between two iterators of the same list utils.distance = function(it1, it2) { return it2._counter - it1._counter; }; priv = {}; priv.defaultComparator = function(a,b) { if (a < b) return -1; if (a > b) return 1; return 0; }; // Support for NodeJs if (typeof module !== 'undefined' && module.exports) { module.exports = utils; } else { return utils; } })();