var mesh = {}; // Mesh mesh.Mesh = function() { this.vertices = []; this.faces = []; this.texCoords = []; this.normals = []; this.faceIndex = -1; this.material = null; } mesh.Mesh.prototype.hasNormals = function() { return this.normals.length > 0; } mesh.Mesh.prototype.hasTexCoords = function() { return this.texCoords.length > 0; } mesh.Mesh.prototype.addVertex = function(vertex) { if (vertex instanceof mesh.Vertex) { this.vertices.push(vertex); } else if (typeof vertex === 'string' || vertex instanceof String) { this.vertices.push(new mesh.Vertex(vertex)); } else { console.error("Can only add vertex from mesh.Vertex or string"); return; } return this.vertices[this.vertices.length - 1]; } mesh.Mesh.prototype.addFaces = function(face) { var faces; if (face instanceof mesh.Face) { this.faces.push(face); } else if (typeof face === 'string' || face instanceof String) { faces = parseFace(face); this.faces = this.faces.concat(faces); } else { console.error("Can only add face from mesh.Face or string"); return; } if (faces === undefined) { return this.faces[this.faces.length - 1]; } else { return faces; } } mesh.Mesh.prototype.addTexCoord = function(texCoord) { if (texCoord instanceof mesh.TexCoord) { this.texCoords.push(texCoord); } else if (typeof texCoord === 'string' || texCoord instanceof String) { this.texCoords.push(new mesh.TexCoord(texCoord)); } else { console.error("Can only add texCoord from mesh.TexCoord or string"); return; } return this.texCoords[this.texCoords.length - 1]; } mesh.Mesh.prototype.addNormal = function(normal) { if (normal instanceof mesh.Normal) { this.normals.push(normal); } else if (typeof normal === 'string' || normal instanceof String) { this.normals.push(new mesh.Normal(normal)); } else { console.error("Cann only add normal from mesh.Normal of string"); return; } return this.normals[this.normals.length - 1]; } mesh.Mesh.prototype.isFinished = function() { return this.faces.length < this.faceIndex; } // Vertex mesh.Vertex = function() { if (typeof arguments[0] === 'string' || arguments[0] instanceof String) { var split = arguments[0].replace(/\s+/g, " ").split(' '); this.x = parseFloat(split[1]); this.y = parseFloat(split[2]); this.z = parseFloat(split[3]); } this.sent = false; } mesh.Vertex.prototype.toList = function() { return ['v', this.index, this.x, this.y, this.z]; } mesh.Vertex.prototype.toString = function() { return 'v ' + this.x + ' ' + this.y + ' ' + this.z; } // Normal is the same as a vertex, except for toList and toString mesh.Normal = function() { mesh.Vertex.apply(this, arguments); } mesh.Normal.prototype = Object.create(mesh.Vertex.prototype); mesh.Normal.prototype.constructor = mesh.Normal; mesh.Normal.prototype.toList = function() { var superObject =; superObject[0] = 'vn'; return superObject; } mesh.Normal.toString = function() { var superObject =; superObject.replace('v', 'vn'); return superObject; } // TexCoord : texture coordinates mesh.TexCoord = function() { if (typeof arguments[0] === 'string' || arguments[0] instanceof String) { var split = arguments[0].replace(/\s+/g, " ").split(' '); this.x = parseFloat(split[1]); this.y = parseFloat(split[2]); } this.sent = false; } mesh.TexCoord.prototype.toList = function() { return ['vt', this.index, this.x, this.y]; } mesh.TexCoord.prototype.toString = function() { return 'vt ' + this.x + ' ' + this.y; } // Face mesh.Face = function() { if (typeof arguments[0] === 'string' || arguments[0] instanceof String) { if (arguments[0].indexOf('/') === -1) { // No / : easy win : "f 1 2 3" or "f 1 2 3 4" var split = arguments[0].replace(/\s+/g, ' ').split(' '); this.a = parseInt(split[1]) - 1; this.b = parseInt(split[2]) - 1; this.c = parseInt(split[3]) - 1; } else { // There might be textures coords var split = arguments[0].replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim().split(' '); // Split elements var split1 = split[1].split('/'); var split2 = split[2].split('/'); var split3 = split[3].split('/'); var vIndex = 0; var tIndex = 1; var nIndex = 2; this.a = parseInt(split1[vIndex]) - 1; this.b = parseInt(split2[vIndex]) - 1; this.c = parseInt(split3[vIndex]) - 1; this.aTexture = parseInt(split1[tIndex]) - 1; this.bTexture = parseInt(split2[tIndex]) - 1; this.cTexture = parseInt(split3[tIndex]) - 1; this.aNormal = parseInt(split1[nIndex]) - 1; this.bNormal = parseInt(split2[nIndex]) - 1; this.cNormal = parseInt(split3[nIndex]) - 1; } } this.sent = false; } var parseFace = function(arg) { var split = arg.trim().split(' '); var ret = []; // Face3 if (split.length >= 4) { ret.push(new mesh.Face(arg)); } // Face3 == 2 * Face3 if (split.length >= 5) { ret.push(new mesh.Face( [ split[0], split[1], split[3], split[4] ].join(' ') )); } return ret; } mesh.Face.prototype.max = function() { if (this.d !== undefined) { return Math.max(this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d); } else { return Math.max(this.a, this.b, this.c); } } mesh.Face.prototype.maxTexture = function() { if (this.dTexture) { return Math.max(this.aTexture, this.bTexture, this.cTexture, this.dTexture); } else { return Math.max(this.aTexture, this.bTexture, this.cTexture); } } mesh.Face.prototype.toList = function(parameter) { var l = ['f', this.index, parameter, [this.a, this.b, this.c ], isNaN(this.aTexture) ? [] : [this.aTexture, this.bTexture, this.cTexture], isNaN(this.aNormal ) ? [] : [this.aNormal, this.bNormal, this.cNormal ] ]; // if (this.d !== undefined) // l.push(this.d); // if (this.aTexture !== undefined) { // l.push(this.aTexture); // l.push(this.bTexture); // l.push(this.cTexture); // } // if (this.dTexture !== undefined) // l.push(this.dTexture); return l; } mesh.Face.prototype.toString = function() { return 'f ' + this.a + ' ' + this.b + ' ' + this.c + (this.d !== undefined ? ' ' + this.d : ''); } // Material mesh.Material = function() { var split = arguments[0].replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim().split(' '); = split[1]; } mesh.Material.prototype.toString = function() { return 'usemtl ' +; } mesh.Material.prototype.toList = function() { return ['u',]; } module.exports = mesh;