var fs = require('fs'); var geo = {}; geo.MeshStreamer = function(path, callback) { this.vertices = []; this.textureCoords = []; this.faces = []; this.orderedElements = []; this.index = 0; if (path !== undefined) { var self = this; this.loadFromFile(path, function() { self.orderedElements = self.tryMerge(); if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(); }); } } geo.MeshStreamer.prototype.loadFromFile = function(path, callback) { var self = this; fs.readFile(path, function(err, data) { // Get lines from file var lines = data.toString('utf-8').split("\n"); // For each line for (var i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var line = lines[i]; if (line[0] === 'v') { if (line[1] === 't') { // Texture coord var texCoord = self.textureCoords[self.textureCoords.push(new geo.TextureCoord(line)) - 1]; self.orderedElements.push(texCoord); } else if (line[1] === 'n') { // Ignore normals } else { // Just a simple vertex var vertex = self.vertices[self.vertices.push(new geo.Vertex(line)) - 1]; self.orderedElements.push(vertex); } } else if (line[0] === 'f') { // Create face var face = self.faces[self.faces.push(new geo.Face(line)) - 1]; self.orderedElements.push(face); // Check // if (face.max() >= self.vertices.length || face.maxTexture() >= self.textureCoords.length) { // console.log("Error"); // } } else if (line[0] === 'u') { // usemtl self.orderedElements.push(new geo.Usemtl(line)); } } if (typeof callback === 'function') { callback(); } }); } geo.MeshStreamer.prototype.tryMerge = function() { if (this.faces[0].aTexture !== undefined) { return this.orderedElements; } else { return this.merge(); } } geo.MeshStreamer.prototype.merge = function(callback) { // Gives for each vertex the indices of the faces in which it is present var vertexFace = []; // Result variable var orderedElements = []; // For each vertex for (var i = 0; i < this.vertices.length; i++) { // Init the list of faces where this vertex is vertexFace.push([]); } // For each face for (var i = 0; i < this.faces.length; i++) { var face = this.faces[i]; // For each vertex of the face, and the face to the list of the correspondant vertex vertexFace[face.a].push(i); vertexFace[face.b].push(i); vertexFace[face.c].push(i); if (vertexFace[face.d]) { vertexFace[face.d].push(i); } } // For each vertex for (var vertex = 0; vertex < this.vertices.length; vertex++) { // Print the vertex orderedElements.push(this.vertices[vertex]); // For each face that contains this vertex for (var face = 0; face < vertexFace[vertex].length; face++) { var faceToAdd = this.faces[vertexFace[vertex][face]]; // If the face can be given (that means that all vertices have already been pushed) if (faceToAdd.max() <= vertex) { // Add it now orderedElements.push(faceToAdd); } } } if (typeof callback === 'function') callback(); return orderedElements; } geo.Vertex = function() { if (typeof arguments[0] === 'string' || arguments[0] instanceof String) { var split = arguments[0].replace(/\s+/g, " ").split(' '); this.x = parseFloat(split[1]); this.y = parseFloat(split[2]); this.z = parseFloat(split[3]); } this.sent = false; } geo.Vertex.prototype.toList = function() { return ['v', this.x, this.y, this.z]; } geo.Vertex.prototype.toString = function() { return 'v ' + this.x + ' ' + this.y + ' ' + this.z; } geo.TextureCoord = function() { if (typeof arguments[0] === 'string' || arguments[0] instanceof String) { var split = arguments[0].replace(/\s+/g, " ").split(' '); this.x = parseFloat(split[1]); this.y = parseFloat(split[2]); } this.sent = false; } geo.TextureCoord.prototype.toList = function() { return ['vt', this.x, this.y]; } geo.TextureCoord.prototype.toString = function() { return 'vt ' + this.x + ' ' + this.y; } geo.Face = function() { if (typeof arguments[0] === 'string' || arguments[0] instanceof String) { if (arguments[0].indexOf('/') === -1) { // No / : easy win : "f 1 2 3" or "f 1 2 3 4" var split = arguments[0].replace(/\s+/g, ' ').split(' '); this.a = parseInt(split[1]) - 1; this.b = parseInt(split[2]) - 1; this.c = parseInt(split[3]) - 1; if (split.length === 5) this.d = parseInt(split[4]) - 1; } else { // There might be textures coords var split = arguments[0].replace(/\s+/g, ' ').trim().split(' '); // Split elements var split1 = split[1].split('/'); var split2 = split[2].split('/'); var split3 = split[3].split('/'); var vIndex = 0; // var tIndex = split1.length === 2 ? 1 : 2; var tIndex = 1; this.a = parseInt(split1[vIndex]) - 1; this.aTexture = parseInt(split1[tIndex]) - 1; this.b = parseInt(split2[vIndex]) - 1; this.bTexture = parseInt(split2[tIndex]) - 1; this.c = parseInt(split3[vIndex]) - 1; this.cTexture = parseInt(split3[tIndex]) - 1; if (split.length === 5) { var split4 = split[4].split('/'); this.d = parseInt(split4[vIndex]) - 1; this.dTexture = parseInt(split4[tIndex]) - 1; } } } this.sent = false; } geo.Face.prototype.max = function() { if (this.d !== undefined) { return Math.max(this.a, this.b, this.c, this.d); } else { return Math.max(this.a, this.b, this.c); } } geo.Face.prototype.maxTexture = function() { if (this.dTexture) { return Math.max(this.aTexture, this.bTexture, this.cTexture, this.dTexture); } else { return Math.max(this.aTexture, this.bTexture, this.cTexture); } } geo.Face.prototype.toList = function() { var l = ['f', this.a, this.b, this.c]; if (this.d !== undefined) l.push(this.d); if (this.aTexture !== undefined) { l.push(this.aTexture); l.push(this.bTexture); l.push(this.cTexture); } if (this.dTexture !== undefined) l.push(this.dTexture); return l; } geo.Face.prototype.toString = function() { return 'f ' + this.a + ' ' + this.b + ' ' + this.c + (this.d !== undefined ? ' ' + this.d : ''); } geo.Usemtl = function() { var split = arguments[0].replace(/\s+/g, ' ').split(' '); = split[1]; } geo.Usemtl.prototype.toString = function() { return 'usemtl ' +; } geo.Usemtl.prototype.toList = function() { return ['u',]; } module.exports = geo;