#!/usr/bin/node var lib = require('./lib.js'); function main(path) { var db = lib.loadFromFile(path); var groups = lib.makeGroups(db); // Erase groups that are not usable groups = groups.filter(function(elt) { // An elt is valid if it contains at least 2 exp, BaseRecommendation included return elt.length > 1 && elt.find(function(e) { return e.recommendation_style[4] === 'B'; }) !== undefined; }); groups.forEach(function(elt) { elt.sort(lib.compareRecommendationStyle); }); console.log(`There were ${db.users.length} users for ${db.experiments.length} experiments`); console.log(`There were ${groups.length} groups that were made.`); groups.forEach(function(elt) { console.log(elt.length); }); } if (process.argv.length !== 3) { process.stderr.write('Error : please give me a JSON file to work on\n'); process.exit(-1); } main(process.argv[2])