#!/usr/bin/node // Shows with and without : time to last coin = f(CoinCombination) var lib = require('./lib.js'); function main(path) { var db = lib.loadFromFile(path); var groups = lib.makeGroups(db); // Erase groups that are not usable groups = groups.filter(function(elt) { // An elt is valid if it contains at least 2 exp, BaseRecommendation included return elt.length > 1 && elt.find(function(e) { return e.recommendation_style[4] === 'B'; }) !== undefined; }); groups.forEach(function(elt) { elt.sort(lib.compareRecommendationStyle); if (elt.length === 2 && elt[1].recommendation_style[4] === 'V') { elt[2] = elt[1]; elt[1] = undefined; } }); groups.sort(function(elt1, elt2) { el1 = []; el2 = []; if (elt1[0] === undefined) el1[0] = {user:{}}; else el1[0] = elt1[0]; if (elt1[1] === undefined) el1[1] = {user:{}}; else el1[1] = elt1[1]; if (elt1[2] === undefined) el1[2] = {user:{}}; else el1[2] = elt1[2]; if (elt2[0] === undefined) el2[0] = {user:{}}; else el2[0] = elt2[0]; if (elt2[1] === undefined) el2[1] = {user:{}}; else el2[1] = elt2[1]; if (elt2[2] === undefined) el2[2] = {user:{}}; else el2[2] = elt2[2]; var r1 = el1[0].user.rating || el1[1].user.rating; var r2 = el2[0].user.rating || el2[1].user.rating; return r1 - r2;; }); // console.log(lib.toMatlabArray('X', lib.range(0, groups.length))); var header = '\\begin{axis}[\n' + ' ybar,\n' + ' enlargelimits=0.05,\n' + ' legend style={at={(0.5,-0.15)},\n' + ' anchor=north,legend columns=-1},\n' + ' ylabel={Number of interactions},\n' + ' xlabel={Groups sharing the same coin combination},\n' + ' symbolic x coords={ '; for (var i = 0; i < groups.length; i++) { header += i + (i === groups.length -1 ? '' : ','); } 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 header += '},\n' + ' xtick=data,\n' + ' nodes near coords,\n' + ' width=32cm,\n' + ' height=10cm,\n' + ' % nodes near coords align5={vertical},\n' + ']\n'; console.log(header); console.log(lib.toLaTeXCoordinate('Y1', lib.range(0, groups.length, function(i) { return lib.numberOfInteraction(groups[i][0]); }))); console.log(lib.toLaTeXCoordinate('Y2', lib.range(0, groups.length, function(i) { return lib.max(lib.numberOfInteraction(groups[i][1]), 0); }))); console.log(lib.toLaTeXCoordinate('Y3', lib.range(0, groups.length, function(i) { return lib.max(0, lib.numberOfInteraction(groups[i][2])); }))); console.log('\\legend{Without reco, With viewports, With arrows}'); console.log('\\end{axis}'); } if (process.argv.length !== 3) { process.stderr.write('Error : please give me a JSON file to work on\n'); process.exit(-1); } main(process.argv[2]);