var THREEx = THREEx || {} /** * namespace for the extension * @type {Object} */ THREEx.Transparency = {}; THREEx.Transparency.objects = []; /** * init transparency of a object recursivly * @param {THREE.Object3D[]} objects the object which are transparent */ THREEx.Transparency.init = function(objects){ objects.forEach(function(object){ THREEx.Transpaency.objects.push(object); object.material.transparent = true object.material.depthWrite = false }); } THREEx.Transparency.push = function() { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { THREEx.Transparency.objects.push(arguments[i]); arguments[i].material.transparent = true; arguments[i].material.depthWrite = false; } } /** * update the object for transparency rendering * @param {THREE.Object3D[]} objects the objects which are transparent * @param {THREE.Camera} camera the camera used for rendering */ THREEx.Transparency.update = function(camera){ // update camera matrices camera.updateMatrixWorld() camera.matrixWorldInverse.getInverse( camera.matrixWorld ) var screenMatrix= new THREE.Matrix4().multiplyMatrices(camera.projectionMatrix, camera.matrixWorldInverse) var position = new THREE.Vector3() // traverse the object THREEx.Transparency.objects.forEach(function(object){ // update the matrixWorld of the object and its children object.updateMatrixWorld() // compute its position in screen space position.setFromMatrixPosition( object.matrixWorld ); // object.matrixWorld.setMatrixFromPosition(position); position.applyProjection( screenMatrix ); // use the position.x as renderDepth object.renderDepth = position.z; }) }