var pg = require('pg'); var pgc = require('../../private.js'); var Log = require('../../lib/NodeLog.js'); /** * * @namespace */ var DBReq = {}; /** * A class that loads every information from an experiment * @param id {Number} id of the experiment to load * @param finishAction {function} callback on the result when loading is * finished * @memberof DBReq * @constructor * */ DBReq.Info = function(id, finishAction) { /** * Id of the experiment to log * @type {Number} */ = id; /** * Map between each element to load and a boolean saying if the element has * been already loaded * @type {Object} */ this.ready = { cameras: false, coins: false, arrows: false, resets : false, previousNext: false, hovered: false, pointerLocked: false, switchedLockOption: false, redCoins: false }; /** * List of the ids of the coins involved in the experiment * @type {Number[]} */ this.redCoins = []; /** * Container of the result * @type {Object} */ this.results = {}; /** * Callback to call on finalResult when the loading is complete * @type {function} */ this.finishAction = finishAction; /** * Client of connection to database */ this.client = null; /** * Function that releases the client to database * @type {function} */ this.release = null; // Connect to db var self = this; pg.connect(pgc.url, function(err, client, release) { self.client = client; self.release = release; self.execute(); }); }; /** * Loads everything async */ DBReq.Info.prototype.execute = function() { this.loadCameras(); this.loadCoins(); this.loadArrows(); this.loadResets(); this.loadPreviousNext(); this.loadHovered(); this.loadSwitchedLockOption(); this.loadPointerLocked(); this.loadRedCoins(); }; /** * Checks if everything is loaded, and if so merges the results and call the * final callback */ DBReq.Info.prototype.tryMerge = function() { // If not ready, do nothing for (var i in this.ready) { if (!this.ready[i]) { return; } } // Release db connection this.release(); this.release = null; this.client = null; this.merge(); this.finishAction(this.finalResult); }; /** * Merges the results of the different SQL requests and prepare final result. */ DBReq.Info.prototype.merge = function() { var i = 0; this.finalResult = {redCoins : [], events : []}; for (;;) { // Find next element var nextIndex = null; for (i in this.results) { // The next element is placed at the index 0 (since the elements // gotten from the database are sorted) if (this.results[i].length !== 0 && (nextIndex === null || this.results[i][0].time < this.results[nextIndex][0].time)) { nextIndex = i; } } // If there is no next element, we're done if (nextIndex === null) { break; } // Add the next element in results and shift its table[nextIndex].shift()); } // Set red coins for (i = 0; i < this.redCoins.length; i++) { this.finalResult.redCoins.push(this.redCoins[i]); } }; /** * Launches the SQL request to load the camera information from the DB and * tries to merge when finished */ DBReq.Info.prototype.loadCameras = function() { var self = this; this.client.query( "SELECT ((camera).position).x AS px, " + "((camera).position).y AS py, " + "((camera).position).z AS pz, " + "((camera).target).x AS tx, " + "((camera).target).y AS ty, " + "((camera).target).z AS tz, " + "time AS time " + "FROM keyboardevent WHERE exp_id = $1 ORDER BY time;", [], function(err, result) { if (err !== null) { Log.dberror(err + ' in loadCameras'); } else { self.results.cameras = []; for (var i in result.rows) { self.results.cameras.push( { type: 'camera', position : { x: result.rows[i].px, y: result.rows[i].py, z: result.rows[i].pz }, target : { x: result.rows[i].tx, y: result.rows[i].ty, z: result.rows[i].tz }, time: result.rows[i].time } ); } } self.ready.cameras = true; self.tryMerge(); } ); }; /** * Launches the SQL request to load the coin information from the DB and * tries to merge when finished */ DBReq.Info.prototype.loadCoins = function() { var self = this; this.client.query( "SELECT coin_id AS \"coinId\", time FROM coinclicked WHERE exp_id = $1 ORDER BY time;", [], function(err,result) { if (err !== null) { Log.dberror(err + ' in loadCoins'); } else { self.results.coins = []; for (var i in result.rows) { self.results.coins.push( { type: 'coin', time: result.rows[i].time, id: result.rows[i].coinId } ); } } self.ready.coins = true; self.tryMerge(); } ); }; /** * Launches the SQL request to load the recommendation information from the DB and * tries to merge when finished */ DBReq.Info.prototype.loadArrows = function() { var self = this; this.client.query( "SELECT arrow_id AS \"arrowId\", time FROM arrowclicked WHERE exp_id = $1 ORDER BY time;", [], function(err, result) { if (err !== null) { Log.dberror(err + ' in loadArrows'); } else { self.results.arrows = []; for (var i in result.rows) { self.results.arrows.push( { type: 'arrow', time: result.rows[i].time, id: result.rows[i].arrowId } ); } } self.ready.arrows = true; self.tryMerge(); } ); }; /** * Launches the SQL request to load the reset information from the DB and * tries to merge when finished */ DBReq.Info.prototype.loadResets = function() { var self = this; this.client.query( "SELECT time FROM resetclicked WHERE exp_id = $1 ORDER BY time;", [], function(err, result) { if (err !== null) { Log.dberror(err + ' in loadResets'); } else { self.results.resets = []; for (var i in result.rows) { self.results.resets.push( { type: 'reset', time: result.rows[i].time } ); } } self.ready.resets = true; self.tryMerge(); } ); }; /** * Launches the SQL request to load the previous / next information from the DB and * tries to merge when finished */ DBReq.Info.prototype.loadPreviousNext = function () { var self = this; this.client.query( "SELECT ((camera).position).x AS px, " + "((camera).position).y AS py, " + "((camera).position).z AS pz, " + "((camera).target).x AS tx, " + "((camera).target).y AS ty, " + "((camera).target).z AS tz, " + "time AS time " + "FROM previousnextclicked WHERE exp_id = $1 ORDER BY time;", [], function(err, result) { if (err !== null) { Log.dberror(err + ' in loadPreviousNext'); } else { self.results.previousNext = []; for (var i in result.rows) { self.results.previousNext.push( { type: 'previousnext', time: result.rows[i].time, previous: result.rows[i].previousnext == 'p', position : { x: result.rows[i].px, y: result.rows[i].py, z: result.rows[i].pz }, target : { x: result.rows[i].tx, y: result.rows[i].ty, z: result.rows[i].tz } } ); } } self.ready.previousNext = true; self.tryMerge(); } ); }; /** * Launches the SQL request to load the hovered information from the DB and * tries to merge when finished */ DBReq.Info.prototype.loadHovered = function() { var self = this; this.client.query( "SELECT start, time, arrow_id AS \"arrowId\" FROM hovered WHERE exp_id = $1 ORDER BY time;", [], function(err, result) { if (err !== null) { Log.dberror(err + ' in loadHovered'); } else { self.results.hovered = []; for (var i in result.rows) { self.results.hovered.push( { type: "hovered", time: result.rows[i].time, start: result.rows[i].start, id: result.rows[i].arrowId } ); } } self.ready.hovered = true; self.tryMerge(); } ); }; /** * Launches the SQL request to load the pointer lock information from the DB and * tries to merge when finished */ DBReq.Info.prototype.loadPointerLocked = function() { var self = this; this.client.query( "SELECT time, locked FROM pointerlocked WHERE exp_id = $1 ORDER BY time;", [], function(err, result) { if (err !== null) { Log.dberror(err + ' in loadPointerLocked'); } else { self.results.pointerlocked = []; for (var i in result.rows) { self.results.pointerlocked.push( { type: "pointerlocked", locked: result.rows[i].locked, time: result.rows[i].time } ); } } self.ready.pointerLocked = true; self.tryMerge(); } ); }; /** * Launches the SQL request to load the switch pointer lock option information * from the DB and tries to merge when finished */ DBReq.Info.prototype.loadSwitchedLockOption = function() { var self = this; this.client.query( "SELECT time, locked FROM switchedlockoption WHERE exp_id = $1 ORDER BY time;", [], function(err, result) { if (err !== null) { Log.dberror(err + ' in loadSwitchedLockOption'); } else { self.results.switchedlockoption = []; for (var i in result.rows) { self.results.switchedlockoption.push( { type: "switchedlockoption", locked: result.rows[i].locked, time: result.rows[i].time } ); } } self.ready.switchedLockOption = true; self.tryMerge(); } ); }; /** * Launches the SQL request to load the coins used in the expermient from the * DB and tries to merge when finished */ DBReq.Info.prototype.loadRedCoins = function() { var self = this; this.client.query( "SELECT coin_1 AS coin1, \n" + " coin_2 AS coin2, \n" + " coin_3 AS coin3, \n" + " coin_4 AS coin4, \n" + " coin_5 AS coin5, \n" + " coin_6 AS coin6, \n" + " coin_7 AS coin7, \n" + " coin_8 AS coin8 \n" + "FROM CoinCombination, Experiment \n" + "WHERE = Experiment.coin_combination_id AND \n" + " = $1;", [], function(err, result) { if (err !== null) { Log.dberror(err + ' in loadRedCoins'); } else { self.redCoins.push(result.rows[0].coin1); self.redCoins.push(result.rows[0].coin2); self.redCoins.push(result.rows[0].coin3); self.redCoins.push(result.rows[0].coin4); self.redCoins.push(result.rows[0].coin5); self.redCoins.push(result.rows[0].coin6); self.redCoins.push(result.rows[0].coin7); self.redCoins.push(result.rows[0].coin8); } self.ready.redCoins = true; self.tryMerge(); } ); }; /** * Class that creates a user * @param finishAction {function} callback that has as a parameter the id of * the new user * @memberof DBReq * @constructor */ DBReq.UserCreator = function(finishAction) { /** * Callback to call on the id when the user is created * @type {function} */ this.finishAction = finishAction; // Connect to db var self = this; pg.connect(pgc.url, function(err, client, release) { self.client = client; self.release = release; self.execute(); }); }; /** * Executes the SQL request and calls the callback */ DBReq.UserCreator.prototype.execute = function() { var self = this; this.client.query( "INSERT INTO users DEFAULT VALUES; SELECT currval('users_id_seq');", [], function(err, result) { self.finalResult = result.rows[0].currval; self.finish(); } ); }; /** * Release the DB connection and call the callback */ DBReq.UserCreator.prototype.finish = function() { this.release(); this.client = null; this.release = null; this.finishAction(this.finalResult); }; /** * Class that creates an experiment * @param userId {Number} id of the user that does the experiment * @param sceneId {Number} id of the scene the experiment is based on * @param finishAction {function} callback that has as a parameter the id of * the new experiment * @memberof DBReq * @constructor */ DBReq.ExpCreator = function(userId, finishAction) { this.finishAction = finishAction; this.userId = userId; this.finalResult = {}; // Connect to db var self = this; pg.connect(pgc.url, function(err, client, release) { self.client = client; self.release = release; // Start transaction and lock table self.client.query("BEGIN; LOCK CoinCombination; LOCK Experiment;"); self.execute(); }); }; /** * Executes the SQL request and calls the callback */ // Abandon all hope ye who enter here DBReq.ExpCreator.prototype.execute = function() { var self = this; this.client.query( "SELECT DISTINCT \n" + ", \n" + " CoinCombination.scene_id AS \"sceneId\", \n" + ", \n" + " coin_1 AS coin1, \n" + " coin_2 AS coin2, \n" + " coin_3 AS coin3, \n" + " coin_4 AS coin4, \n" + " coin_5 AS coin5, \n" + " coin_6 AS coin6, \n" + " coin_7 AS coin7, \n" + " coin_8 AS coin8\n" + "FROM CoinCombination, Experiment, Users U, Users Other, RecommendationStyle, Scene\n" + "WHERE\n" + " = CoinCombination.scene_id AND\n" + " != 'peachcastle' AND\n" + " = Experiment.coin_combination_id AND\n" + " = Experiment.user_id AND\n" + " Other.rating = U.rating AND\n" + " != AND\n" + " = $1 AND\n" + " NOT IN (\n" + " SELECT DISTINCT Experiment.recommendation_style\n" + " FROM CoinCombination, Experiment, Users U, Users Other\n" + " WHERE\n" + " = Experiment.coin_combination_id AND\n" + " = Experiment.user_id AND\n" + " Other.rating = U.rating AND\n" + " != AND\n" + " CoinCombination.scene_id =\n" + " ) AND\n" + " NOT IN (\n" + " SELECT DISTINCT Experiment.recommendation_style\n" + " FROM Experiment\n" + " WHERE Experiment.user_id = $1 AND Experiment.recommendation_style != ''\n" + " ) AND\n" + " CoinCombination.scene_id NOT IN (\n" + " SELECT DISTINCT scene_id\n" + " FROM Experiment, CoinCombination\n" + " WHERE Experiment.coin_combination_id = AND Experiment.user_id = $1\n" + " )\n" + "LIMIT 1;", [self.userId], function(err, result) { if (result.rows.length > 0) { // Set the result self.finalResult.coinCombinationId = result.rows[0].id; self.finalResult.sceneId = result.rows[0].sceneId; self.finalResult.recommendationStyle = result.rows[0].name; self.finalResult.coins = [ result.rows[0].coin1, result.rows[0].coin2, result.rows[0].coin3, result.rows[0].coin4, result.rows[0].coin5, result.rows[0].coin6, result.rows[0].coin7, result.rows[0].coin8 ]; // There is a suggested experiment : create it self.client.query( "INSERT INTO Experiment(user_id, coin_combination_id, recommendation_style)\n" + "VALUES($1,$2,$3)\n" + "RETURNING id", [self.userId, result.rows[0].id, result.rows[0].name], function(err, result) { self.finalResult.expId = result.rows[0].id; self.finish(); } ); } else { // Find the scene / recommendation style for the new experiment self.client.query( "SELECT, AS \"sceneId\"\n" + "FROM RecommendationStyle, Scene\n" + "WHERE\n" + " NOT IN(\n" + " SELECT Experiment.recommendation_style AS name\n" + " FROM Experiment\n" + " WHERE Experiment.user_id = $1\n" + " AND Experiment.recommendation_style != ''\n" + " ) AND\n" + " NOT IN(\n" + " SELECT DISTINCT CoinCombination.scene_id AS id\n" + " FROM Experiment, CoinCombination\n" + " WHERE\n" + " Experiment.coin_combination_id = AND\n" + " user_id = $1\n" + " ) AND\n" + " != 'peachcastle'\n" + "\n" + "ORDER BY RANDOM()\n" + "LIMIT 1;", [self.userId], function(err, result) { if (result.rows.length > 0) { self.finalResult.sceneId = result.rows[0].sceneId; self.finalResult.recommendationStyle = result.rows[0].name; // Generate random coins self.client.query( "SELECT generate_series AS id\n" + "FROM Scene, generate_series(0,Scene.coin_number-1)\n" + "WHERE = $1\n" + "ORDER BY RANDOM()\n" + "LIMIT 8;", [self.finalResult.sceneId], function(err, result) { self.finalResult.coins = []; for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { self.finalResult.coins.push(result.rows[i].id); } // And then, create the CoinCombination self.client.query( "INSERT INTO CoinCombination(scene_id, coin_1, coin_2, coin_3, coin_4, coin_5, coin_6, coin_7, coin_8)\n" + "VALUES($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9)\n" + "RETURNING id;", [ self.finalResult.sceneId, self.finalResult.coins[0], self.finalResult.coins[1], self.finalResult.coins[2], self.finalResult.coins[3], self.finalResult.coins[4], self.finalResult.coins[5], self.finalResult.coins[6], self.finalResult.coins[7], ], function(err, result) { self.finalResult.coinCombinationId = result.rows[0].id; // And create the experiment self.client.query( "INSERT INTO Experiment(user_id, coin_combination_id, recommendation_style)\n" + "VALUES($1,$2,$3)\n" + "RETURNING id;", [self.userId, self.finalResult.coinCombinationId, self.finalResult.recommendationStyle], function(err, result) { self.finalResult.expId = result.rows[0].id; self.finish(); } ); } ); } ); } else { self.finish(); } } ); } } ); }; /** * Release the DB connection and call the callback */ DBReq.ExpCreator.prototype.finish = function() { var self = this; // Commit, and then release this.client.query("COMMIT;", function() { self.release(); self.client = null; self.release = null; self.finishAction( self.finalResult.expId, self.finalResult.coinCombinationId, self.finalResult.sceneId, self.finalResult.recommendationStyle, self.finalResult.coins ); }); }; /** * Class that creates an experiment * @param id {Number} id of the user that does the experiment * @param finishAction {function} callback that has as a parameter which is a * boolean indicating wether the user id exists or not * @memberof DBReq * @constructor */ DBReq.UserIdChecker = function(id, finishAction) { = id; this.finishAction = finishAction; var self = this; pg.connect(pgc.url, function(err, client, release) { self.client = client; self.release = release; self.execute(); }); }; /** * Executes the SQL request and calls the callback */ DBReq.UserIdChecker.prototype.execute = function() { var self = this; this.client.query( "SELECT count(id) > 0 AS answer FROM users WHERE id = $1;", [], function(err, result) { self.finalResult = result.rows[0].answer; self.finish(); } ); }; /** * Release the DB connection and call the callback */ DBReq.UserIdChecker.prototype.finish = function() { this.release(); this.client = null; this.release = null; this.finishAction(this.finalResult); }; DBReq.UserNameChecker = function(name, finishAction) { = name; this.finishAction = finishAction; var self = this; pg.connect(pgc.url, function(err, client, release) { if (err) { Log.dberror(err + ' in UserNameChcker connection'); return; } self.client = client; self.release = release; self.execute(); }); }; DBReq.UserNameChecker.prototype.execute = function() { var self = this; this.client.query( "SELECT count(id) > 0 AS answer FROM users WHERE worker_id = $1", [], function(err, result) { if (err !== null) Log.dberror(err + ' in UserNameChecker'); self.finalResult = result.rows[0].answer; self.finish(); } ); }; DBReq.UserNameChecker.prototype.finish = function() { this.release(); this.client = null; this.release = null; this.finishAction(this.finalResult); }; /** * Class that creates an experiment * @param id {Number} id of the experiment to check * @param finishAction {function} callback that has as a parameter which is the * id of the scene if the experiment exists, or null otherwise * @memberof DBReq * @constructor */ DBReq.ExpIdChecker = function(id, finishAction) { = id; this.finishAction = finishAction; var self = this; pg.connect(pgc.url, function(err, client, release) { self.client = client; self.release = release; self.execute(); }); }; /** * Executes the SQL request and calls the callback */ DBReq.ExpIdChecker.prototype.execute = function() { var self = this; this.client.query( "SELECT scene_id AS \"sceneId\" FROM experiment, CoinCombination WHERE = Experiment.coin_combination_id AND = $1;", [], function(err, result) { if (result === undefined || result.rows.length === 0) { self.finalResult = null; } else { self.finalResult = result.rows[0].sceneId; } self.finish(); } ); }; /** * Release the DB connection and call the callback */ DBReq.ExpIdChecker.prototype.finish = function() { this.release(); this.client = null; this.release = null; this.finishAction(this.finalResult); }; /** * Class that gets the info from all experiment * @param finishAction {function} callback that has as a parameter which is an * array of objects containing the id, the username, the name of the scene and * the id of the user. * @memberof DBReq * @constructor */ DBReq.ExpGetter = function(finishAction) { this.finishAction = finishAction; var self = this; pg.connect(pgc.url, function(err, client, release) { self.client = client; self.release = release; self.execute(); }); }; /** * Executes the SQL request and calls the callback */ DBReq.ExpGetter.prototype.execute = function() { var self = this; this.client.query( "SELECT " + " AS \"expId\", " + "users.worker_id AS username, " + " AS scenename, " + " AS \"userId\" " + "FROM experiment, users, scene, CoinCombination " + "WHERE experiment.user_id = and = CoinCombination.scene_id AND " + " Experiment.coin_combination_id = " + "ORDER BY;", [], function(err, result) { self.finalResult = result.rows; self.finish(); } ); }; /** * Release the DB connection and call the callback */ DBReq.ExpGetter.prototype.finish = function() { this.release(); this.client = null; this.release = null; this.finishAction(this.finalResult); }; DBReq.TutorialCreator = function(id, finishAction) { = id; this.finishAction = finishAction; this.finalResult = {}; var self = this; pg.connect(pgc.url, function(err, client, release) { self.client = client; self.release = release; self.execute(); }); }; DBReq.TutorialCreator.prototype.execute = function() { var self = this; this.client.query( // Generate random coins "SELECT AS \"sceneId\", generate_series AS id\n" + "FROM Scene, generate_series(0,Scene.coin_number-1)\n" + "WHERE = 'peachcastle'\n" + "ORDER BY RANDOM()\n" + "LIMIT 8;", [], function(err, result) { self.finalResult.coins = []; for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { self.finalResult.coins.push(result.rows[i].id); } // Create CoinCombination self.client.query( "INSERT INTO CoinCombination(scene_id, coin_1, coin_2, coin_3, coin_4, coin_5, coin_6, coin_7, coin_8)\n" + "VALUES($1,$2,$3,$4,$5,$6,$7,$8,$9)\n" + "RETURNING id;", [ result.rows[0].sceneId, result.rows[0].id, result.rows[1].id, result.rows[2].id, result.rows[3].id, result.rows[4].id, result.rows[5].id, result.rows[6].id, result.rows[7].id ], function(err, result) { // Create experiment self.client.query( "INSERT INTO Experiment(user_id, coin_combination_id)\n" + "VALUES($1,$2)\n" + "RETURNING id;", [, result.rows[0].id], function(err, result) { self.finalResult.expId = result.rows[0].id; self.finish(); } ); } ); } ); }; DBReq.TutorialCreator.prototype.finish = function() { this.release(); this.release = null; this.client = null; this.finishAction(this.finalResult.expId, this.finalResult.coins); }; /** * Try to get a user by id, and creates it if it doesn't exists * @param id {Number} id to test * @param callback {function} callback to call on the id * @memberof DBReq */ DBReq.tryUser = function(id, callback) { if (id !== undefined && id !== null) { new DBReq.UserIdChecker(id, function(clear) { if (clear) { callback(id); } else { new DBReq.UserCreator(callback); } }); } else { new DBReq.UserCreator(callback); } }; /** * Get all the info from an experiment * @memberof DBReq * @param id {Number} id of the experiment to get the info * @param callback {function} callback called on the result of all the SQL requests */ DBReq.getInfo = function(id, callback) { new DBReq.Info(id, callback); }; /** * Creates a user * @memberof DBReq * @param callback {function} callback called on the new user id */ DBReq.createUser = function(callback) { new DBReq.UserCreator(callback); }; /** * Creates an experiment * @memberof DBReq * @param id {Number} id of the user doing the experiment * @param sceneId {Number} id of the scene on which the experiment is * @param callback {function} callback called on the new experiment id */ DBReq.createExp = function(id, callback) { new DBReq.ExpCreator(id, callback); }; DBReq.createTutorial = function(id, callback) { new DBReq.TutorialCreator(id, callback); }; /** * Checks the user id * @memberof DBReq * @param id {Number} id to check * @param callback {function} callback called on a boolean (true if the user id * exists, false otherwise) */ DBReq.checkUserId = function(id, callback) { new DBReq.UserIdChecker(id, callback); }; DBReq.checkUserName = function(name, callback) { new DBReq.UserNameChecker(name, callback); }; /** * Checks if an experiment id exists * @memberof DBReq * @param id {Number} id of the experiment to check * @param callback {function} callback called on an object (null if the * experiment doesn't exist, an object containing username, sceneId, * scenename, and expId if it exists */ DBReq.checkExpId = function(id, callback) { new DBReq.ExpIdChecker(id, callback); }; /** * Gets a list of all experiments * @memberof DBReq * @param callback {function} callback called on an array containing all experiments */ DBReq.getAllExps = function(callback) { new DBReq.ExpGetter(callback); }; module.exports = DBReq;