var pg = require('pg'); var async = require('async'); var DBReq = require('../controllers/prototype/dbrequests.js'); var users, client, release, scenes, coinCombinations, experiments, callback, url, db = {}; function write(str) { process.stderr.write('\033[31m' + str + '\033[0m'); } function start() { client = new pg.Client(url); write("Connecting to the database..."); client.connect( function() { write(" done !\n"); client.query( 'SELECT * FROM Users WHERE valid', function(err, result) { users = result.rows; main(); } ); } ); } function main() { async.series([ // Init function(done) { write("Getting scenes and coin combinations..."); async.parallel([ function(callback) { client.query( 'SELECT * FROM Scene;', [], function(err, result) { scenes = result.rows; callback(); } ); }, function(callback) { client.query( 'SELECT * FROM CoinCombination;', function(err, result) { coinCombinations = result.rows; callback(); } ); }, function(callback) { client.query( 'SELECT * FROM Experiment;', function(err, result) { experiments = result.rows; callback(); } ); }, ], function() { write(" done !\n"); done(); }); }, function(done) { write("Getting experiments for each user..."); async.each( users, function(user, callback) { client.query( 'SELECT * FROM Experiment WHERE user_id = $1', [], function(err, result) { user.experiments = result.rows; callback(); } ); }, function(err, result) { write(' done !\n'); done(); } ); }, function(done) { write('Getting experiments...'); async.each( experiments, function(exp, callback) { client.query( 'SELECT user_id, coin_combination_id FROM Experiment WHERE id = $1', [], function(err, result) { exp.coinCombination = coinCombinations[result.rows[0].coin_combination_id - 1]; exp.user = users[result.rows[0].user_id - 1]; callback(); } ); }, function() { write(' done !\n'); done(); } ); }, function(done) { write('Getting interactions from experiments (might be long)'); async.each( // Don't know why each doesn't work experiments, function(exp, callback) { DBReq.getInfo(, function(result) { exp.elements = result; write('.'); callback(); }); }, function () { write(' done !\n'); done(); } ); }, // Finish function(done) { client.end(); done(); }, function(done) { db.users = users; db.experiments = experiments; db.coinCombinations = coinCombinations; callback(db); done(); } ]); } module.exports = function(_url, _callback) { callback = _callback; url = _url; start(); return module.exports; };