var Coin = function(x,y,z, callback) { this.raycastable = true; this.children = []; this.ready = false; = false; this.init(x,y,z); this.rotating = true; if (callback) { this.callback = callback; } }; function instantToColor(instant) { var r = Math.floor(255 * instant); var g = Math.floor(255 * (1-instant)); return 'rgb(' + r + ',' + g + ',0)'; } var _toto = new Audio(); Coin.extension = _toto.canPlayType("audio/x-vorbis") === "" ? ".ogg" : ".mp3"; Coin.sounds = []; for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { Coin.sounds.push(new Audio('/static/data/music/redcoins/' + (i+1) + Coin.extension)); Coin.sounds[Coin.sounds.length-1].preload = "auto"; } Coin.domElement = document.createElement('canvas'); = 'absolute'; = 'top-left'; = "0px"; = "0px"; Coin.lvl = 0; Coin.blinking = false; Coin.blinkingToRed = true; Coin.colorInstant = 0; Coin.setSize = function(width,height) { this.domElement.width = width; this.domElement.height = height; this.update(); }; // Coin.image = new Image(); // Coin.image.src = '/static/img/redcoin.png'; Coin.initSize = function() { try { Coin.domElement.width = containerSize.width(); Coin.domElement.height = containerSize.height(); } catch (e) { setTimeout(100, Coin.initSize); return; } }; Coin.update = function() { var x; try { x = containerSize.width() * 4.75 / 5; if (Coin.domElement.width === undefined) { Coin.domElement.width = containerSize.width(); Coin.domElement.height = containerSize.height(); } } catch (e) { return; } if (Coin.blinking) { Coin.colorInstant += Coin.blinkingToRed ? 0.025 : -0.025; if (Coin.colorInstant < 0 || Coin.colorInstant > 1) { Coin.colorInstant = Math.clamp(Coin.colorInstant, 0, 1); Coin.blinkingToRed = !Coin.blinkingToRed; } } else { Coin.colorInstant = 0; Coin.blinkingToRed = true; } document.getElementById('next').style.background = instantToColor(Coin.colorInstant); // Coin.domElement.width = Coin.domElement.width; // Coin.ctx.drawImage(Coin.image, x + 75,25,30,30); // Coin.ctx.fillStyle = 'red'; // Coin.ctx.strokeStyle = 'black'; // Coin.ctx.font = "30px Verdana"; // Coin.ctx.lineWidth = 5; // Coin.ctx.strokeText( + " / " + Coin.max, x, 50); // Coin.ctx.fillText( + " / " + Coin.max, x, 50); // Coin.ctx.stroke(); // Coin.ctx.fill(); var width = 10; var height = 100; var lvl = Coin.lvl; // if (Coin.previousLvl < lvl) // Coin.domElement.width = Coin.domElement.width;; Coin.ctx.clearRect(x-70, 20, width +71, height); Coin.ctx.fillStyle = instantToColor(Coin.colorInstant); Coin.ctx.fillRect(x,20 + (1-lvl)*height,10,(lvl*height)); Coin.ctx.beginPath(); Coin.ctx.moveTo(x,20); Coin.ctx.lineTo(x,120); Coin.ctx.lineTo(x+width,120); Coin.ctx.lineTo(x+width,20); Coin.ctx.stroke(); Coin.ctx.fillStyle = 'black'; Coin.ctx.font="20px Arial"; Coin.ctx.fillText('Score', x - 60, 25); Coin.ctx.restore(); }; setInterval(function() { Coin.update(); }, 50); Coin.set = function() { var newLvl = / Coin.max; Coin.lvl+=0.01*Math.sign(newLvl-Coin.lvl); if (Math.abs(Coin.lvl-newLvl) > 0.005) { Coin.shouldUpdate = true; setTimeout(function() { Coin.set(newLvl); },50); } else { Coin.shouldUpdate = Coin.blinking; } }; Coin.blink = function(param) { var blinking = param === undefined ? true : !!param; Coin.blinking = blinking; Coin.shouldUpdate = true; }; // Coin.image.onload = Coin.update; Coin.ctx = Coin.domElement.getContext('2d'); Coin.update(); Coin.prototype.init = function(x,y,z) { if (Coin.BASIC_MESH !== null) { this.mesh = Coin.BASIC_MESH.clone(); this.mesh.material = this.mesh.material.clone(); this.mesh.position.x = x; this.mesh.position.y = y; this.mesh.position.z = z; this.ready = true; this.mesh.raycastable = true; } else { (function(self,x,y,z) { setTimeout(function() { self.init(x,y,z); },1000); })(this,x,y,z); } }; Coin.prototype.raycast = function(raycaster, intersects) { if (this.mesh !== undefined) { var intersectsThis = []; this.mesh.raycast(raycaster, intersectsThis); // Add closest object if (intersectsThis[0] !== undefined) { intersectsThis[0].object = this; intersects.push(intersectsThis[0]); } } }; Coin.prototype.addToScene = function(scene) { scene.add(this.mesh); }; Coin.prototype.update = function() { var self = this; if (this.ready && this.rotating) this.mesh.rotation.y += 0.1; if ( { if (this.mesh.material.opacity > 0.02) { // First update this.mesh.rotation.y += 0.3; this.mesh.position.y += 0.05; this.mesh.material.opacity -= 0.05; } else { this.mesh.visible = false; this.raycastable = false; } } }; Coin.prototype.get = function() { if (! { = true; if (typeof Coin.onCoinGot === 'function') { Coin.onCoinGot( + 1); } // Call the callback if any if (this.callback) this.callback(); this.mesh.material.transparent = true; this.mesh.material.opacity = 1; Coin.sounds[ ++].play(); if ( === 8) { if (typeof Coin.onLastCoin === 'function') { Coin.onLastCoin(); } // You got the last coin var music = document.getElementById('music'); if (music !== null) { var wasPlaying = !music.paused; music.pause(); setTimeout(function() {; setTimeout(function() { if (wasPlaying) {; } }, Coin.lastSound.duration*1000); }, Coin.nextSound.duration*1000); } } Coin.set(); } }; Coin.lastSound = new Audio('/static/data/music/starappears' + Coin.extension); Coin.lastSound.preload = "auto"; = 0; Coin.BASIC_MESH = null; Coin._loader = new THREE.OBJLoader(); Coin.init = function(scale) { Coin.max = 8; if (!Coin.initialized) { Coin.initialized = true; if (scale === undefined) { scale = 0.005; } Coin._loader.load( '/static/data/coin/Coin.obj', function(object) { object.traverse(function (mesh) { if (mesh instanceof THREE.Mesh) { mesh.visible = false; mesh.scale.set(scale,scale,scale); mesh.material.color.setHex(0xff0000); mesh.geometry.computeVertexNormals(); mesh.raycastable = true; Coin.BASIC_MESH = mesh; } }); } ); Coin.nextSound = new Audio('/static/data/music/redcoins/1' + Coin.extension); } };