extends ./prototype block title title #{title} - Prototype block mainjs script(src="/static/js/prototypeinteractive.min.js") block description #instructions.panel.panel-default .panel-heading h4.panel-title a(href="#", data-target="#collapseInstructions", data-toggle="collapse",onclick="setTimeout(onWindowResize,500);") Instructions .panel-collapse.collapse.in#collapseInstructions .panel-body p | This is the prototype of a 3D interface. You can move | the camera with the arrow keys of your keyboard (or | WASD if you like FPS-games, and by the way, if you | use azerty keyboard, you can also use ZQSD instead), | and change the angle of the camera by dragging and | dropping the scene around it (you can also use your | numpad, 2 to look lower, 8 to look higher, 4 to look | on the left and 6 to look on the right, but if you're | more comfortable with non-numpad keys, you can also | use i for up, j for left, k for down, and l for | right). p | This is a re-creation of the Bob-omb Battlefield | level from Super Mario 64, and with its 8 red coins. | You can click on them to get them, and once you got | them all, you get... well you get nothing but the | sound of the star is played (but the star doesn't | appear... sorry guys) p | It contains recommended views : 3D objects | here to guide you through this coin search. block preciseDescription p | You can click on a recommendation to move to the | recommended viewpoint. The recommendation will become | more and more transparent as you come closer, and | will disappear when you reach it. p | You may now hide this panel and start playing !