
99 lines
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2015-07-23 17:19:53 +02:00
extends ../../../views/base.jade
block extrahead
link(rel="stylesheet", href="/static/css/signin.css")
2015-07-27 16:59:53 +02:00
link(rel="stylesheet", href="/static/css/star-rating.min.css")
block extrajs
showClear: false,
showCaption: false,
size: 'xs'
$('#3dgames').rating('update', 3);
2015-08-01 11:44:49 +02:00
script $(function () { $('[data-toggle="tooltip"]').tooltip() })
2015-07-23 17:19:53 +02:00
block extrabody
if identificationFailed
.alert.alert-danger.alert-dismissible(role="alert", style={'margin-top':'20px'})
button.close(type="button", data-dismiss="alert", aria-label="Close")
span(aria-hidden="true") ×
<strong>Error</strong> : this id is already used !
2015-07-23 17:19:53 +02:00
block content
2015-09-04 16:31:21 +02:00
function validateForm() {
if (document.getElementById('sel1').selectedIndex === -1) {
alert('Select a correct age please');
return false;
if (document.getElementById('sel2').selectedIndex === -1) {
alert('Select a correct date for the last time you played please');
return false;
2015-09-09 15:18:18 +02:00
form#form.form-signin(method="POST", action='/identification', onsubmit='return validateForm()')
2015-07-23 17:19:53 +02:00
h2 Please sign in
label(for='inputId').sr-only Id
input#inputId.form-control(name="inputId", type="text", placeholder='Id', required, autofocus)
2015-07-27 16:59:53 +02:00
label Gender
input(type='radio', name='inputGender', value="male", checked)
| Male
input(type='radio', name='inputGender', value="female")
| Female
label(for='sel1') How old are you ?
2015-08-28 11:13:27 +02:00
option(value='-15') Less than 15
option(value='15-20') Between 15 and 18
option(value='18-25') Between 18 and 25
2015-07-27 16:59:53 +02:00
option(value='25-30') Between 25 and 30
option(value='30-35') Between 30 and 35
option(value='35-40') Between 35 and 40
option(value='40-45') Between 40 and 45
option(value='45-50') Between 45 and 50
option(value='50-55') Between 50 and 55
option(value='55-60') Between 55 and 60
option(value='60-') More than 60
2015-09-04 16:31:21 +02:00
document.getElementById('sel1').selectedIndex = -1;
2015-07-27 16:59:53 +02:00
2015-08-01 11:44:49 +02:00
label(for='se21', style={'margin-right':'10px'}) When is the last time you played a 3D video game ?
span.glyphicon.glyphicon-question-sign(type='button', data-toggle='tooltip', data-placement='top', title='Any game will count (PC or console, old or recent)')
2015-07-27 16:59:53 +02:00
option(value='3') This week
option(value='2') This month
option(value='1') This year
option(value='0') I never played a 3D video game
2015-09-04 16:31:21 +02:00
document.getElementById('sel2').selectedIndex = -1;
2015-07-27 16:59:53 +02:00
2015-08-28 11:13:27 +02:00
label(for='3dgames', style={'margin-right':'10px'}) Rate your 3D game skills
2015-07-27 16:59:53 +02:00
2015-08-28 11:13:27 +02:00
li 1 star if you never play video games
li 2 stars if you rarely play games
li 3 stars if you are used to play console (PlayStation, Xbox, Nintendo, portable devices included)
li 4 stars if you are used to play first-person-view games
li 5 stars if you are good at first-person-view games
2015-07-27 16:59:53 +02:00
2015-08-28 11:13:27 +02:00
input#3dgames(type='number', class='rating', min='0', max='5', step='1', default='3', name='input3dskills')
2015-07-23 17:19:53 +02:00
2015-09-09 15:18:18 +02:00
button#submitButton.btn.btn-lg.btn-primary.btn-block(type='submit') Sign in
document.getElementById('submitButton').onclick = function() {
document.getElementById('submitButton').disabled = true;