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\ProvidesPackage{gantt}[2011/03/20 Some macros for drawing gantt diagrams using tkiz v.1.3]
% Some macros for drawing gantt diagrams using tkiz.
% Martin Kumm, 17.05.2010 (Version 1.0)
% Alan Munn, Martin Kumm, 14.03.2011 (Version 1.2)
% Andrés Silva Marambio, 20.03.2011 (Version 1.3)
% Update 20.03.2011, Version 1.3
% changes from v1.2:
% change \ProvidesPackage{gantt.sty} for \ProvidesPackage{gantt}
% add \bfseries for the command \ganttgroup
% add two newcommands for doing Gantt Milestones: \ganttmilestone and \ganttmilestonecon
% usage: \ganttmilestone[color=<color>]{label}{start} - Create a gantt milestone using a diamond
% usage: \ganttmilestonecon[color=<color>]{label}{start} - Create a gantt milestone using a diamond and conect with the previuos itemg
% fixed the issue when \ganttbarcon or \ganttmilestonecon connect in decimal positions
% Update 15.03.2011, Version 1.2
% changes from v1.1:
% px sizes has ben changed ot pt due to problems with some LaTeX distributions (thanks to Michael Kubovy and Loïc Le Guyader!)
% Correction of the text aligned in \titleelement (thanks to Josh Hykes!)
% \unitlength was changed to \ganttunitlength (thanks to Alan Munn!)
% \RequirePackage was added (thanks to Alan Munn!)
% Update 05.08.2010, Version 1.1
% changes from v1.0:
% \ganttbar and \ganttbarcon have been extended with the xkeyval syntax
% The pattern of the bar is now independent of the color and can be set by
% e.g. \ganttbar[pattern=horizontal lines,color=blue]{...}{1}{1}
% This syntax is incompatible with the previous ones!
% replace \ganttbar[<pattern>] with \ganttbar[pattern=<pattern>]
\presetkeys{ganttbarx}{pattern=north west lines,color=black}{}
% The gantt environment draws the canvas of a gantt figure (realized as tikzpicture)
% The usage is \begin{gantt}[...]{no of Tasks to plot}{no of time slots}
% The optional argument [...] can be filled in a key=value syntax, using one or more of the following keys:
% xunitlength - length of one time slot (default: 1 cm)
% fontsize - fontsize of labels (default: \normalsize)
% titlefontsize - fontsize of title section (default: \small)
% drawledgerline - Switch to enable/disable the drawing of horizontal ledger lines (default value: false)
\begin{tikzpicture}[draw=black, yscale=.7,xscale=1]
\ganttheight=#2 %define the number of Y ticks
\advance\ganttheight by 1
\draw (0,0.5) node[above] {\ganttxstringtop} -- (0,1.4-\ganttheight) node[below] {\ganttxstringbottom};
\draw (\value{ganttwidth}*\ganttunitlength,0.5) node[above] {\ganttxstringtop} -- (\value{ganttwidth}*\ganttunitlength,1.4-\ganttheight) node[below] {\ganttxstringbottom};
%draw grid
\foreach \t in {1,2,...,\value{ganttwidth}}{
\multiply\ganttx by \t
\draw[dotted] (\ganttunitlength*\t,-0.5) node[above] {\ganttxstringtop} -- (\ganttunitlength*\t,1.4-\ganttheight) node[below] {\ganttxstringbottom};
%draw x axis
\draw[] (0,-#2+0.4) -- (\value{ganttwidth}*\ganttunitlength,-#2+0.4);
% ganttitle is the environment for drawing the title section
\setlength{\ganttlastx}{0 cm}
\setlength{\ganttlastx}{0 cm}
% \titleelement draws one element of the title
% usage: \titleelement{label}{length}
\divide\gantttmpa by 2;
\draw (\the\ganttlastx,\value{ganttnum}) rectangle (\the\ganttlastx+#2*\ganttunitlength,\value{ganttnum}+0.6);
\node [text height=1.5ex,text depth=0.7ex] at (\the\ganttlastx+\the\gantttmpa,\value{ganttnum}+0.25) {%
\gantttitlefontsize #1%
% \numtitle draws a numbered sequence of title elements
% usage: \numtitle{start number}{increment}{end number}{length of each title element}
\forloop[#2]{gantttitlenum}{#1}{\(\value{gantttitlenum} < #3\) \or \(\value{gantttitlenum} = #3\)}%
% \ganttbar draws a single, unconnected bar for representing a task
% usage: \ganttbar[pattern=<pattern>,color=<color>]{label}{start}{length}
% where the optional comma separated arguments are:
% pattern - is a tikz pattern (e.g. north west lines (default), north east lines, crosshatch, crosshatch dots, grid, ...)
% color - a tikz color of the pattern (e.g. red, green blue gray, dark gray)
% for more information see the tikz documentation
\draw[dotted] (0,\value{ganttnum}-0.2) -- (\value{ganttwidth}*\ganttunitlength,\value{ganttnum}-0.2);
\node at (0,\value{ganttnum}) [anchor=base east] {%
\ganttfontsize #2%
\draw[pattern=\ganttbarpattern,pattern color=\ganttbarcolor] (\gantttmpa,\value{ganttnum}+0.1) rectangle (\gantttmpb,\value{ganttnum}+0.5);
% \ganttcon draws an arrow between to bars with specified coordinates
% usage: \ganttcon{startx}{starty}{endx}{endy}
\draw[-latex,rounded corners=1pt] (#1\ganttunitlength,-#2+0.1 + 0.2) -- (#1\ganttunitlength+0.4*\ganttunitlength,-#2+0.1+0.2) -- (#1\ganttunitlength+0.4*\ganttunitlength,-#2-0.4+0.2) -- (#1\ganttunitlength-0.4*\ganttunitlength,-#2-0.4+0.2) -- (#1\ganttunitlength-0.4*\ganttunitlength,-#4+0.1+0.2) -- (#3\ganttunitlength,-#4+0.1+0.2);
% \ganttbarcon draws a single bar *and* connects the bar with the previous bar for
% consecutive tasks
% usage: \ganttbarcon[pattern=<pattern>,color=<color>]{label}{start}{length}
% where the optional pattern argument are the same as for \ganttbar
\draw[-latex,rounded corners=1pt] (\the\ganttlastx,\value{ganttnum}+1.1 + 0.2) -- (\the\ganttlastx+0.4*\ganttunitlength,\value{ganttnum}+1.1+0.2) -- (\the\ganttlastx+0.4*\ganttunitlength,\value{ganttnum}+0.6+0.2) -- (\the\ganttlastx-0.4*\ganttunitlength,\value{ganttnum}+0.6+0.2) -- (\the\ganttlastx-0.4*\ganttunitlength,\value{ganttnum}+0.1+0.2) -- (#3\ganttunitlength,\value{ganttnum}+0.1+0.2);
\draw[-latex,rounded corners=1pt] (\the\ganttlastx,\value{ganttnum}+1.1 + 0.2) -- (\the\ganttlastx+0.4*\ganttunitlength,\value{ganttnum}+1.1+0.2) -- (\the\ganttlastx+0.4*\ganttunitlength,\value{ganttnum}+0.1+0.2) -- (#3\ganttunitlength,\value{ganttnum}+0.1+0.2);
% \ganttgroup draws a bar to group tasks
% usage: \ganttgroup{label}{start}{length}
\draw[dotted] (0,\value{ganttnum}-0.2) -- (\value{ganttwidth}*\ganttunitlength,\value{ganttnum}-0.2);
\node at (0,\value{ganttnum}) [anchor=base east] {%
\ganttfontsize\bfseries #1%
\fill[black] (\gantttmpa-0.14cm,\value{ganttnum}+0.2) rectangle (\gantttmpb+0.14cm,\value{ganttnum}+0.4);
\draw[diamond-diamond] (\gantttmpa-0.14cm,\value{ganttnum}+0.2) -- (\gantttmpb+0.14cm,\value{ganttnum}+0.2);
% \ganttmilestone, draw a diamond to represent a milestone
% usage: \ganttgroup[fill=<color>]{label}{start}
% color - a tikz color of the pattern (e.g. red, green blue gray, dark gray)
% for more information see the tikz documentation
% Declaring layers to abvoid superposition when you connect a \ganttmileston with a task
\draw[dotted] (0,\value{ganttnum}-0.2) -- (\value{ganttwidth}*\ganttunitlength,\value{ganttnum}-0.2);
\node at (0,\value{ganttnum}) [anchor=base east] {%
\ganttfontsize #2%
\draw[diamond-, color=\ganttbarcolor] (\gantttmpa,\value{ganttnum}+0.1) -- (\gantttmpb,\value{ganttnum}+0.4);
% \ganttmilestonecon draws a single diamond *and* connects the diamond with the previous task
% usage: \ganttmilestonecon[color=<color>]{label}{start}{length}
% where the optional color argument are the same as for \ganttbar and \ganttmilestone
\draw[-latex,rounded corners=1pt] (\the\ganttlastx,\value{ganttnum}+1.1 + 0.2) -- (\the\ganttlastx+0.4*\ganttunitlength,\value{ganttnum}+1.1+0.2) -- (\the\ganttlastx+0.4*\ganttunitlength,\value{ganttnum}+0.6+0.2) -- (\the\ganttlastx-0.4*\ganttunitlength-1.8,\value{ganttnum}+0.6+0.2) -- (\the\ganttlastx-0.4*\ganttunitlength-1.8,\value{ganttnum}+0.1+0.2) -- (#3\ganttunitlength-1.8,\value{ganttnum}+0.1+0.2);
\draw[-latex,rounded corners=1pt] (\the\ganttlastx,\value{ganttnum}+1.1 + 0.2) -- (\the\ganttlastx+0.4*\ganttunitlength,\value{ganttnum}+1.1+0.2) -- (\the\ganttlastx+0.4*\ganttunitlength,\value{ganttnum}+0.1+0.2) -- (#3\ganttunitlength-1.8,\value{ganttnum}+0.1+0.2);
% \fi