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2015-08-26 09:11:58 +02:00
% 16:9 version
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% 4:3 version
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\title{3D interface and recommendations}
\author{Thomas Forgione}
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\AtBeginSection[] % Do nothing for \section*
\subsection{Current version}
Display recommendations as arrows showing the user the motion to go the recommended view
Orientate the arrows according to the position of the camera
% * <carlier.axel@gmail.com> 2015-04-29T15:27:15.285Z:
% Expliquer que la fleche de droite dans l'image de gauche est la même que la fleche de gauche dans l'image de droite, mais avec une orientation différente
Progressively fading the arrows when getting close
\subsubsection{Clicking the arrows}
Clicking on the arrow provokes a fluid motion to the recommended view
Display a thumbnail of the rendering of the recommended view when the pointer hovers an arrow
\subsubsection{Undo button}
\begin{block}{Undo button}
Gives the user the ability to go back where he was before clicking an arrow
For the moment, only one undo is supported
\begin{block}{Arrow pointing at the camera}
When the arrow is in front of the camera, the rendering is ugly
\begin{block}{Collisions between arrows and objects}
When the recommended view is too far away, and hidden behind another
object, we just see the tail of the arrow
\item Multiple undo and redo
\item Two types of recommended views :
\item to see another part of the same area
\item to move to another area
\item scale factor of the thumbnail
% * <carlier.axel@gmail.com> 2015-04-29T15:33:34.548Z:
% Précise qu'il faut considérer 2 types de use cases. Les "uses cases génériques" pour motiver le travail, et les uses cases un peu plus pragmatiques qu'on utilisera pour les user study
\item Long term use cases and applications
\item e-commerce : browsing 3D products on a website
\item e-tourism : browsing the entirety of a museum or a place
\item 3D guide : enhanced street view
\item Short term use cases for user-study
\item 3D navigation on a scene
\item a few complex models with recommendations around them
\item The objective would be to submit a paper at MMSys
\item Submission deadline: November 27, 2015
\item Github : \url{http://github.com/tforgione/tforgione.github.io/}
\item Wiki : \url{http://github.com/tforgione/tforgione.github.io/wiki/}
\item Demo : \url{http://3dinterface.no-ip.org/prototype/}
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