extends base block content section.section .container .columns.is-centered .column.is-6.is-desktop form(action="upload-target", method="POST", encType="multipart/form-data") .field label.label Name p.content.has-text-justified | This name will be the name you will see on | the leaderboard. It also corresponds to the | name of the module your AI will be on the | server. p.content.has-text-justified | You can use an already exisiting name to | replace it with a new version of your AI. p.content.has-text-justified | You could also erase other people's AI, but | please, don't do it, because I would be sad | 😢 input.input(type="text", name="name", placeholder="Name of your AI") .field label.label Archive p.content.has-text-justified | The archive to upload needs to contain a file | named ai.py which must contain a | class named Ai which must contain | a constructor that takes no arguments (other | than self or optional arguments). p.content.has-text-justified | It may also contain more files, such as | binary files with neural network weights, or | such as other python modules. p.content.has-text-justified | Please note that this archive must not | contain a directory, it must only contain the | files. .file.has-name label.file-label input.file-input(type="file", name="archive") span.file-cta span.file-icon i.fas.fa-upload span.file-label Choose a file… span.file-name .field input.button.is-link(type="submit", value="Submit")