% Here we go \subsection{Camera calibration} The camera calibration is needed for the client during the reconstruction of the 3D skeleton. The calibration consists in two steps : \begin{enumerate} \item the \textbf{internal calibration} which is the estimation of the instrinsic parameters of the camera (such as the focal length, or the principal point) \item the \textbf{external calibration} which is the estimation of the extrinsic parameters (the position of the camera from the chessboard) \end{enumerate} \subsubsection{Internal calibration} The internal calibration is based on a program that we completed during a lesson last semester. By detecting chessboards in numerous positions of the camera, we are able to estimate the intrinsic parameters. This programs use as input a video of a chessboard where the position of camera changes, and it captures some frames where the chessboard is detected. With these pictures, we estimate the intrinsic parameters. \subsubsection{External calibration} For the external calibration, we wrote a program that uses an estimation of the homography to compute the extrinsical parameters of the camera. One should note that what we call the \emph{extrinsical parameters} are the ones that convert points from the reference of the chessboard to the reference of the camera.