Calibration Externe ajoutée au dépôt

This commit is contained in:
Thomas FORGIONE 2015-02-06 16:27:51 +01:00
parent ccaf6aebd3
commit a6c1033873
10 changed files with 877 additions and 3 deletions

View File

@ -426,6 +426,7 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
cv::namedWindow("Image View", 1);
int img = 0;
for (i = 0;;i++)
cv::Mat view, viewGray;
@ -487,6 +488,9 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
blink = capture.isOpened();
cv::Mat m2;
if (found)
drawChessboardCorners(view, boardSize, cv::Mat(pointbuf), found);
@ -504,8 +508,8 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
msg = cv::format("%d/%d", (int)imagePoints.size(), nframes);
putText(view, msg, textOrigin, 1, 1,
mode != CALIBRATED ? cv::Scalar(0,0,255) : cv::Scalar(0,255,0));
// putText(view, msg, textOrigin, 1, 1,
// mode != CALIBRATED ? cv::Scalar(0,0,255) : cv::Scalar(0,255,0));
if (blink)
bitwise_not(view, view);
@ -525,6 +529,13 @@ int main(int argc, char** argv)
if (key == 'u' && mode == CALIBRATED)
undistortImage = !undistortImage;
if (key == 'p')
cv::imwrite("img" + std::to_string(img) + ".png", m2);
if (capture.isOpened() && key == 'g')

View File

@ -2,5 +2,7 @@
if [ ! -f main ]; then
./main -w 5 -h 5 -V ../../data/video/ -o ../../data/xml/calib.xml
# ./main -w 9 -h 6 -V "/home/thomas/N7/old_c/augm/data/video/calib.avi" -o ../../data/xml/calib.xml
# ./main -w 9 -h 6 -V ~/Spam/calibintern.mp4 -o ../../data/xml/calib.xml
./main -w 9 -h 6 -V 0 -o ../../data/xml/calib.xml

Code/src/Extern/Camera.cpp vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
#include "Camera.hpp"
#include <iostream>
* Initialize the camera loading the internal parameters from the given file
* @param[in] calibFilename the calibration file
* @return true if success
bool Camera::init( std::string calibFilename )
// open the file storage with the given filename
cv::FileStorage fs;
// check if the file storage has been opened correclty
if( !, cv::FileStorage::READ))
std::cerr << "Cannot open calib file" << std::endl;
return -1;
// load the camera_matrix in matK
fs["camera_matrix"] >> matK;
// load the distortion_coefficients in distCoeff
fs["distortion_coefficients"] >> distCoeff;
// load image_width and image_height in imageSize.[width|height]
fs["image_width"] >> imageSize.width;
fs["image_height"] >> imageSize.height;
std::cout << matK << std::endl;
std::cout << distCoeff << std::endl;
return true;
* Return the OpenGL projection matrix for the left camera
* @param[out] proj the OGL projection matrix (ready to be passed, ie in col major format)
* @param znear near clipping plane
* @param zfar far clipping plane
* \note using
void Camera::getOGLProjectionMatrix( float *proj, const float znear, const float zfar ) const
// With window_coords==y down, we have:
// [2*K00/width, -2*K01/width, (width - 2*K02 + 2*x0)/width, 0]
// [ 0, 2*K11/height, (-height + 2*K12 + 2*y0)/height, 0]
// [ 0, 0, (-zfar - znear)/(zfar - znear), -2*zfar*znear/(zfar - znear)]
// [ 0, 0, -1, 0]
// //corrected with artoolkitpluss src/Tracker::349
// proj[0] = (float)(2*<double>(0,0))/imageSize.width;
// proj[1*4 + 0] = (float)(2*<double>(0,1))/imageSize.width;
// proj[2*4 + 0] = -(float)(imageSize.width - 2*<double>(0,2) )/imageSize.width;
// proj[3*4 + 0] = 0;
// proj[0*4 + 1] = 0;
// // minus -(float)(2*<double>(1,1))/imageSize.height;
// proj[1*4 + 1] = -(float)(2*<double>(1,1))/imageSize.height;
// proj[2*4 + 1] = (float)(-imageSize.height + 2*<double>(1,2) )/imageSize.height;
// proj[3*4 + 1] = 0;
// proj[0*4 + 2] = 0;
// proj[1*4 + 2] = 0;
// proj[2*4 + 2] = (zfar + znear)/(zfar - znear);
// proj[3*4 + 2] = -2*zfar*znear/(zfar - znear);
// proj[0*4 + 3] = 0;
// proj[1*4 + 3] = 0;
// proj[2*4 + 3] = 1;
// proj[3*4 + 3] = 0;
//corrected with artoolkitpluss src/Tracker::349
proj[0] = (float)(2*<double>(0,0))/imageSize.width;
proj[1*4 + 0] = (float)(2*<double>(0,1))/imageSize.width;
proj[2*4 + 0] = -(float)(imageSize.width - 2*<double>(0,2) )/imageSize.width;
proj[3*4 + 0] = 0;
proj[0*4 + 1] = 0;
// minus -(float)(2*<double>(1,1))/imageSize.height;
proj[1*4 + 1] = -(float)(2*<double>(1,1))/imageSize.height;
proj[2*4 + 1] = -(float)(-imageSize.height + 2*<double>(1,2) )/imageSize.height;
proj[3*4 + 1] = 0;
proj[0*4 + 2] = 0;
proj[1*4 + 2] = 0;
proj[2*4 + 2] = (zfar + znear)/(zfar - znear);
proj[3*4 + 2] = -2*zfar*znear/(zfar - znear);
proj[0*4 + 3] = 0;
proj[1*4 + 3] = 0;
proj[2*4 + 3] = 1;
proj[3*4 + 3] = 0;

Code/src/Extern/Camera.hpp vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
#ifndef _CAMERA_HPP_
#define _CAMERA_HPP_
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
class Camera
Camera() {}
* Initialize the camera loading the internal parameters from the given file
* @param[in] calibFilename the calibration file
* @return true if success
bool init( std::string calibFilename );
~Camera( ) {}
* Return the OpenGL projection matrix for the camera
* @param[out] proj the OGL projection matrix (ready to be passed, ie in col major format)
* @param znear near clipping plane
* @param zfar far clipping plane
* \note using
void getOGLProjectionMatrix( float *proj, const float znear, const float zfar ) const;
cv::Mat matK;
cv::Mat distCoeff;
cv::Size imageSize;
#endif /* _CAMERA_HPP_ */

View File

@ -0,0 +1,77 @@
#include "ChessboardCameraTracker.hpp"
#include "utility.hpp"
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <iostream>
* It detects a chessboard inside an image and if found it returns the pose of the camera wrt the chessboard
* @param[in,out] img the original image
* @param[out] pose the pose of the camera
* @param[in] cam the camera
* @param[in] boardSize the size of the chessboard to detect
* @return true if the chessboard has been found
bool ChessboardCameraTracker::process( cv::Mat &img, cv::Mat &pose, const Camera & cam, const cv::Size &boardSize )
cv::Mat undistorted_img, H;
// true if the chessboard is found
bool found = false;
// contains the points detected on the chessboard
std::vector<cv::Point2f> corners;
// undistort the input image. view at the end must contain the undistorted version
// of the image.
cv::undistort(img, undistorted_img, cam.matK, cam.distCoeff);
cv::imshow("Image View", undistorted_img);
// detect the chessboard
found = detectChessboard(undistorted_img, corners, boardSize);
// cout << ( (!found ) ? ( "No " ) : ("") ) << "chessboard detected!" << endl;
cv::drawChessboardCorners(undistorted_img, boardSize, corners, found);
// if a chessboard is found estimate the homography and rectify the image
if( found )
// contains the points on the chessboard in the chessboard reference system
std::vector<cv::Point2f> refCorners;
// generate the coordinates of the points on the chessboard in the chessboard reference system
calcChessboardCorners(boardSize, 25, refCorners);
// estimate the homography
// --> see findHomography
H = cv::findHomography(refCorners, corners, CV_RANSAC);
// cout << "H = " << H << endl << endl;
// cout << "corners =" << corners << endl << endl;
// cout << "ptsOb =" << objectPoints << endl << endl;
// decompose the homography
decomposeHomography(H, cam.matK, pose);
return found;

View File

@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
#include "Camera.hpp"
#include "utility.hpp"
class ChessboardCameraTracker
ChessboardCameraTracker() = default;
* It detects a chessboard inside an image and if found it returns the pose of the camera wrt the chessboard
* @param[in,out] img the original image
* @param[out] pose the pose of the camera
* @param[in] cam the camera
* @param[in] boardSize the size of the chessboard to detect
* @return true if the chessboard has been found
bool process( cv::Mat &img, cv::Mat &pose, const Camera & cam, const cv::Size &boardSize);

Code/src/Extern/Makefile vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
SOURCES = utility.cpp Camera.cpp main.cpp ChessboardCameraTracker.cpp
OBJECTS = $(SOURCES:.cpp=.o)
TARGET = main
LIBS = $(shell pkg-config opencv --libs)
CXX = g++
%.o: %.cpp
$(CXX) -std=c++14 -o $@ -c $< -Wall `pkg-config opencv --cflags`
all: $(OBJECTS)
$(CXX) -std=c++14 -o $(TARGET) $(OBJECTS) $(LIBS) -Wall
x: all
rm -rf $(OBJECTS)
superclean: clean
rm -rf $(TARGET)

Code/src/Extern/main.cpp vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
#include "ChessboardCameraTracker.hpp"
#include "utility.hpp"
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/highgui/highgui.hpp>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <time.h>
// Display the help for the programm
void help( const char* programName );
// parse the input command line arguments
bool parseArgs( int argc, char**argv, cv::Size &boardSize, std::string &inputFilename );
int main( int argc, char** argv )
/* CONSTANTS to use */
// the name of the window
const std::string WINDOW_NAME = "Image View";
/* VARIABLES TO use */
cv::Mat view; // it will contain the original image loaded from file
Camera cam;
ChessboardCameraTracker tracker;
cv::Mat pose;
std::vector<cv::Point2f> pointbuf; // it will contain the detected corners on the chessboard
// it will contain the size in terms of corners (width X height) of the chessboard
cv::Size boardSize;
// it will contains the filename of the image file
std::string inputFilename;
if( !parseArgs( argc, argv, boardSize, inputFilename) )
std::cerr << "Aborting..." << std::endl;
// create a window to display the image --> see namedWindow
// read the input image from file into "view" --> see imread
view = cv::imread(inputFilename, CV_LOAD_IMAGE_COLOR);
//Measure the execution time, get time before function call
// double t = (double)cv::getTickCount();
// call the function that detects the chessboard on the image
// found = detectChessboard...
// found = detectChessboard(view, pointbuf, boardSize, pattern);
// // get time after function call and display info
// t = ((double)cv::getTickCount() - t)/cv::getTickFrequency();
// std::cout << ( (!found ) ? ( "No " ) : ("") ) << "chessboard detected!" << std::endl;
// std::cout << "Chessboard detection took " << t*1000 << "ms" << std::endl;
// /******************************************************************/
// // if the chessboard is found draw the cornerns on top of it
// // --> see drawChessboardCorners
// /******************************************************************/
// cv::drawChessboardCorners(view, boardSize, pointbuf, found);
if(tracker.process(view, pose, cam, boardSize))
std::cout << "Drawing Reference system"<< std::endl;
drawReferenceSystem(view,cam,pose,1,200,false );
std::cout << "Unable to process" << std::endl;
// show the image inside the window --> see imshow
// cv::resize(view, view, cv::Size{view.cols/5, view.rows/5});
cv::imshow(WINDOW_NAME, view);
// wait for user input before ending --> see waitKey
cv::waitKey( -1 );
// Display the help for the programm
void help( const char* programName )
std::cout << "Detect a chessboard in a given image" << std::endl
<< "Usage: " << programName << std::endl
<< " -w <board_width> # the number of inner corners per one of board dimension" << std::endl
<< " -h <board_height> # the number of inner corners per another board dimension" << std::endl
<< " [-pt <pattern=[circles|acircles|chess]>] # the type of pattern: chessboard or circles' grid" << std::endl
<< " <image file> " << std::endl
<< std::endl;
// parse the input command line arguments
bool parseArgs( int argc, char**argv, cv::Size &boardSize, std::string &inputFilename )
// check the minimum number of arguments
if( argc < 3 )
help( argv[0] );
return false;
// Read the input arguments
for( int i = 1; i < argc; i++ )
const char* s = argv[i];
if( strcmp( s, "-w" ) == 0 )
if( sscanf( argv[++i], "%u", &boardSize.width ) != 1 || boardSize.width <= 0 )
std::cerr << "Invalid board width" << std::endl;
return false;
else if( strcmp( s, "-h" ) == 0 )
if( sscanf( argv[++i], "%u", &boardSize.height ) != 1 || boardSize.height <= 0 )
std::cerr << "Invalid board height" << std::endl;
return false;
else if( s[0] != '-' )
std::cerr << "Unknown option " << s << std::endl;
return false;
return true;

Code/src/Extern/utility.cpp vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
#include "utility.hpp"
#include <opencv2/calib3d/calib3d.hpp>
#include <opencv2/imgproc/imgproc.hpp>
#include <iostream>
* Detect a chessboard in a given image
* @param[in] rgbimage The rgb image to process
* @param[out] pointbuf the set of 2D image corner detected on the chessboard
* @param[in] boardSize the size of the board in terms of corners (width X height)
* @return true if the chessboard is detected inside the image, false otherwise
bool detectChessboard( const cv::Mat &rgbimage, std::vector<cv::Point2f> &pointbuf, const cv::Size &boardSize)
// it contains the value to return
bool found = false;
// detect the chessboard --> see findChessboardCorners
found = findChessboardCorners(rgbimage, boardSize, pointbuf);
// if a chessboard is found refine the position of the points in a window 11x11 pixel
// use the default value for the termination criteria --> TermCriteria( CV_TERMCRIT_EPS+CV_TERMCRIT_ITER, 30, 0.1 )
if ( found )
cv::Mat viewGrey; // it will contain the graylevel version of the image
// convert the image in "rgbimage" to gray level and save it in "viewGrey"
// --> cvtColor with CV_BGR2GRAY option
cv::cvtColor(rgbimage, viewGrey, CV_BGR2GRAY,1);
// refine the corner location in "pointbuf" using "viewGrey"
// --> see cornerSubPix
cv::cornerSubPix(viewGrey, pointbuf, boardSize, cv::Size{5,5}, cv::TermCriteria{CV_TERMCRIT_EPS+CV_TERMCRIT_ITER,30,0.1});
return found;
* @param[in,out] rgbimage The image on which to draw the reference system
* @param[in] cam The camera
* @param[in] projMat The projection matrix of the camera
* @param[in] thickness The thickness of the line
* @param[in] scale A scale factor for the unit vectors to draw
* @param[in] alreadyUndistorted A boolean value that tells if the input image rgbimage is already undistorted or we are working on a distorted image
void drawReferenceSystem( cv::Mat &rgbimage, const Camera& cam, const cv::Mat &projMat, const int &thickness, const double &scale, const bool alreadyUndistorted )
// contains the points to project to draw the 3 axis
// Add the four 3D points (Point3f) that we can use to draw
// the reference system to vertex3D. Use <scale> as unit
float scalef = static_cast<float>(scale);
std::vector<cv::Point3f> vertex3D{cv::Point3f{0,0,0},
// contains the projected 3D points on the image
std::vector<cv::Point2f> imgRefPts;
// Project the 3D points using myProjectPoints. Attention, check the
// flag alreadyUndistorted to see if we have to apply the distortion:
// if it is true we pass a 1x5 zero vector, otherwise the distortion
// parameter of cam
cv::Mat undist = alreadyUndistorted ? cv::Mat::zeros(1,5,CV_32F) : cam.distCoeff;
// draw the line of the x-axis and put "X" at the end
line(rgbimage, imgRefPts[0], imgRefPts[1], cv::Scalar{255,0,0}, thickness);
putText(rgbimage, "X", imgRefPts[1], cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, cv::Scalar{255,0,0}, thickness);
// draw the line of the y-axis and put "Y" at the end
line(rgbimage, imgRefPts[0], imgRefPts[2], cv::Scalar{0,255,0}, thickness);
putText(rgbimage, "Y", imgRefPts[2], cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, cv::Scalar{0,255,0}, thickness);
// draw the line of the z-axis and put "Z" at the end
line(rgbimage, imgRefPts[0], imgRefPts[3], cv::Scalar{0,0,255}, thickness);
putText(rgbimage, "Z", imgRefPts[3], cv::FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, cv::Scalar{0,0,255}, thickness);
* Wrapper around the original opencv's projectPoints
* @param objectPoints the 3D points
* @param poseMat the pose matrix
* @param cameraMatrix the calibration matrix
* @param distCoeffs the distortion coeffi
* @param imagePoints
void myProjectPoints( cv::InputArray objectPoints, const cv::Mat &poseMat, cv::InputArray cameraMatrix, cv::InputArray distCoeffs, cv::OutputArray imagePoints)
cv::Mat rvec;
Rodrigues( poseMat.colRange(0,3), rvec );
// projectPoints( Mat( vertex3D.t( ) ).reshape( 3, 1 ), rvec, Tvec, K, dist, imgRefPts );
projectPoints( objectPoints, rvec, poseMat.col(3), cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, imagePoints );
* Generate the set of 3D points of a chessboard
* @param[in] boardSize the size of the board in terms of corners (width X height)
* @param[in] squareSize the size in mm of the each square of the chessboard
* @param[out] corners the set of 2D points on the chessboard
void calcChessboardCorners( const cv::Size &boardSize, const float &squareSize, std::vector<cv::Point2f>& corners )
corners.reserve( boardSize.height* boardSize.width );
for( int i = 0; i < boardSize.height; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < boardSize.width; j++ )
// create a Point2f(x,y) according to the position j,i and a square
// size of squareSize. Add it to corners (using push_back...)
* Decompose the homography into its components R and t
* @param[in] H The homography H = [r1 r2 t]
* @param[in] matK The 3x3 calibration matrix K
* @param[out] poseMat the 3x4 pose matrix [R t]
void decomposeHomography( const cv::Mat &H, const cv::Mat& matK, cv::Mat& poseMat )
cv::Mat temp;
// H = [h1, h2, h3] = lambda * K [r1,r2,t]
//temp contains inv(K)*H
temp = matK.inv()*H;
cv::Mat r1, r2, r3, t;
// get r1 and r2 from temp
r1 = temp.col(0);
r2 = temp.col(1);
// compute lambda
double lambda = 1 / norm(r1);
// normalize r1 and r2
r1 *= lambda;
r2 *= lambda;
// compute r3
r3 = r1.cross(r2);
// compute t
t = temp.col(2) * lambda;
// create a 3x4 matrix (float) for poseMat
poseMat = cv::Mat{3,4, CV_32F};
// fill the columns of poseMat with r1 r2 r3 and t
// std::cout << "----------------------------" << std::endl;
// std::cout << "lambda = " << lambda << std::endl;
// std::cout << "----------------------------" << std::endl;
// std::cout << r1 << std::endl;
// std::cout << "----------------------------" << std::endl;
std::cout << poseMat << std::endl;
// std::cout << "----------------------------" << std::endl;
* Generate the set of 3D points of a chessboard
* @param[in] boardSize the size of the board in terms of corners (width X height)
* @param[in] squareSize the size in mm of the each square of the chessboard
* @param[out] corners the set of 3D points on the chessboard
void calcChessboardCorners3D( const cv::Size &boardSize, const float &squareSize, std::vector<cv::Point3f>& corners )
corners.reserve( boardSize.height* boardSize.width );
for( int i = 0; i < boardSize.height; i++ )
for( int j = 0; j < boardSize.width; j++ )
// create a Point3f(x,y,0) according to the position j,i and a square
// size of squareSize. Add it to corners (using push_back...)
corners.push_back(cv::Point3f{squareSize*j, squareSize*i, 0});
* Wrapper around the original opencv's solvePnPRansac
* @param[in] objectPoints the 3D points
* @param[in] imagePoints the image points
* @param[in] cameraMatrix the calibration matrix
* @param[in] distCoeffs the distortion coefficients
* @param[out] poseMat the pose matrix
* @param[out] inliers the list of indices of the inliers points
void mySolvePnPRansac(cv::InputArray objectPoints, cv::InputArray imagePoints, cv::InputArray cameraMatrix, cv::InputArray distCoeffs, cv::Mat &poseMat, cv::OutputArray inliers )
cv::Mat currR, currT;
cv::solvePnPRansac( objectPoints, imagePoints, cameraMatrix, distCoeffs, currR, currT, false, 100, 4, 100, inliers );
poseMat = cv::Mat(3, 4, CV_32F );
cv::Mat Rot;
Rodrigues( currR, Rot );
// apparently older versions does not support direct copy
cv::Mat temp;
Rot.convertTo( temp, CV_32F );
cv::Mat a1 = poseMat.colRange(0,3);
temp.copyTo( a1 );
a1 = poseMat.col(3);
currT.convertTo( temp, CV_32F );
temp.copyTo( a1 );
Rot.copyTo( poseMat.colRange(0,3) );
currT.copyTo( poseMat.col(3) );

Code/src/Extern/utility.hpp vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
#ifndef _UTILITY_HPP_
#define _UTILITY_HPP_
#include "Camera.hpp"
#include <opencv2/core/core.hpp>
#include <iostream>
#define DEBUGGING 1
#define PRINTVAR( a ) std::cout << #a << " = " << a << std::endl << std::endl;
#define PRINTVAR( a )
* Detect a chessboard in a given image
* @param[in] rgbimage The rgb image to process
* @param[out] pointbuf the set of 2D image corner detected on the chessboard
* @param[in] boardSize the size of the board in terms of corners (width X height)
* @return true if the chessboard is detected inside the image, false otherwise
bool detectChessboard( const cv::Mat &rgbimage, std::vector<cv::Point2f> &pointbuf, const cv::Size &boardSize);
* Decompose the homography into its components R and t
* @param[in] H The homography H = [r1 r2 t]
* @param[in] matK The 3x3 calibration matrix K
* @param[out] poseMat the 3x4 pose matrix [R t]
void decomposeHomography( const cv::Mat &H, const cv::Mat& matK, cv::Mat& poseMat );
* @param[in,out] rgbimage The image on which to draw the reference system
* @param[in] cam The camera
* @param[in] projMat The projection matrix of the camera
* @param[in] thickness The thickness of the line
* @param[in] scale A scale factor for the unit vectors to draw
* @param[in] alreadyUndistorted A boolean value that tells if the input image rgbimage is already undistorted or we are working on a distorted image
void drawReferenceSystem( cv::Mat &rgbimage, const Camera& cam, const cv::Mat &projMat, const int &thickness, const double &scale, const bool alreadyUndistorted = true );
* Wrapper around the original opencv's projectPoints
* @param[in] objectPoints the 3D points
* @param[in] poseMat the pose matrix
* @param[in] cameraMatrix the calibration matrix
* @param[in] distCoeffs the distortion coefficients
* @param[out] imagePoints the projected points
void myProjectPoints( cv::InputArray objectPoints, const cv::Mat &poseMat, cv::InputArray cameraMatrix, cv::InputArray distCoeffs, cv::OutputArray imagePoints);
* Wrapper around the original opencv's solvePnPRansac
* @param[in] objectPoints the 3D points
* @param[in] imagePoints the image points
* @param[in] cameraMatrix the calibration matrix
* @param[in] distCoeffs the distortion coefficients
* @param[out] poseMat the pose matrix
* @param[out] inliers the list of indices of the inliers points
void mySolvePnPRansac(cv::InputArray objectPoints, cv::InputArray imagePoints, cv::InputArray cameraMatrix, cv::InputArray distCoeffs, cv::Mat &poseMat, cv::OutputArray inliers=cv::noArray());
* Generate the set of 3D points of a chessboard
* @param[in] boardSize the size of the board in terms of corners (width X height)
* @param[in] squareSize the size in mm of the each square of the chessboard
* @param[out] corners the set of 2D points on the chessboard
void calcChessboardCorners( const cv::Size &boardSize, const float &squareSize, std::vector<cv::Point2f>& corners);
* Generate the set of 3D points of a chessboard
* @param[in] boardSize the size of the board in terms of corners (width X height)
* @param[in] squareSize the size in mm of the each square of the chessboard
* @param[out] corners the set of 3D points on the chessboard
void calcChessboardCorners3D( const cv::Size &boardSize, const float &squareSize, std::vector<cv::Point3f>& corners );
* Filter a generic vector against a list of index of the elements to be deleted,
* @param[in,out] inout the vector to filter
* @param[in] idx list of indices of the element to remove
template<typename T>
void filterVector( std::vector<T> &inout, const std::vector<int> &idx )
std::vector<T> temp;
temp.reserve( idx.size() );
for( size_t i = 0; i < idx.size(); ++i )
assert( idx[i] < inout.size() );
temp.push_back( inout[ idx[i] ] );
inout.clear(); //necessary??
inout = temp;
#endif /*_UTILITY_HPP_*/