# Conception ## Intrinsic calibration cf TP Simone Gasparini ## Extrinsic calibration cf TP Simone Gasparini ## Skeletonization - Input : vector string - Ouptut : skeleton ### Points of interest detection - Input : string : pictures ().jpg), (int : nb features?) - Output : keypoints vector ( std::vector) - function : we chose to use function SIFT (not SURF or Harris - tests : - with an image, verify the right number of points is detected ### Matching points - Input : keypoints vectors, calibration - Output : keypoints vector - function : - tests : - use the function to match the points between a picture and herself - use the function with different soft toys on the first and second picture ### Binary filter ? - Input : binary filter, matched points - Ouptut : filtered matched points - tests : - ### Camera filter ### Skeleton division - Input : - Output : ### Skeleton matching - Input : - Output :