@inproceedings{dash-srd, title={MPEG DASH SRD: spatial relationship description}, author={Niamut, Omar A and Thomas, Emmanuel and D'Acunto, Lucia and Concolato, Cyril and Denoual, Franck and Lim, Seong Yong}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multimedia Systems}, pages={5}, year={2016}, organization={ACM} } @inproceedings{dash-std, author = {Stockhammer, Thomas}, title = {Dynamic Adaptive Streaming over HTTP --: Standards and Design Principles}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second Annual ACM Conference on Multimedia Systems}, series = {MMSys '11}, year = {2011}, isbn = {978-1-4503-0518-1}, location = {San Jose, CA, USA}, pages = {133--144}, numpages = {12}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1943552.1943572}, doi = {10.1145/1943552.1943572}, acmid = {1943572}, month = {Feb}, publisher = {ACM}, address ={San Jose, CA, USA}, keywords = {3gpp, mobile video, standards, streaming, video}, } @article{dash-std-2, author = {Sodagar, Iraj}, doi = {10.1109/MMUL.2011.71}, issn = {1070-986X}, journal = {IEEE Multimedia}, month = {apr}, number = {4}, pages = {62--67}, title = {{The MPEG-DASH Standard for Multimedia Streaming Over the Internet}}, url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/6077864/}, volume = {18}, year = {2011} } @techreport{dash-std-full, type={Standard}, key={ISO/IEC 23009-1:2014}, month={may}, year={2014}, title={{Information technology -- Dynamic adaptive streaming over HTTP (DASH) -- Part 1: Media presentation description and segment formats}} } @misc{dash-network-profiles, Author = {DASH Industry Forum}, TITLE = "Guidelines for implementation: {DASH-AVC/264} test cases and vectors", YEAR = {2014}, HOWPUBLISHED = {http://dashif.org/guidelines/} } @inproceedings{bookmarks-impact, author = {Forgione, Thomas and Carlier, Axel and Morin, G{\'e}raldine and Ooi, Wei Tsang and Charvillat, Vincent}, title = {Impact of 3D Bookmarks on Navigation and Streaming in a Networked Virtual Environment}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multimedia Systems}, series = {MMSys '16}, year = {2016}, isbn = {978-1-4503-4297-1}, location = {Klagenfurt, Austria}, pages = {9:1--9:10}, articleno = {9}, numpages = {10}, url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2910017.2910607}, doi = {10.1145/2910017.2910607}, acmid = {2910607}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {Klagenfurt, Austria}, keywords = {3D bookmarks, 3D navigation aid, 3D streaming, networked virtual environment, prefetching}, month = {May}, } @inproceedings{dash-3d, author = {Forgione, Thomas and and Carlier, Axel and Morin, G{\'e}raldine and Ooi, Wei Tsang and Charvillat, Vincent and Yadav, Praveen Kumar}, title = {DASH for 3D Networked Virtual Environment}, year = {2018}, location = {Séoul, South Korea}, address = {Séoul, South Korea}, month = {October}, doi = {10.1145/3240508.3240701}, isbn = {978-1-4503-5665-7/18/10}, booktitle = {2018 ACM Multimedia Conference (MM '18), October 22--26, 2018, Seoul, Republic of Korea} } @inproceedings{view-dependent-progressive-mesh, title={Receiver-driven view-dependent streaming of progressive mesh}, author={Cheng, Wei and Ooi, Wei Tsang}, booktitle={Proceedings of the 18th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Support for Digital Audio and Video}, pages={9--14}, year={2008}, organization={ACM} }