\section{Introduction} In Section~\ref{i:video-vs-3d}, we presented the similarities and differences between video and 3D. We higlighted the fact that knowledge about video streaming is helpful to design a 3D streaming system. We also presented the main concepts of DASH (Dynamic Adaptive Streaming of HTTP) in Section~\ref{sote:dash}. DASH is made to be content agnostic, and even though it is almost only applied for video streaming nowadays, we believe it is still suitable for 3D streaming. In this chapter, we show our work on adapting DASH for 3D streaming. Section~\ref{d3:dash-3d} describes our content preparation, and all the preprocessing that is done to our model to allow efficient streaming. Section~\ref{d3:dash-client} gives possible implementations of clients that exploit the content structure. Section~\ref{d3:evaluation} evaluates the impact of the different parameters that appear both in the content preparation and the clients. Finally, Section~\ref{d3:conclusion} sums up our work and explains how it tackles the challenges raised in the conclusion of the previous chapter.