% This file is temporary. It's meant to be here while we are working on the % plan, to make changing it easier. Once it has more or less converged, this % file will be deleted, leaving place of a tree structure to make editing to % content easier. \part{3D Content Preparation} \chapter{The challenges of managing 3D content} \section{State of the art} \begin{itemize} \item Google Maps \item Sketchfab \end{itemize} \section{System needs} \subsection{Streaming} Correctly managing the bandwidth to download the right content \written{MMSys 16, ACMMM 18} \subsection{Rendering} Correctly managing the data on the client to perform an efficient rendering \missing{everything} \subsection{Server} Avoiding as much as possible server-side computations \written{MMSys 16, ACMMM 18} \chapter{DASH-3D} \section{Streaming} \subsection{Content preparation} \written{ACMMM 18} \subsection{Client} \written{ACMMM 18} \section{Rendering} \missing{everything} \part{3D Interaction} \chapter{The challenges of 3D interaction} \section{Degrees of freedom} \section{Desktop / Mobile} \written{MMSys 16, ACMMM 18, ACMMM 19 Demo} \section{SoA} \section{QoE / Interaction} \written{MMSys 16} \chapter{System bookmarks} \section{Bookmark interaction} \unpublished{MMSys 18} \section{QoS improvement with bookmarks} \written{MMSys 16} \unpublished{MMSys 18} \include{user-study}