\section{Thesis outline} First, in Chapter~\ref{sote}, we present a review of the state of the art on the fields that we are interesting in. This chapter start by analysing the standards of video streaming. Then it reviews the different manners of performing 3D streaming. The last section of this chapter focuses on 3D interaction. Then, in Chapter~\ref{bi}, we analyse the impact of the UI on navigation and streaming in a 3D scene. We first develop a basic interface for navigating in 3D and we introduce 3D objects called \emph{bookmarks} that help users navigate in the scene. We then present a user study that we conducted on 50 people that shows that bookmarks have a great impact on how easy it is for a user to perform tasks such as finding objects. Then, we setup a basic 3D streaming system that allows us to replay the traces collected during the user study and simulate 3D streaming at the same time. Finally, we analyse how the presence of bookmarks impacts the streaming, and we propose and evaluate a few streaming policies that rely on precomputations that can be made thanks to bookmarks and that can increase the quality of experience. In Chapter~\ref{d3}, we develop the most important contribution of this thesis: DASH-3D. DASH-3D is an adaptation of the DASH standard for 3D streaming. We first describe how we adapt the concepts of DASH to 3D content, including the segmentation of content in \emph{segments}. We then define utilty metrics that associates score to each segment depending on the camera's position. Then, we present a client and various streaming policies based on our utilities that can benefit from the DASH format. We finally evaluate the different parameters of our client. In Chapter~\ref{d3i}, we explain the whole implementation of DASH-3D. Implementating DASH-3D required a lot of effort, and since both user studies and simulations are required, we describe the two clients we implemented: one client using web technologies to enable easy user studies and one client that is compiled to native code and that allows us to run efficient simulations and precisely compare the impact of the parameters of our system. In Chapter~\ref{sb}, we integrate back the interaction ideas that we developed in Chapter~\ref{bi} into DASH-3D. We first develop an interface that allows desktop as well as mobile devices to navigate in a 3D scene being streamed, and that introduces a new style of bookmarks. We then explain why simply applying the ideas developed in Chapter~\ref{bi} is not sufficient and we propose more efficient precomputations that can enhance the streaming. Finally, we present a user study that provides us with traces on which we can perform simulations, and we evaluate the impact of our extension of DASH-3D on the quality of service and on the quality of experience.\todo{maybe only qos here}