#!/usr/bin/env bash errored=0 abstracts_dir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" >/dev/null 2>&1 && pwd )"/../src/abstracts/ for file in abstract-en.tex abstract-fr.tex; do char=$(cat $abstracts_dir/$file | wc -m) if [ $char -gt 4000 ]; then errored=1 echo -e >&2 "\x1B[31;1merror:\x1B[0m $file has more than 4000 characters" else echo -e >&2 "\x1B[32;1msuccess:\x1B[0m $file passes the test ($char characters)" fi done for file in abstract-simple-en.tex abstract-simple-fr.tex; do char=$(cat $abstracts_dir/$file | wc -m) if [ $char -gt 1000 ]; then errored=1 echo -e >&2 "\x1B[31;1merror:\x1B[0m $file has more than 1000 characters" else echo -e >&2 "\x1B[32;1msuccess:\x1B[0m $file passes the test ($char characters)" fi done exit $errored