\section{Conclusion\label{d3:conclusion}} \copied{} Our work in this chapter started with the question: can DASH be used for NVE\@? The answer is \textit{yes}. In answering this question, we contributed by showing how to organize a polygon soup and its textures into a DASH-compliant format that (i) includes a minimal amount of metadata that is useful for the client, (ii) organizes the data to allow the client to get the most useful content first. We further show that these metadata that is precomputed offline is sufficient to design and build a DASH client that is adaptive --- it can selectively download segments within its view, make intelligent decisions about what to download, balancing between geometry and texture while being adaptive to network bandwidth. \fresh{} Exploiting DASH's concepts to design 3D streaming systems allow us to tackle some of the issues that were raised in the previous chapter. \begin{itemize} \item \textbf{It has built-in support for materials and textures}: we use a DASH adaptation set for the materials, and the average color of textures are given in the MPD, meaning that a client is not forced to render everything in white while not having the texture for the materials. \item \textbf{It doesn't require any computation on the server side}: the only computation required is preprocessing the model and creating metadata to allow a client make smart decisions, once those precomputations are done, the artifacts can be deployed to a static server like Apache or nginx and all the computation lod is deported to the client, making this solution scalable. \item \textbf{It has support for multi-resolution}: in our implementation, we use multi-resolution textures, and even though multi-resolution geometry is not implemented yet, the challenge here lies more on the compression side than on the streaming side. Once a portion of geometry is encoded into different levels of details, we just have to create representations and segments for those levels and define their corresponding utility. \item \todo{we didn't talk about performance, even though we have a few things to say about this in the client and right here} \end{itemize} However, the work described in this chapter does not take any quality of experience aspects into account. We designed a 3D streaming system, but did not consider interaction at all, even though we acknowledged it is a critical aspect for 3D streaming in Chapter~\ref{bi}. % We believe our proposed DASH for NVE is flexible enough for the community to start the simplicity and ease of deployment of DASH for NVE and to start investigating different streaming strategies to improve the quality of experience of NVE users.