diff --git a/src/bib.bib b/src/bib.bib index 581400c..9b5806f 100644 --- a/src/bib.bib +++ b/src/bib.bib @@ -679,55 +679,116 @@ } @inproceedings{sideris2015mpeg, - title={MPEG-DASH users' QoE: The segment duration effect}, - author={Sideris, Anargyros and Markakis, E and Zotos, Nikos and Pallis, Evangelos and Skianis, Charalabos}, - booktitle={2015 Seventh International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)}, - pages={1--6}, - year={2015}, - organization={IEEE} + title={MPEG-DASH users' QoE: The segment duration effect}, + author={Sideris, Anargyros and Markakis, E and Zotos, Nikos and Pallis, Evangelos and Skianis, Charalabos}, + booktitle={2015 Seventh International Workshop on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX)}, + pages={1--6}, + year={2015}, + organization={IEEE} } @inproceedings{stohr2017sweet, - title={Where are the sweet spots?: A systematic approach to reproducible dash player comparisons}, - author={Stohr, Denny and Fr{\"o}mmgen, Alexander and Rizk, Amr and Zink, Michael and Steinmetz, Ralf and Effelsberg, Wolfgang}, - booktitle={Proceedings of the 25th ACM international conference on Multimedia}, - pages={1113--1121}, - year={2017}, - organization={ACM} + title={Where are the sweet spots?: A systematic approach to reproducible dash player comparisons}, + author={Stohr, Denny and Fr{\"o}mmgen, Alexander and Rizk, Amr and Zink, Michael and Steinmetz, Ralf and Effelsberg, Wolfgang}, + booktitle={Proceedings of the 25th ACM international conference on Multimedia}, + pages={1113--1121}, + year={2017}, + organization={ACM} } @inproceedings{chiariotti2016online, - title={Online learning adaptation strategy for DASH clients}, - author={Chiariotti, Federico and D'Aronco, Stefano and Toni, Laura and Frossard, Pascal}, - booktitle={Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multimedia Systems}, - pages={8}, - year={2016}, - organization={ACM} + title={Online learning adaptation strategy for DASH clients}, + author={Chiariotti, Federico and D'Aronco, Stefano and Toni, Laura and Frossard, Pascal}, + booktitle={Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Multimedia Systems}, + pages={8}, + year={2016}, + organization={ACM} } @inproceedings{yadav2017quetra, - title={Quetra: A queuing theory approach to dash rate adaptation}, - author={Yadav, Praveen Kumar and Shafiei, Arash and Ooi, Wei Tsang}, - booktitle={Proceedings of the 25th ACM international conference on Multimedia}, - pages={1130--1138}, - year={2017}, - organization={ACM} + title={Quetra: A queuing theory approach to dash rate adaptation}, + author={Yadav, Praveen Kumar and Shafiei, Arash and Ooi, Wei Tsang}, + booktitle={Proceedings of the 25th ACM international conference on Multimedia}, + pages={1130--1138}, + year={2017}, + organization={ACM} } @inproceedings{huang2019hindsight, - title={Hindsight: evaluate video bitrate adaptation at scale}, - author={Huang, Te-Yuan and Ekanadham, Chaitanya and Berglund, Andrew J and Li, Zhi}, - booktitle={Proceedings of the 10th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference}, - pages={86--97}, - year={2019}, - organization={ACM} + title={Hindsight: evaluate video bitrate adaptation at scale}, + author={Huang, Te-Yuan and Ekanadham, Chaitanya and Berglund, Andrew J and Li, Zhi}, + booktitle={Proceedings of the 10th ACM Multimedia Systems Conference}, + pages={86--97}, + year={2019}, + organization={ACM} } @inproceedings{ozcinar2017viewport, - title={Viewport-aware adaptive 360 video streaming using tiles for virtual reality}, - author={Ozcinar, Cagri and De Abreu, Ana and Smolic, Aljosa}, - booktitle={2017 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)}, - pages={2174--2178}, - year={2017}, - organization={IEEE} + title={Viewport-aware adaptive 360 video streaming using tiles for virtual reality}, + author={Ozcinar, Cagri and De Abreu, Ana and Smolic, Aljosa}, + booktitle={2017 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP)}, + pages={2174--2178}, + year={2017}, + organization={IEEE} +} + +@inproceedings{simon2019streaming, + title={Streaming a Sequence of Textures for Adaptive 3D Scene Delivery}, + author={Simon, Gwendal and Petrangeli, Stefano and Carr, Nathan and Swaminathan, Viswanathan}, + booktitle={2019 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces (VR)}, + pages={1159--1160}, + year={2019}, + organization={IEEE} +} + +@article{maglo2013pomar, + title={POMAR: Compression of progressive oriented meshes accessible randomly}, + author={Maglo, Adrien and Grimstead, Ian and Hudelot, C{\'e}line}, + journal={Computers \& Graphics}, + volume={37}, + number={6}, + pages={743--752}, + year={2013}, + publisher={Elsevier} +} + + +@article{bayazit20093, + title={3-D mesh geometry compression with set partitioning in the spectral domain}, + author={Bayazit, Ulug and Konur, Umut and Ates, Hasan Fehmi}, + journal={IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology}, + volume={20}, + number={2}, + pages={179--188}, + year={2009}, + publisher={IEEE} +} + +@inproceedings{mamou2010shape, + title={Shape approximation for efficient progressive mesh compression}, + author={Mamou, Khaled and Dehais, Christophe and Chaieb, Faten and Ghorbel, Faouzi}, + booktitle={2010 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing}, + pages={3425--3428}, + year={2010}, + organization={IEEE} +} + +@inproceedings{isenburg2006streaming, + title={Streaming compression of tetrahedral volume meshes}, + author={Isenburg, Martin and Lindstrom, Peter and Gumhold, Stefan and Shewchuk, Jonathan}, + booktitle={Proceedings of Graphics Interface 2006}, + pages={115--121}, + year={2006}, + organization={Canadian Information Processing Society} +} + +@article{courbet2010streaming, + title={Streaming compression of hexahedral meshes}, + author={Courbet, Clement and Isenburg, Martin}, + journal={The Visual Computer}, + volume={26}, + number={6-8}, + pages={1113--1122}, + year={2010}, + publisher={Springer} } diff --git a/src/state-of-the-art/3d-streaming.tex b/src/state-of-the-art/3d-streaming.tex index 65ad84b..910b02b 100644 --- a/src/state-of-the-art/3d-streaming.tex +++ b/src/state-of-the-art/3d-streaming.tex @@ -66,6 +66,8 @@ After content preparation, the mesh consists in a base mesh and a sequence of pa Thus, a client can start by downloading the base mesh, display it to the user, and keep downloading and displaying details as time goes by. This process reduces the time a user has to wait before seeing something, and increases the quality of experience. +These methods have been vastly researched \citep{isenburg2006streaming,courbet2010streaming,bayazit20093,mamou2010shape}, but very few of these methods can handle meshes with attributes, such as texture coordinates. + \citep{streaming-compressed-webgl} develop a dedicated progressive compression algorithm for efficient decoding, in order to be usable on web clients. With the same objective, \citep{pop-buffer} proposes pop buffer, a progressive compression method based on quantization that allows efficient decoding. @@ -91,21 +93,14 @@ On the one hand, using segments containing very few faces will induce many HTTP On the other hand, if segments contain too many faces, the time to load the segment will be long and the system loses adaptability. This approach works well for several objects, but does not handle view-dependent streaming, which is desirable in the use case of large NVEs\@. -\subsection{Geometry and textures} - -As discussed in Chapter~\ref{f:3d}, meshes consists in two main types of data: geometry and textures. -When addressing 3D streaming, one must find a compromise between geometry and textures, and a system needs to solve this compromise. - -Balancing between streaming of geometry and texture data are considered by~\citep{batex3},~\citep{visual-quality-assessment}, and~\citep{mesh-texture-multiplexing}. -All three work considered a single, manifold textured mesh model with progressive meshes. -Their approach is to combine the distortion caused by having lower resolution meshes and textures into a single view independent metric. - -\citep{progressive-compression-textured-meshes} also deals with the geometry / texture compromise. -This work designs a cost driven framework for 3D data compression, both in terms of geometry and textures. -This framework generates an atlas for textures that enables efficient compression and multiresolution scheme. - \subsection{Viewpoint dependency} +3D streaming means that content is downloaded while the user is interacting with the 3D object. +In terms of quality of experience, it is desirable that the downloaded content is visible to the user. +This means that the progressive compression must allow a decoder to choose what it needs to decode, and to guess what it needs to decode from the users point of view. +This is typically called \emph{random accessible mesh compression}. +\citep{maglo2013pomar} is such an example of random accessible progressive mesh compression. + In the case of large scene 3D streaming, viewpoint dependent streaming is a must-have: a user will only be seeing one small portion of the scene at each time, and a system that does not adapt its streaming to the user's point of view is bound to have poor quality of experience. A simple way to implement viewpoint dependency is to access the content near the user's camera. @@ -121,6 +116,23 @@ Even though there are no associated publications, it seems that the interface do In the same vein, \citep{3d-tiles} developed 3D Tiles, is a specification for visualizing massive 3D geospatial data developed by Cesium and built on top of glTF\@. Their main goal is to display 3D objects on top of regular maps. +\subsection{Geometry and textures} + +As discussed in Chapter~\ref{f:3d}, meshes consists in two main types of data: geometry and textures. +When addressing 3D streaming, one must find a compromise between geometry and textures, and a system needs to solve this compromise. + +Balancing between streaming of geometry and texture data are considered by~\citep{batex3},~\citep{visual-quality-assessment}, and~\citep{mesh-texture-multiplexing}. +All three work considered a single, manifold textured mesh model with progressive meshes. +Their approach is to combine the distortion caused by having lower resolution meshes and textures into a single view independent metric. + +\citep{progressive-compression-textured-meshes} also deals with the geometry / texture compromise. +This work designs a cost driven framework for 3D data compression, both in terms of geometry and textures. +This framework generates an atlas for textures that enables efficient compression and multiresolution scheme. + +\citep{simon2019streaming} propose a way to stream a set of textures by encoding the textures into a video. +Each texture is segmented into tiles of a fixed size. +Those tiles are then ordered to minimise dissimilarities between consecutive tiles, and encoded as a video. +By benefiting from the video compression techniques, they are able to reach a better rate-distortion ratio than webp, which is the new standard for texture transmission, and jpeg. % \copied{} % \subsection{Prefetching in NVE} % The general prefetching problem can be described as follows: what are the data most likely to be accessed by the user in the near future, and in what order do we download the data?