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//! This module contains everything to deal with cameras.
use math::vector::Vector3;
/// The trait that a render camera should implement.
/// It allows the renderer to use it.
pub trait RenderCamera {
/// Returns the view matrix of the camera.
fn get_view_matrix(&self) -> [[f32; 4]; 4];
/// Returns the perspective matrix of the camera.
fn get_perspective_matrix(&self) -> [[f32; 4]; 4] ;
/// Creates a look at matrix from the center, the target pointed by the camera and the up vector.
pub fn look_at_matrix(position: [f32; 3], target: [f32; 3], up: [f32; 3]) -> [[f32; 4]; 4] {
let f = {
let f = [
target[0] - position[0],
target[1] - position[1],
target[2] - position[2],
let len = f[0] * f[0] + f[1] * f[1] + f[2] * f[2];
let len = len.sqrt();
[f[0] / len, f[1] / len, f[2] / len]
let s = [up[1] * f[2] - up[2] * f[1],
up[2] * f[0] - up[0] * f[2],
up[0] * f[1] - up[1] * f[0]];
let s_norm = {
let len = s[0] * s[0] + s[1] * s[1] + s[2] * s[2];
let len = len.sqrt();
[s[0] / len, s[1] / len, s[2] / len]
let u = [f[1] * s_norm[2] - f[2] * s_norm[1],
f[2] * s_norm[0] - f[0] * s_norm[2],
f[0] * s_norm[1] - f[1] * s_norm[0]];
let p = [-position[0] * s_norm[0] - position[1] * s_norm[1] - position[2] * s_norm[2],
-position[0] * u[0] - position[1] * u[1] - position[2] * u[2],
-position[0] * f[0] - position[1] * f[1] - position[2] * f[2]];
[-s_norm[0], u[0], f[0], 0.0],
[-s_norm[1], u[1], f[1], 0.0],
[-s_norm[2], u[2], f[2], 0.0],
[-p[0], p[1], p[2], 1.0],
/// Creates a perspective matrix of a camera.
pub fn perspective_matrix(aspect_ratio: f32, z_near: f32, z_far: f32) -> [[f32; 4]; 4] {
let fov = 3.141592 / 3.0;
use num::Float;
let f = 1.0 / (fov / 2.0).tan();
[f / aspect_ratio , 0.0, 0.0 , 0.0],
[ 0.0 , f , 0.0 , 0.0],
[ 0.0 , 0.0, (z_far+z_near)/(z_far-z_near) , 1.0],
[ 0.0 , 0.0, -(2.0*z_far*z_near)/(z_far-z_near), 0.0],
/// A simple camera with its position, target and up vector.
pub struct Camera {
/// The position of the center of the camera.
pub position: Vector3<f32>,
/// The 3D point the camera is targetting.
pub target: Vector3<f32>,
/// The up vector of the camera.
pub up: Vector3<f32>,
/// The minimum depth for visible things.
pub z_near: f32,
/// The maximum depth for visible things.
pub z_far: f32,
/// The aspect ratio of the camera.
pub aspect_ratio: f32,
impl Camera {
/// Creates a new camera from its attributes.
pub fn new(position: Vector3<f32>, target: Vector3<f32>, up: Vector3<f32>) -> Camera {
Camera {
position: position,
target: target,
up: up,
z_near: 0.0001,
z_far: 1000.0,
aspect_ratio: 16.0 / 9.0
impl RenderCamera for Camera {
fn get_view_matrix(&self) -> [[f32; 4]; 4] {
look_at_matrix(self.position.into(),, self.up.into())
fn get_perspective_matrix(&self) -> [[f32; 4]; 4] {
perspective_matrix(self.aspect_ratio, self.z_near, self.z_far)